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Initiating the Metatronic Seals in Preparation for 11:11

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Lord Metatron Speaks About The Seals and Preparation for November 11, 2015.
Transmitted by Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa

I AM Lord Metatron and my role in this moment is to share some important facts about what is occurring for each of you during this intensified time of great change. I am excited to be part of each of your essence as you read this message. I bring with it intertwined with higher light frequencies to help you relax and be One within yourself.

Let’s all take a deep breath together as we move from the space of physical existence into the space of multi-dimensional essences coming together as One.

This is truly the journey that each of you has stepped upon within your physical body. You are learning how to access the other parts of your existence while still being grounded in your life. Or are you?

That is a big question, because as the transitions of each planetary acceleration comes into focus, you change with each small increment of light that occurs within you and around you. You are moving so quickly that at times you are unsure who you are and what is becoming of you. The movements of light frequency are moving so fast that it is hard to ascertain within the physical self what is occurring in each moment.

This year of 2015 has been tremendous for every soul upon this planet. But the ones that are aware of the other dimensional frequencies that it almost feels like you may be in a science fiction movie. Your life has change, but yet it has not. You are traveling by the speed of light into another phase of your multi-dimensional self. But yet, parts of that self are not aligned with who you are, on the Earth. So there can be much confusion that occurs through this process.

Please do not allow the lack of understanding that you have held you back from the potentiality that is occurring. You are not crazy; you are moving very quickly and by the speed of light. But yet, your body has to catch up to the higher part of your essence that is trying to become integrated within your four-body system.

That is truly when the confusion sets in because the Mental Body is trying to figure out all it is all happening within the mental structure that you have always known. But that is impossible, because your Mental Mind of the physical self can never understand what your Divine Mind is creating for you. Until you are able to sit back, allow yourself to enjoy the ride you are on, then you will always be in this state of confusion.

Many of you are so very gifted that you have the ability through your psychic abilities to perceive realities that are truly beyond your comprehension of the physical world. This is when you can activate only your Third Eye, instead of your Divine Mind. It happens very easily with those souls that enter into the body and realize there is more to their reality than what others may think. The problem is that these souls are only accessing their Third Eye and Crown Chakra. The rest of the chakras do not become initiated in the process. This is only because training has to occur within the physical reality.

So what has occurred since the Equinox is that more light elements are becoming activated within the planet. Every person that has the ability to tap into these realities do so within their higher chakras which means the lower chakras become lost and confused. The Etheric Body is not initiated within the process so the old emotional and mental elements from the past timelines become very activated as the frequency of light comes into the four-body system all of the chakras are initiated through this process. So the mental attitude of the physical system can be relating on the third dimensional construct as that is the only way that part of the bodily functions can relate; but, yet, the upper chakras are becoming so very active that it causes hyperactivity within those areas.

The Heart Center is the core of the upper and lower chakras so it will be hit the hardest with the dysfunctional thoughts and emotions that are being emitted. This is, when the true work needs to occur in order for the body to accept the higher accelerations, all parts must be initiated.

Individuals that have a difficult time relating emotionally will also be a target for these energies to create mass confusion within their system. This is because they can be interacting only within the mental faculties instead of a balanced heart of the Masculine and Feminine Divine. So the important focus during this time is to allow the Higher Mind, the Divine Mind to have the accessibility within your four-body system. This can only occur as you allow the frequencies of light to intertwine within all of your chakras so that the higher chakras can be initiated through the changes that are occurring.


I am a soul that has embodied upon the planet of density. The environment can be very disrupting to my higher thoughts. But yet, I know I have timelines from other lifetimes that are lodged within my lower chakras. So I will take the time to let the lower chakras know what the higher chakras are experiencing and vice versa. I now call upon my Solar Angel, the Bridge to my Higher Self to assist me within the process.

What I am trying to convey to each of you is that you cannot forget any part of your existence. You must acknowledge all parts of your bodily functions, all the chakras, your Etheric Body, and your Higher Self and Divine Mind which is your I AM Presence. Your Solar Angel will assist you to connect to your Higher Self, the first step of acknowledging your Divine Self. This is mastered within the 4th Initiation of Mastery.

The intensity of the energies will increase from this point forward into 11:11. And, they will not stop at that point.

My question is:   How much are you willing to do for yourself in order to walk through the doorway into your next reality that is trying to be One with you?

What have you gone through in the last three months?

Make a list of your challenges, but yet your successes. Try to reflect on how you felt in August, then in September, and now at this stage of your acceleration.

Taking these steps will allow you to know more of whom you are, what you desire, and possibly what you did to help you get through the challenges more easily?

Allow your chakras to become more intertwined with the higher frequencies. Work with the Rays of God to increase the energy you can hold in your full body system. The more you are able to hold at this time, the more you will able to understand as the 11:11 becomes increasingly closer.

The beautiful part of these present energies is that once you have the ability to hold one small fragment of light within yourself, you will see the change that occurs within you. When you feel the increased light, and then forget about it, this will frustrate you as your body won’t be able to hold it. In order to ascend into the fifth dimensional level of existence, your light infractions must change, but it’s not just about the light. It is about your shadow side and what needs to be adjusted, removed, and then the readjustment will happen.

Please know that these planetary alignments will continue and it is up to you to look to see how you were able to get through the change and realign your entire system.

This I call, Gaining your Nuggets of Wisdom, because it represents the journey from the beginning to each moment. Every time you feel differently, you may act differently. You will readjust within your four-body system to allow for the increased energies to be held not only within your consciousness but within your seven body system.

The potential of the future energies is to be able to hold these frequencies, but you must know what you need to do in any given moment. The only way to do that is to understand what you have gone through, what tools did you use, were those tools helpful, and how you felt afterwards to that you could balance your light within the body.

Doing all that I suggest will assist you to receive more of the Metatronic Seals that are destined to be part of your reality. Many individuals think that the seals represent an essence that is already part of their existence. Part of this statement is true, but in order for them to be revealed within your physical you must be able to access them through your Divine Mind, your I AM Presence. Your Solar Angel is your friend and ally to help you acknowledge the Higher Part of yourself. It is important to connect to this part of your existence. As of June 2015 during the Solstice, all Solar Angels were initiated to work with all souls upon this planet.

My role is to help individuals such as each of you how to de-ascend your Highest Essence into the physical consciousness in order for the Metatronic Seals to become a true reality. I am truly exhibiting the highest frequency of light within the planet as that is one of my tasks, along with Master Vywamus and Lord Saint Germain to help as many souls to have true remembrance within their essence as a physical being. I am working with my colleagues and several others to bring forth an understanding of what needs to be accomplished in order to fully activate and actualize the Metatronic Seals that have been waiting to be revealed for each of you.

What are the Metatronic Seals?

The Metatronic Seals represent 12 steps of creation from the Golden Solar Angel and Solar Angel that you are that are being embodied within the physical body. The seals assist in creating the multi-dimensional self within the physical and are a step-by-step process to allow the existence of your I AM Presence to be fully acknowledged within your physical consciousness and bodily structure.

The seals are not just integrated but each initiate must go through a process within themselves to accept the higher seal within their physical body. They work hand-in-hand with the initiation process of mastery to help the initiate to command the higher light forces while grounding the essence they represent. It brings forth the ability to access the characteristics of each seal within your physical life, through the energetic transmission that occurs within each of the seals. They assist in your journey of the mastery within your life.

Each soul is activated with a Star Glyph which holds the ability to bring forth all 12 seals. They are protected by the Guardians of the Metatronic Light. When an individual is ready to accept the work that needs to be done, the Guardians along with myself will help direct the energies within you. Now each seal is a step-by-step process to be acknowledged within the four-body system. They align with the Initiations of Mastery which allows a soul to fully access their full mastery through the process.

The Seals are represented by these characteristics:

  1. Integration
  2. Grounding
  3. Masculine Essence
  4. Feminine Essence
  5. Integration of Masculine & Feminine Divine
  6. Awareness of Wisdom through the Ages
  7. Acceleration of Wisdom
  8. Application of Wisdom/Gifts
  9. Remembrance of Angelic Presence
  10. Special Gifts and Knowledges of the Past
  11. Accessing all Parts – Formlessness, angelic, intergalactic, inter-planetary, human and work on the Inner Plane in between lifetimes
  12. Induction into Service with Lord Metatron of the Illumination of the Golden Flame

The activation of the Star Glyph allows for the seals to be initiated within your consciousness. When the seals are initiated, it is then your responsibility to continually work within the seals. Initiation of your Golden Solar Angel is Actualization (fully embodying) your I AM Presence. You become One of all things within you, the multi-dimensional self fully actualized in your physical body.

I have been working with Walking Terra Christa through several classes to assist in this process. Otherwise, it occurs naturally as you walk through each of the doorways of the initiation process. I am continuing this work with them to help align individuals to the Seals in their Awakened State of Awareness.

This time upon the Earth is challenging, but it is rewarding not only as a soul, but a spirit of the Light inhabited within the physical body. By utilizing the Metatronic Seals, you will be able to access your multi-dimensional self in a way that you have never achieved previously.

Again, please remember what has occurred for you previously and how you were affected by it. Knowledge is a very important element and you cannot gain the Wisdom without experiencing the knowledge first-hand.  This is why the Metatronic Seals are so very important.

The process that you are experiencing without the knowledge of the seals will still take you into a journey of mastery. But, utilizing all tools to help you through the doorways along with accepting the present energies to become You, will truly assist you in a more focused manner.

I walk with you through every step of the way and honor each of you for opening your heart unto your Divine Essence to become manifested upon this Earth.

All my blessings in Light and Love of the Christed Essence We Are,

Lord Metatron

Note: Lord Metatron will be hosting our next class in the Ascension Clinic series “HIGHER GROUNDING”,  on Saturday, October 31st, 2015 at 1 PM Pacific, 4 PM Eastern. Click here to learn more about what the class offers and why you may desire to participate.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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