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Riding the Wave Into 2016

Riding the Wave into 2016

This month of December in 2015 is taking each of us into a whole new way of existence. What has not worked for us is being revealed, and the elements that are being accepted bring us into a new experience of our personal alchemy.

In fact this year started with the integration of the Crystalline Flame to become grounded into the Earth. This ray represents Harmony and Balance through Conflict. This means that the intensity of the light is so strong that it breaks apart anything that is not reflected within that frequency. It is a powerful ray to work with personally but on a global level, I believe it has assisted this earth during this amazing year.

2015 was classified by the Unified Whole as: Incorporating Harmony Within to Send Love Without.

In order for us to expand our love quotient to others, we must first feel it within ourselves. It makes me wonder if every person on the planet has achieved this. I don’t think so.

The accelerations this year has been phenomenal. The Equinox of March heralded in the energies for the Wesak to be received by the planet through Lord Buddha. At that time, there was great celebration for the rays that had been grounded since 2013. First it was, the Ruby Flame of Inner Devotion represent peace and harmony amongst the planet. Then we were gifted with the Will and Power of the Blue Flame that brings forth the essence of the Masculine Divine within the Heart of God representing Love, Compassion, and Patience. The Crystalline Flame followed in the beginning of this year.

Having each of these flames fully grounded within Gaia’s core has assisted each of us to experience life in a different way of being. It does not mean it has been easy but there is progress for us to realize in each act and way of living upon this earth.

The Solstice in June brought forth the Solar Angels to become m ore involved within each soul upon the planet whether they realized it or not. It is a time in which we can fully access our Solar Angel, an aspect of our Angelic Presence. It is the pathway to receive more into the Golden Solar Angel that occurs in the higher dimensions of light with Lord Metatron.

In August we experienced the 8-8-8 of the Lion’s Gate where more increased energies were brought forth into the heavens. It was a powerful time of great love and light to be accepted by all of us.

The Equinox of September brought many activations; some which were very challenging for many as our foundations are being shaken up to allow the depth of healing to be within our physical self. The Eclipses that occurred also assisted in the acceptance of morel ight infractions.

November came with the 11-11 energies to prepare us to move through the new doorway of our reality to be accepted fully in the physical lives we are living.

Then we moved into the December accelerations. It is a powerful month and an even more powerful year that we have experienced. The Solstice on the 22nd at 4:48 UTC (12-21 8:48 Pacific, 11:48 Eastern) is going to prove that in the moment of no time when all elements come into alignment each of us bring forth that moment in which we become our I Am Presence, fully in the physical creation. It is a time in which we are to allow our breath to take us into the essence that we are from the 144th dimension into the reality that we now exist upon.

As we stand within the darkness of the night within the Northern Hemisphere, it allows us to go into the void. This is the period of knowing ourselves so deeply without the physical existence of light but an inner knowing of our own light. In the Southern Hemisphere those souls will experience more light within their physical world but the process will be the same.

Why do we need to experience the void?

Within the Void is a space continuum of “no time”. It allows us to feel that moment when the silence of the soul is ignited within the power of the physical being. It relates to the joy of knowing oneself so deeply that the process of allowing those energies to be accepted within the totality of the physical life brings on a deeper meaning. This process will allow each soul to come from a space of surrender into the physical self. A remembrance of light will occur giving each person the opportunity to hold more of the Christ Consciousness within them.

It does not stop there as the Full Moon on the 25th is represented by Cancer in the Sun Sign of Capricorn. This moon will bring forth the Christ Consciousness to be fully activated within Gaia’s core at 11:11 UTC, 3:11 Pacific, 6:11 Eastern. This moon represents the Heart Essence to become fully activated.   At this time, there is a planetary alignment occurring for 11 days in which several planets will be traveling in sync with others. This will allow for the entryway of the Christ Consciousness to become more grounded within our physical existence and upon the Earth.  It is a time of powerful manifestations to be realized within our lives.

How appropriate are those energies for us?

It will represent the Heart Essence and expansion of our Divine Minds to be expressed in a completely different way than before. This expansion will be absolutely magnificent. So prepare yourself for great heart reflections.

December 31st is always a very powerful time to sit in silence in preparation for the New Year to be revealed. It is suggested that deep reflection takes place in order to advance into the year of 2016.

2016 Represents “Greater Cycles to Emerge Through Diligence of the Self”

The Unified Whole energies that comprise the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Master Consicousness have stated that the preparations we are going through presently will truly make a difference for each of us in 2016.

Reflecting on the numerology of 2016 shows that it represents the number “9” when the digits are all added together. This number reflects the energy of Completion – in preparation for the ‘new’ to arrive, but it also reflects more than just an ending. It is a number of Universal and Spiritual Laws to be fully put into place. It is a time in which this earth will be able to reflect the teachings that the Brotherhood of White Light put into hiding before the fall of Lemuria. It is a time of spiritual awakening and enlightenment within humanity. It is when true altruism will occur as individuals will come to the aid of others through service and dedication to bring forth Divine Wisdom. In other words there it will be a time of SPIRITUAL AWAKENING for many upon this planet.

Per the Mayan Oracle, Nine is termed as GREATER CYCLES, “Thread of grand design in the tapestry of light, on the loom of the great cycles weave your pattern.” In other words it represents completion and expansion. This energy asks us to BE rather than TRY TO BE. It is about embodying the wisdom of the larger cycles, “Become the one who shines the light for others as you are the humanitarians whose Being unfolds the larger pattern of the new world.”

2012 also represented the gateway of entry into the Golden Era upon Earth. Even though it did not mean that the Golden Era had arrived fully, energetically it could be seen as signifying “year 1”, the beginning. As we now depart 2015, it represents the end of “year 3” moving into the creation of the fourth year of entryway within the creation of the Golden Era.

Four represents the energy which is representative of practicality, discipline, foundation, stability and mastery. It is the time to focus on the realization of high service through building solid foundations with systematic determination, honesty, integrity, justice and practicality. It is the time of laying the groundwork necessary to experience renewal.

When we break up 2016 into separate digits, it represents more of the same type of energies. With the digit, “2”, the vibratory essence of service and duty for the Divine Light to become manifested within the Earth essence becomes part of the process. It reflects the energy to have great faith with many difficulties that can arise. The number “0” brings forth the flow of life within the Alpha and Omega of the never-ending cycle of the Source of Light to be One within us. One (1) brings forth new beginnings, new beginnings, moving forward and creating unique ideas to become manifested. It represents the essence of being independent with love and inspiration; by yet the masculine energies holds true to achievement and success of strength and reliance to the organization. It is the accomplishment of experiencing Unity with Self as it blends with the Source, representing All That Is within the framework of the Universal Laws. The number “6” is the essence of unconditional love to others especially soul relationships. The focus brings forth compassion and humanitarian efforts creating peace which is the foundation and is always considered the most important element. It is a time to Bring forth together peoples of many nations.

The number “16” reflects the combination of “1” and “6” which creates a focus that “Your Thoughts Create Your Reality”. Trusting in the Divine Consciousness of the Universe that all your needs will be met through the tests of time.

Keywords for 2016 will be reflected in the statement, “Overcoming Obstacles in order to Receive Your Divine Will to be Manifested” as the Laws of the Universe will be guiding all efforts of attainment within the Heart and Will of God.

It looks like the upcoming year will present many opportunities for growth as it will be the time for many others to join the mastery pathway.   We will be accessing the Divine Laws that Master Thoth stands for so deeply and allowing those laws to be part of our existence. This will help to mold the New Earth.

The time that is occurring presently actually stated in 2012. The long awaited anticipation when things would start to change is now feasible in small steps. We have had to wait until this time, as we would not have been prepared within our individual self to hold the higher frequency. It still can be a challenge, but the tools that are available are much beyond what we had four years ago when we moved into the 2012 energies.

We are now coming into the time when it is absolutely necessary to allow the 5th Dimensional State of Consciousness to be our guide in every thought and emotion that we will experience.  The more that we allow our I AM Presence through our Higher Self to guide us through each moment, the easier the transition will be to hold the higher frequencies.  This is a necessary component to hold within our full consciousness so that our physical body will accept the necessary changes to move into the transition of higher thought forms.

It will not be easy, but I believe that there will be many others that will see the significance of what many of us have been striving for on this Earth. We are coming to realize that we are Divine Beings of Light and have the opportunity to work hard and show our success by allowing others to experience it also.

Blessings to each of you for a miraculous movement into 2016.

In Creations of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Walking As An Angel ~ Lord Michael

Find Your Wings WTC Holiday

by Walking Terra Christa.

Note: Walking Terra Christa’s ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE focusing on assisting you to bring forth more of your ANGELIC SELF is now in progress. For those who are looking to receive discounts from 30% to 70% please view our FIND YOUR WINGS sale here

A transmission from Archangel LORD MICHAEL through Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

As the transition of Gaia continues, it is important to realize our potential as Angels upon this Earth. I give to you in these moments the gift of your Remembrance.

I AM Lord Michael standing amongst each of you at these times of great change. As the influctuation of energies occur within the land of Gaia, the transition is not just of the Earth but each of you that inhabit the space of light which is being guided by your Angelic Self to become more of what you ever thought you could be.

As the changes have occurred within each of you, it is increasingly apparent that there is still so much work that needs to be done. We are only at the beginning stages of re-growth within the Earth. It almost feels like the rebirthing effect is more of a birth that has never occurred previously. There are new energies that are being sent into each of you that may seem uncertain; there are experiences to be felt that can be compelling within your consciousness to try and satisfy your mental minds of what it may be. There is an awakening within the planet that is being felt by many different levels of creation.

Yet, within yourself, the creative process can be misconstrued as something that only You are experiencing.

This is so very untrue in many ways. You have been here before. That is why so many of you want to exit the planet, move into the New Earth, and be taken away to another existence that does not hold so much negativity.

Each individual soul is going to perceive this time differently depending upon their circumstances in their lives and how they go about receiving the Divine Love that is being offered to them through the Source of Light, the Creation of All That Is.

Some individuals are going to be lost through this process as the lower forms of energy are arising into this light, but yet cannot be perceived as a healing process. Many souls will choose to experience death through this cycle as they are not ready to delve deeper within themselves.

These are all of the trials of being an Angelic Being in Human form upon this earth. The trials can be overwhelming. It can cause some souls to give up and wanting to perceive life in only their way of existence.

Change is inevitable at this time. Every individual soul is going to be experiencing it in different ways. It is what you do with what you are being given that makes the difference. Every individual person is evolving in a completely different way until they realize that their way may not be the way of Oneness or Wholeness of the Self. Until a person realizes the potential that they hold within themselves, then they are going to be lost by all of the changes that are occurring presently.

It is only when a soul wakes up to their Inner Light and sees that they are all part of a greater plan upon this earth that this soul will access the full potential of their greater form. It is not until an individual sees themselves as their own savior, their own angel of light, that the true awakening occurs within their physical essence.

This is exactly what each of you are going through presently. You are learning more about yourself every day and within each moment. You are realizing that what is beyond your comprehension is truly only an illusion and that the real truth must be revealed within yourself. It is an awakening of the Self that goes much deeper than Awakening the Physical Body to the Light. It is when you realize within yourself that you don’t know as much as you thought you did, but yet, there is something inside of yourself that tells you there is great wisdom by tapping into your inner knowledge within.

This year has brought forth this awareness into each of you whether you realize it or not. The doorways that you have stepped through are allowing you to know more about the TRUE YOU ~ The Spiritual You ~ not the Physical You. You are awakening unto your Angelic Self, the one that has broken down many barriers for others. It is a time for you to fully accept the Angel that you are becoming and listen deeply within yourself what needs to be addressed and acknowledged. There is great knowledge that is being revealed within you, right now.

Do you realize this is truly happening to you? Maybe you do not but hopefully you do.

11:11 represented an opportunity to walk through a doorway of time in which there is no time. Within this earth at this time, great changes are occurring inside the planet and within each of you. There are more occurrences than you realize. It is in preparation for the future and each of you stand at the threshold of your own awareness – realizing your potential as not only an Angelic Being but a Divine Being of Light.

Are you ready to step out of your own way?

This is extremely important to have the wisdom within yourself to know that ‘You Don’t Know Everything.’ It is a time to stand within your own four-body system and say unto yourself that you realize there is “more to experience, to understand, to comprehend and accept within the life that you have chosen.

Now that is a huge order to accept within your physical existence. It is always important to understand that there is more to learn, more growth experiences to endure, and more joy to be received.

I know what you are going through. I remember at the times of the beginning of this race when we came to the planet in hopes of creating a beautiful essence of love and communion with others in a physical body. But yet, the planet was already encased with programming hidden in its deepest parts that kept all of you here.

I always vowed that I would assist each of you on a deeper level of understanding than I could bring forth within those days. It has burdened me deeply to see your pain, and to dry your tears when there seemed to be no end to the turmoil you would endure.

The time is coming when you have the ability to step out of the painful arena and embrace your joy of your Spirit within yourself. It takes great courage to do so. We all know this to be very true.

The processes that you have to go through are very important; you must acknowledge that the 5th dimensional energies will not just come to you because of whom you are, that you believe in your light, and are ready to face the darkness. It is something that must be earned through the trials and errors of being human, but yet remembering your Angelic Essence.

This is the greatest gift you can give to yourself as the Earth is changing but everyone must change with it. You must go through the levels of lessons from your first awakening into the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th to receive the 5th dimensional energies within your consciousness. And, that my friends, is only your greatest beginning.

Some may be overwhelmed to hear this information but yet I have great news for you. The Angelic Energies are now grounded within the planet, within Gaia since June of this year. Your Solar Angel which is the beginning essence of your angelic presence is working with you to help you walk through those doorways that may seem very challenging to the human spirit. But, yet, with the help of your angelic self, you then have the power of your Solar Angel to assist you. The frustration of the past is now behind you; it is more about what you desire and then you are able to achieve it easier through the remembrance of whom you are.

It is a great time of jubilation as so many more souls will be able to awaken to their higher essence. As the Solar Angel assists in bringing forth the Higher Self which truly does not awaken fully in physical form until the 5th dimensional essence of light. You can work with your Higher Self, but to have this essence fully incorporated within your physical consciousness in every moment it takes quite a bit of work within the human conditioning.

This 11:11 has now arrived and has allowed these essences to become more of your existence. It is important to connect daily with your Solar Angel ~ allow them to show you the way. They understand the Angelic essence and you understand the physical essence. As you combine your energies together, you will start to become One. The challenges that you experience will go easier than before although the lessons will be the same.

The changes that are happening now are a result of all of these elements coming through the angelic realm into the physical existence. It is a time of great transition that will allow for expedient results by becoming all parts of your-self.

December is a time of culmination as it represents the entire year into the movement of the doorway into the next year. It is a time to rejoice but also to understand the challenges you have gone through to get to your present consciousness that you are learning to inhabit. Take time this month to reflect every day on the changes you are experiencing. Utilize your breath to get to your Solar Angel; do not ignore this essence, as it is a major part of your existence.

The Re-Birthing cycle can be very challenging as when we step from the old into the new we sometimes fumble around until we are used to the new energies. Allow this month to be your bridge from the Old to the New for 2016. Be the Angel that You Are within the Physical Essence you Embody. Allow your gifts of the old self to come forward while the elements that you no longer need are purged. Be grateful for who you have become and don’t ignore the signs of healing that needs to occur. They are your greatest teachers as they will give you the knowledge of your past in order to receive the wisdom you desire to attain.

I am excited about this time on the Earth with Gaia and each of you. We truly are becoming an awakening planet little by little. Show your gifts of warriorship but turning the sword inside yourself and see what needs to be accepted. Don’t attack others; but attack the lower aspects that stop you from achieving your goals of stepping into the 5th Dimensional State of Consciousness.

With deep love,

I Am Lord Michael at your service. (Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.)

Note: For most of 2015 the teachings in Ascension Mastery from Walking Terra Christa have been focused on understanding what it means to become more Angelic in our Essence, as within a human perspective we do not automatically know how to do this. We have been learning from Archangels Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and the other Beings of the Angelic Realms to assist us with this very important process. Walking Terra Christa’s ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE focusing on assisting you to bring forth more of your ANGELIC SELF is now in progress. For those who are looking to receive discounts from 30% to 70% on these teachings please view our FIND YOUR WINGS sale here

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Crystalline Body Energy Blast – Our 11:11 Journey Retreat


WHEN: FRIDAY to SUNDAY NOV. 6, 7, 8, 2015
(WTC ACADEMY students pls. login for discount)

Everyone needs a Cosmic Energy Blast to assist the development of the Crystalline Light Body. Our November 2015 Journey Retreat is all about the energies of this 11:11. It is about actively bringing those frequencies into the physical to assist. This event is taking all we have experienced this year to see make sure we ground our advancements as souls upon the creation of the New Earth for what is not acknowledged cannot come to pass.

Using the specific energies of the 11:11, which occurs on the New Moon in the elements of determination, seeing the light and the dark within and without, and moving forward successfully, we Journey with the Ascended Masters through each component to create our very own new foundation. We take pause from our daily life to embrace all the purging and clearing that we have undergone these past months within the effects of the Lions Gate, Equinox, Solstice, Eclipses and Super (Full) Moons to engage in ceremony of understanding, accepting and grounding ourselves to Mother Earth.


infusion_lightwtcThe Ascended Masters understand that one of the main issues facing all Lightworkers on earth today is that of Quantified Energy Transference. In magnitudes ranging from major to huge, energy transference’s are occurring with every significant Planetary and Cosmic event that we witness. Since the 2012 portal, the earth has been regularly pulsed with increasing levels of intensified energy frequencies. Event upon event, from every Solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) to each New and Full Moon, is a significant marker of New Vibrational Energy. This year the 11:11 Portal is no exception as it signifies the awakening of consciousness to yet another Higher Octave of Awareness. Even more power is injected as it occurs at the time of the New Moon phase.

Our goal in hosting this event is to insure that each Lightworker gets the opportunity to Fully Ground these collective energy frequencies of light within their own consciousness, which means the mental, emotional, etheric and physical body. It is imperative that the cosmic energy hitting earth become quantified through the individual energies of each of us. If we don’t intuit, understand and accept a shift in our energies, the moment can bypass us.

Without active grounding using a full consciousness of understanding for what we are going through, the energies coming into the planet will remain non-quantified and cannot anchor completely into Gaia.

In this pivotal Quantified Energy Transference Journey Retreat with the Ascended Masters, we will delve into the keys and deeper understandings of:





This is a journey that will assist an individual to understand more about herself or himself. We will work with the Ascended Masters to assist in the process of bringing forth the Cosmic Frequencies of Light into the Full Body System. We will be re-creating a journey that Mel and Mike took in 2011 for the 11:11:11 energies as they created a Sacred Energy Vortex Medicine Wheel within the area of Mount Shasta. Preparation for each person is essential in order to receive the highest benefits when taking this Journey.

We include many attunements but most of all we walk upon the various areas around the mountain that bring forth healing in the Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual bodies. Our goal is to allow the Cosmic Force to help with this process along with Lady Shasta opening up her portals of light to assist each of you to gain the most benefit through this retreat adventure.


2015 ~ A Transformational Summer

pink sky water_800_499The Spiritual Hierarchy has classified this year as “Embracing Harmony to Expand Love”. They chose this title as we were stepping into a new paradigm of light within the planet and it is each individual’s choice in how they are going to allow harmonization to be part of their existence.

I think that each of us would agree that 2015 has truly moved us to shake out the cobwebs in order to see the True Essence that we are becoming. The Old Self is dying in order for the Divine Self of our Higher Essence to become more intertwined within the physical existence.

How do you think about this transition within your personal life?

It is important for us to reflect continually on our past experiences so that we can see how we have changed, what we did to help ourselves through that process, and then address if it was an achievement or a lesson that needed to be learned.

As we stepped through the Summer Solstice we were gifted to have more realizations through our Angelic Essence that is becoming more apparent within our physical world. It is so important that we have the realizations of our gifts as an angelic being and seeing the Veil of Forgetfulness being removed so that the clouds can disperse away from us. This transition of light is a guide to help every individual to fully embrace more of themselves than they did previously.

The important aspect of allowing these energies to become infused within us is to accept more of what we have lost in previous timelines so we can be better at infusing the Light within our Physical Existence. We should never loose these moments of acceleration as they take us deeper into the core of our Heart Essence to allow our Higher Mind to be fully activated. The doorways we walk through are guiding us into the next phase of our journey to be grounded and fully activated.

As Lord Adama shares, it represents our Foundation.

LionIn late July the Lion’s Gate opened up to give us yet another opportunity to see things differently and act upon the parts of ourselves that need to be acknowledged. This has been a very powerful activation as it represented 8-8-8 being that 2-0-1-5 is the sum of “8”. It is a number of great success, completion, the Trinity of Light, manifestation of desires through the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 8-8-8 is a number that says “the Universe supports you in your endeavors” and is a beginning of allowing your full essence to be embodied within you.

As we have now walked through the Lion’s Gate is a time of great reflection and creation of the New You as we prepare to experience the Super Moon’s of August, September and October.

I would like to share with you some of my reflections of this summer.

As many of you know, Michael and I (my Divine Partner) were preparing for a wedding to occur on August 8th 2015. The challenges we have endured financially to put this small and beautiful event together have been truly immense.

Michael lost a dear friend in late June, which was a surprise when Michael was looking for his address online he fell upon his obituary. Paul was a special soul so it was quite a shock to our system. We worked through the energies in many ways.

What we did do is call upon all the beautiful Beings in the Universe to help us through this time. We believe that being in Mount Shasta has shown us that we have the tenacity to get through any situation. We planned ahead as scheduled, did not allow any doubts to cloud our Higher Essence to move forward.

Three weeks before the wedding I slipped getting out of the shower and pulled some ligaments in my left knee. I could not walk; Michael helped me to a chair in the bedroom, as I felt devastated in so many ways. I sat on this chair and looked at the bed; it seemed to be miles away from me, but we made it together. We got the office chair and I was able to hobble to the bed. I pushed myself up on the bed as he pushed the chair towards me. Believe me it hurt very badly but I kept remembering my I AM Presence and calling upon that part of me to get me through this challenge.

As I was bedridden for almost four days, I had plenty of time to do the healing work. I called upon Dr. Lorphan, who is the Director of the Great White Lodge of Sirius. We communicated three times a day of what I needed to do while he and his Intergalactic Healers worked on me extensively. It was an amazing transition that I made without the use of third-dimensional medical help.

I utilized all the Rays of God to be infused within my knee; as a Medical Intuitive I could see where the problem was and how to assist it with essential oils, massage, intense healing activations, and lots of sleep. Dr. Lorphan and his staff worked on me continuously and performed laser surgery on my tendons and knee. (He previously was working with me the last few months as I had a weakness in a tendon on the side of my leg; luckily, I was exercising with weights and cardio to strengthen my body.) One of our students, Rochelle, who lives in Mount Shasta is also in training to learn more of the healing techniques that I utilized with the Rays of God. She also assisted great with her Reiki skills by using the higher frequencies of light.

I could not have done this without the workouts I had been doing. I was not stiff when I had to pull myself up by my upper body and I strengthened my quads every day in the bed.

I had three weeks to process all of this energy and command it to be part of my physical reality. I was finally accepting my role as a Personal Alchemist.

As the wedding became closer, I was able to walk with just one crutch and hobble around. I was walking but not putting full weight on the leg.

Our students arrived for the wedding; we had many people assisting us in so many ways. Funds arrived every day to pay for the various services we needed; first, the flowers, then the cake, then the caterer and finally our rent. I know it sounds unbelievable that we would trust so deeply that all would be taken care of, but it is something we have learned being in Mount Shasta. Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos, guides us every step of the way and we would never have been able to achieve all of this without his help.

We know that the Universe was supporting us in so many ways.

So in the days ahead of the wedding, I ate something and had a tooth that was loose. I was scared to death about it breaking so I was only drinking protein shakes and very little food. On the day of the wedding, I was sitting at the hairdresser having my hair done up. I was putting some Clove Oil on the tooth as the pain was strong. I pushed it a bit and felt that it was hanging by a thread.

Luckily, Michael had stopped by after setting up the venue-wedding site and I asked a friend to bring him into the shop. I told him he had to pull it out. Luckily, Angie, my stylist had some vodka so I started swishing it in my mouth and took a few swigs. I just wanted it out. So Mike did as I asked. It was so loose that it easily came out. He told me he loved me and left.

Talk about emotion – the release of having to go through this on my wedding day was immense, but I was so relieved to not have to worry about this tooth hanging in my mouth. Everyone at the salon was amazing and that made me cry even more. We laughed together and they even ordered some food for me next door (a sandwich shop) that I could get some solid food in my mouth.

In those moments I had no regret. I think Mike was more scared than me in that moment, but I have had immense issues with my teeth and this was freeing for me.

We carried on through the festivities. I had to change my shoes, as I could not walk even in a little high heel on the grass. I walked with my niece, Jeanne, down the aisle towards Michael. The knee was still quite unstable but I made it.

Christine Mike closeup_342_600It was painful but it was the most amazing ceremony in my life to be united with my Divine Love in the presence of the energies of Mount Shasta and our immediate friends.

We continued our journey with a summer retreat so I used the crutches to walk up Glass Mountain (not a steep incline). I was able to get into Medicine Lake and feel the waters around me with all of our participants. I even took the walk at McArthur-Burney Falls which included some steps and a couple of ramps. I actually found the following day that my legs were healed after the exercise.

I felt I had achieved so very much during this huge time of transition. Everyone kept telling me how strong I was and I did not think about it ~ it was just something that I needed to do. I moved forward with the assistance of Michael and my Higher Essence. It was never a question for me not to go on these excursion or to continue with the wedding when the challenges arose.

The end of the Lion’s Gate is now closed. Michael and I are now Divine Souls as One.

We feel the difference in our energies. The power we have together is unmatched by anything else I could ever imagine. We are still having challenges in our finances but the work I have done with the I AM Supply book has helped me immensely to fully embrace my I AM Presence through the energetic essence of Love. We find that we utilize this energy to help us be calm and prepared for the next step.

Some individuals may question as to why when we are doing such powerful work that we are being challenged by the financial pathway. I, too, have often questioned this as I have worked for 30 years giving great service to this Earth through my Divine Essence. The answer to that question lies in the fact that we do all our work in the service of the Creative Source of the 144th dimension. This is something that has not occurred on our planet. So we are constantly blocked by energies that want to stop us from bringing forth this pathway that Dr. Joshua David Stone, Alice Bailey with Master Djwhal Khul, and others before him had started. So it takes great diligence to continue on our pathway by accessing our higher essence through the Rays of God, within the Unified Whole Energies of the 144th dimension, and being in command with what we desire upon this earth through our I AM Presence.

As the Feminine Divine becomes more active within the planet, we as the women will have to take on greater responsibility. We are the holders of this essence, we bring forward the Magnetic Force; the men have the Electric Force but it needs to be ignited by our essence. I have learned through this process that it is my role to ignite the energies and Michael’s role to do the handiwork for it to be created. These have been great lessons for us in the past two weeks.

Michael stands in his own power, but with our essences together, he is able to achieve more and he helps me to ground that creation of magnetic energies within my Foundation. It helps me to move forward, to be strong, and continue the journey no matter what the circumstances may be.

So now we take what we have learned and adjust the way we experience our life. Our teachings are being upgraded due this summer as our lives have changed greatly. The old way of doing things must be readjusted to the higher octave of light that we are incorporating.

I share my story as I hope it will help others to understand what they are experiencing in their pathway of Light. It is not easy for any of us and without the challenges I have endured in my distant past, I don’t think I would be this strong.

So take what you incorporated during Lion’s Gate to go deeply within your Heart and allow it to push you to be better, go farther, and embrace your I AM Presence physically in each moment. Breathe deeply the new part of you that has appeared and allow the old to be removed. Don’t hold unto it; it will not serve your purpose any longer.

Most of all, don’t forget what you experienced during the activation. It molds your immediate future. As these energies come into the planet, they will help to ground your Spiritual Foundation if you can acknowledge what you are experiencing.

We have a new saying, “Take a snapshot of the moment that is magical, blissful and brings you peace so you can remember it in your future moments.”

We have more activations appearing in our existence; we still have three fabulous Super Moons in August, September, and October along with a Lunar and Solar Eclipses in September along with the Fall Equinox. This is going to push us towards the 11-11 into another paradigm of Light within each of us.

Spirit is suggesting that this year of 2015 represents 2012 but with greater magnificence and power that is beyond our realization of what can be within each of us. I believe this is true.

We must delve deeper and work harder with our Spiritual Self to become One within our Physical Existence. It is a time of great magnificence when we allow the Magic to be within us.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is offering special programs for an individual to take advantage of our teachings through partnering with WTC. They will help us to sustain the funds that are necessary for this work to continue in the highest sense, and to help others to experience the teachings we are bringing forth from the Higher Beings of Light. There are several options a person can choose to listen to our recordings, join our classes live, or to become a Student of WTC. For more information please see: Partnership-Member.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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With Master Djwhal Khul, Divine Mother Father God, the Native Elders.

This is the excerpt of the transmissions from Rev. Christine Meleriessee during the Ceremony we held. It is a very special event that assists each participant to receive their own gifts fully from WESAK* so they can share their gifts with Humanity through ONENESS thereby contributing to the greater good holistically and not from a desire to force change from a lower frequency.

Listen to the full teaching (an additional 20 minutes of introduction and elevation of the energies) to understand the Festival and how the Wesak energies are about the three festivals in sequence. This audio is listed in our free Audio mp3 library.

Accepting the Force of Acceleration

 fast trainA Dissertation from Rev. Meleriessee with Master Djwhal Khul

We are within a powerful week of “resurrection” which represents many elements within our existence upon Gaia. We are coming upon the “Festival of the Christ”; the first of the three Festivals of Light for our ascension. This event always occurs on the full moon in Aries, but this year we have a Lunar Eclipse at the same moment compounding the energies.

Having all of these accelerations come together at the same time is like a train coming towards us.

Are we going to get on the train and allow the energies to push us into the next destination?

Or are we going to see the train go by and miss all opportunities for the next stage of our acceleration?

The funny part of this analogy is that we cannot just sit by and allow the train to go by. We will be hit with tremendous force if we are not prepared within our four body system to accept the next stage. What does not move forward, must be removed.

This includes everything on and upon the earth is being rattled by the Force of Acceleration.

What this means is that every human upon this planet is being affected by these energies no matter where they may be in their awareness, within the soul’s psychological and physical self, or biological functions within the body.

When we recall how intense the energies were from the Trinity of Light (New Moon, Solar Eclipse, and the Equinox) just two weeks ago, they only prepared us for the upcoming energies we are experiencing.

The important element is how did you prepare yourself and are you ready for the next step in your acceleration?

This full moon is reflected by the Sun Sign of Aires with the Moon of Libra. Aires represents the Self, is very courageous, stepping forward while being a leader. Libra represents “Others” with the act of compromising and negotiating efforts to create a harmonious balance in life.

If we can think of this in terms of the Self representing the physical body and Others reflected by the Higher Self, we can learn how this full moon is assisting our ascension process. We are in a state of de-accelerating our highest self into our lower self. The Higher Self will not integrate within the physical vehicle until the emotional and mental bodies are in alignment (Feminine and Masculine Divine). This means they need to be interactive with one another to help the balance of the Inner Power and Divine Love to be fully initiated. In addition the soul psychology work must be done by reflecting upon the mental thoughts and emotions that are ignited within the physical self through interactions with others. This includes judgments of the self representing judgment toward others.

What we do to ourselves, we do to others.

What occurs during the moon transitions is that the energy pushes us to go further into our subconscious thoughts so that the Super Conscious (Higher Self) can integrate within the three minds. None of this occurs just be accepting the Light and working with high attunements. It must be acquired through the mental work of affirmations, journaling, and processing the old elements to be removed.  Then, and only then, can the attunements do their magic.

What happens if the work is not done first is that the physical body receives it, and discards what it does not want.  It makes a person feel in the higher elements or the astral plane very easily but it is a mixture of both good and bad energies.  The attunement or download does not change the bodily composition until the subconscious mind is cleared and rectified.  This is why is may take quite some time to feel the affects of these higher frequencies of light.

Otherwise, what does happen is that the Lower Ego becomes very active within the four body system and the accessibility of one’s Higher Essence cannot be acknowledged within full consciousness. It becomes fake, unreal, and makes the person feel as if they are better than they truly are. As they go through the accelerations, great changes can occur within the body that are very uncomfortable due to the lack of work that has not been done.

So this moon takes us into a deeper part of our subconscious that needs to be cleared and rectified. But it does take diligence to get there through accepting the role as an initiate to learn and accept that maybe you don’t have the answer to the question because your lower self gives you the same reply time and time again. It is going to push you to go deeper into the lower self with the higher self so that the transition can be a positive quality to experience.

In addition we are experiencing a Lunar Eclipse during the other phases of resurrection with the full moon energies. This eclipse is represented by the Raven who is magical and fearful, but it comes with great challenges because it represents deep purging, releasing to illuminate any issues that need to be revealed. The essence of the magic comes after one goes deeper into their darkness as the light can then be shown.

This process is very intense – it is a re-birthing experience but it does have ramifications.

Again, if an initiate has not prepared themselves through their lessons, by going into their subconscious thoughts and feelings, it can feel like an eruption, almost having the sensation of a volcano bursting out of your field.

On the other hand, for those initiates that have been working their pathway each day and each moment will feel that the rebirthing experience is walking into a beautiful garden with all of their favorite thoughts and feelings appearing within their pathway. The Raven then turns to pure white light expressing the beautiful magic that is within each soul.

Both of these accelerations are assisting with the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST as it represents “Resurrection” and “Restoration”. It helps individuals to understand their limitations so that they can be changed and rebirthed to prepare for the next phase of their ascension process.

This Festival of Light is guided by the Will and Power of God (the 1st Flame of the Blue) which brings forth the power to fully bring in God’s Will to make the necessary changes of Inner Power, Strength, Courage, and the Will To Do. It is complemented by the essence of the Creative Actualization (the 3rd Flame of the Deep Pink) to restore all that was not in balance to come into harmony of Love, Gratitude, Charity, and Reverence of the Self of what it has endured to arrive into this juncture of time.

There is no doubt that this festival is considered one of the most difficult to endure. It is the first of the three festivals but it brings forth an alliance of the Higher Essence unto the Physical Self. It allows the physical self to accept the limitations that have kept them in bondage for a long time while there is a time for renewal and growth.

In addition to these elements 2015 is proving to each of us that we are being assisted and challenged at the same time. We have to remember that we never receive anything we cannot handle. Each of our I AM Presence’s is guiding us in each moment to be the beautiful Being of Light that we are in the highest dimension to be accepted by the physical body that we have inhabited.

What happens during this phase?

We are being hit with timelines upon timelines to be purged and accepted. We cannot accept our multi-dimensional selves without the elements that have stopped us previously from this alignment to occur. All parts of our existence are being challenged especially the physical body that needs to change into the crystalline structure when it truly is not used to these energies.

It is at this stage that we now have Contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy through the Unified Whole Energies. All must come from the Source of Light of the 144th dimension and when we acquire this element in our lives, then we see the change that is occurring within us. We are healing in many different ways.

Please know that what has appeared within your subconscious, within your four-body system is for a reason: to go through the steps of Resurrection, Restoration, and Contact in a more physical and linear way than you did before. It takes you deeper into levels that have not been acknowledged for centuries.

Working with the Spiritual Hierarchy especially  Master Djwhal Khul, and Lord Sananda will assist all initiates through this transitionary phase as we are preparing for the Wesak energies. Lord Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya, representing the Office of the Christ, helps each initiate to be able to reach this level of the Christ Consciousness within themselves.  2015 represents the year to embrace Harmony and Balance to extend Love to others.

As initiates of the Mastery Pathway, it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves so that Gaia and all her inhabitants will be able to do the same.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee
~ With Master Djwhal Khul

We have written a special decree “Accepting the Steps of Resurrection, Restoration, and Contact To Be My Guide” which is available via the link.

Walking Terra Christa is holding an Open Tele-Call for the Festival of the Christ, Full Moon, and Lunar Eclipse on Saturday, April 4th, 2015 at 10 AM Pacific. Please click the link for call information.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Decree ~ The Festival of the Christ

pink blue flamesAccepting the Steps of Resurrection, Restoration, and Contact To Be My Guide

I am learning that I have walked this earth many times,
Some in joy, others in sadness;
I am at a time in my awareness,
That all these thoughts and emotions are affecting me in my life;
I then, remember,
That I am,
Walking the Pathway of Ascension,
As an Initiate of Ascended Mastery.

The year is 2015,
The energies are beyond intense within my world;
Each moon cycle I go deeper into myself,
I feel myself changing,
And at times it is the most challenging experience of my existence presently.

I am grateful for my connection to the Higher Beings of Light,
As they have walked this pathway before me,
And show me the way every moment.

It is now the Full Moon of Aries within the Sun Sign of Libra,
I feel my lower self wanting control,
But yet my higher self is acknowledging my truth;

It is also a time of the Lunar Eclipse,
I know that I must accept my past lessons,
So that my future is paved with the Light of My Truth.

It is the Festival of the Christ,
I feel the resurrection energies running through my veins,
I call upon the Flame of the Blue representing the Will of God,
It helps me to feel my power of my Masculine Divine;
I have courage and strength to go into my darkness,
It brings forth great stability within my world,
As the debris is being ignited out of me.

The Blue Flame helps me to go deeper into myself,
It is no longer my lower ego, but my higher ego;
I feel the illumination of my Higher Mind,
Blending within my physical mind;
The lower thoughts that I was,
Is now removed through the essence of the Blue Flame.

I now ask for the ignition energy of Restoration to come to me,
It appears in waves and waves of the Pink Flame,
Which represents Creative Actualization;
I feel the essence of Love to fill my heart completely,
I experience compassion of my self deeply,
As I ignite the ability to understand my pathway;
I feel deep graciousness of what I have endured,
It is replaced with Reverence of Light from the Soul that I AM.

I now call upon the beautiful essences of
Lord Kuthumi with Lord Maitreya,
They represent the Office of the Christ.

They tell me that now I am ready to embody the Three Fold Flame,
Of the Wisdom I have received,
With the Love that I Am,
Allows my Higher Power to be ignited within me.

I feel their essence deeply,
As I now walk with beauty and grace,
Lord Sananda extends his heart unto mine,
I feel the wholeness that I am,
As I begin a new journey with who I have become.

I also want to thank Master Djwhal Khul,
For his wisdom and knowledge of the
Festival of the Christ;
He helped me to arrive in this beautiful space.

I now understand why I have walked as I have,
As an initiate of Ascended Mastery,
My wisdom has just increased,
Ten-Fold within Me.

I AM that I AM that I AM

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Welcoming 2015 Into Creation ~ Lord Adama

new earthHappy 2015! Hello everyone.

It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light. It is a pleasure to be with each of you again within the beautiful Essences we have experienced of this New Year, with the Crystalline Flame coming fully into the Earth. Each of you is feeling these Energies within yourself.

Let us all breathe together and connect from our Hearts. All the Telosians are connecting their Hearts at this time. We merge within our Hearts together. We embrace one another for this journey we are taking with each other.

I was sharing with Meleriessee and Michael about my journey today. Michael had some questions about how long I have been in Telos, whether I have been on other levels and above of this Earth. Yes, of course I have. I spent a lot of time with Sanat Kumara. All of you have done so, as well, in order to transform ourselves to come back to Telosian Energy after having been on the Upper Earth.
Like each of you, I wanted to assist this Earth deeply. I was in many of the timelines each of you experienced. Those were very important to the history of this Earth. I was disillusioned, as each of you is going through this process yourself.

Sanat Kumara spent much time with me for many years; a couple of hundred. I am sure I met many of you at that time also. I was told I needed to come back into the Inner Earth, as I had now experienced the Upper Earth and I would be able to understand when it was time for the Upper Earth humans that would call themselves the Light Workers to assist the planet. You see, my journey has taken me into many levels. Some of them were dark. Others of them were Light. I was told by Sanat Kumara that I would be a very important figure from the Inner Earth Cities to reach out to those on the Upper Earth.

I would have Compassion, Consideration, Love and Understanding for what the humans were experiencing. Not within the exact same timelines, but yet having the ability to grasp the Energetic Exchange the Light Workers would be experiencing.

At this moment I am sharing this message because it is time. I believe it is time I share with you that I do have deep Compassion for each of you. I want to see each of you attain the level of creation that I have achieved. I am here as a mentor. I am here as a teacher to bring forth these messages of Love and Understanding. Yet know that sometimes in the Physical Self, we must be pushed into doorways we do not want to walk through. We are at a time upon this Earth with the Crystalline Flame being ignited when such doorways are being opened.

I know each and every one of you has your own story. It is important to have that remembrance within yourself. I ask you at this time of our first meeting in this year to reflect. Reflect within yourself upon the trials you have had to go through to get to this point of understanding yourself. We all understand that each of us still has a long way to go, but yet we know that we have each other. We have Understanding, just as I have received from the Venusian Beings.

I impart that to each of you. I also impart what I have received from Sanat Kumara; a strict way of Understanding. Sometimes it is not easy to have your mentor speak to you and having that mentor show you a different way of thinking and feeling. With everything in your gut you want to push yourself away. Yet there is another part of you that says, “This is the right way”.

Each of you has stepped into a new juncture in time. It occurs every year. Within this year, you will have many moments that are going to change you. It is part of the process of Self-Mastery to bring forth these Elements from a Higher Perspective and allowing them to fully be within yourself to ground them. That is the important element to remember.

You can stay within your Higher Consciousness; you can stay in your Upper Chakras. If you do not bring them down to your Full Body System and walk with them, they cannot stay.

I ask you once again of your reflection. Who are you now? Do you know whom you are?

I am sure that many of you do not have any answer to that. That is the answer I desire to receive. That is true Mastery. When we do not know whom we are and we do not know where we are going, but we just allow the Energies to assist us, we allow the Faith and the Trust of our I AM Presence to fully be within us, that Faith will take you to many avenues of great acceleration.

It is when you stop and mistrust within yourself, you constantly check yourself whether it is right or wrong that mistakes will be made.

Allow these Essences to come forth into each of your Beings to help you acknowledge not just your lessons of this past year, but what are your achievements?

Your achievements are so very important, as they show you how far you have come, where you were before and the new doorways you walk through. These moments of understanding yourself and accepting the achievement is only the first step. It is when we try to push it aside and say “That’s okay, I did it” when you do not acknowledge your true worth.

In this moment in the New Year, if you have not already done so, sit down and make a list of what you have gone through in the past year or past years.

Where are you now?

How do you feel about your Consciousness?

How do you feel about your Emotions, your Thoughts?

What is the Core Belief going on within you about you?

No one else, nothing outside of yourself, just you. Create a mission statement for this year.

Put a personal mission of what you want to achieve based on what you have gone through previously. Believe me, the challenges will become more intense. The acceleration of the achievements will be more exciting. The Power and Love you have within your entire Beingness will be felt. You must feel it on all levels. The Essence of the Crystalline Ray coming into the Planet represents all of this. It represents the energies that you do not like to surface. It represents the ability to change them into the purest form. Some call this Death and Rebirth, Resurrection, and Movement into the Future. If you have been feeling intense changes happening within you, know that you are doing the right thing. It is when you stay stuck within that Energy that it does not serve your purpose. Everything is a lesson, even the moments you do not like. They are the deepest lessons of all.

The more you fall into the depths of your own despair, it will encase you deeper. The ability to access this Ray now on a more physical basis is our blessing. It is our blessing as it will wake up individuals, shake them up, allowing them to feel the vibration and change within them to move to the other side of the doorway if they are willing to do so. Each of us, each of you, take on an important role through this process. The more you allow yourself to be resurrected, to be healed, to find the Balance and Equilibrium within your life and your system, the more others will be able to do so.

It is like a Domino Effect. One does it, another does it. The Energy just keeps going and going. If no one does it, it stagnates. It does not go anywhere. Only because this Ray has been integrated within Gaia’s Core, it does not mean she is truly feeling it the way she needs to feel it.

Individuals around the world must call upon this Energy to assist their Divinity upon this Earth. It truly represents the ability to access the I AM Presence, the Source of Light that we are into the Physical Creation. This is what will assist her. Otherwise, destruction can result in many areas.

This is where Lord Ashtar comes in. We thank each of you who are continuing the work with him and with Walking Terra Christa. It is making a difference. We made changes during the retreat in Mount Shasta last year. Mount Shasta was doomed to have the worst storm in almost a decade. There was lots of wind and rain, but there was no snow. It did not stop the festivities of the retreat.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for working within these Energies. It is creating change. If we do not share it in this manner, others will not know that it can be done. So it is important to realize. Notice what happens in your own environment.

What happens in your own life as you work through these Energies?

It does not mean that every day is going to be perfect. It does not mean that you will not be tired or that you will not have the so called Ascension Symptoms. These levels of Frequency are arising within each and every one of us. What it does mean is that we are making progress.

Without Ascension Symptoms, there would be no progression. The Earth would be stagnant and falling apart, literally landmasses by landmasses. Yet that is not occurring as what was deemed to happen at this time. We would all not be here.
At this first meeting of our gathering, from our Hearts to Hearts of all Inner Earth Beings and all Upper Earth Beings, we connect with one another. We are making progress. I want each of you to realize this. Even though your challenges are great, look at the small achievements.

When you wake up one morning hearing the birds singing and you feel Lightness within your Heart, it is an achievement from where you may have been the day before. My greatest achievement is to see the progress that is being made within each of you individually and collectively. You are making a difference. We will create the New Earth the way it is supposed to be. Until that time, we have to utilize as many tools as possible to share them and expand upon them. Do not let the talks that are out there stop you from your true potential. I look forward to enjoying these Energies with each of you tonight.

My Blessings and Love are with each of you from my Heart to yours, from each of the Telosians and all the Inner Earth Cities. We are very joyful at this moment.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

I Am Lord Adama, Your Brother in Telos

Channeled Excerpt, New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light, Jan 5, 2015

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance

snow white lightWe are being giving a great gift this New Year’s with the infusion of the Crystalline Ray to come fully into GAIA’s core of Light on December 31st at midnight.

What does this mean?

This is the ray to use when you are going through major upheavals and conflicts.  Master Serapis Bey is partnering with Master Paul the Venetian to help all beings of this planet to feel their essence in preparation for the New Earth.  This light infraction will assist each individual to fully embrace the Harmony and Love that they desire.  2015 is being called “Embracing Harmony to send Love”.  It is ideal for each of us that this ray is now infused within the Earth.

Below is some descriptive information excerpted from our 22 Ray Challenge Program with a special decree.  Our suggestion is to read this decree aloud at the stroke of midnight to assist in grounding this wonderful Ray of Light.

Master Serapis is a Lord of Love and his One Purpose in Life is to free every individual from the recoil of impure causes and cores of limitations and disease which can cause distress on the mind, body, and spirit.  He has been the Chohan of the Fourth Ray since 400 B.C.  He also works very closely with Master Paul the Venetian, the Ray Chohan for the Third Ray of Active & Creative Intelligence.  They both have shared the energies of these beautiful rays and work hand-in-hand with each other.

Master Serapis Bey works with every initiate who chooses to be on the Ascension Pathway.  He assists in cleansing the aura of the individual within their Etheric Body and lovingly prepares those initiations which will help each candidate to transmute his lower nature.  If the candidate is willing to move further into their ascension process with deep earnest and study, he will assign a brother or sister from retreat in Luxor that will provide the candidate Opportunities so that they can achieve their Ascension in the Light as long as they can PERSEVERE through the process.  The experience for the initiate will enhance their ascension process so that they are not being punished or put into major lessons, but to fully expand their essence in the Light.  Opportunities create growth.

A Message from Serapis Bey:

Greeting My Fellow Comrades of the Light,

I am  very excited to speak to you in this moment.  We are at a very crucial time of elevation of the Light within the planet and it is important that each of us come together to understand that process.  If you spend too much time on the consciousnesses of your physical mind, then you will never be able to comprehend the changes and accelerations that you are experiencing as it will be filtered through the mind and not through your intuition.

Presently within the earth’s evolution there are so many energies that are being filtered within the planet so it may be a challenge to discern what is right and wrong in any given thought process.  It is imperative to work with the frequencies of Harmony and Balance of the Crystalline Ray to assist in the Divinity within your Soul’s Essence.  The true goal at hand is to fully express joy in all moments of being, but until an individual can fully access their full body system, and then it becomes convoluted in the process.  This is where the confusion sets in and then all of a sudden a person may not know what the truth is as the energy becomes intertwined not only within the Divine level but within the physical.  This is where Harmony and Balance needs to be utilized.

The power of your divinity lies within the truth of your soul’s essence.  Until you learn to tap into that aspect of yourself, then you are just being fooled by other energies you have encountered in previous lifetimes and timelines.  It take great diligence to continue to work through this process and I AM here to assist.

I enjoy so much in helping each initiate understand what they are experiencing deeply.   When this happens, this is when Divine Order sets in from your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  It make take quite some time to get to that perfect understanding but we in Luxor are here to help.

We also have a beautiful Golden Etheric City that is being built in the fifth dimensional NEW EARTH.  It is called Shashwam and resides in the Central United States within Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and now will move into Oklahoma.  So if you want to visit, please intend to come into the city and we will be happy to receive you to help you find balance and harmony within your life.

My main message at this time is to help you to remember and reflect on the Beauty that You Are.  It is important to remember these aspects of yourself to get through the trials and lessons of walking into mastership.  Please acknowledge your worth and your ability to be more than you are now or ever have been.

All my Light to each of you,

I AM Master Serapis Bey

Master Paul the Venetian has previously held the post of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance through Conflict.  He is stepping forward to partner with Serapis Bey as they work very closely with each other.

Paul is quite a perfectionist but very tolerant and sympathetic to each initate.  All he requires to have him work with you is sincere motivation that you want to achieve the desired results of walking into Mastery.  He brings forth the gift of gratitude very deeply.  He expresses the virtues of tolerance and selflessness.   He works within the Temple of Liberty where he achieved his ascension when it was established after the Fall of Atlantis.

His role with Master Serapis Bey is to bring forth the gift of gratitude through the challenges of resurrecting the old feelings and thoughts that are lodged within the earth’s atmosphere and within each individual.

Aspects of this Ray:

Ray No. 4 ~ Experiencing Pure Joy in Each Moment

Definition ~Harmony & Balance Through Conflict

Color: Crystalline

Chakra: Root

Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo

Chohan: Master Serapis Bey

Elohim Masters: Purity & Astrea

Archangels: Gabriel & Hope

Toning Sound: “LAM, OH”

Working with the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance is essential to every individual that walks unto the pathway of Mastery. This ray will assist in the process of “Resurrecting” the old into the new which is an essential component of Ascension.

On the Planetary level the ray represents the color of Green and can be very helpful in grounding while allowing the old parts of the Self to be removed and replaced with the essence of Purity. On the Universal level of the Crystalline color an individual is accessing the highest frequency of the light to be infused within the Root Chakra. It will allow the expansion of a person’s I AM to be fully revealed as the lower aspects are removed completely.

Since this ray is integrated within the Root Chakra whether it is on the Planetary or Universal level it truly aligns with the lower frequencies that can be held within the Root area such as fears, anger, frustration, jealousy, and all those lower energies that we do not like to think we hold within us. Working with this ray will totally assist an individual in fully changing these parts of the Self that can be lodged deeply within the Etheric Body, or Cellular Structure.

Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo truly bring forth this perfected grace as they embody the creative essence of God’s Divinity allowing it to be imbued upon each individual that accesses this frequency of light. The power of the Crystalline energies is a force that cannot be matched by any of the other rays. Whatever a person is dealing with in their life that seems insurmountable will be fully transformed when utilizing this ray of Harmony and Beauty.
The Higher Expression represents planning based on the blueprints of the Ascended Masters as in working with the New Earth Golden Cities and the Lower Expression would indicate working with the planning of the present Earth energies. A person that embodies this ray on a physical level would be very artistic in their pathway.

Characteristics: The ability to have an artistic development with creative ideas flowing; represents balance and equilibrium within an individual’s pathway while expressing Divinity and Growth; a deep compassionate nature that is very generous but yet is able to have the power to reveal the true path imbued with great physical courage.

Virtues To Be Aspired To: The pathway of resurrection, changing elements within Oneself for the Greater Whole, thereby allowing God’s purity of light to be fully within one’s thoughts and emotions, having a balanced four-body system to create One Body of Light; has the optimal ability to always have Hope no matter what the circumstances may be; great artistic development which can present itself in many areas of interest (painting, singing, and creating projects in various ways) along with flowing with the harmony of life. In turn these attributes allow an individual to be serene, mentally and morally balanced which helps them to gain self confidence and control..

Aspects to Avoid: Feelings of worry, lack of moral courage, being self-centered which creates an individual feel inadequate when dealing with others. This tends to create disharmony and discord.

Decree: Flowing with the Harmony of the Light I AM, © WTC 2014

It is now time for me to imbue the Crystalline Light,
Of Harmony & Beauty of the 4th Ray;
The Essence of this Ray is very powerful,
As it comes within my Root Chakra representing the Resurrection of My Being.

I call upon the energies of the Crystalline Light,
To full embrace me deeply;
It helps to remove all parts that do not fit with my new Reality,
That will be represented upon the New Earth of Terra Christa.

I see before me the beautiful Elders of Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo,
Representing the Elders from the Throne of Grace;
With a breath from their essence,
I feel their Crystalline White Lights coming towards me,
I stop and allow their essence to blend within mine;
My Child, please do not stop,
Flow with the energies as that is what they represent;
Breathe in the pure white light,
Breath out,
The aspects of Disharmony,
Worry about Your-Self,
Lack of Inner Respect;
While you feel the fluidness of Light,
Blend within and around you,
As it molds you into the Divine Being You Are.

I feel the parts of myself fully intertwined with the higher frequencies,
As I allow my I AM to fully be my guide;
I know this is just the beginning.

I continue further and see Master Serapis Bey,
Hold out his hands unto mine;
I feel his ecstatic personality shining deeply in my Heart,
And permeating through every aspect of my physical existence;
He now scans my body as he prepares me for my next initiation,
I feel the impurity of my existence now being removed;
As he extends to me his deep compassion,
For stepping into the world of Beauty and Harmony;
He says to me,
You are now ready for the next step;
This phase is your present Resurrection,
Of What has been;
Is now gone,
To prepare you for the Moment of your Rebirth.

Swirling colors of lights in crystalline forms
Are now blending within my Root area;
The old me is being readjusted,
To prepare for the next phase of my journey.

I then see the Elohim Masters of Purity & Astrea,
Standing before me;
With outstretched Arms of Light.
I feel their essence of the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love,
Now shatter all that I have been unable to accomplish on my own;
It is taking all my discomfort in all levels,
To be replaced by the Purity and Light That They Are.

They say unto me,
Just stand and hold onto the parts of your-Self that you know are true,
Blend within the frequency of perfection that You Are.

I feel this essence now become my essence,
Of the Purity and Divine Love;
As it flows within me,
In Waves of Beauty that I AM.

I am deeply honored to feel these beautiful Beings assist me in my physical creation,
It is flowing through me as I allow the changes to occur;
I cannot stop it,
It is now continuing and spinning me in many directions.

Then at this point,
When I think I have received it all;
I see the Archangels of Gabriel and Hope,
Embracing me with their Wings of Pure Light;
It seems as if Gabriel knows exactly what I need,
I feel my emotions changing deeply;
What was confusing before,
Now becomes totally clear;
He shows me the greatest Joy that I could ever imagine.

Then Archangel Hope shows me deeply the essence that I AM,
I Am radiating with the Deep Love of my Eternal Light that I AM;
She shares with me,
Every time you have a moment,
When it is not the true reflection of YOU;
Stop and expand within the Crystalline frequencies of God coming to you,
You must remember you are a Child of God,
In this amazing omnipresent Universe;
Expand this Light through you and around you,
Which will not only to balance your own life circumstances,
But all the parts that have made you in this form.

In this moment,
Feel your Creation;
Flowing with the Artistic rhythms of the Universe;
In the waves of the ocean,
In the movement of the wind,
In the warmth of the sun,
And upon the strength of the Earth.

I feel all of these elements within me,
I AM One and not separate as it may seem;
I feel the serenity flowing within me,
My mind stops and allows the fluids of all of this beauty,
To completely blend within me.

I stand with the sound of “OH” running through my head,
I allow it to come through to my voice;
As the purity of the Light of God,
Within the Crystalline Rays flow in and out of me,

I deeply sing;
I feel the equilibrium,
Between My Heart and My Mind;
Are now fully accepting,
God’s Purity Within Me.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

Blessings for an amazing year in 2015 EMBRACING HARMONY TO SEND LOVE.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Winter Solstice 2014 Global Gathering

Free Audio – Winter Solstice Sacred Ceremony


Join us for this free connection for these amazing energies we are experiencing in 2014. Walking Terra Christa has been holding their Winter Retreat in Mount Shasta with Saint Germain and this is our last ceremony together for 2014 to anchor the Higher Octave Frequencies within GAIA to form the foundatin for 2015.


We hope you will join us in the energies of this very important gathering!

Many Blessings for an amazing Holiday Season and New Earth Wishes for your New Year!

(If you have not seen our Holiday Gift to You, go here.)

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