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Fifth Dimensional Ascension Mastery

quote-journeydeepboxEnter The Path of Fifth Dimensional Masterysm

Begin your Journey of Learning to Become an Ascended Master.

What is the New Earth? What is the Fifth Dimension?

Terms like these are showing up everywhere recently but what do they really mean at the heart of the matter?

We are not a political organization nor a religious one. What we do goes beyond any form of distinction that separates one person from another. Each soul on earth is a Divine soul seeking to rediscover that Divinity Within.

We bring you Spiritual Education. We provide Training to Evolve your Body, Mind and Spirit like nothing you have yet been able to experience, regardless of if you are a seasoned learner or brand new in seeking to understand something greater than yourself .

We are “the teacher’s teacher” bringing forth the knowledge and understanding all future Leaders of a planet that is in group Unity and Oneness will require to Walk as a Fifth Dimensional New Earth Leader upon our beloved Earth, the blue planet we call GAIA.

Each Soul must become that leader within to then be it without. This is the SHIFT that is spoken about by many but understood only by a few.

This shift in consciousness is no less significant than moving from the stone age into the agricultural age, or the industrial age into the age of modern computer circuitry.

This shift requires nothing less than moving dimensionally in both your awareness and your lifestyle. You must go from where you have been as a third dimensional being into becoming a Fifth Dimensional human.

We teach souls how to co-create the New Earth. We provide the instruction and the vibrational frequency training you require to change your dimensional perspective because it is not something that one is able to learn easily, nor can it be done alone.

Albert Einstein is famously quoted as instructing us that a presently existing condition can not be changed from the perspective that created it.

As the beloved Mahatma Gandhi instructed, each soul upon earth is required to be the change they wish to see in the world. And yet, how can a soul do that if they do not know how?

The Fifth Dimensional New Earth Explained:

Those legendary mythological beings of light who lived and walked upon the earth in pre-ancient days all understood how to Resonate in Oneness.

However over the many eons of time, the original teachings became fragmented and essentia understandings were lost; the once true wisdom faded and only pieces remained.  We can be like them. We can be the solution. You can be like them. You can be a co-creator of the New Earth.

  • The Fifth Dimension Is An Ascended Earth Of Enlightened Humans Who Understand Who They Are And What They Do.
  • The New Earth Is One of Global Peace, Global Unity and Global Oneness.
  • It Is The Created Terra Christa. It Is The Realm Of The Ascended Masters. The Realm Of Unity Where Spiritually Advanced Beings Walk Physically Side By Side With Humans.
  • Attaining The Oneness Of The 5D Existence Requires The Deep Knowledge Of The Often Mysterious Science of Ascension Mastery.
  • It Is The Accessible Practical Understandable Teachings From The Beings Who Govern The Brotherhood Of White Light.
  • It is Traversing The Pathway Of Accessing The Deep Knowing Of Your Own Essence As A Soul, Not Just As A Human Living In One Lifetime, But Across ALL Lifetimes.

Click here to watch our short video in understanding what you can experience on this Ascension Mastery Path to the Fifth Dimension that we are teaching.

Our website teachings, sessions and healing modalities are specifically for those individuals seeking knowledge, clarification, training and assistance on what the 5D is really all about. Getting there is actually the paramount journey into the most dramatic, challenging, rewarding and glorious discoveries. The discoveries of the TRUE SELF. 

The Fifth Dimension is Ascension Mastery

In order to bring your Highest Essence into your full body system, it requires Discovering what you have forgotten over lifetimes (timelines) about Who You Are. It is Rejecting what others have condition within you about Who You Are. To say that you have been “collecting and losing pieces” along the Journey would be a grand understatement.

The Fifth Dimension is a state of being where there are no illusions, no hidden secrets, not just in the community we call society, but within ourselves. What is within is mirrored without. It can be no other way if we desire to live in global joy, harmony and peace.



We offer these Direct Paths to Begin Your Journey… Why Not Start Now?

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The Academy Board is over-lighted officially by many Ascended Masters and Beings of Light including the Christed Galactic Races that work within the Unity of Oneness to assist accelerating the pathway of student initiates upon Gaia in the most direct route now accessible. Mel and Mike are the Master Guides teaching Ascension Science & Soul Psychology so you can learn how to walk into the 5th Dimension.quote-wtcacadamyboxWhat most people do not understand is that one must clear and elevate their own frequency in order to access the New Earth.

The Academy is set up in a part-time distance learning format to facilitate easy access for the typical adult who seeks a true spiritual energetic foundation in all aspects of their life.

The Academy hosts weekly audio tele-teachings for our collective healing with vibrational journey meditations and high frequency channeled transmissions from the Spiritual Hierarchy consisting of the Ascended Masters, Avatars and Christed Galactic Beings. These Beings assist using the Rays of God as the essential methodology required of all Ascended Beings. Weekly instructions include the Great Cosmic Central Sun as Divine Mother-Father God and the Spiritual Masters including Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, the Capitol City of Lemuria that is physically located in the 5th Dimension within the Inner-Earth.

The city of Telos is held to be within one of the Seven Sacred Mountains of the world: Mount Shasta in Northern California. Tibetan Buddhists, who have 28 specific criteria a mountain must meet to be called sacred, have a monastery in the city of Mt. Shasta as the mountain is the only one in the USA that meets all 28. It is considered spiritually to be akin to the realm of Shamballa, a mythical place housed secretly somewhere in the vast mountainous regions of Eurasia in the vicinity of Tibet.

Shasta is also considered by many to be the sister mountain of Mt. Fuji in Japan from which many Japanese tourist visit here.  Ascended Master Saint Germain and his teachings are prevalent as are many other Masters. In addition to individual Personal Mastery Sessions, Walking Terra Christa’s offered programs also include live Journey Retreats within the Mount Shasta area so you can physically receive the sacred vortex vibrations within your body.

We have many teachings and attunements to assist your full body system to raise your vibration that are free in both text form on our BLOG SITES and in audio for download listed in our free MP3 LIBRARY:

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About The Instructors

About Mel and Mike of Walking Terra Christa
Click image for more on Mel & Mike

Mel (Reverend Christine “Meleriessee” Hayden): With decades of spiritual instruction by the Ascended Master’s directly through her own visionary channeling* abilities including adept medical intuitive healing and extensive Shamanic training, Rev. Christine Meleriessee assists tens of thousands of Lightworkers, Intuitives, Healers, and Starseeds. Formally ordained under Dr. Joshua David Stone’s Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy in 2003, she expands upon Master Joshua’s (Dr. Stone) expansive body of academic work since his departure from earthly physicality. Through her own transmissions and vibrational instruction of the Rays of God she brings a universal depth of understanding and the highest guidance available to her students initiates.

Mike (Reverend J. Michael “Ara Natha Nara” Hayden): Certified as a LightMaster by Steve and Barbara Rother’s Paths to Empowerment, Mike is a lifelong student of psychology, spirituality, technology and human potential. Having been a computer and networking service provider serving Fortune 100 clients; a business organizational performance consultant for the world’s largest testing and measurement organizations (ETS); and an independent sales representative for one of the world’s top personal coaching organizations (IPEC), Mike has accelerated beyond his former disciplines in the arenas of teaching and coaching in personal development and organization performance into being a Master interpreter and communicator of Esoteric and Ascension knowledge and methodologies. As of the 11/11/11 spiritual gateway, he became the sacred divine partner of Christine Meleriessee and on 1/15/14 received earthly ordination through Reverend Meleriessee into the Melchizedek Order Brotherhood of White Light.

Christine and Mike were officially joined in marriage on August 8 of 2015 (numerologically the 8/8/8) in a Divine Love Union Ceremony in Mount Shasta, CA to celebrate and express their dedication to each other and the New Earth of the return of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine becoming equal once again upon GAIA.

*Note: the term “channeling” is not very accurate but it is a term many understand. To simply say “channeling” is like saying “artist”. It does not define how good one is, or the exact nature of the art form.  Reverend Meleriessee is a Fully Integrated Transmitter(sm) of the energies of the Spiritual Realm which means the teachings she gives are directly from the highest level of creation within the Unified Whole via the Light Being that is doing the teaching. Any “channel” is only as pure as the degree of the level of frequency they are able to hold physically in the body to match the frequency of the Light Being who is transmitting the message. Raising and matching one’s Light Quotient to that of the Light Being’s frequency is what a Fully Integrated Channel has acquired. This is why Rev. Meleriessee is such a pure channel of the Ascended Masters and Christed Light Beings. Her abilities have always been expert level but a capstone achievement was made possible through the Divine Union with Reverend Ara who adds the abilities of  full vibrational grounding in the divine masculine frequency.

Links About Mount Shasta, Shambhala (Shamballa), and Inner-Earth (Argartha):


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