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The Festival of Humanity Arrives in the Full Moon of Sagittarius

 Festival of Humanity Goodwill World Invocation with Walking Terra Christa

We are now readying ourselves for another full moon experience on June 9th  as we celebrate the Festival of Humanity / World Invocation Day / Goodwill.



Article by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel of the Ascended Masters in Oneness, Walking Terra Christa. A public global online ceremony will be held to celebrate these energies and receive the blessings actively on June 10 (details to join for free below).  The actual lunar cycle occurs at 6:11 AM Pacific, 9:11 AM Eastern, and 13:11 GMT on JUNE 9 as the moon arrives within the sign of Sagittarius and the Sun is within Gemini, bringing forth the energetic exchange of the Higher Mind vs the Lower Mind.

Master Djwhal Khul’s keynote is a perfect alignment for the Festival of Humanity, also known as Goodwill or World Invocation Day, as it represents the higher reflection of light that all Initiates and Ascended Masters experienced during Wesak to become more concrete within the physical realm. This energetic exchange brings forth the realization that in the past 30 to 60 days each of us on this pathway have shifted into a new reality within consciousness. If this has not happened to you, then it is progressing within you to help you understand that the person you were a couple of months ago is shifting into allowing more of your Higher Essence to become a reality within your world.

First, let’s discuss the Moon of Sagittarius with the Sun of Gemini. They are complete opposites as Sagittarius represents the Higher Consciousness, Higher Self, and/or the Higher Mind. It is the reflection of the Soul Essence to become more manifest within the physical conscious representing the Lower Mind or Physical Self. It brings forth the opening of the Feminine Divine to become more concrete within the Emotional body as it brings forth the flow of ideas, allowing the intuitive self to be the commanding energy and not the Mental Self. There is a pathway of Illumination occurring as the connection to the Spiritual Self becomes more of a reality.

Gemini is the Physical Self of Logic which aligns with the Lower Mental Mind needing analyzation of ideas before they can be a reality within the consciousness.

The Lower Mind in itself can be very controlling and not allow for synchronization of elements to come into focus but with the Higher Mind it brings forth not only the ability to be more Intuitive within the Self but it becomes grounded within the physical body as the Higher Mind is the Feminine and Masculine Divine integrated as One element in both the emotional and mental bodies.

The Festival of Humanity is a grand opportunity to allow the flow of ideas to be intuitive and allowing the action to be taken to allow them to become more fully realized within the reality of the Physical Self.

The energies present are also a time when there will be elements that need to be released in order for this flow of consciousness to become part of our four-body system. Whenever there is a shift in consciousness, all of the four bodies of the physical, etheric, emotional and mental have to readjust themselves so that the accelerated energies coming into the system can be held as a complete system.

I believe it is a time when the Etheric Self (the history of your Soul’s Essence) is healing as the Emotional Body becomes charged with the Higher Self and the Mental Body learns to relax as the commanding energies are being shifted into the higher consciousness. This means that integration process of the Emotional and Mental Selves becomes the Divinity of the Feminine and Masculine Divine.

With this lunar cycle every individual upon this planet is being assisted to allow the integration of these energies to become more concrete not only within the consciousness level but with the pathway of the Physical Self. The physical body learns to accept a new awareness that will assist the cellular structure as the Etheric Self learns to fully heal in a new and different way.

The flow of the present energies is going to take each person into a new existence of living life with the divine qualities of Love in a new and different manner. It is a very Transformative Moon for every soul to allow the direction of their higher essence to become more grounded within their physical self. It is important to realize through this cycle that the work must be done emotionally and mentally so that the Etheric and Physical self can hold the accelerated energies of the High Self.


It is at this stage of the ascension process for the year that we take time to recognize and honor the divine nature of humanity as we aspire toward spiritual fellowship. The Festival of Humanity represents the effects that the Wesak Energies have had on human consciousness. Wesak illuminates the work of Gutama Lord Buddha, The Office of the Christ with Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi, and Lord Sananda who is the Higher Self of Yeshua.

(If you are just finding this article as a follower of proper Ascension Mastery teachings and have not yet participated in this year’s Sacred Wesak Blessings, you are encouraged to still do so as they are integral to the three festivals.)

It is also when each Initiate and Ascended Master learns to realize what effect Wesak had on their own pathway, how they feel about their consciousness, what has changed in their internal reality, and how to continue to allow it to become manifested within the physical pathway to help create change for humanity.

The third festival of the three that make up Wesak cycle each year, the Humanity Festival brings forth the completion of the forces of Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction to express the Light, Love and Knowledge of the God Source unto Humanity and the Earth.

It is when each individual is asked to learn how to incorporate the Seven Flames of God by allowing these three forces to become the focus for their pathway of service first to themselves, and then to the Earth. Each soul must learn that the internal healing that they need to achieve is to allow the Etheric Self to be completely infused with the light of the Christ within. So those of us that have been able to achieve this integration must help humanity to do the same for itself. It allows for the domino effect of healing to occur individually, and then collectively.

As the process of Wesak has been ongoing in the past month, it has given each Initiate the opportunity to Restore the qualities of the Higher Self to assist the four-body system. This then allows for true Enlightenment to occur within our higher consciousness.

This means that the process of restoration of the specific element that needs to be healed is then gone through the movement of bringing that light infraction into the specified area that needs assistance. Following, the phase of Reconstruction occurs to allow the new essence of light to fully integrate within the Self. This can occur in any of the four bodies but please know that the healing of the Etheric Self always has a connection to the Physical, Emotional, and/or Mental bodies. This is an important element to consider as without the healing of the Etheric Body, then the other three bodies will still hold the old energies.

The process of the three forces can be acquired through the Initiation, Activation and finally the Actualization of the Seven Flames of God:

  • Blue Flame, the Ray of Will and Power: The Power of Will is given to the disciples and initiates so they can direct efficiently and wisely the processing of rebuilding.
  • Golden Yellow Flame, the Ray of Love and Wisdom: The Will to Love will stimulate the element of Good Will to gradually overcome the lower mental elements that inhibit humanity;
  • Pink Flame, the Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence: The Will to Action will allow for the movement of Love and Adoration to lay the foundation for a new and better world;
  • Crystalline Flame, the Ray of Harmony and Balance through Conflict: The Will to Cooperate will steadily increase as all souls will desire and demand right human relationships as a natural way of life.
  • Green Golden White Flame, The Ray of the Science of the Divine Mind: The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively will become a focus of the masses as knowledge is the first step towards wisdom.
  • Ruby-Red Golden Flame, The Ray of Inner Devotion: The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic to assist all souls to realize the potential within themselves that their spiritual self is most important to embrace and love;
  • Violet-Purple Flame; The Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure: The Will to Organize will bring forth to build a foundation that will be carried forth under the direct inspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

This process is considered to be the pathway to enlightenment for this Earth as each Initiate allows for the integration of the flames to become a major component of their healing and acceleration to assist humanity.

As you can see the alignment of this lunar cycle with the Festival of Humanity will create a massive down-pouring of light for every individual to experience within their life cycle that change is occurring. As the Initiates of this Pathway, it is our job to do our best to uphold this focus to assist not only our soul’s essence but Gaia’s pathway to the New Earth.

With the grounding of the Pink Flame since the Wesak Festival it brings forth the higher availability of our future with Gaia as she moves towards her own higher essence of Light.

RELATED: MASTER DJWHAL KHUL ~ THE FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY, FULL MOON 2017 ~ channeled message on the Full Moon energies.

*Note: The free open Global Online ceremony for the Festival of Humanity/Goodwill / World Invocation Gathering with Walking Terra Christa is on JUNE 10, 2017 at 10:00 am Pacific time. Donations requested by those who are able. It includes channeling and blessings from many of the Ascended Master’s. Click here to join.

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