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Archangel Uriel Brings Forth the Peace of God

AA UrielArchangel Uriel was our guest speaker for the Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity together on August 10th, 2013.  His energies invoked great peace within each of us.

Archangel Uriel represents Peace as he brings it to all of humanity.  He is just as important as Archangel Michael, and Archangel Metatron.  Whenever the word of God is spoken his essence is called to that soul to assist in their Acceptance of Peace within them.

Archangel Uriel’s pathway represents administering to bring forth this peace.  He wears the colors of Ruby Red and Gold and brings with him an entourage of Healing Angels to assist.  He also wants to remind us that each of us have an Administrating Angel that works through Uriel.  This angel whom we sometimes call Guardian Angels help to create the healing that we need and guide us through all levels of consciousness especially during our sleep state.  He also wants to remind us to connect with our  Guardian Angel.  This Ministering Angel also works through him to bring forth this peace that we need within our entire structure.

Uriel believes Peace is a conductor of healing for when an individual is in a state of turmoil his aura will repel the healing that he or she desires meaning.  So Uriel brings forth this healing Ray into the person as we need to have peace within us.  We cannot create anything that we desire without it.  He also states “As a master in training to become conscious of our circumstances and regulate any set of circumstances by the flame within our Heart.”  Uriel shares that there is no greater personal freedom than acquiring this essence.  He assists us with these commands within ourselves as we become conscious for all that we are and do.  He brings forth healing love, blessings, benediction, faith and the power of the Divine Mother and Father God within each of us.

So we these thoughts in mind, let’s bring forth the energies within us as we call upon Uriel to assist us today.  We must be able to create our desires and remove any blockages that do not allow the healing process to be within us twenty four hours a day, seven days a week continuously in all states of consciousness.

Breathe in deeply we call upon our Higher Self and our I AM Presence to guide us.  Feel your Earth Star and Soul Star to spin simultaneously so that a beam of Light comes down through our Axiatonal Alignment.  This is our Antakarana Bridge that is coming from our Monad into our Soul through the Soul Star into our entire structure to align ourselves with our energies of our highest presence within.  Allow the energy to go down into your Earth Star so you ground it so it goes into all parts moving into the etheric body, the emotional body, and the mental body so we are working through all systems. Since Uriel mentions our Guardian Angel, call upon that energy now.  If you have any other masters or teachers that you work with you (we have Gatekeepers that work with us), we call upon those energies and feel the flame of the Ruby Red-Gold within your Heart Center and your Solar Plexus.  This Ray of Inner Devotion integrates within the Solar Plexus.

It is my divine pleasure to be here with each of you today.  I am Archangel Uriel; my beloved Aurora stands by.  Thank you for bringing us into this beautiful garden in our separate essences so each of you can get a chance to really experience our essence into each of your essences as we combine these energies together.

If you are in a state of turmoil and you cannot find the aspect of peace to come within you, that is why I am here.  I am here to assist you to relax the Mental Mind and allowing those energies that you are part of to come full creation as you travel within your dream time.  You do all these things but yet there are elements occurring within your four-body system that are necessary for you to remember and they cloud that vision that you are.

Let us reflect in this moment that the Angel that you are.  If you think it in that way, I believe that you will be able to understand the peacefulness that you are.  So I call upon the frequency of Light from the 50th dimensional level to the 100th . Feel yourself with your wings, feeling them to come into your existence now within this beautiful garden. Let us have that remembrance of Peace of Love and blessing others as you have been anointed from the divine Mother Father God to bring in these frequencies within your Angelic light body.  Now let us experience this through the physical existence.  It is quite a challenge to have the remembrance of being in a Angelic Presence, but yet, not feeling that Angelic Self that you are because that is the exact core of how we bring forth Peace.

The peace does not come from you physical mind, the peace does not come from your physical emotions; it comes from the higher part that you are, that Divine Lineage of your Angelic self through the Divine Mother and Father God.  So I bring to you my entourage of Angels as you become the Angel that you are. See now your wings as you feel that flourishing light within you; breathe deeply and feel the Ruby Red spinning within you, spinning within you and allowing the Divine Essence that you are to fully be the Power of Light which is the exquisite form you bring into existence.

It is like a rebirth that is occurring in this moment, and as you bring in the essence of peace that I extend unto you, feel, feel your beauty, feel your selflessness coming into your own self.  Let it blend into your Heart, let it blend into your Solar Plexus into that core of your power.  Allow your power to be the Divine Angel that you are as you flourish with this essences all around us in this beautiful garden.

There are many butterflies that represent the Angels.  See their colors flowing within you, swirling around as the Ruby Red and the Gold now bring forth that essence in the garden within the vapors of Light.  Breathe them in deeply; breathe them in to allow the clarity that you have been asking for.  The clarity does not come from your lower self; it comes from your Higher Mind as you fully feel your Higher Self embodying within you. Now see her or him smiling at you; feel their essence blending within you because this is the deepest healing you shall receive.

I as Archangel Uriel bring forth the blessing of Peace in all thoughts and all emotions to be embodied within your physical creation.  Feel the Divine Angel that you are; feel that essence coming down within you as you breathe and say these words unto yourself:

I am a Divine Angel of Light embodied within the physical creation as (and say your name).  I call upon my Divine being of Light to allow the essence of Peace to heal all that does not flow.

Feel now the flow of the Ruby Red and the Gold integrating within you.  Feel the Inner Devotion of your Divine Self to come fully within your Being as all the other particles are now being removed through your four-body system.  it is just like dust leaving the garden and the vapors of the Ruby Red and Gold will envelope you in this creation that you are now; now feel faith and the power of the Divine God Essence manifested within your Being.

I AM a Divine Being of Light.

I AM the creation of my Angelic Self.

I AM the creation of my physical self and I blend these essences together to become All That I Am.

I feel the healing and the love.

I, as Archangel Uriel, now bless each of you with this creative energy.  As you are creating it, you have become the Multi-Dimensional self.

Accept it, accept the power that you have within you. I ask of you now to envision what it is now that you desire.  Is it something physical, is it something tangible or intangible or is it something you need in your healing state to have more of a balance of this powerful time we are experiencing.

I see now in front of you what it is now that you desire. You see a picture; hold it to your Heart, and now allow it to flow into the Ruby Red and Gold that is in your auric field, in your Heart, in your Solar Plexus and allow that essence to blend within you as you become the vision, you become the manifestation of the desire that you, that you would like to bring forth into your life at this present time.

I, as Archangel Uriel, bring forth this benediction for all Beings of the Christed Self that you are to create all that you are envisioning at this time. As the Archangels of many Archangels, call upon them to assist in the Faith, Power and Love.  You are now anointed with this healing and creation of All That You Are.

This is my blessings unto each of you in this moment.  You are the creator, you are the Divine Being of Light, you are the child of Divine Mother and Father God as each of us are.  Feel it being created within your physical existence through your Earth Star; feel the power that you have within you that brings forth that Great Faith.

Breathe this essence now.  Allow yourself to feel your Solar Plexus of your Inner Power. You are completely devoted to your existence, to your light; you have the power within you to create the manifestation and the vision that you are.

It is my divine pleasure as Archangel Uriel to bring forth this blessing unto each of you in this moment.  Allow your wings to always carry you to your desired outcome.

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Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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