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“The Spirit of Resurrection” Archangel Hope

Archangel Hope, the Ray of Crystalline LightArchangel Hope is the beloved of Archangel Gabriel who we worked with  during our Abundance of Light – Creating Prosperity Together,,  utilizing the beautiful Ray energy of Harmony and Balance.

[image: Archangel Hope, the Ray of Crystalline Light]

Just to recap the information, this Ray of the Crystalline Light represents Resurrection, changing elements within ourselves, God’s purity of Light within our thoughts, emotions, being able to have hope in all things, being in the flow of life and activating artistic developments. Hope has the ability to embrace within each of us the intensity of feeling hope in any moment by instilling a Ray of her own quality. She assists individuals to develop their Divine Plan, she provides the doorway to excitement and enthusiasm so that each individual can have hope no matter what they are experiencing.  She is “the spirit of resurrection”.

Both Gabriel and Hope work together to instill that the essence of miracles continually to enfold into each of our lives no matter what our circumstances may be  ~ there is still hope. So as Gabriel brings forth the purification to allow the darkness to be removed, Hope comes forward and instills her flame resurrecting all of the feelings that have been lost and brings them in the essence of hope.  Then comes excitement and the buoyancy of feeling as if it is a new beginning. She steps in through our death and rebirth experience.  Both of them work together; it is important for us to remember how hard the Archangels work to be within each of us.

{{{Crystal bowl ringing}}}


It is my divine pleasure to be here. I Am Archangel Hope.

I want you to feel the essence as Archangel Gabriel is standing by within this beautiful garden so I want any of you to connect with his energy if you need assistance in fully going through that death process.  Today what I am here to assist you with is to instill the ability to see the beauty of your life and what is unfolding within you each moment no matter what challenges you may be feeling; because in order for our desire to come fully manifest, we must go through these processes.

Some individuals may think that they can just think of their desire and it shall be.  That is fine for some but for many it becomes a challenge because what you have brought forth in you previously.  Don’t allow yourself to stay in those moments without having hope. If you are one that has been challenged in your journey and it seems like every road that you turn has set you back with blockages along with not receiving the totality of what you feel you desire and deserve, it is just because there is elements within your Lower Self that have not allowed the essence of regeneration to ignite.  Each of you has it, you have it within the depth of your Being, you have it within soul’s essence; its just that your physical creation of your Mental and Emotional bodies have not held these truths to be so evident within your consciousness.

Now as we are moving into higher frequencies of Light, the Feminine and Masculine elements are starting to understand each other.  If they are not, then this is another way that we can assist you. In order to allow the emotions and the thoughts too blend within each other and to have the I AM Presence activated with the Higher Self, these constrictions that have held you back must be removed.  This is how we assist through the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance. I ask you to think about a moment in which you pick up a crystal a clear quartz crystal and what do you see in that crystal clarity? You see beautiful sparkling light and this is what we mirror to each of you.

I, today, am very excited as I do not get this chance very often to come through in this manner. I am deeply pleased to share with you my essence, my essence of allowing the purification that you have gone through to now bring you in to a space of hopefulness.  And this hopefulness comes from God’s Light as I represent the ability to bring this forth into your essence form my essence.

So I ask all of you now to take a deep breath as you call upon my essence of Archangel Hope to fully come within your being.  Allow me to stand within you to help you bring forth the ability of a child opening up a gift for their birthday.  Remember that child you are because everyday you are receiving a gift.  It is a gift for you to understand yourself in a much deeper essence than you ever have previously.  So I expand to you my hopefulness from God’s Light into your Hearts and allow it to run through your entire Being.  This Ray is so representative in the root chakra which is where many lower elements are held.  This is also where they ignite from the Etheric body so it’s important to purify yourself with the Crystalline Light continually and continually and continually.

I stand here within you right now and bring to you my Spirit of Resurrection.  Breathe deeply as it runs through your entire physical body, moving into your Etheric body, going into your Emotional body and your Mental body until they can become One.  Let us breathe and feel this essence of each other. And say these words unto yourself:

I, in the Divine Light that I am, and then {state your name} call upon Archangel Hope to instill within me the ability to feel excitement in each moment.

I feel the Crystalline Light infused within me and burn away all that I no longer need as the challenges are now gone.

I bring forth this essence unto my Being to see the newness of everyday but it is in each moment, just as the sun arises every morning.

I arise within me Hope, Excitement, Joy, Ecstasy, and the Beauty that I AM.

I now ask each of you to envision in yourself what it is that you desire in this moment? What it is that you feel we need to help you with your challenges whether it is an emotional thought or a tangible item, cash flow, maybe you need to bring something in your life that will assist you presently in a physical sense so it can be intangible or tangible. Breathe into that and see that essence coming into you now.  See the Creation, allow your vision to flow as the Crystalline Light comes within you.  Then the openness of your vision can give you the clarity you needed a moment ago.  In this moment it may not be the same, because as you bring in the Crystalline Ray it changes. Feel that igniting within your Root area, feel that coming into the aspect of your whole Being and you see in front of you now what you desire.  It comes in your Mind’s Eye.  It comes through your thoughts, it comes through your feelings ~ feel that essence now.

Hold it in your hands, if you would like, and embrace it now with the Crystalline Light and say these words unto yourself:

I Am the Light of the Crystalline Ray.  As I call upon Archangel Hope I feel all that I deserve and I am so excited to allow it to be manifested within me.

I Am this Being of Light.

I deserve to create all that I desire and need in these moments so in the next moment I shall truly walk with Beauty and Grace and the Light that I AM.

See in front of you now a beautiful gift.  It is wrapped in crystalline paper and silver ribbon. You open it up and as you do so, it is yours to have.

I call upon my Higher Self and my I AM Presence in this moment to receive my desired outcome as I express within myself the ability to receive.  I shall receive more.

I feel the hope coming to me as I now embodied with the light of Archangel Hope and call upon these energies to instill within me the ability to accept all that I deserve.

I receive, I receive, and I receive

I Am joy

I AM Love

I AM excited with All That I Am

I Am that I Am that I Am

I now embody the Crystalline Light from both of these beautiful Archangels but it is Hope that is instilled within me to allow my thoughts to be the Masculine Divine which allows my emotions to be the Feminine Divine as now they blend their essence within me.  I receive in each moment all that I desire

I express what I need beyond the capacity of what I need so that I will flourish within the life I am living.

I AM Abundant

I AM Love

I AM excited to be the Master of my Destiny

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

Feel the receiving energy flowing within you in this moment.  I, as Archangel Hope, am deeply gratified to be with each of you in this moment.  Our association will now move into a deeper connection.  I am not stepping away as I work with each of you to be the Creative Source of Light that you are. I give you this hope.  I give you all that I am in these moments to assist you in the process of your Creative Life in all that you are. I stand with you.

I am Archangel Hope with my beloved Gabriel.

Just take a moment and allow her essence to blend within you as you feel her energies.  See the crystalline structures, the crystals, and the beautiful sparkles of light that are completely within the garden in this moment as we now continue with the prayers to activate what she has given to us.


©Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Creating Abundance with Archangel Gabriel


Archangel Gabriel along with his beloved, Archangel Hope are the archangels of the 4th Ray of Harmony of Balance which represents Resurrection, changing elements within ourselves, the God purity of light and thoughts and emotions, hope, fluidness of life, and artistic development. 

As we clear away these elements, then the artistry within us starts to be emitted.  Gabriel represents the purification of God’s Light and brings the essence of NEVER FAILING.  He reminds us of the Three fold flame:  Power to redeem, to Harmonize, to Purify, to Heal, to supply and regulate every condition.  The elements of discipline, self control, contemplation, love and gratitude to life itself are the important components to accessing harmony within our lives.  With the Lion’sGate it is a perfect time to connect with the archangels of Harmony and Balance. 

It is my Divine Pleasure to be with each of you.  I am, Archangel Gabriel. 

It is such a beautiful time to bring our energies together; yes the Lion’s Gate, Wow.  This energy is going to be with us and the power that we are going to be doing this week and next is going to bring in the ability to manifest, to create the thoughts to be grounded within your lives. 

First of all, I want to say that I honor each of you for being within this pathway of mastery, for stepping into this world, and also to accept the process you are going through as you are becoming more than you ever have been before.

As I stand before you in this beautiful garden, let us reflect upon the energies that are occurring presently within this frequency of light, within the flowers, within the greenery with the sun shining down into all parts, the beautiful streams and bridges.  This is the place to explore.  This is where we want to feel beauty, and of course, we want to feel it within our own Beings.

This is what I bring to you today so that I can remind you that you have the ability to continually be in this space, within your mind and your feelings.  We must change the 3rd dimensional construct to bring it into you as you can fully experience the state of conditioning through this beautiful garden. 

Let us take a deep breath as we bring forth the Crystalline Light Ray into your Being from your Soul Star into your full body system.  Allow it to enfold within each part of your body. 

I ask you to call upon me, Archangel Gabriel, to assist you in removing all that is not supporting your Divine Purpose on Earth.  Do you understand what that Divine Purpose is?  It does not matter if your lower consciousness does not understand.  So I, Archangel Gabriel, bring forth the Flame Of Resurrection to reverse the currents that have tied the energies in all your bodies of the lower octaves and form the magnetic pull that has bound you to the Earth ~ bound you to the 3rd dimensional understanding that you cannot have abundance. 

We bring forth in this moment the Flame of Resurrection.  Feel it coming down into your entire body of the Crystalline Light.  As the flame burns within you, feel the fires burn away in your Etheric Body, bringing it into your Emotional/Astral body, and into your Mental body, within your Physical body.  All that has been in your past timelines, in your past experiences that are surfacing do not support your abundant lifestyles.

So say to yourself,

“All that has been in my past timelines that does not support my abundant lifestyle is now removed through all, through all that I AM.”

Now feel the essence of the Crystalline Light, which represents the ability to have the Harmony and Balance to be within you, of God’s Purity of Light within your thoughts and emotions.  Allow it to go into your Mental Body, relax, the Masculine Divine, relax the Feminine Divine, allow them to come together in your Three Fold Flame.

Say these words to yourself:

I now feel the immaculate essence that I Am being the only thought or feeling within my four-body system.

I feel what was dead within me is now fully removed, as I become alive with the FREEDOM that I AM and ever will be.

I now feel the power of redemption run through all of my bodies of Light.  What was lost is now found.

Feel that occurring now.

Just don’t say the words, feel the essence blending within you as the power of the Light in this beautiful garden is emitting a vapor of the crystalline ray.  Breathe that within you.  The power of the healing that is now invoked within you as, I Archangel Gabriel, have shown you the way to your own God and Goddess Self.  Take these words deeper:

I now take this power of redemption and healing and invoke it into every thought or feeling condition from this moment forward.  I will discipline myself to remember that this is the only way to the FREEDOM of my soul within my pathway of Mastery.

Breathing deeply ~

What is it that you desire within your world, what is it that you want to create, is it a better abundant way of living, a better way of interconnecting with individuals?  As you are accelerating yourself into the 5th dimensional level of arena, the hardest element to let go of is what is in the past.  To let go of those relationships as they do not serve your highest essence.  I ask you to bring forth the Crystalline Light within you now and say,

I AM a Master that fully invokes the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance with the assistance of Archangel Gabriel.  I feel the light of the crystalline ray to flow within me from above and ground it through me below.

I AM an immaculate being of Light and I hold this truth within me each moment.  I have deep gratitude and love for all that I AM, what I have learned, and take this forward within my world.  It is the only way to the FREEDOM of my physical creation.

Breathe through each of these statements:

I Ressurect

I Redeem

I Harmonize

I Purify

I Heal

I Create Discipline

I have Self Control

I contemplate all that I AM

To Create Gratitude and Love within Me

Now take all of this and see the vision you desire, the creation of your manifestation to be the acceptance of your world.  See that in front of you.  Call upon these essences again:

I Ressurect

I Redeem

I Harmonize

I Purify

I Heal

I Create Discipline

Activating Self Control

I contemplate all that I AM

To Create Gratitude and Love within Me

I Am Gratitude and Love.

Now take that essence and put it into your vision of what it is you desire to manifest in your world at this moment.  What is it that you need the most?  Feel it embracing you as you are the desire, as it is not separate from you.  It is your desire, it is your manifestation, and in order for it to be created, you must believe that you are the creator of this vision to appear in your world.  When you allow yourself to be the creator and live it that is when it shall be.  Take these words a little deeper:

I am the desire in the creation of all that I envision.  I see my abundance of light within me as it flows through me and now the creation of my world is my only thought of desire.  I am free in love and acceptance of the immaculate Being that I Am.

I thank you AA Gabriel of what you have shown me, of what I could not see.

And take these words each moment that you desire to work within your own manifestation, because elements will arise that will try to impede you that are from your past  timelines, elements from this lifetime, and elements that are around you.  You must hold the vision strong within you; you must keep it within that space, and allow it to flow within you so that YOU can have the FREEDOM that you desire.

I AM Archangel Gabriel are so very pleased to be here at this moment, because this creative process is going to work so much stronger as we bring in the Crystalline Light, and as we work with all the Rays of God to be the Christed Being that We ARE.  Feel the Christed Being, feel the power, the love, as your three-fold flame becomes fully activated and stronger than you ever felt it before of the God and Goddess within yourself, coming together in harmony and love.  This is the power of your I AM.

I AM Archangel Gabriel at your service from this beautiful moment in time.  I give you my blessings, my love, and the immaculate desire to be all that YOU ARE.

 We experienced the energies of Archangel Gabriel in our Abundance of Light – Creating Prosperity Together on July 27th, 2013.  This is our weekly Prosperity Circle open to all individuals.  We wanted to share his powerful message of love and God’s Power within us to create all we desire.  On August 3rd, 2013 we will work with Archangel Hope, his female counterpart.  For more information on this powerful group, please click the link above.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


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