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Ascension Mastery Message for the True Doorway of 11:11 with the Elohim Councils of Light. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

It is the year of 2018 and we are coming upon the opening of the Doorway of 11:11 (as 11:11:11) on November 11, 2018.  This year marks a very special moment in time as numerologically the year “2018” adds up to 11 so it truly brings forth the Divine dispensation of Mastery in a new and different way that is much more powerful for individuals than was the date of November 11, 2011, as this month it is a direct pure translation of the frequency.

I was very privileged and honored to enjoy these energies since 1992 through the messages of Solara and continuing into our present timeline. As we stand in the year of Mastery, we have seen duality occur in many different ways, but we are also seen progress little-by-little to become part of our reality.

As we step into this powerful awakening of light, it is important to reflect upon the pathway that we have walked upon that got us to this moment in time.

Mastery can be defined in many ways; those of us that are walking the Ascension Mastery Pathway know that there can be many moments of upheaval with great rewards to be experienced in various ways.

It is during the moments of great acceleration that helps each of us to grow and be better; to realize the road we have been traveling is not for naught, that we have the ability to allow the higher forces of light to assist us to feel the Divine Presence of Oneness.

This is what this 11:11 Doorway represents for each of us and humanity in 2018.

It is a time to connect to the Divine Consciousness, to bring forth the energetics of the Higher Realms of Light to become One within each of us. The power of these energies cannot be measured by the physical mind, only by the Spiritual Self of the Higher Mind and Heart.

It is a time to rejoice with Helios and Vesta of the Solar Light Energies, Melchoir of the Galactic dimensions, Lord Melchizedek of the Universal and Multi-Universal Levels, and the Office of the Christ, Lord Buddha, and Divine Mother/Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Cosmic Forces. We specially connect with the Councils of Light, the forces of the Angelic Realms bringing forth the 144th Dimensional Vibrations of the Source of Oneness into Gaia’s Crystalline Heart.

This time can be very transforming as the light energies become so strongly intertwined within the earth’s atmospheric pull. Each of us that are able to hold this light will assist the planet tremendously assisted by all others that are not yet able to do so within their consciousness.

Of course, it is not without its challenges, so the time is now to rid yourself of your old elements and habits; utilize the light energies to assist you to go deeper into yourself. We have a great gift at this time as the New Moon in Scorpio arrived on November 7th, 2018.

This moon helps us to get deeper into the core of our emotions, to clear away the debris and find the pathway to make the necessary changes that we may have been struggling with previously. It is a time of great passion while learning to be resourceful. Change is bound to occur during this cycle. It is a powerful time to see what is missing in our lives and allow the light energies to assist us to become more self-aware in our mastery pathway of light.

The Elohim Council of Light ~ The True Doorway of 11:11

Greetings My Fellow Light Angels,

We are so honored to be sharing our essence with each of you. We are the Elohim Council of Light representing the Cosmic Light Forces within the Seven Rays of God.

This 11:11 is more grounding than it has ever been previously. There are opportunities to allow the light energies to adjust your internal systems through your Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental bodies to allow them to adjust into the angelic presence that is deeply hidden within your Etheric Self.

We like to call this cycle an awakening of the angels on the earth. There are aspects that can occur for you if you allow them to become an integral part of your reality. It is important to allow the energies of this cycle to become YOU and not allow them to just go through your four-body system and then dissipate.

It is also important to realize within yourself what is your walk upon this life presently. Allow yourself to ponder before November 11th exactly what you desire to achieve and what doorway are you walking through? It is always crucial to understand physically what you desire to achieve spiritually so the two bodies can become ONE within you.

CHANGE IS OCCURRING, but you must allow yourself to FEEL it within and not so much THINKING ABOUT IT.

The Feminine Divine is very transparent and is bringing forth that essence through the exchange of energies. Become the Angel that you were – feel the flowing essence coming into you and around you. Dance with it in your heart and allow it to heal the elements that you think are too hard for you to accept or understand.

There is no reasoning through this light exchange. It is a moment in time to allow your physical essence to feel your spiritual essence and allow them to become ONE PURIFICATION OF LIGHT.

As your transformation occurs, then it is going to help you in all aspects of your existence upon this earth. Call upon your Higher Essence to help you. Walk the earth with the strength, courage, and Divine Love that you are becoming.

We are about to work together more fully than ever before. Allow your essence to feel ours walking the lands of Gaia to bring more fruition of light into this planet of transformation.

We are the Elohim of Light walking with you.

Blessings and Love in the Creative Source of Oneness!

Walking Terra Christa hold a special Audio Online ceremony with the Elohim Masters and Angelic Realm energies. The audio recording of the free online global gathering can be used frequently all month (and at any time to feel these higher Angelic Presence frequencies).

We urge everyone to join us to ground this energy. Please click the link for access to the audio conference link:
The ANGELIC LIGHT OF MASTERY – The True Doorway of 11:11

(We do request donations by anyone who can do so to support these energies for Gaia and Humanity, use the form below or our website).
The audio recording is available to listen and download. 

Other important resources:

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Lord St. Germain: Fully Stepping Into Oneness of the Self

 Greetings it is with much excitement of my Soul’s I AM that I speak to you today.

As we come into a new state of being in 2016, elements need to come into place so that there is a stability of life that will occur for each individual inhabited in this planet. To me it is a long awaited time in history to come to this creation upon the Earth to truly know the Universal Laws.

Divine Oneness is a step in allowing full consciousness to be accepted within a soul’s experience within a physical body. As each of you became aware of your true self, what is it that gave you excitement that there was more to life than you previously thought in your third dimensional mind?

I love to pose these elements, as it is important to understand the process of events when a soul awakens to more purpose in their life realizing that this life is not the only thing that is important to them. We know that many individuals do not have this purpose which is a sad in the present timeline of the Earth.

2016 represents the open doorway into great success of understanding your soul’s history, which is very important to the realizations of who you are. All the inner work that you are doing is the reason why it becomes even more a reality for you even though some of those moments may be very challenging to embrace. It is all part of the process of understanding your True Self.

So how well do you think you know Who You Are Inside and Out?

You can probably gauge how well you are doing outside of yourself through your family, your friends, your career, and how you interact socially. This is truly the space in which the beginning step is taken for Self-Help. You may realize that you don’t like yourself in certain ways, or that you have a difficult time with family members or close friends. You may not tell them about it, but it can be like a nagging touch on the shoulder. You know it is there but you are not sure how to remove it.

Until you step into the world of self-help, you cannot truly understand who you are from your Spiritual Self. I know many of you have delved deeper into your issues, but there is a majority of light workers that have not done so. This is especially true of young people that are very gifted. You awaken one day, they realize that those inner thoughts you have had are really true, and start to feel sensations through the body, or the Third Eye opens up more. You may realize you are very emphatic and you read material that tells you that you are ‘special’.

I want to tell you one thing and that is EVERYONE IS SPECIAL. Every individual person has special talents and gifts to share to others from their Spiritual Self. It’s just that some people have not realized these hidden components within themselves ~ they are still asleep.

What does happen to each individual person when they awaken to a higher purpose within themselves is that their body starts to change. You may feel sensations that you did not have before, your dreams become more lucid, energy may be running through your body, or you become very cognitive in your thoughts and reality. This is due to the fact that your Higher Self is now becoming closer to your physical self. You awaken to new possibilities that you did not have before, and it feels like it is something completely brand new and foreign to you.

But, I guarantee each of you , that you came in with these gifts as a child. They possibly were not as deep as they are now, but until the age of five or six, you had thoughts, you had invisible playmates, you connected with other sources of existence. It all depends upon your upbringing from your parents, siblings, or caretakers that were in your life in how you assimilate these elements. You could have then become fearful of such things as the adults in your life had fears themselves. These are all major possibilities.

So you became SEPARATED from your True Reality – Your Higher Self.

Until you one day became awakened within your physical life. Possibly an event occurred that triggered some memories or you meet someone that tells you there are other realities than what the physical mind perceives most of the time. You become intrigued so you go searching in many different avenues to find the answers.

What you did not realize is that the answer is within yourself for everything that you are experiencing and doing.

That is the journey that you are on presently. You are searching for your eternal self, the one that truly understands the entire process. So you utilize your lower mind to understand, which many times if not all the time, will give you only roadblocks. You find that the journey of finding whom you are is not an easy one. Many times this is due to challenges from your past or your previous timelines.

What you did not realize is that you have awakened at a particular time to assist yourself in understanding more and you were not ready previously.

That is the most important statement that I can share with you. Everything happens in its own time and space. But yet, many times you may feel like you are running and you cannot go fast enough. You want to change elements within you so you can find that peace that you deserve.

Stop and Relax with the process as the pushing ahead is only going to get you into more trouble. You will create more challenges for yourself. It will be more difficult for you to understand what you are going through.

So now 2016 has arrived. Have you taken any moments to stop and see what course of action you want to take?

Every year changes us, every day, and every month. You may have not been ready last month or last year to see what needs to be changed. All of that is just wonderful, because it means you had other elements to address within your life.

The deeper you strive within yourself to change, the more elements you will find that need to be healed. It is just part of the process. Transformation of the Self is something that takes time because of the many particles that will arise out of you. You must remember that you are becoming multi-dimensional so stepping into a world of healing is a very challenging thing to do.

The main element is that YOU ARE DOING IT.

You are allowing yourself to go back to the beginning of when you were created. It is important to take time to feel those energies of ONENESS because they will assist you in clearing the elements that represent just the opposite. But it is just important to allow the higher vibrational attunements to not just change you but to understand why. It is important to realize these elements.

When you receive an attunement of higher energies, your Higher Self should always be acknowledged. Otherwise, your physical self can be put in an awkward position of trying to understand what needs to be healed and when. Attunements are not the end to all the pain, in fact they will bring in the change that needs to be addressed, but your psychological self must be part of the process. Your physical body will react in strange ways if it is not given consideration through the process. Integration of the Higher Self into the physical self is not an easy transition even though as initiates you want it to be that way.

What I am try to say is that Divine Oneness, the moment of your awakening, is a call of healing for you to remember your True Essence. But being in a physical body through this process is a challenge and you must remember that your Etheric Self, your Soul Body, has gone through many changes through the many lifetimes you have experienced. The Oneness of the Self is a gradual process of change and the soul must heal through its psychological self.

Acknowledgement of the issues that are bothering you is the first step. When you have an amazing meditation, you can have effects within your consciousness afterwards that could be uncomfortable or uneasy to the physical self. This is because your sub-conscious is holding onto elements that do not fit in with what has made up your sub-conscious. It is changing through each meditation, each moment of higher levels of energies, as you accept more Light within your physical body.

In order to fully step into Oneness of the Self, you must acknowledge your thoughts, your actions, your feelings into the outside world each moment of your day. Believe me, I know this can be a huge challenge but it is so necessary to allow the First Law of the Universe to help you step into the Source of Light that you are.

My suggestion is for you to understand what are your limitations; the elements that are not giving you an advantage for your spiritual growth. Write them down; create a chart of descriptions that you have a difficult time dealing with on a moment-by-moment basis. But then, also list your positive qualities and enhance these within your life. Command them to be within you through your meditations and connecting with your I AM Presence every day. Utilize the Rays of God to help you acknowledge what you do and do not want in your life.

You will find after much concentration on these efforts that the attunements you receive will be able to stay within your physical body as you change more into your Light Body. Your Etheric Self will heal more deeply and you will be able to acknowledge more of whom you are from your Spiritual Essence.

This then is stepping into full Oneness. You start to live and abide by the characteristic of the Law of Divine Oneness as that is your true beginning.

This is truly walking as the master in your life and new beginning has just emerged within your full consciousness. Please know this is not an easy process but I walk with you every step of the way.

I Am Lord Saint Germain at your service in Oneness.

Note: Lord Saint Germain is giving a class with Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, February 6th to help individuals to realize the pitfalls of not fully being in Oneness. (Also available for download).  For Details please click here.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



February 25th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “7”

Unity Number 7In the Science of Numerology the number “7” represents your highest spirituality.

It is represented by your connection to your Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence.  This number is reflected in the energies of being very “magical”.  Keywords are:  spiritual awakening, accepting and developing spiritual gifts and enlightenment, intuition and inner-knowing, introspection and understanding others, determination and persistence of purpose, good fortune and inner-wisdom

Today’s number is derived from the sums of 97 = 16 = 7.  “97” tells you that it is a day of completion from the physical mind while accessing your highest potential through your higher mind or spiritual self; “16” is very transformation as it can represent new beginnings while fully nurturing your inner self through Divine Love; this then brings us to “7” which is a powerful and magical essence to embody on any given day as it is about our Spiritual Self that is being accessing into the Physical Self; the combination of these numbers speak for themselves to bring in your highest potential from your soul’s remembrance.

This is a very powerful week to fully access your divinity of light and love within your physical mind and heart.  Seven always represents the ability to see yourself in a completely different way.  It is a day of awakening in which you look at elements in your live in a completely different manner than you did before.  It allows you to tap into your higher essence with a since of inner knowing.  It may pertain to the ability to understand what others have been trying to tell you.

This truly can be an “AAHH” day in which you look at the world through different eyes.  The energies of yesterday’s “6” told you that you needed to love yourself more deeply so it is time to tap into that essence to allow the light of the Universe to be one with you.  On this day that Divine Love you experienced is now going into a deeper level to help you look within yourself to see answers that you were not willing to see before.  It is a time of re-awakening when doorways will open up to you if you allow them to be in your world.

Are you having a difficult time with any particular issue in your life?  Look to the essence of today’s energy to help you expand more, be more of whom you truly are and not just your physical reality.  The windows of light are coming within your world to help you expand deeper than you have ever experienced previously.  It is a light of your inner truth being revealed to your lower mind.  Allow it to expand within you and become One.

In expressions of Divine Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Did You See the ONENESS movie about the UNIFIED WHOLE?

If we can say so…

This is very good, great way to get all the background on what the UNIFIED WHOLE is and why it is…

Please share and like it if you do!


The Angelic Realms Share the “11” Gateways


We are the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace in Group Consciousness.  We also comprise the Elohim Councils of God, along with the Angelic Councils which are 12 councils in all with 12 angels within each one.  As you know, we work directly with the Divine Mother and Father God to assist in regulating the frequencies through the Rays of God along with all of the principalities of Light.  It is our Divine Pleasure to assist you in this manner.

The activations that you want information about that will be occurring in November are going to regulate the frequencies for individuals to fully accept that there is something more to their lives than just what they are feeling. All of these activations are a step into the Gateway of 12-11-12 within a preparatory stage of development.

The essence of understanding about the Mayan Calendar encompasses more than many individuals realize.  It is a potential of understanding to allow the Christed Self to be born into each human being upon the planet.  The acceleration of the planet is taking effect deeply as we speak and will continue to do more through the process.  For those that have been on this awakened state of consciousness, these dates are only going to push them into deeper levels of understanding which is the same truth for all of humanity.  The point being is that the individuals who are working within a Pathway of Mastery will step ahead of everyone else.  This means that individuals that have a knowledge and expertise are being asked to go deeper to assist other individuals.  There are actually waves of consciousness occurring within an individual at this time, but it is up to their free will in how this consciousness will appear in their lives.

There is a deep knowledge that needs to be expressed in the type of individuals that awaken unto the planet and allow that vibrational level to flow within them.

[Please see the channeled message from Albert Einstein on the Theory of Ascension & What it Means for the Public Arena which will be posted on this blog shortly or within our newsletter.]

November 11, 2012 is a day when an opportunity will present itself to individuals that want to go further into the depths of their understanding.  As always the 11:11 activations are doorways for growth and opportunity.  It is important to realize that these doorways are activated through a person’s subconscious mind to allow the conscious mind to receive the message that an opportunity is presenting itself to them.  Not all individuals truly take advantage of this opening of frequencies in the way it should be done.  There seems to be a commonplace attitude that it is just another number. We believe that many people are receiving these messages through the clocks, on signs, within the media, etc to help them be aware that an opportunity is being presented to awaken them into a new reality.

This day on 11-11 is not different except on a much deeper level.  The degrees of acceleration are increasing through openings that are being guided from the God Force.  You see, humanity needs to wake up and what a perfect opportunity to allow this to happen through a time sequence.  11:11 actually means to come into Oneness as it is represented by the binary system of 4 digits being the same.  There actually occurs a time sequence of no time to occur so the frequency stops for one second of 11:11.  Each individual that stops for that moment within 11:11 will allow their Higher Essence to access their physical creation by acting upon the frequency of the ONE.  This is why so many individuals are feeling these frequencies within their lives.

The day of 11:11:12 represents the same no-time zone.  2012 is the year of the Golden Era when more people have awakened into a new reality than has ever occurred before.  This means that the percentage of individuals in this year will see 11:11 more often.  Since November 11th is 30 days before the Gateway of the New World is opened, individuals will be prepared to awaken themselves into a deeper level of understanding than they have ever felt before.  Some may say it is a warning sign; but in actuality, it is a moment of pure acceptance that there is more to themselves than what their mind can understand.

This also is a time when each individual that chooses to have an awakening will remember the essence of their Angelic Self.  11:11 has always represented to the Angelic Presence and this day is a moment to allow that Angel That You Are to be fully activated within the body.  There will be a remembrance and allowing the thoughts and emotions of the Angel that You Are to fully embody your physical existence.  Your Angelic Timeline will then be fully activated.  It is going to be quite a very powerful moment for humanity.

It is essential for individuals to be prepared on this day to walk through another doorway of awareness by allowing their Higher Self/Highest Essence to walk with them side by side.  Now for individuals that are newly awakened, the Higher Self will present themselves in a different manner; i.e., dream states, showing the clock energies, feeling elation, joy is within them, etc.  For the other individuals that are working within their pathway of mastery, they will go deeper and will be guided not only by their Higher Self but their I AM Presence.  This is being engineered by the higher frequencies depending upon the person’s awareness.  The more that the individual has accepted their pathway and is working on their Inner self, the deeper the knowledge will come to them.  It is an appointed time of entry to prepare the physical body to receive more frequencies in preparation for the gateway December the 12th.

This entryway is also going to assist individuals to walk through the following 30 days in the altered state that they achieved on the 11-11 date in November.  It is being geared by a person’s ability to be on the pathway of Light, to accept that Light within them, to work through their initiations, and move into the deeper realms for preparation into the New World.  The ones that are not on a mastery pathway will feel more elation and also have moments of realizing that more needs to be done.  It truly is an awakening day for everyone upon the planet.

We ask that you apprise all individuals awakened and unawakened that this is a day of awakening.  It is the first doorway to walk into the entryway of 12-12-12.  Preparations need to be done for each individual person.  There will be many that will not feel anything different as this is because their bodies are numb from the pain they have endured.  This is where we are going to be assisting within the planet to help the souls that are lost from themselves.

We suggest gathering with others whether long distance or in close groups to connect with the energies that occur at 11:11, 1:11, and again at 11:11.  All increments of “one” are very important.  The best time to connect is in your 11:11 time zone and the energy will run its course throughout the day.  Meditations should be done representing the ONENESS and connecting to the GRID of the planet to put everything into motion as we commune with every one of you through this day.

We must remind individuals that this is the first activation during a 30 day cycle and going about their business during the day will cause the deflection of energies within them.  This is not something that we want as the more energies that are involved, the merrier it will be.

The 11:11 day is a pre-requisite for the activation of 11:22:12.  Many of you realize that “22” is a master number and represents the initiation process of allowing the Gateway to be fully opened within an individual’s physical consciousness that relates to Mastery.  This means that each individual that fully activates the energies within themselves with the other activations of 11:11 and the Solar Eclipse of 11:13 representing the Feminine & Masculine Divine Energies being activated, will take them into the deeper initiation process that they have been undergoing.  It does not mean that each individual is going to jump initiation phases but there will be a quickening of energies that will occur.

We just uploaded a special video meditation for the11:11 Awakening.  You may utilize this video not only for 11:11 but all the activations that are occurring through December 21st, 2012.

11:11 Awakening Meditation

In addition we are holding a special tele-call on the 11th at 11 AM Pacific.  Details are available on Walking Terra Christa.  If you would like to receive our newsletter which shares our open calls for these events and more channeled writings, please do so on the website.

Expressions of the Oneness of the All,
– Elders from the Throne of Grace, Elohim Council of Light, & Angelic Councils of Oneness at your service.

We hope that you will connect with others on this day of awakening.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission is granted to share this information with this link provided.

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