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NEW EARTH FREQUENCY Ascension Mastery Message for MARCH 2020 with the Cosmic Light Energies of the UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND. Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.


We are the Unified Whole Command within the 144th Dimensional Light under the auspices of the Creative Source of Oneness representing the Cosmic Light Energies. We, Master Thoth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein are the spokes-beings for this entity of Light.

We bring to you the 330 Rays of God under the direction of the Mahatma, Lord Melchizedek, and Lord Metatron.

Our role in this moment is to share with you the energetics that we bring forth in the way of understanding and conceptualizing the higher light infractions of the entire God Force, the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light, under the direction of Divine Mother Father God of the Cosmic Dimensional Level.

As we gather together in these moments, our first connection with each of you is to extend our deep love and understanding from the perspective of the higher forces of light including your own I Am Presence which resides within this 144th dimensional existence.

The present energies upon the earth are extremely uncertain as you experience the one of the deadliest viruses that has ever been part of the Earth’s energies.

It is not our role to talk about how or why this happened, but to help you with the various portals of light that can assist each of you to rise to a newer level of experience within your full body system [physical-etheric-emotional-mental] to allow your Spiritual Self to become more aligned within your consciousness removing the fear and anxiety that many of you are facing presently.

The month of March has brought forth a sense of looking within yourselves in a new and different way. It is a time to truly reflect on how you can change the way that you react or feel in certain circumstances.

There is no mistake about it that the Coronavirus brings forth that fear as it is a disease of FEAR.

In actuality that is what it is meant to do.

To create havoc in one’s mind so that the lower self is acting upon those lower emotions instead of seeing the Silver Lining to appear in each of your lives. If you find that you are dealing with this pandemic with love, then you truly are acting upon the Divine Self attributes being displayed within your consciousness. If it is just the opposite, then the virus will cause you to feel more ill; it will create problems within your immune system that will trigger you to experience ill effects to occur within you.

The most important element we can share is to ask yourself, “Who are you as a soul and what is your role presently for your own healing and well-being.”

Each soul is being affected adversely by what is occurring, especially with the media and social networking so it is up to you as the person you are, as your divine self, to make the necessary changes so that you don’t  go down the rabbit hole, so to speak, but arise above the challenges you are presently facing.

As the New Moon occurred on March 24th, it brought all of these energies to the surface, but the main element, is how well are you realigning your own consciousness to become the focal point of your reality.

This New Moon brought with it the ability to bring about a new sense of purpose for every individual soul. It is a time of great beginnings, but that also brings for the realization that some things cannot exist within the next cycle that will be occurring. Sometimes it can be very difficult to release the old habits, but with the pandemic of isolation occurring, it means that each person is being forced to look at themselves differently than the way they were previously.

This can cause anxiety within itself as the purging occurs so does the uncertainty of “what if” within the mental self.

This may be a time of great tragedy upon the earth, but in actuality, the planet will start to come into a new existence. It is up to each of you living during this powerful time to step up and accept your role. How are you going to assist yourself to rise above the challenges and allow your higher consciousness to help you do so?

On March 28th, 2020 there was an alignment of the Planet Venus, Pleaides, and the Crescent Moon.

This activation brought forth the blessing of Venus from the 7th Dimensional Frequency to blend with Pleaides which represents the act of fully allowing the purification within the Heart to be felt as Divine Love. This is an especially important event as it brings to each soul to experience the essence of Love within their Heart Center to change what does not seem to be in alignment. Both Venus represented by the Holy Kumara and the Pleiadian Council of Light are working diligently within Gaia to bring about the necessary changes within humanity.

This cycle took place on the 28th and continued for a 24-hour period in which time you may have felt an intensity within your Heart Chakra as the expansion is occurring for each individual person upon the Earth. The New Moon energies are still being felt upon the planet during this time which can bring about more positive changes which are very much needed.

The next portal of light will be occurring on April 4th, 2020 also known as the Portal of 4-4-4.

It brings with it the triple mastery number of 4-4-4. This is a very powerful moment in history as it brings with it the power of the Angelic Forces to become ever more present within each person’s consciousness. You may want to consider this day to be the moment when the consciousness of the Earth shifted into a new paradigm of light as it represents the blessings of Lord Metatron and the Angelic Forces of Light as they are stepping forward to assist each soul upon the earth. This interaction is of a magnitude that has never been felt on the planet since the time of Lemuria and Atlantis.

The beings have been ever-present within humanity but there is a difference at this time as it opens up a doorway into the consciousness of GAIA to become an integral force for healing.  It is a time for each individual to realize that they are a human angel to allow for the process of divine intervention to occur at any given time.

This is called your Solar Angel and is a very important part of your acceleration into Mastery as this part of you is the bridge to access your Higher Self consciousness. It is a time of remembrance to be what your soul’s DNA carries within them to be accessed through the Divinity of Love.

This portal brings the positive essence of Faith and Hope to be ever present within the minds of each soul along with the ability to know your Inner Truth and act upon that part of your essence.

The vibrational level that will occur is allowing more of the intervention of the Venusians and Pleiadeans with the Archangels to assist each of you to become more aligned within your Heart Essence. It is a time of great renewal if you allow yourself to take on the challenge.

Each of these beings are becoming increasingly more active within your consciousness. Calling upon them (within the Unified Whole frequency) will be an act of saying to yourself “I cannot do this alone, so please assist me with your Love.” This, in turn, will allow for the Divine energies to become ever more present within your world. It can be a time of great healing in various ways, not just physically, but learning to rise above all of the conditions that get imposed upon your life at this time.

On April 7th, 2020 the Full Moon occurs which brings us to the first Ascension Festival of the year, The Festival of the Christ.

This moon will represent the Resurrection of what you need to change in order to Restructure your life. It is a time when each of us as the great masters gather together to celebrate the changes we have made to move to a higher level of consciousness. It occurs on all levels and all dimensions of reality so we also will be transcending elements that will assist us in our spiritual journey of our I Am Presence.

The cycle of the Moon in Libra with the Sun in Aires brings forth balance and equilibrium to occur if you don’t allow the lower mind to control your emotions. It is essential to constantly be working within the higher levels of consciousness with your Solar Angel and Higher Self assist you as the lower levels encased upon the earth presently can cause an individual to allow the energy of Fear get the best of them. It is essentially important to remember that this moon represents RESURRECTION into RESTRUCTURING. If you keep that thought in mind, then you will be able to move through the challenges.

All of these activations come at a time upon the Earth when it is deeply needed. But it is about your own renewal of the Self, as when you aspire to greater heights within your full body system (physically, etherically, emotionally, mentally) then you can start to function with your Higher Self more intact. It will create deeply healing on all levels and allow you, as the individual, to rise out the current difficulty you are all experiencing.

We feel that the Silver Lining is that humanity is being pushed together to work upon the essence of Love. It is becoming a physical movement not just spiritually, but yet you cannot do it physically without the aspiration of having the spiritual aspect within you.

The more that you arise above the difficulties you are facing using your Higher Self and I Am Presence, the more you will achieve it physically. This time on the earth is representation of what occurred in Lemuria and Atlantis many eons ago. The difference is that you have the tools and training to move out of the physical ego into the spiritual ego to allow you, as the physical self, to aspire to greater heights than ever before.

We are here to assist you every step of the way, as the Archangels are that represent each of the seven Rays of God. They are: Blue Flame, Michael and Faith, Golden Yellow Flame, Jophiel and Christine; Pink Flame Chamuel and Chairty, Crystalline Flame, Gabriel and Hope; Green-Golden-White Flame, Raphael and Mother Mary; Ruby Red-Golden Flame, Uriel and Aurora; and Violet-Purple Flame, Zadkiel and Amethyst.

In addition, the Venusians of the Holy Kumara are here to help with Lord Sanat Kumara as the overseer of their energies; and the Pleadian Council of Light will be ever present through the present challenges of the planet.

It truly is a time of duality in which it seems to be right in your face, not a thought or a worry, but the Silver Lining is that you have the assistance of the entire Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light suporting you. We can do this together if you allow us to help you do so.

Please call upon each of us to walk with you into the New Earth.

So Mote It Be!

We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein at your service.

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Higher Spiritual Energies For Further Assistance:

TAKE IN MORE HIGHER SPIRITUAL ENERGIES: To SUPPORT you to BE IN LOVE vibration frequencies right now concerning the virus, the Walking Terra Christa Academy teachers and students are sharing our most recent SIX FREE AUDIO CLASSES/EVENTS in one easy online location:
CLICK HERE for the Allowing Higher Vibrational Healing Within free offer. These transmissions will also assist you to prepare energetically and become more receptive to the Christed Frequencies being shared at our next live event. 

LATEST MEDITATION: We also made a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. CLICK HERE TO read more or to order.

NEXT LIVE EVENT GATHERING: Online Global Audio Ceremony –
ON APRIL 4th, 2020 at 10:15 AM PT Walking Terra Christa is holding their monthly Festival of Lights. This event is the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST. (One of the three most important Ascension Festivals every year).
THEN CLICK, [JOIN ONLINE MEETING] OR USE THE DIAL-IN INSTRUCTIONS. This powerful spiritual event will include the re-acceleration of the Ascension Columns with Lord Ashtar and then we will journey to Shamballah, within the Inner Earth, Master Djwhal Khul will share his views on this full moon, along with the Office of the Christ, Lord Kuthumi, Lord Sananda giving forth blessings of the Festival, with a blessing from the Native Elders.
 Re-listen to the free audio recording (click link) or to receive the connection energies if you miss the live event).
Audio recording is usually posted after the event or within 24 hours.

BE SUPPORTIVE. Click: Donate to support these messages if you are able. (You are our source of financial support).

ONGOING ONCE A MONTH CLASSES: This year of 2020 (a “22” which is the number of “Mastery”) is a great way to more accurately develop your Spiritual Pathway of Ascension Mastery. Beginners or experienced individuals will be assisted. (Being a current student is not required). CLICK for our ASCENSION GATE CLINIC which meets once a month over video with a teaching from the Ascended Masters and special attunements using the 22 RAYS OF GOD to bring forth the highest level of pure energies to assist your growth and transformation in each of the four energy bodies (mental, emotional, etheric, physical).   

PHYSICAL SUPPORT PRODUCTS TO HELP: Using the energetically attuned SPIRITUAL SPRAYS and CRYSTALS from our ESTY shop “Spectrum Light Ray Creations” adds a whole extra level of Ascension frequency to your aura’s field or to boost your sacred space at home or office. The SACRED SPACE SPRAY is very helpful in place of burning Sage, along with removing impurities. They assist everyone with the higher Spiritual Energies. Individuals who are more sensitive to vibration and frequency energies love them. We personally use them everyday.
Latest Review: “Yet again, absolutely amazing product with instant results! Highly recommend!(James, MA, USA)

FREE MEDITATIONS: Our YouTube meditation EMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY (Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel).

OTHER FREE 5D PRACTICES: *To learn more about how you can help with building ASCENSION COLUMNS please use the link: ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Walking Terra Christa heads this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic Agartha Alliance (Lord Ashtar and the Agartha Network).

SUBSCRIBE (Your name is never shared): CLICK HERE

© 2003-2020 Walking Terra Christa and Divine Language Network.

READ THIS ONE ARTICLE – Are You Feeling or Seeing the Light Body & Sacred Geometry?


If you don’t read any other article this year, READ THIS! We have seen a strong increase in individuals who are being ADVERSELY or NEGATIVELY affected by INCORRECTLY opening themselves up to allow DISRUPTIVE FREQUENCIES to enter their BODY.

The energy field of the human body is drawn by artist to appear like this image. Such images are widespread on social media. Many individuals therefore expect to begin to personally see these grid lines around them especially if they are into Esoteric Teachings and Books, Channelling, Disclosure, Ascension work, I AM, Three-Fold Flame, Dr. Joshua David Stone’s information, the Fifth Dimensional Earth or perhaps even call  themselves Light Worker, Indigo, Crystal Child, Starseed or New Ager. If this describes you,


Along with the high frequency transferences of the events of 2012 through 2016 (the numerology triplicate Gates of the 7-7-7, the Lion’s Gates of the 8-8-8, 9-9-9, Eclipses, Full Moon’s, Equinoxes, Solstices, Wave X, etc.), of which many individuals know about and experience, and including the lesser known events only known to Walking Terra Christa followers such as the full grounding into Gaia of the Blue Flame, the Golden Yellow Flame, and the Violet Purple Flame, the levels of COSMIC LEVEL ENERGY now hitting people is TREMENDOUS.

MOST internet social media channeling, sharing and postings DO NOT TELL people that what you believe are INCREASED ENERGIES from the CHRISTED COSMIC SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY may actually NOT BE.

Be VERY AWARE if you are:


If you are not gifted or sensitive to see AURIC FIELDS in this manner you may instead FEEL the energies as:



WE DO NOT SHARE THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO CAUSE YOU FEAR. Just for you to PAY ATTENTION to ALL ASPECTS of life on earth. Many are falling into “magical thinking” about what these new frequencies are all about.

Spiritual teachers in ALL CULTURES OF EARTH from Indigenous Native peoples to Himalayan monks have always taught this:

UNLESS you have PRACTISED and BUILT UP the ability to PROTECT and SAFEGUARD your LIGHT BODY, you can very easily BE INFILTRATED by energies that are NON-CHRISTED.

THESE NON-CHRISTED ENERGIES are taking advantage of the fact that you are AWAKENING and becoming MORE AWARE of your LIGHT BODY. In other words, you have INVITED in these experiences using your FREE WILL.

They know that your EGO will find these experiences EXCITING and OTHERWORLDLY. They know you will THINK it means you are increasing your LIGHT. BUT THIS IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE.


If you do not take the CONSCIOUS SPIRITUAL and GROUNDED steps to ACTUALLY PROTECT yourself, you may end up experiencing very dangerous energies both to your PHYSCIAL body and in your progress as a SOUL upon EARTH.

Just saying prayers and believing your HAVE A RIGHT to be protected because you are a SPIRITUALLY DIVINE BEING is not going to assit much. Just tapping into the LOVE and LIGHT of NEW AGE channeled messages from ANGELS or ASCENDED MASTERS is not going to work. Just INTENDING to only have energies that are for your HIGHEST GOOD connect to you does not work. Just GETTING attunements from a SPIRITUAL TEACHER or learning MOST KNOWN forms of spiritual protection is not going to protect you.

WHY NOT? Because everything DID CHANGE in 2012 even if the earth did not enter the Fifth Dimension of Love and Light as many thought it would. But as planned Humanity STILL entered the EPOCH of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY AS A CREATOR BEING. It was a falsehood to believe that an ERA OF PEACE would just instantly occur without EACH SOUL first co-creating that peace within through SELF-AWARE RESPONSIBILITY at the deepest levels. THIS MEANS:

1. SINCE 2012 there are NEW RULES regarding PROTECTION that many existing or former traditions and existing forms of PROTECTION do not include, and
2. IT is NOW YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to PRACTICE DOING this for YOURSELF in order to build up your own PROTECTION of your LIGHT.

That CREATION OF GLOBAL PEACE first requires every person to REMOVE THE NEGATIVE or SHADOW self CONSCIOUSLY. Many advanced authors and channels stated it only had to be cleared at 51% in each person but THAT IS NOT ACCURATE in relation to CO-CREATING THE FIFTH DIMENSIONAL NEW EARTH.

It is actually much MORE COMPLEX.

THE NEGATIVE SHADOW SELF has been grounded on earth for EONS OF TIME. For those who study such information, those energies are NOT only about correcting KARMA but they are also HELD on earth by FORCES that desire the EARTH to CONTINUE as, and forever REMAIN, a NON-PEACEFUL planet.

One of the WAYS in which energies are HELD on the PLANET is to TRICK the human EGO into accessing NEGATIVE LOWER FREQUENCIES and having them thinking or believing it is GOOD, when in fact it just spreads more LOWER NEGATIVE FREQUENCIES around and across the planet.

EACH SOUL has DARK or NEGATIVE timelines AND LIGHT or POSITIVE timelines. So if you have resolved 51% of your NEGATIVE TIMELINES does that mean you have activated 51% of your POSITIVE TIMELINES?

NO. The AMOUNT of DARK and LIGHT you have in your SOUL is figured out using two SEPARATE TIMELINE calculations. Most humans have 90% NEGATIVE TIMELINES and 5% POSITIVE TIMELINES that make up their LIGHT QUOTIENT. THESE are INDEPENDENT timelines that must BOTH be remedied TO CREATE A NEW EARTH.


For most souls on earth that means a HEALING SHIFT from 90% down to 30% in NEGATIVE timelines and a POSITIVE timelines increase from 5% up to 70%.

THAT IS NOT EASY TO DO. This is why the NEW EARTH has not yet been realized on earth where there is CURRENTLY a great deal of CONFLICT  and HATE individually, culturally, race related and politically, with much WEATHER destruction, POVERTY and HUNGER and WAR being experienced.

YES. There are HIGHER FREQUENCIES hitting earth from the SPIRITUAL FORCES but the LOWER FORCES are STILL very much IN EFFECT.

AGAIN, THE FIRST STEP TO RAISING YOUR LIGHT QUOTIENT IS TO LEARN SPIRITUAL LIGHT BODY PROTECTION. We don’t expect everyone to immediately understand how to work on shifting their LIGHT QUOTIENT using the teachings of SOUL PSYCHOLOGY and ASCENSION SCIENCE but IT IS becoming increasingly aware that TOO FEW INDIVIDUALS will even GET THAT FAR unless they BEGIN with LIGHT BODY PROTECTION because they are seeing and reading too much BAD or MISINFORMATION  on social media from sources that use language and keywords about being “in the Light”.

BE WARNED: if you are soul serious about CREATING THE NEW EARTH OF THE FIFTH DIMENSION (yes, that means global peace for ALL life on earth),  DO NOT FALL INTO what we see as the rampant naivety of “Love and Lighters” on Facebook, Twitter  and Instagram who just share and post images and  articles on what makes them feel good instead of TAKING ACTUAL STEPS to do the WORK that MUST be done. Believing PROGRESS is occurring by just SHARING AND PARTICIPATING in the “Love and Light” postings of social media is a GRAND ILLUSION. It is NOT REAL PROGRESS but it is masquerading as progress and many are falling for it.

WORSE, without knowing that REAL WORK is required, it just opens those individual up to ALLOWING ENERGIES into them that are not of their HIGHEST GOOD nor are they from the SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY.

FOR MANY years we have HIGHLY RECOMMEND individuals use PROTECTION PROTOCOLS and MEDITATIONS every day that are within THE UNIFIED WHOLE. This is the ONLY method of a spiritual based TOOL we have SEEN that offers the MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO START BUILDING PROTECTION for your LIGHT BODY.

We URGE the soul serious individuals who RESONATE with this message to BEGIN using these UNIFIED WHOLE PROTOCOLS we put together. We are UPDATING THE COURSE to now INCLUDE our 50 minute DEASCENSION MEDITATION which we have on our site for $10 by itself.

These PROTECTION PROTOCOLS therefore now include FIVE MEDITATIONS and the 90 MINUTE CLASS that offers a great deal of  background understanding, plus a handout and SPECIFIC procedures for clearing and protecting the AURIC LIGHT BODY. (Click here if interested in reading the original page details and ordering this material).

Even if you do not USE our TEACHINGS on this subject READ our information on the UNIFIED WHOLE here so you can BEGIN using it everyday.

We do.

And MOST IMPORTANTLY please take a moment to SHARE this important information on your social networks.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

🌎 15 MIN. for WORLD PEACE: Will you join James and 2500 Tibetan Monks tomorrow?


2500+ TIBETAN MONKS are joining in the WORLD PEACE SYNCHRONIZED MEDITATION that Peace Troubadour James Twyman is holding tomorrow from Syria. It is planned that MILLIONS of others will join in.

Will You Be ONE?

The monks from Drepung Gomang Monastery in South India will join millions from around the world for the largest peace prayer vigil in history. James Twyman and leaders from the three great Abrahamic faiths – Jewish, Christian and Islam – praying and singing for peace, and especially for the children of Syria.

UPDATE FEBRUARY 1, 2016 10:30 AM:

twyman-sucessTo hear our Global Guided Meditation in support of this event held simultaneously at 7 am PST:

Walking Terra Christa invites you to join us on our Global Teleconference line for our joint meditation at the exact same time James is holding his vigil in Syria.

Since most of us can’t be with James, please join with us together on the line as a community to activate and feel the connection more strongly. We would be BLESSED to have your energies BLESSING HUMANITY personally with this vision and frequency at this time. We will bring into the earth the energies of the UNIFIED WHOLE IN ONENESS to support and extend this creation.

WHEN: 7 AM PST | 10 AM EST | 3 PM UK
DIAL: (605) 562-3140 | Use Access Code: 405260#
(see below for additional International Number and the replay number)

In this Global Group Meditation we will also have a blessing from LORD KUTHUMI who is the higher self of SAINT FRANCIS. James Twyman continues to hold the same vision of PEACE that Saint Francis emulated on earth.

The Ascended Masters understand one must first walk the walk of fully engaging in the Higher Octave Frequency of Oneness in order to co-create together as ONE FAMILY OF LIGHT.  This WORLD PEACE VIGIL is one such moment.

This event can HEAL and TRANSFORM each of us as we call upon our collective HIGHER SELVES and I AM PRESENCE to be with us and support this vision by actively bringing forth the elements that co-create PEACE within each of us. As within, so without. In 2016 we have been teaching about DIVINE ONENESS as one of the main focuses of Humanity for 2016. As the Unified Whole Command shared in our NEW EARTH FREQUENCY UPDATES, this is a perfect example of the types of deeper understandings that we as souls will begin to energetically undertake in our Higher Consciousness as the Cosmic energies of Oneness grow.


We are also making the CLARION TEMPLE TEACHING at 4:30 pm PST a FREE OPEN TEACHING TO SUPPORT these energies. (Use the above conference call information again at 4:30 pm PST.)

Many Blessings in Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriesse Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden

(Replay available immediately after the gathering: (605) 562-3149 direct or via any VOIP service – use the above access code.)

Direct Dial International Numbers (also use the above access code):

Argentina +54 (0) 11 5235-4340
Australia +61 (0) 3 8672 0105
Belgium +32 (0) 4 244 10 83
Brazil +55 21 2391-6538
Bulgaria +359 (0) 2 495 1536
Cambodia +855 (0) 96 696 7689
Canada (605) 562-3162
Chile +56 (0) 44 890 9164
China +86 (0) 510 6801 0120
Costa Rica +506 4000 3889
Croatia +385 (0) 1 8000 053
Cyprus +357 77 788855
Denmark +45 78 77 21 83
Dominican Republic (829) 999-2540
Estonia +372 614 8065
France +33 (0) 1 80 14 00 06
Georgia +995 (0) 706 777 065
Germany +49 (0) 69 1200650760
Guatemala +502 2458 1424
Hungary +36 1 987 6803
Iceland +354 539 0324
Indonesia +62 (0) 21 51388880
Ireland +353 (0) 1 437 2298
Israel +972 (0) 76-599-0022
Italy +39 011 092 0917
Japan +81 (0) 3-5050-5071
Kenya +254 (0) 20 5231048
Latvia +371 67 881 541
Lithuania +370 (8) 46 268615
Luxembourg +352 20 30 10 07
Malaysia +60 (0) 11-1146 0033
Mexico +52 (01) 899 274 9983
Netherlands +31 (0) 6 35205032
New Zealand +64 (0) 6-928 7521
Nigeria +234 (0) 1 440 5235
Norway +47 21 93 06 45
Pakistan +92 (0) 21 37130620
Panama +507 838-7850
Poland +48 32 739 96 35
Portugal +351 21 005 1186
Romania +40 (0) 31 780 7015
Slovakia +421 2 336 633 06
South Africa +27 (0) 87 825 0106
South Korea 1600-8556
Spain +34 911 33 84 80
Sri Lanka +94 (0) 11 5 322966
Sweden +46 (0) 8 124 107 12
Switzerland +41 (0) 44 513 30 30
Taiwan +886 (0) 985 646 925
Turkey +90 (0) 212 988 1740
Ukraine +380 (0) 89 323 9965
United Kingdom +44 (0) 330 606 0515
United States (605) 562-3140

TAKE THE PLEDGE: The Unified Whole

Before You Take the Pledge to Create the Highest Vibration Reality of a New Earth ~ Learn Why the Unified Whole is so Important (and New)

Connect with the Unified Whole and Pledge to Co-Create the New Earth Together

Take this pledge. To consciously declare your affiliations in this way brings a whole other layer of support and protection to the intentions and actions in Oneness that you are here to create.










Setting the Context of the Unified Whole

back-to-oneness-purple-537x449The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth MasterySM is an excellent source of in depth “Ascension Mastery” teachings for what we term Fifth Dimensional MasterySM. There are many central components of our work that we like to first clarify such as: ‘Walking’, “New Earth”, “Mastery”, “Ascension”, “Fifth Dimension”, “Teaching”, “Rays of God”. We can then more easily explain why the “Unified Whole” is so important.

To begin with, we named what we do “Walking Terra Christa” because we want everyone to know this is a journey, not a destination. You don’t magically wake up one day on the “New Earth” (Terra Christa is the name for the New Earth) anymore than someone magically woke up and there were automobiles on the planet. It is a progression. More to the point, it is a creation, and we have to collectively create it.

Second, we are not teaching how to be a “Master of the Universe” such that one gains a dream life by using the Law of Attraction and rewrites their destiny to have everything they dream of having. We are teaching how to realize, or actualize, into your physical body a state of being where you have Mastered your very Soul’s Essence.

This is the “Ascension” part. This kind of Mastery is very different because it requires one to be on a journey of remembering and reintegrating everything about themselves in all lifetimes and states of existence that were beneficial to their growth as a soul.

We are multi-dimensional beings who are much more than a biological being in material form. Yet we find it challenging to actually connect to those parts of ourselves that are beyond the physical. “Ascension” is the act of ascending back into that totality of being.

We do not strictly teach “Ascension”, more accurately we teach the process of bringing that “Ascended” state of being down into the physical body so that you do not have to leave the body to Ascend. We call it “De-Ascension“. Returning again to that state of being will remove you from the lower dimensional frequency of vibration. Everything is Energy but more to the point, Everything is Frequency.

In order to bring your Higher Essence down into your physical essence, you need to clean house first to make room. The thoughts, patterns and ways of being from the history of earth are very dense, they are “lower dimensional – lower frequency”, and they must go as part of your journey (and it is not just Earth density but other states of existence as well). This is why we focus on the Fifth Dimension, because it is there that you have discarded all those the lower vibrational elements from your life. In this journey you are actually raising your vibration higher as a soul.

The Fifth Dimension will be created organically by each person doing this work collectively inside themselves. And we can all imagine what life will be like without lower thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Terms like global peace, loving community, bliss and joy come to mind.

And the most important factor in all this process is that, in our opinion, this can not be done alone. We require “Teachers“, and that is the teaching part of our work. We don’t just publish information. We use vibrational frequency to convey information in our teachings.

This is because, as quantum physics has demonstrated, energy is a non linear field of information holding frequency and vibration.  Our work centers on the Rays of God, which are actually specific frequencies that our eyes may perceive as colors but which are actually multidimensional codes of lightwaves that extend a specific condition of vibration within us and around us. These Rays hold many levels of transmission within them that go far beyond the visible spectrum.

As you know, these teachings are information that is not, generally speaking, within the mainstream having only been found through word of mouth or an esoteric corner bookstore prior to the Internet. With the Internet there are now many schools or teachers with varied foundational sources that are more easily found. It can be quite daunting to isolate those that are trusted and reliable; having the least amount of interference from the earth’s history of lower vibrations and programming. This is even more challenging, especially when it comes to also incorporating the art of channeling into the teachings.

The Esoteric Mystery Teachings that came to the western world through Madam Blavatsky, Alice Baily, et al. are some of the most accurate, and they also are the truest to form according to scholars of the subject.  They included the Ascended Masters teachings and the first 7 Rays. Of course, these teachings did not originate with her and her colleagues but extend far back in time. It is our understanding that these are the remnants of the very teachings that were taught in the “Service to Others” Temples on the legendary ancient continent of Lemuria and spread to Atlantis. In the modern world the best known western teacher who actively enhanced and carried on her teachings was Dr. Joshua David Stone who published over 25 books on the subject until his transition in 2005.

One of his students, who was already on the Ascension Mastery path herself prior to becoming ordained through his organization, is Rev. Christine Meleriessee. Due to her soul’s heritage, Meleriessee has always had the ability to reach beyond the psychic realm into the realm of the Spiritual Hierarchy herself. It is a rare gift, but essential and perfectly suited to teaching this subject matter both informatively and vibrationally. This ability gives her a direct line of communication to the originating source of these teachings.

It obviously takes a high degree of discipline and extensive training to elevate oneself above the din and racket of the third dimensional lower vibrational noise and since she had trained specifically for over 30 years in Ascension Mastery, she was one of the few individuals on the planet to be given an invitation to be an earthly spokesperson for the Unified Whole.

The Unified Whole is purity itself as no being can be in the Unified Whole unless they have removed all agenda and personal goals that do not support unity and oneness completely. The Unified Whole calls these past associations with powerful historical control mechanisms (governments, leaders, movements, crusades) and the like, pantheons. The members of the Unified Whole have put their own past pantheons into the wholeness so they no longer exist for them. Which means they have let go of their soul attachments to those timelines.

Therefore, the Unified Whole represents the “beginning of our essence” and going back into ONENESS.  It is a conglomerate of energies that represent the 144th dimensional reality.

If each of us does not actively work to do the same, we will be stuck within those pantheons in many areas of our existence. However, we are at a time in evolution that every soul has the capability to go within the Oneness that we are all part of within existence; we can now also join in the ONENESS.  Time is not linear and each Being of Light has the capacity to walk into this reality from the Zero point to the 144th dimensional reality.  It means that every aspect of lifestreams, beings, and souls have the accessibility to leave the old elements behind and only bring in the highest knowledge associated with those lifetimes or experiences in human, inter-planetary, angelic, and formlessness — that we all have been through the ages.

This includes the Spiritual Hierarchy and all the beings that are part of these energies.  The Brotherhood of White Light is already within this Oneness but it is our conceptual understanding that the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy reside within a certain dimensional frequency.

You may be wondering if members of the Spiritual Hierarchy were already in Oneness? I mean, is that not what a Ascended Master is? No, they are on a pathway of the soul’s remembrance just as we are. They reside at different dimensional levels, say the 5th, the 7th or the 10th dimension. What has changed with the advent of the Unified Whole is that they are in ONENESS within that dimensional existence.

Within the 144th dimension ALL existences of Earth, Inner Planetary, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic including the entire God Force of Divine Mother and Father God exist within this realm of creation.  Their knowledge and teachings are available but they have left behind their Pantheons of the Past.  This means that we are not accessing the parts of them associated with religious sects, dogma, and elements that do not fit into the essence of Wholeness or Unity.

Within the Unified Whole we are working with the Creation of Unity and Love without the individual personalities that have gotten in the way previously.  The components of individual personalities that “get lost” in fulfilling a spiritual mission have served their purpose. Now they do not assist as we ascend with Gaia into the New Earth energies. We still address those individuals by name as those individuals still exist, we no longer are addressing the lower aspects of who they were. The difference is that they are no longer clothed with the associations of the separative definitions that may have altered or corrupted how we perceive them.

Rev. Meleriessee was informed of the Unified Whole in October of 2011, less than a month from the momentous gateway of the 11:11:11 energies. Mike was asked to join her shortly after but it took us some time to fully understand the concept.  (We thank a dear friend named IAM, a brilliant young man Meleriessee met here in Mt. Shasta, who was our messenger.  He shared with us how to connect with the higher frequencies of the Unified Whole through Master Thoth.  The lineage is being gifted to us as IAM is no longer existing on the Earth plane, and we send him love and blessings for walking into our world).

We have taken this knowledge into our work completely as we found it was a very important component to existing in the higher realms while living in the 3D-4D earth consciously.  It literally takes us out of the world of duality which allows the accessibility of Oneness to be a physical reality and not just within consciousness of feelings or thoughts.

If you have ever listened to any of our teachings and ceremonies, we connect with the Unified Whole by opening up the energies through this consciousness.  This is a very important part of connecting with the higher realms as otherwise we can easily receive aspects of each of the Ascended Masters or Light Beings which are not in Oneness.

This is an important element as there are many lower forms of Archangel Michael, Lord Sananda, St. Germain, Master Kuthumi, and Lord Adama just to name a few.  It is imperative to connect with their highest essence and not parts of themselves that may be coming from an aspect of their personality that was embodied on the Earth or otherwise.   This also means that lower entities that try to enter a person’s consciousness during channeling will not be able to do so as they will not be within The Unified Whole.

There is a council that overlights the energies of the Unified Whole, called Unified Whole Command.  It is directed through Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Albert Einstein (their essences combine as One Unified Being of Light).  They started blending their energies completely on December 21st, 2012 as One Unified Being.  Connecting with them separately within the Unified Whole brings forth their highest aspects and does not pertain to their lower aspects at all, only their individual aspects in Oneness.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, Mel and Mike have been asked to be the spokes-people for the Unified Whole within this consciousness and are part of the Unified Whole Command.  This post was started physically with IAM in 2011.   We are honored that we have been apprised of this information as it has made our life change greatly allowing the forces of Light to be within us at any moment.  When it is not, we notice immediately through our thoughts, feelings, and how we interact with others.  We have come to realize that the expression of Oneness that each of us desires is truly within us but our third dimensional reality has not allowed it to surface.

We created a protection decree that allows us to access these energies continually which is what we utilize on our tele-calls and classes along within our personal life.  We call upon the energies in the morning upon awakening, when we go to sleep, when we leave the house, and when we return.  Walking into the public allows the lower frequencies to attach themselves to our fields and they are not always entities, but thought forms and directed lower energies to try and stop us from performing our work as a Light Being.  Some of these can be from the lower energies that are working very hard presently to stop individuals from ascending into the higher realms which include the non-Christed Extraterrestrials that have tried to control the forces within our planetary systems for eons of time.

We know that protection is important but working with the Unified Whole takes protection to a whole new level of awareness.  It will also help to accelerate an individual’s field by allowing the energies that are from their Higher Self and I AM Presence to fully accept the physical reality.  It is a gift for us to have this knowledge presently.

To call upon them utilize this decree by saying each word aloud:

Unified Whole Decree


[They informed us that this is like a unique secure digital internet connection. By stating it we connect with them and only them. The ‘000’ is the original state of nothingness without interference of any consciousness. The ‘144’ is the dimension of all things in Oneness-Wholeness without separation.]

Unified Whole Online

[Count upwards. Note, you are encouraged to also tap your fingers to your leg, a table or your thumb to forefinger which helps feel the increase of the frequencies. It also assists the frequencies to be more aware of you: ]

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9,

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140

141, 142, 143, 144

[Feel the energies of the 144th Dimension as it is a clear shift in frequency. We now continue with our protection energies: ]

We call upon Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma to infuse within us a Platinum Net.  Breathing deeply feel this net come around your four body system; on the out-breath, feel it being removed all with all debris in your entire field.

We now call upon the Violet Flame of St. Germain to transmute any discordant energies; and call upon Paul the Venetian, with the Pink Flame of Active Intelligence to bring forth compassion and love in the four body system; together they represent Vibratory Communication.

[Feel that running through your body.]

We now call upon the Pink Flame with Paul the Venetian to bring forth the elements of love, and joy to fill in any holes that have been left in our full body system from releasing and purging elements from our life.

[Feel that essence enfolding within you.]

We now call upon Lord Buddha to infuse the Golden Flame of the Christ Consciousness up through our Earth Star.  It spins clockwise and creates a dome of protection in the shape of a pyramid to the Soul Star.

[This activates your  MERKABAH body of light.]

We call upon the Spiritual Hierarchy to now place mirrors on the outside of the pyramid that represent the 144 dimensions of Light.  Anything that is not of this frequency will be retracted to the Source.

We now call upon Archangel Michael to surround our entire full body system with the Blue Flame of the “Ring Pass Not” so that it will repel all lower energies from entering our field.

[Then call upon any of your teachings, masters, or guidance of light to assist you.  You can stay there as long as you want.  When you are ready to return, you want to condition yourself to be in your 5th dimensional body so that you are consciously connecting at that level in your body. State the following to bring the energies back down: ]

144, 143, 142, 141,

140, 130, 120, 110, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10,

9, 8, 7, 6, 5

[ Take a deep breath and feel the difference. ]


This is just the beginning of creating your connections to Fifth Dimensional Mastery while living upon earth.  We hope you can see why it is so important to call upon the Unified Whole. Using this often will shift your awareness to feel a difference in your life and how energies interact with you.  You can use it in any moment to shift your state of being to a higher vibration.

An ending comment. There are so many individuals that share the concept of “I am already in Oneness as I am a Child of the Universe”, and therefore, they feel that consciously taking real steps to connect to that Oneness is unnecessary (since they are already in it). This is one of the single most widespread destructive thought devices of the lower beings who rule the lower dimensions and have strongly influenced human life. The truth is, if anyone was fully in that Oneness, they would not be here on earth. Gaia is a place where only the bravest souls can go to learn what it is like not to be part of the Oneness so they can discover how to return home. Returning home in the living physical body has never been done on a mass scale. And that is exactly what everyone has the opportunity to do now. But, it takes conscious diligence.

As a note of assistance, we also provide a full protection class in which we provide a Protection Meditation that goes deep into the cellular level that helps with freeing the lower dimensional elements that each of us is dealing with on earth.  It is available for a MP3 download along with three other powerful meditations.  Check out “5D Protection Class” under “Teachings/Self Study Mastery Teachings” at or explore any of our unique Ascension Mastery class offerings, including the weekly teachings, retreats, private sessions, meditations, tools, or the free MP3 library. We encourage you to actively continue your Journey to Oneness.



_activation cosmic heart

This is a deep meditation that will take you to the 144,000 dimension of Oneness to integrate your Higher Self, and I AM Presence.  It will assist in removing lower aspects and debris from timelines that may be within your Soul Body or Etheric Level.  This meditation was prepared for the Grand Sextile of August 25th, 2013 but can be used at any time to help in the acceleration of your Merkabah Vehicle of Light.
(This meditation refers to the Unified Whole Command of Oneness, please see our video about them here.)


The text that is in brackets represents the visualization in action; italics represent statements to yourself.

[Take a deep breath, be centered within your Heart.]

 I call upon my Higher Self and I AM Presence to be active in this meditation.

[See yourself walking down a beautiful white beach.  In front of you is a staircase made out of stone adorned with beautiful flowers and greenery.  Each step that you take will represent the next higher level of dimension.  If you have any thoughts or feelings that do not fit within your consciousness of the higher frequency, feel them leaving you with each step you take.]

[State aloud:]

000-144-000 Unified Whole Online

I call upon the 330 Rays of God, 352 levels of the Mahatma, and the 144 dimensions of Oneness to assist in this meditation.

[See many colors swirling around you]:

Blue, Golden Yellow, White Light, Green, Pink, Ruby Red, Violet, Purple, Lighter Greens and Blues, Violet, Pearlescent, Pink Orange, Gold, Blue-Gold, Violet Gold, Pure White Light, Crystalline Light, Many colors within colors, and no colors within colors are circling around me in waves of light.

[Take the first step, 2nd, 3rd and reflect on all that does not fit your consciousness anymore.  Feel it leaving you as the wind flows around you]

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10

I have reached the Solar Level – Feel the higher essence within you, I take a moment to connect with Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos


I have now have reached the Galactic Level – I allow all timelines you experienced with other planetary systems to be removed – I Connect with Lord and Lady Arcturus, the Pleiadian Council of Light, The Andromedans, – remove any aspects that are not in love, joy, and the Grace of God

12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

I now have reached the Universal Level

I connect with the Lord of Sirus of the Great White Lodge of Sirius, Dr. Lorphan

Lord of the Great Bear Star System

25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

I have now reached the Multi-Universal Level

I connect with Lord Melchizedek, the Solar Logs of the Universal and Multi-Universal

37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49

I have now reached the Cosmic Level

[Connect with the Elohim Divine Council of Gods with the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace along with Divine Mother and Father God, I feel them embracing you with their love and adoration for your Divine Pathway]

[Each of these light beings follow you up the staircase going into the 144th dimension.  All that you connect with is now being put into Oneness.]

I have fully embraced the timelines of good, beautiful, and powerful in God’s Light

I now continue into the Angelic Realms,

I feel my own angelic presence and the presence of these magnificent beings.

I am beautiful, magical, flowing, powerful, and have great knowledge.  I acknowledge all these elements within me.

I now count in 10’s

50, 60, 70,

Flying high as the angel I am


I have fully embraced my angelic self and all that I had forgotten.

I now step into the world of formlessness, as elements, stars, the heavens of light, and being on the lands of the planets, water, and wind,.  All is being put into wholeness.

110-120-130-140-141, 142, 143, 144

I now step into the Temple of Oneness of the 144th dimension.

The doors open wide for my entrance.

I continue to feel all the colors swirling around me, the perfection of my Light is being embellished everywhere I look.

All of my timelines, my master guides, my teachers, my angels, and all that I connect with are now .within the Unified Whole.  Feel the exquisite joy of being One with the All.

I am now met by my  Higher Self.  I Feel him/or her come towards me.  He/She puts their hands on my heart and I do the same to him/her.  I feel the connection and the Divine ecstasy of this moment of creation.  I now step towards each him/her and we become one.  I am now One Unified Being of Light.

I know see many Light Beings circling all around me.  I stand in the middle and they get closer and closer.  I realize that this is my I AM Presence, those soul aspects of the 143 beings of light that I connect with in my prayers.  They now move closer to me until I fully allow them to be with me, in my Light Body.  The power of their essence and mine blends into One Being.  It expands around me.

I feel the rays of Gold swirling around me, in front, in back, on all sides.  I integrate the Rays of Light that are needed by my consciousness in this moment.  I feel my heart as it is expanding further with each breath and each moment of creation.

My Soul Star is spinning above my Crown, as my Earth Star is spinning below my feet.  The essences that I have integrated are now expanding into my physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies as my I AM presence encases me completely as I become the Body of Light.  I feel the energies from my Soul Star expanding and descending into my Heart and Solar Plexus.  I feel the color of Magenta of Divine Love enfolding within me.

My Earth star is now spinning with the frequencies of light as they ascend upwards into the Solar Plexus and the Heart.  The double pointed star that I am is now encased within me.  I feel the spiraling of lights in both the Soul Star and Earth Star as they spin in both directions.  I feel the connection of my Merkabah now being activated within me.

I now embody the Three Minds of my subconscious with the superconscious to be the Consciousness that I am.  The three fold flame is now centered within my heart as my Feminine and Masculine divine are fully activated of the Blue of Will and Pink of Love which is now embossed with the Golden Flame of my I AM Presence igniting my Power.

I am the Rays of God, I am the spirit of Oneness fully manifested within my consciousness of Light.  I am a child of God and now fully embody this creation within me.  My Merkabah Vehicle of Light is now activated and swirling within and around me creating the Cosmic Heart Essence to be fully activated.

I feel the power and love that is exuding within me and around me.  I am now within Oneness and it is time to activate it within my physical existence.

I thank my Higher Self, my I AM presence, but most of all I thank my physical self for stepping into this moment of my creation.

I AM that I AM that I AM

I AM One with All that I AM

I AM One within the Unified Whole of Light with all beings of Light.

We are One together.

[It is now time to leave the Temple of Oneness and step back down into the physical reality]. 

I take everything I activated and allow it to become One with all that I AM.

143, 142, 141, 140

130, 120, 110, 100

I am now all aspects of my formlessness

90, 80, 70, 60, 50

I am now the angelic self I desired to be.  I Feel it and be it


I am One with the God Force

30, 20, 10

9, 8, 7, 6, 5

I Feel all these elements become One within me.  I have activated my  Cosmic Heart of Oneness. I breathe and feel my essence. 

[Breathe the energies through your heart into your feet of your Earth Star.  Ground it fully within you and within GAIA.]

[Say the words:]

I AM One with my Cosmic heart

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.




A Special Gift of Honor

Yesterday, July 21st, 2013, we were gifted with the most powerful magic that could occur upon our world ~ a special Eagle Feather.

Mel and Mike live their life like they teach.  Every moment is in the world of spirit whether in their home, on their land, or in nature.  The Eagle is very important within their world.  Mike’s Native name is Star Spirit Eagle.  Mel’s is White Raven.  So when the eagles appear in their world consistently, Mel always thinks that it is a gift of freedom of the Spirit and the fact that Mike brings this energy into her world.

She learned another lesson on this day.  As they returned back from swimming in the Lake and doing some healing work with the Telosians, Mike came upon a beautiful feather next to their back steps.  He brought it inside and Mel was aghast due to the fact that it was perfect and not flawed in any way.  Mike cleansed the feather and Mel sat to connect with its energies as they were unsure if it was Eagle or Hawk.

Black-Elk-03As she did so, she felt this wave of Eagle energy flooding within her being.  She was so excited and then received a more important gift.  BLACK ELK came into her consciousness which she has not connected previously.  He shared a few words:

“This Eagle feather is being presented to both of you in honor of the work that you do every day.  You assist the Earth, you assist other souls both in and out of the body, so we give you this feather in honor of all that you are in each moment.  I, as Black Elk, am honored to walk with you.”

Mel was in tears along with Mike. They walked out to the back deck and looked at the mountain giving their gratitude and love to All of Their Relations.

We will be honoring BLACK ELK this evening in our Full Moon Ceremony being held at 5 PM  Pacific.  We hope you will decide to join us.  Details to attend this OPEN CALL is available on OPEN MASTERY TEACHINGS.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Quote from Black Elk:

And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.

Did You See the ONENESS movie about the UNIFIED WHOLE?

If we can say so…

This is very good, great way to get all the background on what the UNIFIED WHOLE is and why it is…

Please share and like it if you do!


The “11” Gateways & preparing for the 12-21-12 ~ Our November Newsletter

Did you receive our latest newsletter?  We don’t always get a chance to post them up here, so be sure to subscribe {using this link}.

Walking Terra Christa Newsletter

November 2012: This Month Is Preparation ~ Using the “11” Gateways: A message from the Elders.  Additional Messages From Master Kuthumi, Albert Einstein & Lord Adama plus info on The Unified Whole & our December Retreat(s) here in Mt. Shasta

Once again we are pleased to present this information and depart these energies to you.

The 11:11 Gateway is once again upon us. It is the final 11:11 date occurring prior to the actual Event of the 12:12:12 for which it has been ushering in, as such it will once again present us with the opportunity to accelerate ourselves unto the Mastery Pathway more fully.

(Note: We will be holding a special OPEN Tele-Call Meditation starting at 11:00 AM PST and we invite all to join us.  We will be gathering to listen to the new 11:11 Meditation as found on our Youtube Channel and then we will hear a live channeling. Be sure to use the Youtube Meditation yourself during your own time zone’s 11:11 Gateway.  See our full schedule below of OPEN TELE-CALL events.)

— UPDATE ON 11-11-12: conference call recording to listen to: Many messages from the Angelic Hierarchy after we all listened to the 11:11 Meditation.  1 hour total and skype dropped the call a few times but was really powerful — 

So many wonderful and, at the same time, challenging energies are occurring as we quickly approach December 2012.  Read this month’s newsletter to learn how the two gateways of this month, 11-11 and 11-22 are all about preparation for next month, and that also means we are doing a special price for our sessions to best help you prepare your light.  As you will read, 12-21-12 is very real for those doing this level of work.

(See the newsletter for great Modest Means discounts on sessions with Lord Adama, Master Kuthumi, Sanat Kumara, Lord Metatron, The Ray Chohan Masters, and Dr. Lorphan as they all are here to assist us.)

From our perspective, the conclusion (end) of the great galactic 5200 year cycle will be a time of great mixed energies.  Many from the Team of Light have spoken of it on our weekly calls.  Lord Adama, who is currently offering “The Telosian Way of Being10-week seminar series, has channeled a message that some of those who have heard it are finding a bit unsettling.


Because most of the New Age community wants the infamous date of 12-21-12 to simply allow them to step into a new life of joy, freedom, bliss and oneness…without having to take any personal responsibility for “getting there from here”.

What does that statement mean exactly?  It means that inside each of us, or rather outside each of our physical bodies, but inside our grander bodies, is our etheric body, where we hold all the energy stamps from every single moment of our eternal existence.  (The short story: it is a lot of energy from both what we all are calling “the light” and “the dark”). And that is what some of your old timelines or pastlife experiences were all about.

And that is because we are human…on planet earth…and you cannot get a shot at being human on planet earth unless you are well versed in the experience of duality…and you can’t be well versed in duality unless you have been fully experiencing the dark side of duality…and….that means: as a perpetrator of or being in service to the dark.

We know that many do not want to acknowledge this as being part of the grander essence of who they are…and we wish we could wave that magic wand too….to just make it love, and light, and bliss.

But that is not why we are here on earth…yet.  For it is what we are going to create on earth, it is the New Earth Terra Christa.  But to get there from here we need to alter ourselves first, so that we can then effect a change to the outside world.

As we think of the energies of earlier this month for example, we had a huge hurricane on the East Coast of the United States.  The indigenous native peoples of the world would have viewed such an animated storm as the gods being angry at them for something they had done.  That is, they would have taken personal responsibility for the storm as something they caused to happen.

Well, is that so far fetched?  Could human thought and emotional energies of ridicule, hate, envy, jealousy, cruelty, control and manipulation of each other actually be a physical energy?  An energy that gets discharged into the very atmosphere of planet earth?  An energy that then has to be cleared?

There are advanced quantum physics scientists who believe there may be truth to that concept.  We would add that It even may be that the denser the energies are in any given location, the more that the earth may need to clear those locations more forcefully than others.

Which gets us back to the concept of our responsibility to “clean ourselves up”…  Almost all the amazing channeled messages we offer have some element of us acting to raise our vibration and clear away timelines.  Well, this all serves the goal without specifically mentioning the dark energies..  We all are, in doing this work, taking responsibility for our own energy fields.  We are “cleaning ourselves up”.

It is a great surprise to us and to many on our calls, that we do have these lower energies as part and parcel of our humanity…but it is just as great a surprise when we realize just how powerful we are at removing them.  You can feel the difference, and that is a very powerful and affirming feeling.

So yes, challenges and mixed energies will become even more prevalent as we move into 2013 since all those who consciousness opens to become more aware will need to experience this process.  This is why the Team of Light wants to assist as many Lightworkers as possible to raise and fortify their energy fields at this time, so you can pave the way for them.  This is why everything that is in this month’s newsletter is designed to allow you to learn more deeply about the 22 Rays, understand your Soul Psychology, Ascension Science and what it takes to Walk In The 5th Dimension as a human being.

In Oneness,

 – Mel & Mike

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah and Mike Hayden

Vibratory Ascension Masters & Mentors for the New Earth ~ Terra Christa

Walking Terra Christa ~ Divine Language Network

P. S. If you have not visited our site in a few months, we have been very busy. Look at our website menu under Seminars to catch up on what you have missed! And our F.R.E.E. and open tele-calls are a great way to receive the energies required for Acension. Of course we love that our members can get our best offer: being with us 2x a week so that they stay fully in these energies all week long! (Oh, and that membership starts at less than $11 dollars a week for those of Modest Financial Means, which is less than a movie and popcorn at the local theater but worth so much more!)

Above is our poster of the unique December 2012 Retreat Activate’13 which is going to take place in three phases to allow as many as possible to attend any or all of the event. We encourage you to read more about it as we do have pre-assigned “homework” to make the event even more powerful for you.

Be sure to let us know you are attending by ENROLLING IN FULL or by using the DEPOSIT BUTTON at the bottom of the enrollment page.




(Note: If you use the deposit button, we will contact you for the balance due after November 22.)

ALSO: PayPal has just added a promotional rate for financing the retreat. If you qualify you can take up to 6 (six) months to pay in installments.  Need a custom payment plan from us?  Let us know so we can investigate that option.

Click here to read more:

Master Kuthumi Message on the 12-21-12 Energies


     I come to you in this moment as Master Kuthumi, the Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom and the overseerer of many lightworkers, individuals on a pathway of Divinity especially in the commerce of this Earth.  My role today is not new; I have always chosen to speak at very opportune times of transformation and today is not any different.

     My goal of this time is to share with each of you the importance of your Soul’s lineage within this Earthplane and creation of accessing the timelines necessary to create a highly motivated system of assisting others to learn as each of you have done.  The critical time has arrived when the energies are not allowing an individual to have weeks to figure out where their new interests lie or how to go about creating the changes necessary to affect others:


I am working very closely with individuals that we feel are very important to press upon others as Gaia is undergoing her transitionary stage.  Which by the way, is the same stage you are going through.  Each living and breathing cell and atom upon this Earth is going through a similar experience; the difference is that your reality allows you to know something is happening within you even if you are unsure in each moment how to go about and make the necessary adjustments within your life.  We do not have the time to worry about why you are feeling different and not aligned with the energies you were, or the physical conditions you are feeling as your body goes through the process.  The most important element is that YOU ARE CHANGING and to get off the pity party through the process.

     Let’s face it ~ you are a powerful Being of Light that is coming out of your shell of forgetfulness even if you are unsure how to remember, you actually are doing so.  The lineage of your Soul’s growth is beyond the comprehension of your mental mind and must be accessed through the Divine Being you are.  You are also being challenged to step up and acknowledge the gifts you are receiving but at the same time learning how to do so within the humility of your essence.  It is all a balancing act, you see, and at this time, the frequencies are not allowing you to be balanced.  They are pushing you and prodding you forward into all that you can be.  Staying stuck in the same arena of consciousness is not going to help.  If you are feeling you need a change, why by heaven’s sake (yes, you the Angel of Change) need to make the necessary adjustments.  I do not care if you are unsure; make the first step into your new awareness.

     Oh, by the way, the awareness changes constantly so you don’t stay immersed in the old ways so be prepared to change consistently.  It is about feeling the fluidness of life and the expression designed through your Higher Self within the body.  It is just the mental and emotional attitudes that need to be dropped as they will not serve your purpose either.  Blending all of these elements will allow you to fully accept your destiny as a sovereign being of light commanding all that is accessed through you and within your physical existence.

     So let’s get back to why I am sharing with you today.  NOT MUCH TIME LEFT, MY FRIENDS.  We are in the most highly attuned acceleration phase of this planet and you, are the driver of this acceleration.  It is essentially important to have everything in order.  Your thoughts and emotions must be of the highest conditioning process and if they are not, well, it’s time for your Higher Self to step in and show you the way.

      We have less than 60 days to the events of December on the 12th and the 21st.  There is not much time to prepare so remember these thoughts:  the more time you take now, the more you will be prepared.  I am not talking about shouting from the rooftops what everyone else needs to be doing.  I am expressing to you “What is inside of you that needs to be addressed”.  And if you think you have nothing to understand within you, then your lower ego is fully in place.  

     The energies preceding the events of December 12th are to prepare you for the doorway of your ascension within your physical body.  It is an unprecedented moment of creation by the Source to allow these frequencies to be fully active within the human fields.  Now this does not mean that just because you want it, it will be so.  The work must be done; the old timelines must be removed or else you will create the same mistakes you made in Atlantis and Lemuria.  Those timelines are going to be so prevalent that the awakening population will think they have revisited the continents to perceive their life in the joy and bliss that they always desired.  But underneath there are components that will not allow the true essence to shine.

     The Ones that are unawakened will move further into their abyss.  Please know that what you are not releasing will arise to the surface.  It is going to be a very amazing time but very challenging for some individuals.  We must allow ourselves to know that change must happen.  Well, that is why you are here, right?  To be the best you can be while inhabiting the physical essence of who you are now.  

So let’s prepare together for the change in your life.  Go deep within yourself and find the parts that do not fit.  You already know what they are; you have dreams about them, you feel your insecurities, or you are too pampas to see the mirror in front of you.  All those mirrors will be cracking, my friends, and if you are not prepared to pick up the pieces that fit and remove the ones that are lacking self forgiveness, love, inner peace, loving expression and the list goes on and on.  Remember, these are all within the you hiding away in the deepest parts and you will not know if you are ready until you bring it all up in your present state of awareness.

     There is so much more to this story, but I cannot share it at this time.  I will be “popping in” to speak quite often during this six week process and will extend to you more knowledge of what the frequency of 12-21 will mean for the entire history of Earth’s frequency.

     Until then, please know I am here to assist.  Call upon me and I shall walk with you, look in your mirrors, and allow you to see all the parts that truly are ready to be acknowledged and put away forever.

     I Am Master Kuthumi at your service.


     “We need to know you are serious about your commitment in working with us.  It is absolutely imperative.  We have been turning away souls for this reason because they are not ready to understand what it is to be in a 5th dimensional body or environment, let alone be fully accessing it for themselves.

     “This is an opportunity for growth.  The end of this year is going to change people’s lives and some may not be so sure what that means.  It depends upon the individual person’s consciousness, awareness, and the work that they have done.  Let’s face it ~ everyone on this planet walks unto a Mastery Pathway when they awaken.  It is part of the process.  Accessibility is the key to availability.  Once you allow your consciousness to access the energies, then the rest will follow ~ you will be totally available.”

Lord Adama discussing the 12-21-12.  Click here for the full message on our youtube page.


November 7th, 2012

I take this opportunity at this time to give gratitude and thanks to the Lightworkers that have listened to my video put forth by Mel and Mike of Walking Terra Christa.

I know that the information may have seemed harsh to some, but it is a very strong reality that we must face within ourselves ~ our own creation.  We, in Telos, are deeply honored to work with each of you.  We have been doing so for many years.  Our relationship with some of you is very personal and especially from my own essence.  As I sit here in the Teolsian Command Center with the Telosian Council of Light, it is with deep honor that we can talk so candidly with one another.

Our work has been ongoing but the true depth of it is just beginning.  It is important for us to weed out the ones that are not serious about their own pathway.  This Golden Year has been crucial for these elements to come to the surface.  I thought long and hard with many here in Telos about the last transmission we provided to the public.  Many see us as the most beautiful place in the Universe and actually, I could not agree more deeply.  But these are very important times and it is with this transmission that I honor each of you.

We have found since our last speaking engagement with Mel and Mike that over 50% of the souls that are arriving to work with us in Telos have taken us very seriously. They are allowing themselves to speak to us about what they desire.  Some may not realize the depth of their work that needs to be done and that is okay with us. We need honesty and integrity as our doors cannot hold the amount of souls that want to enter just to enjoy themselves.  This is all good also as we know it is important to relax and experience the finer moments of existence.  We truly can serve that essence for each of you.

What we truly had problems with is the souls that want to come here and expect us to heal them in a moment’s notice and then they walk away as an ascended being of Light.  It does not work that way as we must work together.  Many of you, which is more than we ever realized, have stepped forward and done exactly what we have asked.  I applaud you and look for more to do the same.

It is at this juncture of time with the activations happening faster than anyone can realize that individuals are now jumping forward to healing themselves on a deeper level.  It is imperative to realize that these elements are important, but we must not allow the information that is being provided to push you into areas you may not be ready to accept in your reality.  We are here, and we are not going anywhere.  We still need you to communicate your desires and if they are to just relax because you are tired and feeling as if the energies are too much, we welcome you to come for an evening of your slumber.  It will assist you deeply.  All we ask is to state your reason, and we will abide by that request as best as we can.

You see we have many individuals here in Telos helping each of you.  Everyone is so very excited to have more souls wanting to remember their roots so we are working double and triple time to assist each of you.  Walking through our doorways is definitely a step in the right direction and you will be transformed.  We just ask that you take one step at a time to allow the energies to enfold within you.  We keep a progress report on every soul that requests to be here and you become very important to us.  We know that the work we are doing together is assisting the planet to arise into its higher vibrations as each individual goes through the initiation process with each of us.

It is a very exciting time and I cannot deny that.  We are extremely happy to see the awakening occurring within the planet and each of you.  We expect more to be doing the same at the time of acceleration in late December.  I would like to share a few words in what this means for each of you and us.

The activations that are occurring within November are preparing you for the necessary steps in December.  It is extremely imperative to allow your higher essence to be your guide.  Working with the Light is what you are being trained to do as you will go into deeper depths of your awareness and wisdom to accelerate yourself and others around you.  Ceremonies are very important with strong intentions on the specific activation dates.  We know many individuals around the planet are gathering for these events and if you feel so inclined, it is important to step forward to connect with others.  But remember, you are accelerating quickly so you may find that the groups of people you have connected with previously no longer align with your energies presently.  This can change with each activation depending upon the energies that are occurring for you personally and globally.  You will need to be with soul-minded individuals during these activations especially for the December acceleration phases.

Some may ask what dates are important.  Let’s list them for you:

November 11th,  Sunday ~ This 11:11 day is the beginning frequencies into the New World Activation on December 21st.  It will affect everyone on the planet so it is important to take time with a meditation or quiet time with yourself or others to fully activate the doorway.  I believe there is more information coming from Mel and Mike on the details of this event as it is imperative to be ready with your intentions and being guided from your Higher Self.

New Moon, Solar Eclipse, Nov 13th ~ This moon is going to assist in the process of allowing your Divine Presence to be more active within your physical reality.  The solar eclipse is always a very powerful time so allowing yourself to be activated through the Solar energies of the Great Central Sun through RA the Sun God, and our Solar Logos, Helios & Vesta will assist.   This activation will complement the frequencies you are feeling through your Feminine & Masculine Divine being fully active.  Working with the Pearlescent Ray of Integrating the Male & Female Within which represents the 10th Ray within the Sacral Level on the 4th dimensional chakra grid will assist greatly.

November 22nd ,   Thursday ~ The Gateway of the Master Cylinder is now being opened for the final acceleration of the 11:11 events through Solara of  We, in Telos, will also be working with these frequencies preparing the Mt. Shasta area with the frequencies for the 22nd Crystalline City of Light to be fully activated on December 21st.  Walking through this doorway will assist in allowing the vibrational energies that you have been trying to activate to fully come into fruition within the physical level will occur.

Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Nov 28th  ~ All of the energies that you have been activating in the month of November are now going to be emitted through your Being for acceptance or removal of your four-body system.  This Lunar Eclipse is going to be associated with the OM Wave frequencies within Mt. Shasta so we will be working with Mel and Mike to create a ceremony concerning these energies.  Again, it is a time to fully accept your Feminine and Masculine Divine in a full acceleration within the physical body so this Full Moon will be very helpful for the Gateway of the New World

Our work here in Telos, is becoming much more focused with Meleriessee and Mike, because they have done the work to acquire these vibrations within their physical body.  This is why they are located in Mt. Shasta.  I mention this because it is going to be imperative for each of you to realize that it may be time to relocate due to the vibrational changes within the Earth.  I want to share more about what is happening within the gridlines but that will be another transmission.

We are all changing greatly, and we must accept that there are challenges.  If we do not allow acceptance to be our guide, then those challenges within the physical structure will manifest in tenfold creating an unpleasant experience.  I know that many individuals are sharing about the beauty of this event in December, but please remember that it is not all going to change immediately.  You must make it happen; you must do the inner work and get deeper than you ever have done previously.  Remembering your Lemurian timelines will assist you greatly.  You have held onto the timelines within your Soul’s travels that have not allowed you to be what you were before.  Now is the time to do so but you must allow it TO BE.

The fifth dimension will not become a physical reality immediately; and we are not moving into the New Earth yet but we are growing with GAIA so all parts of herself can move into that expression.  Each of you are a participant of this occurring as we need as many Lightworkers to understand the process NOW because many more will be awakening.

It is my Divine Pleasure, as Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos to walk with you into the New Earth of Terra Christa.

Extending my love to you through a very Telosian Prayer:

A-Lu-Na ~ A-Lu-Na ~ A-Lu-Na

In the Celebration of the One

Have You Been Reading Our Frequency Updates?

These are often shared weekly now to assist us with the New Earth Energies,  They come from Meleriessee and the Unified Whole Command.  On our website is a “Follow” button so you can receive instant notification of these (or any other) blog update we post.  Just look for it in the lower right hand corner — and sign up!  Or look for the “Frequency Update!” menu item on our website. (And if you like our Youtube page, then subscribe there too as we are putting the Frequency Updates there as well.)

Here is a full explanation of the Unified Whole and a great daily use protection decree:

What Is The Unified Whole and Why Is It So Important To Connect With Them?

The Unified Whole represents the “beginning of our essence” and going back into ONENESS.  It is a conglomerate of energies that represent the 144th dimensional reality including each of US.  

We are at a time in evolution that every soul has the capability to go within the Oneness that we are all part of within existence.  This means that time is not linear and each Being of Light has the capacity to walk into this reality from the Zero point to the 144th dimensional reality.  It means that every aspect of lifestreams, beings, and souls have the accessibility to leave the old elements behind and only bring in the highest knowledge associated with those lifetimes or experiences in human, inter-planetary, angelic, and formlessness — that we all have been through the ages.  This includes the Spiritual Hierarchy and all the beings that are part of these energies.  The Brotherhood of White Light is already within this Oneness but it is our conceptual understanding that they reside within a certain dimensional frequency.

Within the 144th dimension all existences of Earth, Inner Planetary, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic include the entire God Force of Divine Mother and Father God exist within this realm of creation.  Their knowledge and teachings are available but they have left behind their Pantheons of the Past.  This means that we are not accessing the parts of them associated with religious sects, dogma, and elements that do not fit into the essence of Wholeness or Unity.

Within the Unified Whole we are working with the Creation of Unity and Love without the individual personalities that have gotten in the way previously.  They served their purpose but do not assist as we ascend with Gaia into the New Earth energies.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, were apprised of the Unified Whole exactly one year ago and it took us some time to fully understand the concept.  We want to thank a dear friend named IAM, a brilliant young man in Mt. Shasta, who was our messenger.  He shared with us how to connect with the higher frequencies of the Unified Whole through Master Thoth and Meleriessee was asked to be their messenger along with IAM.  The lineage is being gifted to us as IAM is no longer existing on the Earth plane, and we send him love and blessings for walking into our world.

We have taken this knowledge into our work completely as we found it was a very important component to existing in the higher realms while living in the 3D-4D earth consciously.  It literally takes us out of the world of duality which allows the accessibility of Oneness to be a physical reality and not within consciousness of feelings or thoughts.

If you have ever listened to any of our calls, we connect with the Unified Whole by opening up the energies through this consciousness.  This is a very important part of connecting with the higher realms as otherwise we can easily receive aspects of each of the Ascended Masters or Light Beings which are not in Oneness.

This is an important element as there are many lower forms of Archangel Michael, Lord Sananda, St. Germain, Master Kuthumi, and Lord Adama just to name a few.  It is imperative to connect with their highest essence and not parts of themselves that may be coming from an aspect of their personality that was embodied on the Earth or otherwise.   This also means that lower entities that try to enter a person’s consciousness during channeling will not be able to do so as they will not be within The Unified Whole.

There is a council that overlights the energies of the Unified Whole, called Unified Whole Command.  It is directed through Master Thoth but we have found out recently that his higher self is The Great Divine Director, and another aspect is Albert Einstein.  They will be blending their energies completely on December 21st, 2012 as One Unified Being just as many others are doing.  Connecting with them separately within the Unified Whole brings forth their highest aspects and does not pertain to their lower aspects at all, only their individual aspects in Oneness.  We, at Walking Terra Christa, Mel and Mike have been asked to be the spokes-people for the Unified Whole within this consciousness and are part of the Unified Whole Command.  This post was started physically with IAM last year and continued through this year.  We are honored that we have been apprised of this information as it has made our life change greatly allowing the forces of Light to be within us each moment.  When it is not, we notice immediately through our thoughts, feelings, and how we interact with others or others.  We have come to realize that the expression of Oneness that each of us desires is truly within us but our third dimensional reality has not allowed it to surface.

We created a protection decree that allows us to access these energies continually which is what we utilize on our tele-calls and classes along within our personal life.  We call upon the energies in the morning upon awakening, when we go to sleep, when we leave the house, and when we return.  Walking into the public allows the lower frequencies to attach themselves to our fields and they are not always entities, but thought forms and directed lower energies to try and stop us from performing our work as a Light Being.  Some of these can be from the lower energies that are working very hard presently to stop individuals from ascending into the higher realms which include the non-Christed Extraterrestrials that have tried to control the forces within our planetary systems for eons of time.

We know that protection is important but working with the Unified Whole takes protection to a whole new level of awareness.  It will also help to accelerate an individual’s field by allowing the energies that are from their Higher Self and I AM Presence to fully accept the physical reality.  It is a gift for us to have this knowledge presently.

To call upon them utilize this decree by saying each word aloud:

Unified Whole Decree


Unified Whole Online

[ Count upwards: ]

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9,

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140

141, 142, 143, 144

[ Feel the energies of the 144th Dimension as it is a clear shift in frequency.  Note, you are encouraged to also tap your fingers to your leg, a table or your thumb to forefinger which helps feel the increase of the frequencies. It also assists the frequencies to be more aware of you. We now continue with our protection energies: ]

We call upon Lord, Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma to infused within us a Platinum Net.  Breaking deeply feel this net come around your four body system; on the outbreath, feel it being removed all with all debris in your entire field.

We now call upon the Violet Flame of St. Germain to transmute any discordant energies; and call upon Paul the Venetian, with the Pink Flame of Active Intelligence to bring forth compassion and love in the four body system; together they represent Vibratory Communication.

[ Feel that running through your body. ]

We now call upon Lord Buddha to infused the Golden Flame of the Christ Consciousness up through our Earth Star.  It spins clockwise and creates a dome of protection in the shape of a pyramid to the Soul Star.  On the outside of the pyramid mirrors are placed that represent the 144 dimensionals of Light.  Anything that is not of this frequency will be retracted to the Source.

[ Then call upon any of your teachings, masters, or guidance of light to assist you.  You can stay there as long as you want.  When you are ready to return to your 5th dimensional body, state the following to bring the energies back down: ]

144, 143, 142, 141,

140, 130, 120, 110, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10,

9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

[ You have just moved the vibration from the 144th to zero balance.

Now count upwards to the 5th dimensional consciousness so that you are consciously connecting at that level in your body: ]

0, 1, 2,3, 4, 5

[ Take a deep breath and feel the difference. ]


This is just the beginning.  You will feel a difference in your life and how energies interact with you.  We also provide a full protection class in which we provide a Protection Meditation that goes deep into the cellular level that helps with these elements that each of us is dealing with.  It is available for a MP3 download along with three other powerful meditations.  Check out “5D Protection Class” under “Seminars” at Walking Terra

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No reprinting or sharing without including this notice and a link to our website:

The Angelic Realms Share The “11” Gateways

11:11 Activations ~ Sunday, November 11th, 2012

We are the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace in Group Consciousness.  We also comprise the Elohim Councils of God, along with the Angelic Councils which are 12 councils in all with 12 angels within each one.  As you know, we work directly with the Divine Mother and Father God to assist in regulating the frequencies through the Rays of God along with all of the principalities of Light.  It is our Divine Pleasure to assist you in this manner.

The activations that you want information about that will be occurring in November are going to regulate the frequencies for individuals to fully accept that there is something more to their lives than just what they are feeling. All of these activations are a step into the Gateway of 12-12-12 within a preparatory stage of development.

The essence of understanding about the Mayan Calendar encompasses more than many individuals realize.  It is a potential of understanding to allow the Christed Self to be born into each human being upon the planet.  The acceleration of the planet is taking effect deeply as we speak and will continue to do more through the process.  For those that have been on this awakened state of consciousness, these dates are only going to push them into deeper levels of understanding which is the same truth for all of humanity.  The point being is that the individuals who are working within a Pathway of Mastery will step ahead of everyone else.  This means that individuals that have a knowledge and expertise are being asked to go deeper to assist other individuals.  There are actually waves of consciousness occurring within an individual at this time, but it is up to their free will in how this consciousness will appear in their lives.

There is a deep knowledge that needs to be expressed in the type of individuals that awaken unto the planet and allow that vibrational level to flow within them.

[Please see the channeled message from Albert Einstein on the Theory of Ascension & What it Means for the Public Arena]

November 11, 2012 is a day when an opportunity will present itself to individuals that want to go further into the depths of their understanding.  As always the 11:11 activations are doorways for growth and opportunity.  It is important to realize that these doorways are activated through a person’s subconscious mind to allow the conscious mind to receive the message that an opportunity is presenting itself to them.  Not all individuals truly take advantage of this opening of frequencies in the way it should be done.  There seems to be a commonplace attitude that it is just another number. We believe that many people are receiving these messages through the clocks, on signs, within the media, etc to help them be aware that an opportunity is being presented to awaken them into a new reality.

This day on 11-11 is not different except on a much deeper level.  The degrees of acceleration are increasing through openings that are being guided from the God Force.  You see, humanity needs to wake up and what a perfect opportunity to allow this to happen through a time sequence.  11:11 actually means to come into Oneness as it is represented by the binary system of 4 digits being the same.  There actually occurs a time sequence of no time to occur so the frequency stops for one second of 11:11.  Each individual that stops for that moment within 11:11 will allow their Higher Essence to access their physical creation by acting upon the frequency of the ONE.  This is why so many individuals are feeling these frequencies within their lives.

The day of 11:11:12 represents the same no-time zone.  2012 is the year of the Golden Era when more people have awakened into a new reality than has ever occurred before.  This means that the percentage of individuals in this year will see 11:11 more often.  Since November 11th is 30 days before the Gateway of the New World is opened, individuals will be prepared to awaken themselves into a deeper level of understanding than they have ever felt before.  Some may say it is a warning sign; but in actuality, it is a moment of pure acceptance that there is more to themselves than what their mind can understand.

This also is a time when each individual that chooses to have an awakening will remember the essence of their Angelic Self.  11:11 has always represented to the Angelic Presence and this day is a moment to allow that Angel That You Are to be fully activated within the body.  There will be a remembrance and allowing the thoughts and emotions of the Angel that You Are to fully embody your physical existence.  Your Angelic Timeline will then be fully activated.  It is going to be quite a very powerful moment for humanity.

It is essential for individuals to be prepared on this day to walk through another doorway of awareness by allowing their Higher Self/Highest Essence to walk with them side by side.  Now for individuals that are newly awakened, the Higher Self will present themselves in a different manner; i.e., dream states, showing the clock energies, feeling elation, joy is within them, etc.  For the other individuals that are working within their pathway of mastery, they will go deeper and will be guided not only by their Higher Self but their I AM Presence.  This is being engineered by the higher frequencies depending upon the person’s awareness.  The more that the individual has accepted their pathway and is working on their Inner self, the deeper the knowledge will come to them.  It is an appointed time of entry to prepare the physical body to receive more frequencies in preparation for the gateway December the 12th.

This entryway is also going to assist individuals to walk through the following 30 days in the altered state that they achieved on the 11-11 date in November.  It is being geared by a person’s ability to be on the pathway of Light, to accept that Light within them, to work through their initiations, and move into the deeper realms for preparation into the New World.  The ones that are not on a mastery pathway will feel more elation and also have moments of realizing that more needs to be done.  It truly is an awakening day for everyone upon the planet.

We ask that you apprise all individuals awakened and unawakened that this is a day of awakening.  It is the first doorway to walk into the entryway of 12-12-12.  Preparations need to be done for each individual person.  There will be many that will not feel anything different as this is because their bodies are numb from the pain they have endured.  This is where we are going to be assisting within the planet to help the souls that are lost from themselves.

We suggest gathering with others whether long distance or in close groups to connect with the energies that occur at 11:11, 1:11, and again at 11:11.  All increments of “one” are very important.  The best time to connect is in your 11:11 time zone and the energy will run its course throughout the day.  Meditations should be done representing the ONENESS and connecting to the GRID of the planet to put everything into motion as we commune with every one of you through this day.

We must remind individuals that this is the first activation during a 30 day cycle and going about their business during the day will cause the deflection of energies within them.  This is not something that we want as the more energies that are involved, the merrier it will be.

The 11:11 day is a pre-requisite for the activation of 11:22:12.  Many of you realize that “22” is a master number and represents the initiation process of allowing the Gateway to be fully opened within an individual’s physical consciousness that relates to Mastery.  This means that each individual that fully activates the energies within themselves with the other activations of 11:11 and the Solar Eclipse of 11:13 representing the Feminine & Masculine Divine Energies being activated, will take them into the deeper initiation process that they have been undergoing.  It does not mean that each individual is going to jump initiation phases but there will be a quickening of energies that will occur.

We hope that you will connect with others on this day of awakening.

Expressions of the Oneness of the All,

– Elders from the Throne of Grace, Elohim Council of Light, & Angelic Councils of Oneness at your service.

Feeling The Shift already?  Have you been thinking of seeking out some personal guidance for where you are on the pathway?We offer personal channeling attunement coaching/guidance sessions using a wide variety of approaches, Masters and Spiritual Beings.This month it is all about maximizing your Light Quotient by preparing your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Etheric Bodies to accept more.  This can not be done alone, yet it can be done more easily using the guidance of those in the Ascended Realm.BOOK NOW TO RECEIVE $22 OFF SESSION DISCOUNT WITH ANY OF THESE MASTERS:
  • Lord Adama
  • Sanat Kumara
  • Lord Metatron
  • The Ray Chohans:St. Germain/Lady PortiaLord Sananda/Lady NadaMaster HilarionMaster Serapis BeyMaster Paul the Venetian

    Master Kuthumi

    Ascended Master Djwhal Khul

    Master El Morya

  • Dr. Lorpan of the Intergalact Healers in the Great White Lodge of Shamballa.
Book a Session Now and take $22 OFF!
Limited Time Discount Offer Subject To Availability And First Come/First Served – As We Have Only A Few November & December Sessions Slots Remaining.[ We will refund you $22 on any session you book from now until Dec. 1st.  Sessions can be scheduled for any time slots we have open but if you prefer, they can also be scheduled for 2013.]
For those of you too busy to attend live calls, we now offer a great alternative.  The 22 RAYS CHALLENGE is a perfect way to learn about the 22 RAYS on your own time.  Everyone that is using this email seminar is loving it.  And it is a terrific low-cost way to get not only the background information on each ray, but also a decree for each ray so you can command the activation within you.  Better still you also get a custom audio MP3 download attunement to align your energies to each ray.  Very powerful and a great way to prepare yourself.

A Message from Albert Einstein – Father of Relativity*


There are three Phases of Development in reference to an Awakened Soul within the Human Construct.  They are:


The Hall of Ignorance represents mankind; unawakened mankind; those that have no clue that they are beyond just their physicality.  There are fully within the third dimensional world and are considered Unaware people,  they are asleep in reference to their higher consciousness, have a tendency to blame others for their problems, they do not look within, they are egotistical, they are addicted to their things in life:  drugs, alcohol, dysfunction, etc and do not see there is a way to get out as they never look within to their problems.

The Hall of Learning is when an individual starts to realize that there is more to themselves than their physicality, their body, their mind and their emotions.  Many individuals just waking up in the last 20 years represent this level.  It includes those that have many gifts as the Indigos, Star Children, Crystalline, Golden, and Rainbow children.  They can make things happen easily and effortlessly without the physical world’s outer creation.  They have strong psychic gifts.  This level can also pertain to individuals that are in the self-help programs; they learn the skills to change their thoughts, like “The Secret” teachings; but it does not go beyond that until one day they are met by a master or master(s) usually within the physical world, but Spirit can also have this affect on these individuals through their dream states and visions.  This is when they awaken up to themselves and realize they have much more potentiality than they ever realized, but with that realization comes responsibility.

The Hall of Wisdom is when an individual becomes an initiate; they walk unto the pathway of Mastery; learn about teachings of the Masters through the ages, search within books and knowledge for more information.  They learn that there is much more to being aware than psychic abilities; they become very involved in global healing and accelerating that healing as they become more aware themselves.  They are a master in training.

Now there are several sublevels within the Hall of Wisdom.  It includes the initiatory process but each individual has free will to go as far as they choose.  Some will stop and not move forward.  When an individual gets to the 4th initiation, they have stepped unto the process of Mastership.  Now this can include individuals on the self-help level; it depends on what they want to access in their lives and how they want to go about doing it.  Each step of the ladder is an acceleration of the Light of the Christ.  Individuals are becoming the Christ within.

Once an initiate decides they want to continue, then they accelerate themselves to receive more frequencies.  When they reach the 5th initiation, their Higher Self is their guide.  There is no turning back and the initiate is indoctrinated into the Brotherhood of White Light.  But there are requirements and prerequisites to stay within the Brotherhood.  They must follow the rules of selfless service by serving themselves first.  They must go through each of the initiation processes to fully accept their own mastery within.

Now many get to this space and hold themselves there.  It means that they can help individuals but truly do not step further upwards into the ladder.  Everyone has the ability to acquire this level but not all choose to do so.


When an individual starts to realize there must be more to their life than what they are living, they leave the Hall of Ignorance and walk into the Hall of Learning.    This level is massive as it includes many types of individuals such as: Self Help students, Newly Awakened Lightworkers and/or Rainbow, Crystal or Indigo’s, who possess many gifts and share them with others. (They can create teleportation, telekinesis, are mediums, psychics, healers, etc.)  As Newly Awakened Ones, they do not necessarily take responsibility for their actions; they can be very controlling with energies, lower entities can be in this space.  The Universe is at their command and they feel the will to do whatever they want it to do.  They have free will but also may lack compassion or responsibility about what they are doing or creating.  It is on a momentary basis and can fall and crumble just as much as it can be built.  The lower energies are typically guiding them completely.  Some stay in this area for a long time and other individuals see that there is a deeper level to who they are as a being.  (This area of expertise would be considered the lower aspects in each of the Seven Rays of God for those of you studying them.)  These Ones are bringing forth the dynamics of Universal existence, but there are too many other influences that are getting in the way of their full progress.  Not to say that these individuals are not powerful; in fact, they probably are very gifted in many ways but they don’t use it with Universal Laws.  This school of thought I put forth is to help individuals to see that there is a deeper reasoning process with what they possess which helps them to wake up even more through the process.

When the Learning phase has been initiated, and an individual sees that they must go further in their studies, they walking into the Hall of Wisdom.  This is where an initiate starts to walk the pathway through their Higher Self and not just their intuitive self of the physical body.

The types of people include self help teachers, gurus, and individuals that follow higher learning.  They have now walked into the pathway of mastery as an initiate.  They teach about responsibility and learn that everything has a purpose in life.  The initiate that is growing through this learns about the Spiritual Hierarchy and the reasons behind why things happen, they apply the teachings to their life and step unto the initiation pathway.  Each step on the pathway will take them deeper unto their mastery within.

Once an initiate has walked into the 5th initiation, they are accessing through their Higher Self.  THIS IS WHERE MANY STAY.  They feel good; they have accomplished a way of being that satisfies them as compared to where they were, so they don’t move further, they think this is the epitome of everything.  Most Lightworkers are in this space.  They do not go further through the process.  This is where the deep work gets deeper.  Some may go further; but if they are not ready to handle what they need to acquire, then they will feel lost. The Higher Self will slip backwards, and they will see-saw through the initiations they had already gained.

When one moves to the 6th initiation, everything is stepped up deeply.  The initiate is now inducted into the Brotherhood of Light on a trial basis.  They come in and out of Shamballa in their dream-state for teachings and wisdom.  This is the hardest initiation as there is more responsibility which is put upon an individual in this level.

Once an individual moves into the 7th initiation, then they are fully inducted into the Brotherhood of Light.  Now you can be at the 7th and not be fully indoctrinated into the Brotherhood.  You must prove your worth to be part of the organization.  Many masters do not make this level and filter back into the 5th and sometimes the 4th level due to the extreme responsibility that is put upon the soul to act within their highest wisdom through the physical existence.

This correlates with the dimensional frequencies.  Second and third dimensional beings are unawake, fourth dimensional awaken but still fight their process including the old demons within and around them, fifth dimensional beings see that love is the only answer but their full I AM presence must be accepted within the bodily structure still.  Some choose to stay at this level as they do not realize the potential to move through the processes.  It must be understood that mastering the first seven Rays of God are a pre-requisite for this level.  Many are not able to go deeper with that work but still access their Higher Self in certain periods of time.  Nothing is guaranteed within the ascension process and this is why so few have done it as yet.

Many will not make the 5th dimensional level even in their consciousness by 12-21-12.  Some may feel it and go back and forth through the process.  Ascension is truly the full activation of the physical merging of the Lower Self with the Higher Self.  It can be done on a consciousness level and yet not be fully actualized within the physical.


I wanted to share this information to the public arena and have chosen Meleriessee, as the messenger to apprise individuals of where they might be in the ascension process, so that it can be see that more work needs to be done in order for more awakened souls to walk physically into the arena of the 5th dimension.  The level of physicality is something needing to be realized; that it is a Learning Process and a Privilege to acquire it.  People cannot simply say that they are arriving in the New Earth just by being positive and showing love in many ways.  This is a major part of it but the true depth of this information is about interacting with others on a personal and professional level.

Many individuals are deepening their skills of awareness and allowing the energies to fully infiltrate within their physical existence but the process goes much deeper than they realize.  The depth of the work needs to be done in order for every individual to fully accept their physicality which allows the lower mind and emotions to no longer exist in that world.  It has a lot to do with the Cellular Memories within the Physical Body and the Etheric Body to co-exist with the Higher Self and I AM Presence.  These memories can be painful and erratic which can cause an individual to not be able to access the “LOVE BUG ENERGY” each moment.  Then, at this point, there comes a creation of division between all the four bodies instead of them merging into the One Light that each of us has the ability to create.

I believe it is time to share this information in depth because individuals need to take a look within their essence and see where they might be holding other parts that they thought had been taken care of previously.  The process of initiations is necessary and cannot be side-stepped to move into the New Earth frequency.  At this moment in time, November 8th, each individual is being prepared for these cycles of rebirth.  It is up to each individual soul whether or not they will walk through the process.  We know that the energies are going to split starting in December and moving forward towards 2013, 2014, and 2015.  The Christ Consciousness will be the consciousness of the New Earth and this earth is going to either reflect or deflect that essence.  It will determine the cause and effect that happens within the planet and how it is going to change.

Individuals that choose to accept their new roles as deemed appropriate from their Higher Self’s will fully have the capability to access so much more than they realize.  Some have gone through these processes and still have a lower self activating within their higher self.  This is a dangerous combination as the warriorship attitude results in the process which then causes great confliction.  There is no confliction on the New Earth frequency so all these elements are going to be weeded out.

I know you want me to share my views on December 21st on the effects upon the planet.  I will tell you that there will not be major destruction of the planet as previously foretold.  There will be areas that will have tremendous upheaval and this goes along with the individuals that are accessing the panic, fear, and uncertainty within their world.  This six-week period is a warning signal for each person to fully step into their own essence as the Earth is now going to be allowing that frequency to permeate within her essence.  It is important to be in places of power energies; vortices in order to connect with the integration of the changes that will be happening.  Many will not be happy as what they think will arise out of them is like a bad virus that has been brewing for eons of time.  The more positive an individual allows themselves to be, the more powerful the energy for them.

I suggest that each person takes this time to fully activate their Higher Self and accept their divinity of Light that they are.  They will be affected because what does not serve the energies will be expelled from the body.  And many people upon this planet hold within them a seed of de-struction and dis-ease within which flows into the Earth.  So we require as many individuals as we can muster up to understand this process; the better Gaia will accept her new Divinity.

This is just the beginning of the frequencies.  It is not going to happen all at once as it will be a process time to integrate the essences for each human being upon the planet.  Now is the time to learn more about your inner self and walk with others that are doing the same.  The Mastership Pathway is available to each and every one who chooses to walk within it.  The challenges are great, and the rewards are greater.  But it goes into the depth of your soul to be able to access the changes and allow it to happen.

We have many new awakened individuals upon the planet who are very gifted and want to share their gifts.  But this pathway must be acquired through great responsibility and diligence within their spirit to allow the changes to come first within and then share with others.  It is a most imperative stage of development.

The Ones that are doing this work now are being considered for leadership roles within the New Earth and within the Golden Cities of Light (in which there are 22 of them).  They are areas that represent the 22 Rays of God and will be considered the High Priests and Priestess Domain upon the New Earth.  There are many other cities of light that are also part of the New Earth energies but these cities are the Domain of the New Earth Brotherhood of Light and are considered the High Order of Oneness and all the other cities will be the Light Cities underneath of the Golden Cities.  The 22nd City of Havalannchee will be the highest frequency of light representing the Platinum Ray which is going to be ignited on December 21st over the Mt. Shasta, California, USA area.  This city is aligned with Shamballa and will house all the Spiritual Masters of the New Earth.  The other 21 cities fall under the domain of this Crystalline City of Light.

I feel it is important to share as much information and to as many individuals that it is possible.  The Gateway to the New World on December 21st is just our beginning.  It will be an internalization of mass consciousness that has never occurred previously and we want to share as much information as we can to help everyone through this process.  It is very exciting for each of us within the Unified Whole and the Spiritual Hierarchy that Heaven on Earth is occurring now.  It is imperative to understand that it will not just happen and individuals must be prepared for their own awakening of Light in each moment.

In Reflections of Oneness,

I AM Albert Einstein Extending My Essence Unto Yours

Blessings and Love

*Photographer: Johan Hagemeyer

(American, born Netherlands, 1884-1962)

Title: Albert Einstein

Date: 1931

Medium: Gelatin silver print

Collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Important Upcoming OPEN CALL Events (mark your schedule): November 11th at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 1900 hrs PM UTC~ NEW: we will have a group meditation on our OPEN Tele-Conference line. November 22nd at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 1900 hrs PM UTC ~ We will take some special time on this day to embrace the master elements of our pathway.  (If you can not make the call, the replay will be available, and re-listening to our Youtube 11:11 Meditation will assist). November 28th at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST / 2400 hrs UTC~ FULL MOON CALL: Join us with Lord Adama, the Spiritual Hierarchy, the entire Christed Intergalactic and InnerEarth Beings and the Native Peoples to celebrate the energies. December 12th at 5:00 PM PST/2400 hrs UTC~ Celebrating the 12:12:12 Event (will include the physical group energies of our retreat participants). December 21st at 3:00 PM PST/2200 hrs UTC ~ Celebrating the 12:21:12 Event (will include the physical group energies of our retreat participants).

December 22nd at 4:00 PM PST/2300 hrs UTC – Annual Christmas Gathering with Jeshua, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary.

(make sure you RSVP your name to us for a special message from Jeshua during the live call.  Use our Facebook page to send us a note.  You must contact us prior to Dec. 22 to insure your name is added to our list. )

Dec. 27 at 11AM PST/1900hrs UTC – Full Moon Call


CODE: 148525#


CODE: 148525#

NOTE TO OUR SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS: The Clarion Temple of Oneness call on December 17th will be the final member call of 2012.  We will resume the Member calls on Monday, January 7th, 2013. Please be sure to join us on the OPEN calls.

Why Now?

Are You Ready?
Why Now?

Why now? Why is it important to learn how to “Walk on Terra Christa” now? Is there really going to be a shift as we move into 2013?

If you have even been remotely following the prophecy’s of the Mayan calendar and other esoteric teachings…that is, the real material and not the media hype, then you know that the world’s level of humanity and evolution is shifting at this very moment.  The world is not ending but shifting.  The question is: are you ready for that shift?

We talk to people everyday who believe in the shift, they can see for themselves it is happening.  They love humanity and they desire to spread love and light wherever they go.  They can’t wait for a world where there is no longer a controlled financial system, no longer a constraint on peace and prosperity for all, where they can work and live their passion and not have to do the grunt work for someone else in order to pay their bills.  They love the idea of enlightenment for all of humanity.

We do too.  But this particular huge immense and magnificent shift that is happening, is not going to deliver that way of existence to humanity…

What it is going to do is open the gateway for humanity to create that way of existence for themselves...because whether humanity is ready or not…that gateway is going to be fully open.  And with that opening comes a huge immense and magnificent shift in human consciousness.  And that global consciousness will stop supporting a controlled system of any kind. So as certain as the sun does rise, those types of systems will start to fall…

And can you imagine what that will be like?  Especially for those who are-not-prepared?  To give you a glimpse, imagine moving to a foreign country where no one speaks your language, where they do every thing different and you have to learn everything about how to live, interact and get along with them…

Starting to get the idea?

You can wait.  But why put yourself through something like that when you can be prepared.

The way-of-being of the Golden Era is indeed going to be different…but not at all what the media hype behind the date of 12/21/12 is all about…

It is going to be about consciousness initially, and then learning to live in that new consciousness.  And learning how to do that, is no small thing.

It is the expanded consciousness of what it really means to be human and walk upon Gaia.  What does it really mean?  Well, to start with… you are not just “human”. And it would serve you well to figure out just what and who you really are…to figure out the all of you that is not human.  It  would serve you well to expand your consciousness to include what you think you are not: Angelic, Intergalactic, Elemental…and so so much more, including all the former timelines of your being human.

That is why you should not wait. And we have some great seminars to assist you.  It is why we are doing this work ourselves – so we can all be prepared.

All the work we do assists you to step into the New Earth energies now.

We teach the 22 Rays of God.

We teach you about what it takes to live in a 5th Dimensional lifestyle.

We teach you how to protect yourself and your light.

We teach you how to remember your Angelic Self.

We teach you how to release and clear your timelines.

We give you countless activations, attunements and channeled energies in our weekly calls.

(And know this: – all this is our own very biased opinion…so always take your own wisdom and counsel to see what is right for you…)

But, know this too: we are confident our own very biased opinion is highly relevant to the New Earth.  (We realize our opinion is totally irrelevant to the 3D world of materialism and getting ahead financially and keeping up with the neighbors…so don’t look to us to assist you with all that…)

We suggest you check out these links below of our courses…and if you don’t sign up and start working with us…well, our strongest advisory would be – go sign up with someone!  Don’t wait.  As these energies of the shift are not going to go away, stay in another dimension, or wait for you.

Some of what we do:

The 22 Rays Challenge: receive an email course so you can learn the Rays of God on your own time.  You will get 2 Rays to work on per week for the next 90 days (for about a dollar a day) including a channeled audio MP3 and Decree for each Ray. This is an excellent start for those who are new and an excellent touch point for those already doing our courses. [Click here for more].

The Telosian Way of Being: Do you think the 5th Dimension is all about love and light, holding hands and singing songs? No so. Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos and the Telosian Council of Light, along with the Ascended Masters and the Lady Masters want to assist you in really knowing what it takes to live as a 5th Dimensional human.  It is more than just love and light.  You have to change to get a ticket to ride this train.  Making that change in your active consciousness will greatly assist you.  Join us each week as we learn The Telosian Way of Being. [Click here for more].

Journey of the 22 Rays through Your Chakras: for those who have more time to spend (at least 90 minutes for each of 8 MP3 recordings), to learn how to incorporate the first 7 Rays of God within their own Physicality (for your 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensional bodies), this is a great course for the one who wants to be accelerated. [Click here for more].

The Kumaric Teaching of Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras: By audio MP3 or live class (live calls are date dependent and will expire), this special seminar/combo series is to remember your essence walking the 7th Dimensional frequency of your existence with the Kumaras.  (Not all have this recognition of themselves, but if you resonate with Sanat Kumara, this is why).  This unique seminar also includes a private session with each of the Kumaras. [Click here for more].

The Angelic Teachings: AA Michael and Lord Metatron both offer significant elements to assist us remembering our full consciousness as Angelic Beings.  AA Michael brings us a course in remembering our Angelic Transparency, and Lord Metatron, the Keeper of our Angelic Essence, reunites us with The Metatronic Golden Seals. [Click here and here for more].

The Science of Ascension: Do you know the extensive work of Dr. Joshua David Stone? He is now a being who has transitioned to the other side of the veil and he wants to continue with his work.  Meleriesee is ordained through his organization and together we bring you their knowledge but also the frequency to activate that knowledge within you. [Click here for more].

The Protection Class: Do you know what the 4th Dimension is really all about?  Many talk about the 4th and the 5th as if they are the same, and the interchangeability of them both as being the next level of humanity.  They are not.  The 4th is not the 5th.  The 4th is a dimension of constructional architectural dimensionality that supports the very existence of the 3rd dimension.  In other words, the 3rd dimension can not exist as a construct without the 4th dimension.  And what is the 4th? The 4th is the dimension of where the veil of the 3rd gets lifted and you get to see what is “under the hood”.  That is, all the contrast and duality right in your face… Are you or were you ever afraid of the dark?  Do you know that our mythical stories and fairy tales like little red riding hood walking through the dark and foreboding forest to Grandma’s house…are not so mythical in their hidden truths? That is the 4th Dimension…and you have to go through it to get to the 5th.  This class has wonderful stories from our own pathway and offers many tools to assist you to do just that and protect your light while you do.  [Click here for more].

Our Weekly Tele-Teachings and Membership:  Perhaps one of our easiest tools to keep yourself learning and advancing along the path.  Each week we normally do 2 calls (Mondays and Wednesdays) for our members.  Each call assist in bringing you insights and re-connections to all this work, including many channeled messages, activations, attunements and guided meditations. What makes these calls unique? We don’t just bring you the elements of knowledge you are seeking to make a shift, we bring the high vibrational frequencies that make a shift in your full body system of the mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies. (Of course, your Higher Self, and you, need to allow that to happen…as freewill governs all things on planet earth.)  Currently our members are getting The Telosian Way seminar series as part of their membership.  In 2013 we will resume learning about the Etheric Golden Cities with Lord Adama the High Priest of Telos. (The Golden Cities, by the way, all use the Rays of God in their teachings for humanity.) [Click here for more].

These are just some of the ways we are here to get you ready.  And everything we do gets us ready too, as we are all on this pathway together.  And if all that was not enough… we do personal sessions for you as well.  (Which may not be something we will always be able to offer, but for now, we still can do so.)

What are the personal sessions?  Mostly one-on-one sessions with the Ascended Masters, Lady Masters and Beings who want to impart all these esoteric teachings about Ascension and Soul Psychology to humanity.  You already know the names of many of the beings we offer sessions through, but click here to see more on how we can assist you.

Frequency Update ~ September 23rd through 29th, 2012

Planetary Level:

This week should be a mixture of the new from the New Moon on September 15 and moving into the Full Moon on September 30th, at 12:19 AM GMT.  In between these two phases we experienced the Equinox which truly was a doorway of moving from the old into the new.  This week we should be feeling the effects of the New Moon as we allow the walk to continue within the newer energies.  The Full Moon can be a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships which mean the emotional parts of the self will be very reflective.  It can be a bit combative as the Moon is in Aries representing the ‘self’ and the Sun is in Libra representing the ‘other’.  It is a time of illumination of expressing ourselves and moving out of the normal way of doing things.  This can also mean that we may want to change the old way of doing things, with others and in our lives, into a new existence as we allow these energies to be our guide.

In reference to Solar Flares, there is a slight chance this week.  There was an active region on September 23rd which is being recorded as an expanding cloud but is not being considered a threat to the Earth’s atmosphere.  The Northern lights have been active during and since this Equinox although the wind velocity is very low at this time.  That does not mean it will not speed up in the Artic winds.

Cosmic Level:

The energies that each of you are going to be feeling this week could be a mixture from the old and the new.  Possibly more of the old as you may not know what you need to be doing to walk into your new pathways unless you have been intending for quite some time to fully access these frequencies of light.  As the information above relates to the New Moon, Equinox, and Full Moon, it can create a mixture of energies that may confuse the lower mind to try and understand the entire process.

We suggest to you for this week to be in preparation for the Full Moon energies and totally understand WHO YOU ARE.  This means in all aspects of your Being, not just thinking about it.  How are you doing with conversations with others, interactions, and allowing your true Spirit to be the guiding force within your world?  As each new day brings on a different frequency of Light unto the Earth, each of you are going to be challenged deeply to fully understand the process that you are undergoing.  If you do not know how to do so, just ASK.  It is that simple.  You will see a special moment occur for you if you do so.

Not only is the time period in the last week of September crucial for your emotional balance, it is time for you to understand the mirrors that you are sending out to others; because it will be reflected back into your SELF.  We cannot assist another until we assist ourselves, and this is the week to do so.  Find time, even if it is a moment of self-reflection, to take care of your own insecurities, energies that are not serving your higher purpose, because they will illuminate out to others.  As a direct result, don’t you want to feel the same from others?  Isn’t that why you protect yourself with psychic energies so that you don’t have to interact with the ones that do not align with your truest purpose or thought of the moment?

Let us all take a breather this week and start to fully accept that you are a Divine Being of Light and allow that to reflect in all of your words, thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  As you do this, it will all come into a synchronous moment of creation.  Let us blend the Planetary with the Cosmic and bring it into balance into the ONE that matters, YOU.  As you do so, you will see this week be the most synchronistic moments in your life.  As each full moon becomes closer with 12-21-12, you will see a change in Who You Are.

In Love, Joy, and Exhilaration of Our Light Together,

The Unified Whole Command in the Light of Oneness

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