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STEP 1-WILLING TO SURRENDER TO LOVE ~ Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada

Lord Saint Germain is the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God. He brings forth an understanding of how to Surrender to the Emotions that are a necessary prerequisite to healing within the 2nd Initiation of Ascension Mastery.

It is my pleasure as Lord Saint Germain to assist each of you in understanding the lessons you are learning within the Initiate Pathway. The important elements to realize is that it not only applies to your Higher Self becoming integrated but how your Lower Self (of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies) relate to the experience of your Spiritual Body becoming more focalized within your consciousness.

The first level of your initiation represents your awakening of your physical senses to another world that is beyond your reach. You realize that there is more to living than being in the third dimensional construct, “Nothing is truly as you thought it was.”

It opens up doorways into your psyche to help you understand that as a human being you are more than the physical consciousness. It is at this level that you can have the revelation that not only can you have spiritual gifts but you can change the drama you have been living within your physical world.

Not all initiates can have this realization within themselves as it takes much effort to get to a point of seeing that the world around you is working in myriad ways of perception, some good but not always.

At the first level, an initiate realizes that their physical way of doing things is no longer working; an individual can become health consciousness while having the desire to take care of themselves realizing that their body is a temple that must be healed and acknowledged. It is also at this stage that the Etheric Body becomes activated within an individual. Remembrances can occur from past timelines and if you are more attuned, you will realize your Angelic Presence within you.

Stepping into the 2nd level of initiation brings for the ability to learn more about the emotional body. It is a time to allow the Act of Surrender to become commonplace within the consciousness so that the way a person is feeling needs to be more understood. We call this process leaving the Hall of Ignorance and stepping into the Hall of Knowledge by learning more about who you are as a person from the standpoint of the Emotional Body. This is the process of learning how to access of the first step ~ Willing to Surrender to Love.

Many of the individuals that accept this initiation as part of their physical existence realize that their emotional body is construed with lower elements of shame, guilt, unworthiness, abandonment issues, being compulsive, having a lack of emotional intimacy, and wanting to be in control of all situations and people in their life.

This is where the lower self is in control and needs to be healed. Some individuals call this Recovering the Essence of the Inner Child which truly represents the Emotional Body needing to be healed from past traumas and events. Now this part of the emotional layers can not only stem for your present lifetime but many other lifetimes in which your soul experienced periods of great challenge and neglect. It has arisen in this timeline for every soul to address the energies so that true healing can be acknowledged and accepted.

The initiates that ignore this part of their history will find that their lifepath will be strewn with great challenges and emotional turmoil. The process of accepting your soul’s history is allowing all remembrances come to the surface to be healed. You have to remember that you are becoming a multi-dimensional being of light and all timelines will be revealed no matter the level of intensity that they bring forth.

In order to fully step into the Hall of Knowledge an initiate must learn what feels right within their psyche and what does not fit. Pushing it away with higher accelerations will assist in the moment but the truth of the matter is that it needs to be fully rectified; otherwise the issues will reappear in different situation throughout your pathway.

As masters, each of us have grown through similar processes to help our own emotional bodies to be healed; the difference at this time is that the energies within Gaia are so very intensified that the elements you are dealing with are being magnified in a much larger percentage than it was hundreds of years ago.

So as an Initiate moving into the 2nd Initiation of the Emotional Body it is essential to truly Surrender to all that does not fit who you think you are within the emotional level. It takes some deep soul searching to look into these layers so that you can see the changes you are making as they need to be fully grounded into your full existence. Emotions are the cornerstone of the four-body system; it is how you will relate your energies and how your mental body will react to your emotional self. This is how you will achieve the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

When you reach this stage of your development it is important to realize the potential you must create healing within your Emotional Body, it is the step that will assist you to accept a healthy Mental Body as both work within each other to assist you to become more fully balanced.

It is when an initiate starts to learn the lessons and apply the knowledge that has been gained that they step into the Hall of Wisdom. This is truly a great gift for any initiate to realize the potential they have accepted within their emotional and mental bodies by correlating all experiences through the Etheric Self.

As the Mahachohan of all the Rays, I want to reiterate how important it is to work with the first Seven Rays of God. You could look at the emotional issues and see that you might want to have the strength to walk into the emotional imbalance that you are dealing with. But ideally, we want to bring forth a sense of Serenity and Peace.

Think about this for a moment. When you allow the essence of Tranquility to come into your Emotional Center, what happens? You relax and then the process of what you need to do will be adjusted within you. You are actually able to SURRENDER to all the other emotions you are dealing with. This allows you to be in the Hall of Knowledge to gain the Wisdom that is required to understand what is occurring for you from the Emotional Body, the 2nd Initiation. Without going through this process, you cannot advance into the higher initiations with ease and grace. It will become just the opposite effect. Each initiate must realize that the ray assists in the healing process, but the work through the subconscious mind must be done. Otherwise, the issues will resurface to be worked upon.

I ask you to call upon Lady Nada of the Ray of Inner Devotion of the Ruby Red-Gold Flame. It brings forth a sense of peace and calmness when you allow yourself to connect with the flame itself but even more of a stabilization with Lady Nada as your guide. She is the twin ray of Lord Sananda and has taken over the role of Ray Chohan. I will let her help you through this process herself:

Greetings My Dearest Initiates,

It is my pleasure to exhibit my essence unto each of you in this moment. I understand the pitfalls of being on the mastery pathway and how challenging it can be to step into the world of pure honesty of the self.

This process is absolutely essential in order for you to achieve lasting results. It is imperative to walk through the periods of darkness that can befall upon you so that you can find the power of your emotional self to be fully in alignment with what your Higher Self tells you to be.

That can be a challenging concept – to listen to your Higher Self, feel that essence that is you which can be so beautiful and soothing, but then to integrate those energies within your emotional body so that it can be healed.

There is no other way to get through this step of your acceleration. You cannot bypass it; you cannot think that achieving a higher consciousness is going to wipe away what is lying within your subconscious. It will help to break it apart, but you being the physical self within the higher self must take that initiative to change your past, heal it, accept it for what it was and see who you have become in the current state of your evolvement.

I am here to assist you to realize that the tranquility and love I give to you can be yours to hold within your heart so that it is not me making the change but truly You creating the movement of that transformation.

Surrender to what you don’t like, let it be put into the light so that it can be forever more healed and never return into the same state of awareness that it showed itself to you. Let those moments of your past be a distant fleeting thought so that it no longer bothers you.

I give you the Ruby Red-Gold Flame into your Solar Plexus to help you realize the potential that you are. Look at the particles that do not fit that essence and allow it to be revealed. Then work upon it within your subconscious mind.

Be the Change you Desire To Be.

It is my Pleasure to Exhibit my Light unto you in this moment, I Am Lady Nada.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Interested in fully understanding how the energies of SURRENDER apply to the Initiations within  your Ascension and getting the higher energetic transmissions to assist you to do so? A very powerful class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada begins today. 

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Frequency Update ~ January 16th, 2013

Planetary ~ Shared By Rev. Christine Meleriessee

This week we are adjusting from the New Moon energies that occurred on January 11th and lasted for three days.  I shared last week that we were being acknowledged by our Angelic Presence to be activated during this time.  Some individuals may have felt flowing energies enfolding within them.  The Elohim Council of Light shared a special message through me on the 11th which can be seen via this link, “We Are Now Angelic-Humans-New Moon Activation, January 11th, 2013”  which was to assist us in allowing this frequency to become more active within our physical bodies.

This Angelic activation is just the beginning for each of us.  It was not a one-time event that would overtake our grounding process, but it is to help us to remember who we are, multi-dimensional beings of light.  We have heard this term quite often in the last year but now it is becoming a reality for each of us.  Again, it is up to us in how we receive it through our Higher Self and I AM Presence.  There has never been a time like what we are experiencing presently to fully accept the aspects of our Divine Self to be fully activated within our physical reality.

So now, what do we do with this?  Well, it has been shared by Spirit that this is just the beginning.  We have many timelines of angelic energies that need to be activated, but we cannot receive it in one full activation.  It must come to us in increments as we can accept them; otherwise, the frequency that is being shared by the higher realms to the Earth would not be able to sustain itself.  So it is a process of continuation within each of us.

As I was reading some of the astrology reports for this week, I learned that we are in transition from the elements of Capricorn into Aquarius.  Capricorn represents stability while having a need to understand the pathway that is in front of us holding unto the original planning stage.  Whereas Aquarius, is more flowing as we become more aware of what is outdated within our lives.  This results in allowing ourselves to look differently than we did previously.  The pathway does not need to be anchored from the old ideas; this creates innovation to be ruled within our lives.

The planetary changes that we are going through align with the activation of the Angelic Presence that has now been grounded within each of us.  It is up to us to fully tap into this reflection of the Self as it is going to help us move into the direction of being the Multi-Dimensional Human.  We can no longer exist as we have before.  We have experienced the changes feeling like we are misplaced within a new environment but yet the old is still within us.  Tuning into your angelic self will help you to move through the transition from the Old into the New.  We are not there yet and will not be for quite some time; but we are in the beginning stages.  We have been reborn and now we have to feel our surroundings with our new awareness that has been given to us.

This week represents transition.  Please know that there will be more activations such as we have received to help us through this process.  We have to remember that the Heavenly Hosts are guiding us through this process of acceleration.  Take time for yourself to Reflect, To Be, To Love Within, and allow that Illumination to be your guidepost.

Cosmic ~ Channeled Message Of The Unified Whole Command

We come to you in the consciousness of the All to share not only the expression that We Are but Each of You coming into the Unification of Remembrance.  We are the Unified Whole Command in which many masters are now standing in this consciousness to reflect unto each of you.  Many individuals upon the planet are very unsure of where they are standing, what they are feeling, and how to interact as each moment can change as quickly as the movement of the Sun around the Earth.

We want each and every one of you to understand that what you are experiencing is not common place; it is out of the ordinary to create wonderful expressions of YOU that have been lost for eons of time.  We are very excited about the transition that is occurring presently within humanity.  If you were to look at it through our eyes, you would see it quite differently than your physical existence.  We see individuals in many walks of life starting to feel their own beautiful magic within their existence in whatever way it can appear.  It is like a butterfly fluttering from a flower essence to the next feeling differently each time they move in a different direction.  We see many butterflies moving about around the planet; sometimes, they stay in one place, and then at other times they are traveling so very quickly.  Many butterflies moving around the globe in hopes to find their true essence in the flower that they connect with in each moment.

Each of you represents the butterfly.  Some are quicker than others but all are very beautiful as you are just starting to expand your wings in a way that you have never achieved before.  It is a beautiful sight to behold from our expression, and if you can understand what we are trying to say, is that allow yourself to hold dear each moment you are experiencing.  This is not an easy pathway that any of you have chosen.

The illumination of your light is bright, but in order for you to become enraptured by it, you must allow yourself to feel all parts within.  This process is not an easy one but very essential in the creation of your Multi-Dimensional Self.  Do you know that you are re-creating yourself from all the parts that have been in different spaces?  And sometimes, you pick up something you think you need, but yet the reality of your new illuminated self says “Oh, my, I was that before and I no longer need to be that Being I was.”  When this occurs, there is a moment of remembrance within you.  You acknowledge it and allow it to merge with who you have become.  But then something seems to not align within yourself.  That is the part of you that needed to be remembered but then removed, as you have grown beyond that aspect of the Self.  This is the pure reflection of your own remembrance coming into the existence of Who You Are Now.  There is so much beauty in these moments.  You must remember that the old timelines of your reflection was not always in the Light.  These moments take you into a place that you can no longer hold within you and then the reflection is illuminated through your entire Being.  You become the Butterfly that can move into the next reality.

Each of the realities that you hold dear within your Heart is a mere reflection of what you have become.  You will receive more and more remembrances to help you see what we envision for each of you.  When you are in complete wholeness without a body, the Light is so bright that you blend with the element of the Sun and become One together.  These are the particles of light that you are receiving.  But it can only happen within you at the increment that your body can hold.  As each new light particle intertwines within you, the old part of you is removed; you reject it as it no longer aligns with the New Reality You are becoming.

You will go through these changes through 2013.  Some may not do it at the level of others as that reflects the many butterflies within GAIA trying to shine their light.  Some may reflect more darkness than light and that is when your light illuminates to a power beyond what you can imagine.  You are helping to clear these pockets of darkness just by your pure illumination.  That is also why you must take time for yourself to continually feel these reflections within your physical body through your emotions and your thoughts.  Know what feels beautiful and what does not.  Learn to find the balance in between and remove the parts that no longer serve your existence.

The Angelic Activation on January 11th lasted for three days in which every Higher Self guided the angelic particles of Light to be infused within each human being.  Those that received it with the purity of their heart illuminated upon the lands; those that did not are not used to such beauty and rejected their own essence that wanted to be integrated.  This activation was the first of many to allow souls in human form to coexist with other elements within their creation.  There will be many chances for others to follow what you are receiving.  As this frequency became manifest, it may also bring forward other energies that are uncomforting.  You must remember that you are healing for the ALL and these feelings may appear.  Take what you know and remove them from your essence.  Bathe in sacred waters, use sacred incense and sage, and create your sacred space as you rejuvenate yourself into the next level of your multi-dimensional self.  There is so much beauty occurring and many souls are hurting.  We must reflect only the highest of the highest in each moment and be so very aware of the old that is leaving within you and others.

The transition that you are experiencing presently will have it highs and its lows.  With this new reflection you should feel more alive to create your life in a different way than before.  Allow yourself to fully elaborate within the deepest part of your soul.  Thoughts and intuitive energies will be at is highest level to help you remember all parts of your soul that are illuminated by the Divine Essence You Are.

Take time this week to honor yourself in this process.  Each new level that is received will help you to understand more of yourself and your reflection in the world around you.  Flow into the next moments with ease and grace.  Allow the thoughts of worry to leave you but just accepting your Angelic presence interacting with your humanness of the Higher Mind and heart.  Flow and Be the Flow.  Be the butterfly that you are allowing each experience to be a Divine Moment of your creation.

We are the Unified Whole Command in the Source of Creation.

So Mote It Be, We Are One!

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page and website,




Note that starting this week we are going to be having SOME SPECIAL MASTERY CLASS SEMINARS:The Kumaric Seven Rays of God with Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras

  • Thursday July 12 at 11:30 AM PDT – A SPECIAL MASTERY CLASS WITH SANAT KUMARA This call will bring an attunement and an introduction to a our very timely 6-month Seminar Series where the Seven Holy Kumaras will guide us through the Venutian School of the First Seven Rays. prior to the 12-12-12.  Not to be missed!
  • Thursday July 26th at 11:30 AM PDT ~ “G.R.A.C.E” – ACCESSING YOUR ANGELIC SELF WITH ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.  This class will attune you to your Angelic Presence in a way that has never before been able to be accessed upon Gaia. Click here to sign up.
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