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The Creative Process of 12-12 and 12-15-2014

2014 ACCELERATIONSThis is a month of powerful transitions and vibratory conditions on a personal and global level. Just as we get through one acceleration, another one is upon us. We don’t get much chance to stabilize ourselves through the process, but that is exactly what we need to do – create balance in order to receive harmony.

The teachings we have brought forth from the many ascended beings (Walking Terra have shared that this December does reflect the intensity of changes like 2012 but even more so. They have expressed that more people are now ready to awaken unto a higher reality. This can come in many stages; first a person can realize they need to do more in the psychological health so they seek a Coach in their life; then there are the ones that go for the Self-Help individuals. The journey can continue so that an individual then wants to learn how to meditate, find the silence of their life to enfold. These are the beginning stages of stepping into mastery but it is a long way. Until a person is ready to work within each of their four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, mental) in order to receive their spiritual body, then they truly are not within a mastery pathway. They have stepped into self mastery and it is up to each individual of how far they want to go with this process.

The Universe is helping every soul within this planet to arise to their own potential and their soul’s contract before they came to Earth. Many individuals are unable to realize this amazing opportunity due to the lower energies of fear, uncertainty, and staying stuck within their mental or concrete mind. It takes great courage to move through these adversities which may take many lifetimes.

No matter what level you are working within, the Universe helps us to become more within ourselves. The planetary energies are assisting GAIA to ascend into a new position; we call this her Ascension process. But unlike GAIA, we as humans are not leaving our bodies, we are descending these energies from our highest self into the physical existence. So we have to deal with the day-to-day frustrations of the physical body to accept the higher body of light. And, this cannot occur in one fast sweep of energetics. That is why we have ascension symptoms.

So the planets are becoming more aligned to allow the inhabitants of the earth to move through these processes. They can be very challenging but the most important element presently is to be in your Highest Essence which means accessing your Higher Self. This part of you cannot be fully integrated until the four-body system is cleared of debris that has been held for eons of time. We travel in our Etheric Body and that part of us remembers everything that we have ever experienced, good and bad.

So this is why we become challenged when these planetary accelerations occur for us. The Universal energies are helping us to come into alignment for the New Earth. That is why we have ascension symptoms. At the same time, the dark energies within and around the atmosphere are working double-time to make sure people do not awaken within themselves. They will cause reactions to occur within the mind, emotions, and body. Illnesses can occur easily that include headaches, tiredness, dizziness, emotional imbalances, feeling lost, etc. Wherever your weakness lies, the lower energy will activate it unless you work at it through the energetics. Don’t let these energies stop you; allow them to blending within you as you become One with Them.

We need to be very diligent with our protection protocols; to constantly connect within our breath to the higher levels of frequency. If you connect to the 144th dimension by counting upwards, you are fully going into Oneness; thereby, are able to fully integrate your I AM Presence, your Higher Self, and the ascended beings of light that are in oneness. Everything else is a much lower frequency. Then, you bring those energies down into your physical body; you become those frequencies. Now this takes a lot of practice; but doing it all through your day will assist you to receive the next level of awareness that is necessary for your transformation. The planetary accelerations are here to assist us; taking these steps daily will help to ground the energies into the full-body system.

12:12 ~ Cosmic Alignment

12:12 comes right after we experienced the Full Moon energies of balancing the Higher Mind within the Lower Mind. In fact, we are still within that frequency for a period of two weeks which takes us into the New Moon which activates on the 22nd of December.

Per the Mayan Oracle, 12 represents Complex Stability. It is the foundation of the self with the foundation of our higher essence with the mystical truth of polarity. It represents the Yin and the Yang, the Feminine and Masculine coming into alignment.

As we take that definition and apply it to the Full Moon on the 5th, it brings in the ability to meld the Higher Mind into the Lower Mind. Now mind you, the Higher Mind presents both the masculine and feminine energies as they blend within the Heart Center even though the masculine is the Mental Body and the Feminine is the Emotional Body. The Higher Mind is the Higher Heart within the concept of our Higher Essence. As the Higher Mind integrates within the Lower Mind, there becomes less confusion and confliction of the mental faculties; thereby, allowing the Intuition to become more acute which also represents the Mental Illumination and accessing the Feminine Divine.

So on this day we are receiving the next phase of our stabilization of allowing our Higher Essence to be more involved within our physical self. Take notice of the energies around you and how you are feeling with them. Allow yourself to bathe within the frequency to help you ground the essence that has been separated from you. It is part of the process of bringing forth the balance of your integrated self.

 12-15-12 – Uranus Square Pluto

December 15th poses another highly accelerated phase of light. In past times this planetary acceleration was considered to be very life changing and volatile to society. This planet is fully within its duality; the light and dark are fighting with each other constantly. We see it everywhere with protests, people wanting change, and trying to do so on a physical level. But yet, those of us that are working with higher levels of energy, know that it is not the right way to go about the changes presently. We have all been there; we have been the warriors and now it is time to put down our weapons and hold the light within us.

So this acceleration takes each of us into a new part of our existence. It is not easy to lay down your weapon when you have spent many lifetimes upholding the energies in the same manner. Change must result within each of us in order for the New Earth to occur. We cannot stand by and just allow these energies to make the changes but allow them to be within us so we can change.

The 15th is going to create these two planets to collide in a way that could cause more confliction within the GAIA’s essence. As lightworkers, we truly need to uphold our light as much as possible.

How do we do this when we are being challenged so greatly?

Again, it is important to be working within your tools that you have learned. Access the higher light frequencies and allow them to be grounded within you. Send them to the core of Gaia and call upon the Ascended Beings of Light to assist.

The Light and Dark can fully collide at this time. It is meant to do so to help each of us embrace the Light that we are. Now, we all now this can be challenging, but so rewarding. I believe that this frequency on this date is going to be the middle ground of changes to occur within each of us. If we allow our old timelines to be removed and access the positive timelines, then we are going to be giving this Earth a great service. We all understand on this pathway that we intuitively are accepting our light energies within us, but how do you do that.

Do you fully ground them into your Earth Star?

Are you sending them to GAIA within her core crystalline structure?

After a meditation, are you expanding the light you bring within yourself into the higher realms of the Earth so that her field can be expanded?

What Beings of Light are you working with and are they within the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension?

These are very important questions to consider as they will help to change the earth’s frequency into more light which means more individuals are going to be able to wake up within 2015. The Universe and Spiritual Hierarchy is asking for our help to hold these energies within so that others can awaken in the very near future.

Will the transition of these energies affect us personally?

Of course, they will. It may debilitate you as it is meant to allow the duality to stop but yet this earth is still very much within that process. Yes, we have more light than we have ever had before which is beautiful. But it is not enough. This earth is still fighting for her acceleration as many individuals around the planet are doing the same. We are in the midst of many storms both literally and physically. The weather patterns presently reflect that around the world.

So I ask, where are you in this equation?

Have you gone into the depths of your soul to pull out the darkness that has been there for eons of time which represents the fighting and being a warrior with aggression and only wanting to win?

On this day of the 15th it is important to pull as much light into you as you can handle. Hold it, ground it, be it as the darkness is trying to stop this as they did in 2012. We, as individuals, have a responsibility to be strong with our Will, Power, Love, Courage, Strength, Creating Harmony and Balance along with activation of the Love that We Are as we step into allowing the Freedom of the Self to be fully integrated. We can do it; but not alone – together with the Spiritual Beings of Light.

On another note, the 15th of December marks an important doorway for lightworkers to work more intimately with the Ray Chohans, the Karmic Board, and Master Confucius, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarian at the Royal Teton Retreat. I am sharing more about this bi-yearly opportunity in my blog entitled, “Doorway of Opportunity ~ December 15th ~ Royal Teton Retreat”.

This will be a day of many tests for all of us. It is then that we will celebrate on the 21st for the Solstice of 2014. The New Moon occurs on the 22nd which will help us to continue with the energies to allow the full grounding into the 31st of the month. It truly is a month filled with many blessings.

In Expressions of Oneness,
Christine Meleriessee
[Note from the author: As always, my writings do not just come from my Higher Presence but with the Oneness of the Unified Whole and Many Masters and Beings of Light I work with. I want to thank them for integrating their energies within me through this writing and encouraging me to write in this manner.]

Many blessings to everyone.

P.S. We have a free Holiday Gift for all those who want to assist in creating the New Earth through Ascension Mastery.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Discovering the Higher Vibrations of Reality via the 12:12

nasa_earthriseThere is a great challenge in sharing something new with others. I am talking about something really new; new for everyone, not something that you have never tried before but something that didn’t even exist before.

If your friend goes to see a movie and tells you it was really special, you already understand what a movie is, how it works and what to expect. You won’t know what makes it special but you have a context of what you will experience.

But what about something like skydiving or visiting a remote Caribbean island paradise that you have never experienced? Well even then, you have a context of skydiving from stories, movies or the YouTube experiences of others. You understand the beauty and exhilaration that you might experience. You have a context of expectation.

When it comes to something completely new, something only a very few have a context for, like the feeling and magical wonder of being weightless, that is something you can’t easily share.  Any astronaut will tell you that it is not just the weightlessness but that moment when you see that majestic “blue ball” of planet Earth floating in the middle of the universe; that is the moment when your entire context for your life drastically alters forever.

At that timeless moment you come face to face with how infinitesimal you are compared to such magnificence; and yet you are also powerless against coming to a deep realization that you feel so magnetically connected to that blue ball of wonderment; that you are so much a part of it within each bone of your body. Even more mind blowing is that there is something else you begin to understand.

For the first time in your life you suddenly fully grasp something you thought you knew but now realize your prior understanding was nothing more than an idea, just as a blind person has no concept of true sight. You now feel a sense of all-encompassing energy tingling every hair on your body. What you felt initially at first sight of the blue planet out your little window is nothing compared to what you now feel, something else that brings you to tears of utter amazement. It is the mind numbing awareness that every single living being upon that glorious little gem poised in the heavens is each traveling in the same direction. Each person, each animal; they are all on the same object, having the same experience, going through the same journey.

You realize each one is part of the same family; that each one is a brother or sister to each other. It is so utterly apparent to you now.

But it is a moment that mere words, stories, even movies can only pale in comparison to the actual experience itself. Only the one who is there physically seeing that grand vision can fully know what it really means. They are the only one who will experience firsthand the deep altering within his or her conscious awareness.

This is what happens when you are bold enough to venture beyond experiences which already have a context in your understanding.

Would you easily take on going to a movie if the only experience you ever had was listing to a radio? It would be a mind blowing experience to get into a 3D surround sound THX theater to say the least.

But for the true adventurer, the reward is greater than the risk.

It is the same exact process when we open ourselves up to taking on the Ascension Mastery pathway. We really have no context of what it is going to be like because there is nothing in our life that can prepare us.

What happens to you on the Ascension Mastery path, at least as we experience it here, cannot really be understood any more than you know just what it is to see the Earth from space.

Today the 12:12 is a tremendous gateway of light. We have written about it under our posts section on our website, but it is our goal to have you start to experience it firsthand for yourself, if you are going to be so bold to do so.

This is a very powerful gateway that significantly represents opening yourself up to Higher Frequencies. But like anything else in life that requires a personal stake be made in order to get results, you have to consciously create the experience for yourself within your physical reality. You won’t learn how to skydive by reading a book or watching a movie about it and even though the work of Ascension Mastery seems at first glance to be a subject that is about spirituality, not physicality, it could not be more physical.

It is the process of seeing life from a different vantage point. It is the process of discovering that you are more than you ever thought you were. It is about going into different dimensional realms of awareness that you have never experienced before. It is about having an ongoing series of experiences that only you can fully understand.

It does not mean you will immediately discover what you have not known, as any type of human learning of a new skill or ability can take time. But you will make progress in discovering the unknown. You will build up your understanding and comprehension. Still, you won’t be able to explain it very well either. And that may be exactly what makes the journey of mastership so amazing. It is indeed like nothing else on Earth or beyond.

Here are some of the thoughts we get when our listeners try to put these experiences in words.

“I felt so lucky… so blessed… so special to be with my family of beloved Masters; LOVE is what I felt… a fullness… a warmth… a happy heart; it felt…  HOLY   ~   Thank you.”

“I ALWAYS leave a call feeling so much love, compassion, joy, and a sense of belonging that I never experienced before…”

“The conferences… are so amazing you need to experience one in order to appreciate the full impact it will have on your life.”

“Every call seems more powerful than the one before. In reflecting over this past year, I can see and feel the massive changes that have taken place for me. I am finally able to see a progression…”

“…just blew my socks off. It was so powerful and I felt it so strongly…”

In order for you to be better prepared to accept the 12:12 energies of these 2013 frequencies yourself, we are sharing with you part of our weekly teachings that we held this week as we visited the 22nd Golden Etheric City of the New Earth (city of Havelanchee as part of the New Earth Consciousness Circle of Light weekly tel-teaching). In this journey meditation teaching we hear from Lord Melchizedek, who is in charge of the Brotherhood (Sisterhood) of White Light, as he guides us into feeling the energies of this gateway. Listening to this recording as soon as possible will assist more.

Those who set their intentions to step into the energies of this portal of Light knowing beforehand that they do not know what they will experience, we be able to have a deeper experience than others listening to the same audio. This is a 30 minute excerpt from the full 90 minute teaching which prepares you even more as one consciously on the ultimate Mastery pathway.

audio-2Enjoy the grounding and we thank you in advance for your conscious active participation in anchoring these Higher Light Frequencies for Humanity as you will experience them. This is just a step in opening your awareness to more than you imagined. Yes it may involve accepting not only Beings of Light but the art of channeling by Reverend Meleriessee, which may seem very New Age (but is actually very an ancient art of accessing the Oneness). Many Blessings.


©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically in its full entirety with no alteration on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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12:12 ~ A Portal of Divine Awakening

blue white lightTwelve represents a doorway of complex stability.  It is the foundation of the self with the incoming essence of union representing the mystical truth of polarity.  This means that the higher part of our consciousness is coming into full creation to allow for the wisdom, strength, and stability that each of us brings forth into the essence of Gaia through our polarity of Yin and Yang.

12:12 represents a Master number which means the intensity of this number is being reflected through our Divine Creation to be an opportunity to be more of ourselves than we were in the previous moment.  It represents the ability to step more into our physicality with the true divine essence that we are from the Creative Source.  In the state of Oneness we are both male and female essences which is an alignment of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  This essence is available to each of us within our own creation at this opportune time of our existence.

12-12-12 was a powerful opening into a new way of existence upon the Earth.  Not everyone was able to experience this invitation into the cosmic reality due to the influx of darkness that still reigned within our planet.  So we took time to reflect, meditate, and allow the energies to enfold within each of us in preparation for the year 2013.  At that time, there was great disappointment amongst many individuals as the energetic exchange was not what we thought it would be.  What it did do for us is prepare us for the year of synchronization of 2013 so that more preparation could be done within each individual soul.  2013 has proved to be a very challenging, but amazing year of accelerations and continuation of the energies on multi-dimensional levels.

We have stepped into a world that has offered alignment into the Universal Movement of what each of us as a soul represents.  It has created an inter-dimensional shift in so many ways for humanity.  We started the journey Home to ourselves, our Higher Essence to be fully embodied within our physical existence.  This is something that many masters of the God Force did not foresee how it would occur.  We have stepped into a world that has taken each of us individually to see more of ourselves and the journey continues to this day.  In order to experience Oneness we must find that Oneness within ourselves.  So we are on a pathway to find our Multi- Dimensional selves; some of these remembrances have been challenging but they need to be in order to fine the Divine Essence within us.

We have now arrived once again into the 12:12 Portal of Light, but this year it represents something more complex within each of us.  Throughout this year the world has changed greatly; some of it in small ways and in other parts, it is still struggling.  The world is not ready for completely unification as yet so each of us as the light worker we are must strive to be in completely unity of the self.  But the steps cannot be skipped, they must be experienced one-by-one.  Each individual person is experiencing these elements in many different ways depending upon their physical consciousness, the depth of the soul psychological pathway they have stepped upon, and how it relates to their physicality.  There are so many variables that are occurring depending upon where our goals lie as a Being of Light and how to incorporate it within the physical existence.  2013 has proven to be a year of complete realignment within our self awareness, within Gaia, and the Universal structure.

12:12 represents a doorway but yet it includes a stabilization of what we have already experienced.  If we look back through each of the accelerations of this year, the doorways of opportunities have taken us deeper into the core of our true selves.  Isn’t that what Oneness represents?

We must remove the outer forms that have protected us from this harsh world so that we can see our inner strength.  We are the Torch Bearers and previously we were the Light Warriors.  We came into this plane of existence to fight for the freedom of the Light into Gaia but now that has changed.  We have learned through the process that fighting others is not truly in Oneness.  Creating arguments just to be ‘right’ is not right at all.  It is control and defiance.  That is truly not what the alignment of Oneness represents.  We must let go of all the old pantheons that have kept us as warriors and in bondage.  Now we find a new part of ourselves being borne.  This is truly what this year has represented to many individuals.  We keep going to deeper levels in order to find our highest truth to be revealed.  It does not come from the lower mind but the Higher Mind of our Higher Consciousness.

This time last year Master Thoth aligned himself with his higher essences of the Great Divine Director and Master Einstein.  Master Thoth has been on the Unified Whole Command for quite some time before this happened and much longer in the planning stages as the element of Oneness is an important aspect not only within Earth but within all the dimensional frequencies of the 144th level.  They now fully work within each other along with all the other Ascended Beings associated with the Unified Whole.  They have done this to help all of creation and this represents humanity of Gaia.

This year 12:12 represents more of the same frequencies but on much deeper levels.  It will be different for each individual depending upon their own awareness, their inner truth, the soul psychological work that has been done, and how they integrate those essences within their physicality.

As we have transformed into a new essence throughout this year, 12:12 is taking us to a new level of responsibility while creating a foundation through our multi-dimensional selves.  As we come more into balance aligning with our Cosmic Essence, they will take us into deeper levels of our Beingness.  The higher vibrational energies are being acknowledged by each of us in different ways.  We are becoming more inter-galactic and allowing those essences to merge within our physical consciousness.  This is creating a stable environment for the earth so that changes do not have to occur as so many think that they will.  It represents a power of light to be infused upon this earth and to remove the dark thought processes that go on in our every day life in corner pockets around the globe.  If each of us individually takes time to allow these energies to blend within us, take what we need, and then give it to Gaia, that is going to help to expand the consciousness of humanity.

On 12:12 it is a time of pure reflection to allow the portal of light to be fully accepted by each of us through our physicality and allowing the vehicle of our Higher Self to show us the way.  We have to understand that as the Earth consciousness accepts this new reality that is when the changes can occur.  Each person will experience it differently depending upon their spiritual progress as a master in training accepting the light frequencies within them.  Some may access more DNA, some may feel their Merkabah is being activated, but it won’t happen without the assistance of each Higher Self and having a conscious reality of the process.  It does not mean that every living person on this earth is ascending but they have the opportunity to do so.  What it does mean is that life is changing here on Earth.  The darkness is going to be hit once again with the influx of these energies and it is up to each of the Lightworkers to stand within their own power to receive what they can and then give it to others.  It is not ours to hold at all.

I know that some schools of thought say that the earth will ascend and everyone on this pathway is going with it.  What will be left is the 3rd dimensional energies of darkness.  Believe it or not, five years ago I felt the same, but that has all changed due to December 2012 and into the present time frame.  We are healing this earth and the souls that do not want to go on this pathway will cease to exist.  The planet is changing into a higher frequency but it seems so very slow because many of us are tired.  That is when the light needs to become brighter than it ever has been before and illuminate the entire planet.  Souls are perishing as they are ready to go to another dimension and do their own work that is placed upon them.  Each of the activations that we receive in the planetary system is assisting humanity on a deeper level.  But as initiates of the mastery pathway, we have chosen to be here just as the others have done before us.  We have returned from Atlantis and Lemuria to make the necessary adjustments and not experience another tragedy on this Earth.

12:12 represents another opportunity to allow the cosmic energies to enfold within our being to create polarization of light within us.  As this occurs, we accept the next part of our cosmic energy to be physically put in place depending on your growth and awareness.  Walk through this doorway with the excitement of a child but yet with great courage and strength.  We are being acknowledged from all levels of existence through the Inner Earth Beings, Christed Inter-Galactics, the Spiritual Hierarchy of Mastery, Great Central Suns of all frequencies, the Angelic Realm, and all essences within the Unified Whole as we become more unified within ourselves.

It is important for each of us to be balanced as we can be thrown off easily by the lower energies still trying to create havoc, but through each acceleration, we are learning more about our courage and strength from all of our multi-dimensional selves being acknowledged presently.  The energies we are experiencing now are going to assist us to be stronger for 2014.

Blessings for the integration of our personal oneness within,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Meleriessee wrote this article with the assistance of the higher beings of light.  She is a divine communicator of the Unified Whole who has traveled the pathway of mastery for over 20 years.  She is fully integrated with her Higher Self and I AM Presence.  This writing is a collaboration of the Cosmic Energies working with her.  For a pure channeling message on 12:12 please see “Expect the Unexpected”.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Expect the Unexpected ~ 12:12 Energies

planet_sky-fbA Special Edition of New Earth Frequency Update ~ Unified Whole Command of Oneness reflects on the energies of 12:12 ~


Due to the changes that we are experiencing in December 2012, we would like to share some vibrational energies to help create an understanding within the physical mind.  We are the Unified Whole representing the Source of Creation from the 144th dimension.

We come today as a group consciousness so to speak as we want each of you to sit and breathe deeply by allowing your Higher Essence to come into your physical being.  Do not read the words without perceiving the energies.  We do this for one reason:  12:12 is not about understanding the process but going through the doorway without an expectations.

Due to the advancement of your world there is so much information available for each individual soul.  It is for this reason that we want you to feel our essence which in truth is your essence as We are One.  If you can have that experience, then the resulting moment will be acceptance, because you will not receive all of this information we share.  You will bring into yourself the aspects of your Self that are awaiting to be acknowledged.

This is exactly what 12:12 represents to each individual soul.  As you progress upon your spiritual pathway, there are times in many moments when reflection is needed in order to receive more.  On a cosmic level the energies are shifting dramatically and Earth is the focal point of these creative energies to be infused within her existence.  Within the creation of Earth there is each of you.  The human beings that have chosen to arrive to assist the planet.  Bur first, the assistance, must come to each of you in your physical self as you are like the child relearning everything that you already know.  We know it can be frustrating but we are here to assist.

Physicality is an element of existence that is perceived as the ultimate challenge of acceleration.  Humans have the ability to be many things, but yet they can persist to resist what they truly know to be true.  Each of you as lightworkers have stepped away from that arena and are standing at the forefront of a new world.  But yet some of you still perceive life from a cosmic experience without the infraction of the physical body.  Some expect to be taken care of and when an acceleration occurs, you may think that the frequencies of light will whisk away all that is not good in your reality.  Remember, one thing:  you chose to be on this Earth to give service and in return you would receive the highest elevation of light that your body could hold.  But you would have to ground it into a foundation and it may take quite a long time due to the past timelines in all levels of dimensions you have experienced.  The energy would be given to you but you must be RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SELF.

We mention these words because it is important to realize that there are so many elements still inflicting upon your planet and this is why these changes happen for acceleration.  As you are accelerated, you will accelerate others.  It is part of the process.  As each of us stepped into Unity Consciousness, others followed including Planet Earth.  But yet, when you step into that consciousness, it is not immediately rectified.  Steps then need to be taken to rid the previously lower energies out of the consciousness.  Each of us experienced this element and each of you are experiencing it also.  In order to be in wholeness we first must look at the separate parts.

So now that brings us to the element of acceleration and 12:12:13.  Yes, this year has proved to be tremendously life changing to each of you.  You have stepped into the world of removing elements that do not fit your purpose in order to receive more.  We are so happy to see so many experiencing the effects of the planetary accelerations.  It makes us look at the entire process from the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 until now to see how powerful and wonderful the experience has been for so many.  Gaia is learning to heal just as each of you are so it brings us great joy to see how well it is going for so many.  For some, it is much more difficult and they will be unable to accept the changes that need to occur; but yet, each of you as an initiate are the pride and joy of all ascended masters.  There is hope for a new world to evolve which still will take some time.

12:12 represents another doorway of light.  You have created a new foundation every time you experienced an acceleration.  It is important to stabilize the energies presently as this month of December at the end of the year is magnificent and will be a vision within you to see the depth of your soul.  Many will feel high energies within them through the process and many will accept more of their Light Body.  We caution you though that you must ground everything that is occurring for you and not to hold onto any of the energies as that is not for you as an individual but to share it with Gaia and others around you.

Experiences are happening everywhere within the planet.  Many of them you are not hearing about; sometimes you only see the ones that are devastating.  All of this is in balance and part of the transformative process that is necessary.

During this phase it is important to have the realization of No Expectations.  It is when you try to perceive what is about to happen that you dislodge any future accelerations that will occur not to happen.  That is when you put your physical mind, the lower mind in place and then the expectation cannot be accepted due to the lack of integration of your Higher Self.  Many of you are still struggling with the essence of your higher self to be fully integrated.  Please do not worry about this element.  Remember you probably have 500 or more timelines that you are healing through and each acceleration is helping you to do so.

What we want for you at this time is full acceptance of the energies.  Balance yourself by feeling the foundation that you have created.  This is the best advice we can give.  Anything less than that will cause the foundation to crack and possibly put you back a few notches.  When you have a strong base to stand upon, nothing can upset you.  That is when you can receive more.

These energies that are coming in are to help humanity be more to each other.  So let’s start with the Self first and fully embrace the light and love that your higher consciousness is giving to you.  It will help you through the end of the year and into 2014.

It is our desire to always walk with each of you within this frequency.

We come to you with the Commanding energies of the Unified Whole, Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein, Archangel Metatron and Michael, Lord Melchizedek and the entire God Force.

Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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