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Transcending into Light ~ The New Earth Frequency Update for September


The New Earth Frequency Update is a channeled message from the 144th dimension of Light representing the Creative Source of Oneness.  The Unified Whole Command represents a triple flame consciousness of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.  They are the overseeing the energies of Oneness as all souls, Light Beings, of all dimensions step into the Oneness that we all reside within.

Blessings to each of you on this fine moment of our creation together. We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.

The creative process that is occurring presently is to allow the increased elements that have been lost through the eons of time within this planet to be fully accepted by all of humanity.

What happens through this process is that there is great change to be felt, experienced, and seen through the eyes of the many. As each individual self makes up the whole essence of human consciousness, each of those souls has a major part in the transitions within the Earth. It is important that everyone has a purpose and a reason of why they react as they do, what they do with those reactions, and how it is interpreted within their human and spiritual consciousness.

Each of you must understand that every person within the planet plays this role, as they seem fit to do so by their previous ways of doing things. It is not until a person “wakes up” so to speak that they see the way they have been feeling and acting is truly not part of their Divine Purpose.

Or is it?

This is a question that is happening at this time as the light infractions within the earth are changing greatly and if an individual does not adhere to those light elements within their life in a positive manner, than catastrophe will result. Great changes are coming and it is up to each individual soul how they are going to incorporate the incoming energies.

The planet is moving quickly into its transition of light. It has been doing so for quite some time. The foundation was set in the early 1900’s with information being revealed through many texts of work. Those souls that brought that information forward truly are the pioneers of this planet for awakening.

You see each of us were together during the Lemurian and Atlantean times. Those knowledges were lost with the sinking of those continents so the planet had to be regenerated in a new and different way than it had been existing previously. You would say that in those aftershock moments Gaia went into the existence of raw energy. Everything had to be restarted and learned in a completely different way.

Many lifetimes ensued with great traumatic events as souls were fighting for what they believed in. The entrance-way of the non-christed beings from Atlantis and Lemuria caused the prior belief systems of the earth to be sacrificed while these alternate understandings became very commonplace in the renewal of the earth. So the lifetimes upon lifetimes with war encasing the planet, all were part of the fighting of souls against each other. It has continued for many eons of time as cities around the world were destroyed with greed and lack of faith from the Source of Oneness.

It has continued for such a long time but within the changes that have been felt since 2012 more light infractions have been placed within the earth. This means that more souls in the human form are looking at life quite differently than they did before. A remembrance is happening within human consciousness to assist Gaia to continue her transition. She is moving out of darkness and into the light in a very slow process.

2015 has brought this light more fully into the planetary structure. Her foundation is still very fragile and cracked in way too many spaces, but she sees that there is progress even if it is minuet. There is hope where before the faith had been diminished.

More individuals are awakening to feeling these energies in a new and balanced manner. But, yet, there is still great skepticism and lack of faith that it can survive. Many think that there is no change and then others are so hopeful that they hold it within their hearts very deeply. Change is inevitable and this month brings more of what has already been experienced but within the power that is greatly magnetized in various ways.

It was decided through the many Universal structures that Earth should be a mirror for other planets to follow suit. It was believed from the Source of Light that the inhabitants of the planet would be able to walk through many trials of darkness in order to find their highest hopes to be realized. So the pressure was put upon Gaia and each of you to uphold the highest level of integrity to move through the process of the Rebirth.

Gaia is now coming very slowly out of the darkness but many areas of her existence are still encased within the old paradigms that need to be regenerated.

The energetic exchanges throughout this year have been a step-by-step process of allowing the light to be infracted in many different ways.

It started out with regenerating the energies and very slowly went deeper into the dark places to allow the light to shine even brighter. The change of the seasons brought more of the same into the planet and each of you. The Solstice in June proved to be a stepping ground to allow the angelic essence to become more of a reality within the planetary existence as had been in previous times. It was just a very small remembrance of the Lemurian and Atlantean way of life. It has continued through the months to allow the infractions of the angelic self to be felt more within each human field.

The point being is that not all humans feel this change. It is still a very small minority of individuals that can access the higher part of their existence. The planet is still in deep duality and holding unto the 4th dimensional relationship that pertains to the movement of dark timelines that are continually being ignited. The sad part is that when the energetic exchange is so strong individuals that cannot get past their own involvement of the self is when they are challenged the most. So this causes the planetary system to feel these reactions through all of the thought-forms and lower vibrations.

What happens through this evolving energy is that the power of the light infractions are very intensified in order to assist each individual upon the planet to open up their energies unto a higher presence within themselves. Sometimes if feels like a loosing battle as many individuals do not see the picture that is in front of them and all they have to do is to receive it; that is when we step in to assist.

We are at a juncture of time in which the accelerations that are occurring are deepening within the core of Gaia to assist all of humanity.

The reason we share this information is to help each of you understand why you may be feeling the intensity of the energies much deeper than you realize. As each planetary transition occurs, it brings those elements that have been out of balance to start to move in a forward movement of Divine Love and Divine Power. The elements that do not fall into that category then must go through a renewal process in which the old vibrations must go into the light. Now that is not easy, as most of you realize, because it causes the elements that have molded the old self to be ripped apart in many different ways. Then, the regeneration process has to begin.

With the incoming energies of the Solar Angels since the June Solstice, many individuals have not accepted that open doorway, so the Solar Angels do not have the capability to assist that particular soul within the physical arena. They help through the Higher Self and the Dream State, but it is not as focalized as having it within the physical self. So that causes those thought forms that do not reflect the angelic self to be put out into the full consciousness of the Earth and beyond. This means it makes it more challenging for those that are aware of this essence and want to bring it forward on a deeper level.

So this is why August may have been very challenging for you. The energies surrounding the planet can be very dualistic which meant that each of you had to work harder to find your core essence of love. You can do it, but the work becomes more challenging for each soul trying to access the angelic essence.

Now that September has arrived and you are in the midst of more challenges; first, with the partial Solar Eclipse of the New Moon and then the Equinox, followed by the Lunar Eclipse of the Full Moon.

We have to remember also that the Super Moon in August started these energies to be commanded in a very high degree of acceleration and will continue through the next Super Moon of September.

Just as all those unawakened individuals are challenged to stay in their duality and not accept their higher essence, each of you within the awakened level are struggling to stay within your Higher Essence to combat the lower dualities within your Etheric body. This process brings forth the element of tug and war within the self.

As the energies shift this month, the power of your struggles should be greatly minimized as long as you continue to adhere to the Higher Essence you have become. It is a time of great lessons and understanding how to combat the lower forces that have ensued within you as a soul from lifetime to lifetime.

The frequencies of these elements is beyond what the human mind can fathom as it has never been felt or done before. It has only been talked about”.

As the partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon brought the frequencies of more light infractions into each of you, it becomes a testing ground of what you can hold within your physical self.

It is important through these phases to realize that the power of your Soul’s Essence is beyond your comprehension and all you have to do is stay within your Higher Self’s energy as much as possible. It is the one process that is going to help you get through these hurdles.

If you can imagine being in space as a beautiful Being of Light; you are then bombarded by this ball of energy that is so amazing that your eyes cannot hold the picture.

The light is so bright.

You then hold out your arms and receive this Light Infraction that holds many colors upon colors. As you do this, you command through your I AM Presence to allow the existence of this light to change everything in your world that does not fit. This form of light will transform anything into its own power. You don’t have to do anything but just receive it.

“You feel elated from the experience and allow the energies to run through your entire field of light, you become the Light Infraction.”

Then, all of a sudden you felt little balls of darkness filled with negative thought forms circling around you. You expand the light you just experienced and hold it deeply within your Heart Center. It expands in and around you.

You may feel the lower energies but they don’t interact with you as their level is much lower than what you have just received. This is allowing the Light Infraction to fully be integrated within you as you become One with it. There is no separation so anything below this field of Light cannot penetrate within you.

This is exactly the process that each of you needs to bring forth during these times of great changes. The Equinox is the next acceleration which is a huge element. It occurs on the 23rd of September and brings with it Great Enlightenment of the Self. It represents facing your darkness and other elements around you, but being at peace with it. It is a step into the period of harvesting what you have learning and put it into practice.

If you have had difficulty with financial stability in the past couple of months, please know that you are not alone. Sometimes in order to find the silver lining you must surrender to the process of the old elements. This means the 3rd dimensional world and how you interact within that world. The Equinox brings forth a new and highly evolved energetic exchange.

Now some of you may say,

“Well, Mercury Retrograde is occurring right now and how can I be abundant when that energy is occurring”.

Let me tell you that if you learn to rise above the energies of the planetary systems around you, then you will not be affected adversely by their changes, but will actually benefit from those energies.

Remember, we shared that Earth is the poster child for 5th dimensional energies. Mercury represents the 3rd dimensional reflection. So increasing your consciousness beyond the 3rd and 4th dimension actually means you will not have the same experiences as others.

Then the Full Moon of the 27th/28th of September occurs with a Lunar Eclipse. This is the powerhouse of energy that is going to assist you to move out of your present circumstances into the full existence that you desire within you. It represents moving further into your higher essence yet again and opens up the doorway to be a Trailblazer of Light within you. It will be another powerful Super Moon.

Each of these activations is occurring to bring more light into the planet and each of you. It is up to you individually what you do with them. As they occur, more purging will happen within the emotions and thoughts but also through the physical body. It is a time when there will be more activation of the cellular structure in order to hold these light infractions on a physical basis.

Be strong in what you are experiencing; know that this is just a portion of your destiny. More is going to come in various ways. But each moment that you are able to stabilize the energy within you, gives you the ability to build a better foundation.

Take time in the silence to receive the energies, to allow them to blend within your full body system, to assist you in elements that need addressing, and then you can hold onto them within your full structure so much easier*.

Yes, changes will happen. Darkness will try to come but the more we work we do together, the less these traumatic events will occur. People will change, hopefully for the better. Some will choose to leave.

The transitions of light are extremely powerful and magnetic. It is a magical time and sometimes magic is not all about the light. All will be revealed within each of you so take time to reflect in the mirror that is in front of you. It is the purpose of each of us being in full Oneness that is the most important aspect.

In the presence of light and love,
We are the Unified Whole Command at your Service
Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein

P.S.: Prepare yourself  during these powerful accelerations by joining Walking Terra Christa for a first time event – An ASCENSION CLINIC to help you in TRANSCENDING these energies with Dr. Lorphan of the Great White Lodge of Sirius. 

Please also attend these free public ceremonies and teaching events (click the links to register):

The Equinox: Wednesday, September 23rd, at 4:30 PM Pacific (free open public teaching), 
The Sacred Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul for the Full Moon: Saturday, September 26th at 10 AM Pacific (free open public teaching). 

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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January 24th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “5”

Unity Number 5In the Science of Numerology the number “5” is represented by the energies of feeling free and expecting the Unexpected. 

Keywords are:  Freedom-loving, activity, influence, adventurer, sensualist, promoter, natural flair, vivacious, courageous, healthy, sympathetic, motivational, change, idealistic, personal freedom and individuality, motivation, making positive life choices and major changes, transformation, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness and auspicious opportunities.

Today’s number is reflected within “14” to add up to “5”.  This is a powerful day as “14” represents this year of 2014 so it brings forth a double frequency to balance, harmony, self-initiation, and grounding Unity within the Self.  It is a day to allow your Higher Self to be your guide in every task, thought, feeling, and action that is created within your consciousness.

So “14” represents the focus to move into “5” which brings to you the ability to move with ease and grace with each step that you take within your world on this day.  Five’s are always a lot of fun as they represent changes that are reflected from the previous day of “4”.  Take what you have created from yesterday and allow the Universe to guide you to the next step.  When you allow the flow of magic to be within your consciousness, it is amazing what you will experience.

This year each of you will be seeing more magic occurring within your life as you ground the higher essence that you are acknowledging within yourself.  As you do this, the flow of energies around you will shift.  Take time on this day to feel the change that occurs within you; it may be a gift of Spirit in your world to help you see that you are shifting your reality into a new way of existence.

In any case, look at the subtle signs around you for the excitement and joy that you deserve.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 15th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “5”

Unity Number 5Today is January 15th, 2014 which represents the Unity Number of “5” in the Science of Numerology.


Five is a great number as it represents change and surprise from the previous number of “4”.  With “4” we planned, worked, and organized for the next moment.  Five is now the creation of “4” and all its hard work.  Keywords are:  adaptable, freedom-loving, romantic, resourceful, witty, fun-loving, curious, flexible, transformation, and accommodating.

This day is going to be full of surprises, some that you may already know and others that are locked away in your super-consciousness to be revealed unto the Divine Being you are becoming.  This month has been quite a ride into the reality of your acceptance on Earth.  The energies of January 15th represent the ability to be flexible while transforming the elements from the beginning of the cycle.

Again, we refer to the Portal of Light of 1-1-1 as it reflects your true essence to be fully grounded.  It is on this day that the true You is revealed through the subtleties of energies that have been arriving into your consciousness.  Allow them to be shown to the physical self to allow for the freedom that you are looking to create within your world.  This represents true transformation of the self.  When changes are surprises they allow the joyfulness of your angelic self to be revealed in various ways.

Take time on this day and allow the magic to enfold within you as You Are the Magic.  Remember what you experience and expand out of yourself, is experienced by another.  Let’s bring Magic to GAIA on this day.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Gaia’s weather patterns are intentionally more extreme because it keeps the human consciousness in the lower energy frequencies of fear, survival, worry, anxiety and overly concerned about physical beingness. 

These conditions are not random. They are not being generated naturally by Mother Earth.

In this Walking Terra Christa Audio Teaching Lord Ashtar shares a special visualization and exercise to connect with the energies of the Galactic forces of Light to assist the weather conditions that we are all experiencing presently. His talk includes our partnership together and how we are assisting GAIA to ascend.

We all know that we are being assisted by our Star Brothers and Sisters in the Light; this call is a deeper connection between each of them and us. They need our assistance as much as we need them.

Many Blessings this New Year. May 2014 usher in the New Energies of Oneness with true abundance and understanding as it is the Year of Grounding Unity.
-Mel and Mike

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©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically in its full entirety with no alteration on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and audio, printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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What Will 2013 Hold For Us?

2012 was called the end of the cycle.  What will the new cycle hold for us? It will be very different – but only if you are seeking it to be so.  For those who do not seek it…it will still be different but not in the way they expect.


Manual Override is the watchword for 2013

“If you knew the places you will go and the things you will see” to paraphrase Theodor Geisel who wrote under the name “Dr. Suess” to generations of children who could all have become Lightworkers had they remained tuned into his messages, 2013 would by any accounts be the year for which you would want to reserve that phrase.

The thing is though, you won’t automatically get to participate in the events and energies that can be accessed until you fully understand that they can be accessed. It is kind of a chicken or egg scenario…which comes first?

Oh yes, I know everyone is talking about the grand waves of light that are now birthed upon our planet. I am well aware of the frequency shift and the changing of the old into the new. For as certain as you are reading these words such events are true. 12-21-2012 was indeed a real occurrence…your world did change.

Personally my life, as I have indicated in my prior writings, is very different that it was only a year ago, let alone two years ago. Metaphorically speaking I have traveled a great distance in a very short amount of time. And I can assure you, what can occur for you is going to be nothing less than miraculous.

And allow me to just as confidently assure you…if you do not step up to the plate as confidently as you are able…you will miss out on some wonderful potentialities that will indeed pass you by.

Why? Because it is not enough to just “BE” who you were if you want to fully embrace who you can now be. In fact, it is essential that you take a very active role in recreating yourself.

The good news is that your role in that recreation is really just to surrender to letting go of the aspects of your very own personality that no longer fit the resonance of those new frequencies of Light that are now flooding down upon you.  You do not have to do the “filling up” of that Light, you only have to release and create the space.

What does this mean exactly?

It means that every time you now encounter a situation, be it a conversation with someone else, an interaction with an individual or group, a feeling or a thought you have within yourself…you now must pay attention to that encounter.  You must not allow the habits of your own mind, your own personality to simple engage within the frame of that encounter just as it always did.  It is now time to re-think, re-feel, re-experience that singular moment of time that you find yourself within.

Are you simply reacting to age old patterns within the record groves of magnetic data storages of your brain? Are you just playing out one of the well worn roles that you have so carefully perfected such that you can simply run on auto-pilot?

It is truly now the moment of your life when you need to disconnect the autopilot function completely and start operating on manual override.

For it is within the act of being fully present, manually operating your own feelings, thoughts and emotions that you will be able to stop, look, and listen to the signals and signs around you that will lead you to experiencing the first year of the Golden Era as a level that brings you the highest experience of Joy, Balance and Peace in a very real manner, not just as phrases, but as a deep vibrational awareness in your own body.

Yet in order to do this you must rid yourself of all the rote programmings, mental and emotional habits that you have so carefully relied upon to get you through each day. You have diligently used these tools to keep you balanced and secure in a very unbalanced and unsecure world.

But it is now 2013, and that old world of un-security, of un-balance, of “un” everything…is gone. And you now need to allow it to go…gracefully…because if you hold on to it, it will seem as if it never left.

That is how powerful you are. You can make the illusion stick around just as if nothing ever happened.

And that is why you just might miss out on what can happen to you this year.

It really is a whole new game….but only if you are playing a whole new game.

In Light,


P.S. For a “higher” perspective on how this all works from a soul psychology perspective, read this weeks “Frequency Update“.
Mike Hayden now works and lives in Mt. Shasta, CA with his beloved, a pure channel of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Rev. Christine Meleriessee. They are co-founders of Walking Terra Christa, the premier Ascension Science and Soul Psychology site for 5D Body Healing and Attunement integrating and expanding upon the work of Dr. Joshua David Stone, offering advanced teachings and courses regarding mastering the light of the 22 Rays of God just as the Masters did so that you can become a true Master upon Gaia.  Included in their services are weekly group tele-calls and personal sessions with the Ascended Masters, Lady Masters and the Hierarchy, including specialized coaching for the serious initiate. Visit them at or on Facebook to say hello:

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