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Diamond Heart Essence


Accelerating the Physical DeAscension of the Higher Self by Accessing the I AM PRESENCE through DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm TRAINING.

With the advent of the arrival of the Dawn of the Golden Era, each person who desires to step into that Frequency is now required to access and build their MERKABAH BODY OF LIGHT in a conscious manner. This means that while Higher Frequencies of Light are now entering the planet from the Cosmic Levels, an individual cannot imbue those vibrational signatures until they have consciously activated their own personal field to resonate with these Higher Light Frequencies.

This is because our planet is one of free choice, and even though the Energies are being carefully distributed upon the planet by the Spiritual Hierarchy for us to access, it is the collective free choice of mass consciousness that determines how the whole of humanity will accept the new vibrations. Mass consciousness is usually characterized as having a ‘follow the herd’ mentality in that it typically takes no action on its own, instead allowing stagnation at worst, or a very slow evolvement at best, to guide its collective will.

Therefore an individual who desires to be part of the New Age but does not consciously take any personal action to affect a change within them will by design proceed at the same level as mass consciousness in accessing those Energies. Intent to change must be activated with action in order to overcome the entropy inherent in mass consciousness.

Within these Golden Age Light Frequencies we now have the accessibility to be directly influenced by our I AM PRESENCE. The I AM PRESENCE is the level of Light Consciousness or Highest Soul Essence Consciousness that is made up if the entire 143 other souls who make up our full God Self. That God Self is the Being we are without the experience of individuated consciousness in any essence, be it formless, spirit, angelic or physical. It is the Being we are in the Wholeness – Oneness at the 144th Dimensional Frequency of Reality.


As above, so below is the Universal structure of the material plane. Just as there are 144,000 God Self Beings that originated from the Cosmic Source, that same essence must be mirrored in all other forms of creation. 144,000 is a Divine Compliment of itself as it can be equally divisible into smaller segments of perfect symmetry. These 144, 000 identities of Light had to structure themselves to fit within the overall governing structure of the plane of physicality to be intertwined within.

The I AM PRESENCE is that mirror of the 144 having a perfect symmetry of a 12×12 matrix: 12 Monad groupings consisting of 12 individuated soul personalities within each Monad.

As a being of Light who desired to incarnate physically within the lower dimensions, you were required to fragment yourself into a slower and slower vibrational rates in order to exist upon a physical plane. In order to lower your vibrational rate sufficiently you had to separate into 12 distinct but directly interconnected expressions of Light.  It was as if you were a singular beam of light beingness and you had to go through the prism of matter.

Your Monad grouping is actually the Soul Essence termed the Higher Self. Just as you have many roles in which you conduct yourself as part of the totality you consider as “you” and still act somewhat differently within, say as friend, lover, mother, daughter, worker, teacher, student, your Higher Self acts the same with those 11 other soul extensions of itself.

We could imagine that a well grounded and self confident individual is someone who has mastered the art of being themselves in all situations and in all roles, such that others no longer think of that individual as behaving differently in one role or another; that is, they are seen as just being themselves, genuine and authentic. They are a master of their personality in the arena of self/personal development, which many today are actually terming “mastery”. In the process of Ascension within the Physical body, mastery of the personality is only one aspect of becoming an Ascended Master as taught by Science of Ascension and Soul Psychology teachings.

This is analogous with what happens when you fully merge with your Higher Self, as once again you become whole within the 11 other Soul personalities and no longerchakras require those ‘separate roles’ to define who you are being. Within this process of your learning to ‘Descend’ your Higher Soul Essence of the Higher Self into your physical body (something you have never done before in a physical vehicle), it is extremely helpful to tap into the next level of the Higher Essence which is that original 144 souls of your I AM PRESENCE.

Just as the process of ‘self mastery’ in the personal coaching arena asks one to reach for ‘stretch goals’ since setting your focus on the higher goal brings those frequencies into your consciousness (which then filters into your physical field); the process of Soul Mastery asks you to stretch yourself to include the frequencies of the I AM PRESENCE consciously. This is why Ascension Science meditations and decrees invoke the I AM PRESENCE to be connected to you through the Antakarana Bridge. While it may be sufficient to only focus on the level you are attempting to attain, it is not considered a best practice even in the 3D/4D world.


It is our goal at Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Masterysm to make everyone upon Gaia who is incarnated to be on the Mastership Pathway aware of the best tools and processes available. We have been asked by The Spiritual Board of Directors of the Academy to create an easier and more affordable method to enable each person to connect to their I AM PRESENCE at a more physical level of embodiment.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee has been offering a unique Ascension Science Healing modality called the DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm THERAPY that was given to her by the Lady Masters. When originally transmitted to her in 1999 the method was explicitly to assist a person to connect and align with their I AM PRESENCE.

The DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm installs a full set of Light Diamonds that are attuned to the I AM PRESENCE within the MERKABAH LIGHT BODY etheric field at specific intersecting points corresponding with, and extending within, the physical body. Some of these intersecting diamond structures are at the 8 chakra meridians (the energetic wiring in the human body for accessing the Rays of God). Once installed, an individual can spin these Light Diamonds within their etheric and physical bodies using the energies of the I AM PRESENCE to clear and balance the four body system and all the chakras in a very direct and succinct manner.

Because this modality first involves the chakra system one must first perform a full chakra clearing and balancing, which requires shamanic level purification by a trained practitioner. This rare modality (still offered today) requires an in depth 2 hour personalized individual session with each client. This has restricted the availability of this Light Body Acceleration technology to only those who could afford the double session exchange fee even though it had been priced less than what many other healers/coaches’ charge for just one hour of consultation. As stated above, this modality is now no longer an elective option but an important part of the Ascension process and that is why the Board asked us to investigate a more accessible method.


A Free Open Introductory Class Will Be Held Tuesday November 5th
at 5 PM PST / 8PM EST



The INTRODUCTORY CLASS will explain why the Light Diamonds are of such great assistance and the process of having them installed. This will be about 30 minutes in duration.

On this call you will have the opportunity to enroll for the DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm TRAINING to take place Thursday November 14 at 5 PM PST. If you are certain you wish to order the training class and individual session already, make sure you are on our “FREE TEACHINGS” list via the above link and then simply enroll here.

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