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LEARNING TO BECOME THE LIGHT OF GOD: Increasing the Light Quotient

Every spiritual Aspirant, Adept, or Initiate desires to Raise their Light Quotient. It is a proper and lofty noble goal. Yet, in practice, it is also one of the most misunderstood or under-managed aspects of Ascension Mastery. In fact, from the perspective or viewpoint of the physical self, it is a concept, and a process, that defies the imagination.

In this article we will do our best to assist your higher mind (the Abstract mind) to bring the understanding into the Concrete mind. This means you will not necessarily gain a “3d comprehension”, but instead an overall energetic knowing of what properly raising one’s Light Quotient entails.

It is akin to the adage that “if knowledge was the key, every person who had access to a library would be highly successful”. One really only begins to come to  terms with what the process of Raising the Light Quotient is really like once they actually begin to do it.

Increasing your Light Quotient within the Four-Body System

As an individual awakens to their own potential, (meaning they realize a sense within themselves that their own reality of the physical world extends beyond the third dimensional reality), they actually have become awakened to their Spiritual Self. Yet with that, they most probably do not have the tools to know how to deal with the higher light energies as they begin to occur within their physical consciousness.

It is important to realize within the personality, the physical consciousness, that there has been a doorway that has opened up so that all that has previously only been experienced within the dream state now comes more into a physical existence. Sometimes this process can be overwhelming to an individual and they need to learn how to deal with the energies that are all around them.

When the Masters speak of when you Awakened, they are talking about the moment in your life when you felt differently but yet may have not been able to define what is occurring. This is the first step of your Spiritual Self, known as the Higher Self, becoming more aware within your physical consciousness.

Many souls have this awakening since birth or as a young child, and then it is lost due to the third dimensional energies. Others may have such a gift of knowingness that it stays with them through childhood into adulthood, and if they are lucky they will have a mentor that will assist them through the process.

It is important to know that every Initiate goes through a different experience in their awakening. It has to do with the Etheric Self and what timelines have been opened up within them, and how, they as a Soul, have adhered to the Laws of the Universe within the previous lifetimes.

What is the same for every soul is that they need to learn that healing must occur through the four-body system, physical, etheric (chakras), emotional, and mental in order for the Spiritual Body to become more acclimated within the four body system.  It does not happen automatically; there must be a sense within the physical consciousness of all the bodies and their relative energies to each other.

On the average a soul that is awakened, has a Light Quotient of about 1-2%. This is due to the planetary existence and being in a human body. That body holds a density within its systems of each of the four bodies, and there are remembrances of many timelines within each of the Physical – Etheric – Emotional – Mental Selves.

There are many ways to increase your Light Quotient, but it must occur through each of the four levels in order to bring those bodies together to work in unison. Most lightworkers are not utilizing their potential within their four-body system due to the previous lifetimes and timelines that are still being held in the consciousness of each of the bodies.

When an Initiate, goes through a Lesson and accelerates themselves into a higher level of understanding and awareness, the Light Quotient can increase. It depends upon the type of lesson, which body(s) were affected, and how well does the Initiate hold the increased light within them.

Awareness is the key to every step of Mastery. In order to achieve the status of a 7th degree initiate within the physical body, each of the four bodies have to come to a place of unity. The Lower Ego can still be intact, but in such cases, the type of lessons that individual will experience are very earth-driven and not coming from a higher level of understanding.

This means the process of allowing the Lower Ego to become the Higher Ego (of the Spiritual Self) is the best gift any person can give to themselves. It also means that the Emotional Body becomes the Feminine Divine, while the Mental Body of the Concrete Mind becomes Abstract while igniting the Masculine Divine. The Etheric Self opens itself up to a depth of healing that is unmatched by any other way of acceleration allowing the Physical Self to accept the other bodies while creating a healing in all areas. (Overall, this is the what is termed the formal process of the Integrated Ascension path to become an Ascended Master, versus simply “Ascension” as a new age spiritual practice.)

Increasing Your Light Quotient is essential to allow all of these bodies to come together in Oneness. This means that your Heart Center becomes the Three-fold Flame of the Love (Pink), with the Will (Blue), to ignite the Power (Gold) which represents the Christ Consciousness to become active and the defining energy within the full body consciousness.

The Key to Integrated Ascension is to Build your Light Quotient so that all of the bodies can work together in unison. The Light Body is then accessed through both the masculine (mental) and feminine (emotional) essences. Every person receives energy through the Creative Source of Oneness via the Silver Cord through your higher Light Bodies known as your I Am Presence. Then, the way that you serve yourself through the lower self or the higher self depends on how much Light Quotient you hold within yourself.

Learning to utilize receptive ways of Building your Light is an essential component for you as an Initiate. If each of the four bodies are not working in unison, then your Light Quotient will be held at a low level within your entire system. When you access the higher light energies through accessing your Spiritual Self and the 12 Bodies of Light, then you will be able to increase your Light Quotient as you learn to ground it within your system.

In this way, your Light Quotient can then grow (or raise) such that it moves up to the 92% required to step into your status as Ascended while still being a physical being. (The passage from the end of the 6th Initiation into the 7th Initiation.)

To help most individuals begin to energetically embody the necessary steps, or to even help accelerate them, Walking Terra Christa is holding a Mastery Class on July 20th, 2019 at 10 AM to assist individuals in learning how to increase their Light Quotient. The teachers for this class seminar are:

Lord Saint Germain ~ You as the Initiate, need to hold clarity within your mindset of what it means to be awakened, the Pitfalls and the Blessing of the Mastery Pathway.

Lord Melchizedek ~ What is the importance for an Initiate to hold the Light physically? What it means for the consciousness of the personality and how to deal with the changes that occur.

Lord Metatron ~ also known as Archangel Metatron is the holder of Light Frequency and gives forth an understanding and acknowledgement of the Truth of the Fallen Warrior, the archetype that each of us holds within ourselves as the Angel and the Master Within. How to hold more Light in each of the four bodies will be discussed.

Included will be high level activation for Light Quotient Building including a journey to the Arcturian Starship, the North Star, for the Light Synthesis Chamber acceleration.


(If you are not enrolling at this time but appreciate the higher spiritual wisdom being shared in this article please consider making a donation below or on our Blessings page. Your support is needed.)

Mastery Tool of the Day


arcturians-qprCall to the Arcturian Temple Workers, the Arcturian Elders, and the Arcturian starships for help in running the higher Light frequencies through your four-body system and meridians.  Ask for this at whatever Light Quotient percentage you are currently working on.


You can also ask them to downgrade the percentage if you are having a difficult time in assimilating them in your physical body especially during high energy accelerations within Gaia as we are being assisted through higher frequencies each month through the full moon, new moon, and planetary shifts.


Balance is the key to our survival during our transformation process to the New Earth.



©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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