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Divine Love, Wisdom and Power within the City of Holontoneea



The Golden Etheric City of Holontoneea resides in the 5th dimensional earth over Central France.  It is the city in which Lord Metatron shares his essence for the New Earth.

Decree:  I AM Divine Love, Wisdom and Power

I step into the beautiful essence of
The Golden City of Holontoneea,
Which is over Central France

Lord Metatron greets me,
We walk unto a huge pathway of Light,
I see the trees holding a special essence
Of the Magenta
Of the Pink, Of the Gold, and the Pink Orange
All blending into the Oneness this city so represents.

I feel the magnificence and beauty
Of this Magical Golden City
Of Holontoneea.

The pathway of Light,
Turns into a beautiful cobblestone
Of Golden Bricks,
As I walk I feel the essence of the Christed Being I AM.

The walkway turns in many directions,
Through a Forest of Trees,
A Meadow,
As we walk across a beautiful river,
I feel the changes occurring within me,
I am stepping across a new existence within me.

I then see before me,
A magnificent Cathedral of Light,
Called the Temple of the Three-Fold Flame,

It is golden in its hues of light,
Reflections of the 3rd and 4th dimensions of light,
Of the Ruby Red with Pink Orange,
Blending into the Pink and the Gold,
Creating the Magenta Spectrums of Light.

As I walk closer,
I feel an enormous shift within my Being,
I am lighter, yet stronger as I feel the Power I have ever been.

I see in the middle of the Temple,
A beautiful flame
Of the Blue for the Will of God representing Wisdom,
Of the Pink for the Heart of God representing Love,
And the Gold for the Power of God representing All that I AM.

I stop and fully infuse it within me,
Through my breath, through my body,
As I reach out to receive it fully.
It overwhelms me,
Satisfies all my cravings that I have searched for,
As now I feel the True Essence of All that I AM
And have ever Been.
I am the Three Fold Flame within my Being
I am Love – I am Joy – I am Wisdom – I am Power
As I now fully receive all that I am.
I AM that I AM that I AM

Holontoneea, over Central France, represents Divine Love and Wisdom.  This area of the world is filled with qualities  that incorporate the magical era of castles, rolling hills, lush greenery, and the Loire River (which is considered the longest river in France).

Lord Metatron is the overlighting energy represented by the Ray of Divine Love and Inner Power of the Solar Plexus, Heart and Thymus chakras in the color of Magenta which is exhibited throughout the entire city.

Overview of Ray 19 ~ Inner Power & Divine Love

Color: Magenta

Chakra: The Solar Plexus blends within the Heart and Thymus chakras creating One Unified chakra

Overlighting Being: Lord Metatron

Special Qualities Include: The 5th dimensional ray and chakra blend into Oneness within the Solar Plexus, Heart, and Thymus Chakra representing Inner Power, Divine Love & Wisdom. As it blends, it is Actualizing One’s Full Divinity.

Heart Chakra represents the balance of emotions and thoughts wherein the Three Fold Flame resides of the Feminine, Masculine and I AM Presence. The Rays of God that assist in creating the higher chakra grids are the Active Intelligence of Deep Pink of the 3rd dimensional chakra grid. The Christ Consciousness of Gold is activated within the 4th dimensional chakra grid. When we activate the Inner Power & Divine Love, we blend the Solar Plexus within the Heart and Thymus on the 5th dimensional chakra grid.

©2003-2020 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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