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The Experience of Guy Ballard with Lord Saint Germain and the Royal Teton Retreat Visit

Here are the written personal experience of having Lord Saint Germain guide him into the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters, in the words of Guy Ballard as excerpted from the book Unveiled Mysteries by Godfré Ray King, [1934].

We soon reached the top of a majestic mountain that stands sentinel over one of the most beautiful scenic belts in the United States. Vast forests lay beneath us, and great ranges of mountains, with their treasures of mineral wealth still untouched, stretched as far as the eye could see.

Going to a point where huge masses of stone lay in confusion, as if giants had hurled them in a war upon each other, Saint Germain touched a great boulder. Instantly, the enormous mass tipped out perhaps four feet away from its original position. He motioned me to follow. We entered and, to my astonishment, stood before a large bronze door.

“This has been here since before the sinking of Atlantis—more than twelve thousand years ago,” he explained.

He stepped forward and pressed certain points on the door. The great mass of bronze weighing many tons swung slowly open, and admitted us into a spacious chamber from which a stairway, cut in the solid rock, led downward. We descended some two hundred feet, and entered another space—circular in shape. Saint Germain stepped across the room to a door opposite the stairs, and placed his right hand against it. As it opened, we stood before the entrance of a tube elevator. The interior looked like frosted silver—and in answer to my thought, he said:

“Yes, but harder and stronger than steel and—indestructible.” A flat disc of the same metal, fitting the tube quite closely, rose within it to the level of the floor. The platform was controlled and operated—entirely—by the Master. He stepped upon it, and I followed. The door closed, and we began to descend. It was a long way down, although we did not move rapidly. The platform came to a stop at another bronze door of entirely different design.

“We have descended two thousand feet into the very heart of the mountain,” he commented, as we stepped out of the tube.”

Is this a true accounting?

In his recounting of his experiences with the Ascended Masters and especially with Saint Germain, Guy Ballard was sharing his words to the public. By the early 1930’s in the United States and Europe there was a vast and active interest in the supernatural and spiritualism. His writings reflected those beliefs systems of the day. Anyone interested in reading his book would most likely already be familiar with concepts of developing the higher potential of the soul, have an acceptance of the feats demonstrated by the Indian’s Yogi’s, participated in seances or mediumship and have a firm foundation in what was termed occult metaphysical knowledge’s. In fact, many individuals worldwide a century ago did not only discuss such ideas and concepts but they engaged in the actual practices of inwardly seeking the higher levels of consciousness through diligent self introspection and inner awareness.

In stark contrast to the world of today, there was no such thing as TV and digital entertainment overtaking human consciousness. Reading scholarly information directly from original sources in books and journals was second nature to any serious person of his day.

Because of this fact of life at that time, he did not ever consider himself special or unique in his pursuits of coming to know his own spiritual nature. He simply assumed others were engaging in the same kinds of spiritual practices as himself. In those days it was serious personal business so to speak.

When he set down to write and share his own accounts, he considered it as an important duty to humanity to share what he experienced. In this way others who sought their own spiritual advancement could reference what he shared along with all the other materials they were utilizing.

His perspective was not to put it forward as a justification of why he believed what he did, which meant that he as an individual was not the focus of the accounting he gave.

He did not share how long or how much devotion and dedication he gave to his own internal spiritual growth, nor did he compare himself to any others. Which means that from our modern day perspective, it is not very clear to us as to the level of human potential, or higher awareness, he actually achieved.

What we know from our own experience within Ascension Mastery is that in order to have a higher dimensional spiritual being physically manifest and then assist you to literally teleport somewhere else does require that one has already achieved a high level of spiritual attainment. So much so that the veil of the third dimension has become very thin and one’s awareness of other realities becomes much more a part of ones life.

So in our view this is very much a true account even though for modern day humans it seems very far fetched to many.

Years ago when other metaphysical scholars shared information, they had a sincere belief that the words they shared were sufficient to assist others in moving forward on their own. This led to the distribution of Mantra’s and Decree’s that an individual could read to assist them in guiding themselves into those higher realms of consciousness.

In the past decade since we have been sharing our work to the world, we have seen that the required prerequisite foundation in personal spiritual pursuits is not at all the same as it was a century ago. If you have read our articles about doing a visitation to the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters you read a Decree that can be used to align your consciousness with that of Lord Saint German and the Karmic Board Masters. While we share those guiding words, it really is only going to be helpful to individuals who have already spent many years activating their christed spiritual awareness to be as expanded as was Guy Ballard’s.

We have seen that for almost all individuals who are part of today’s modern world of instant news, entertainment and experiences, being bombarded constantly by digital images and sounds, and mostly without an internal scholarly pursuit of a higher spiritual self, it is much more effective to use a fully guided audio instruction and meditation to help guide you to make the Etheric Journey to the Teton Retreat in a similar fashion as the original experience that Ballard shared.

We created this form of assistance for our students of Ascension Mastery and we share them here. If you are interested, we have also included in the audio transmissions other details and understandings about the Retreat Visitations that will assist your spiritual advancement, as visiting the Teton Retreat is still very much a metaphysical pursuit. So it will not seem real within a third dimensional mindset.

Yet, it is very real within the higher realms. As such it is a dedicated effort and service that is performed by the members of the Karmic Board for the serious soul who desires to become more of their soul’s true essence, and a very busy time for the Masters indeed, as many souls do visit. Which is why, even for the Masters it is an intense time that they cannot maintain as an ongoing effort. This is also part of the reason it is only offered 2x a year for just 30 days each time.

It is open for assistance on June 15th for the first session of the year and December 15th for the second session. These dates also correspond closely with the time of the Solstices in order to enhance the ability for a soul to connect spiritually.

Below we provide a link to order the full guided meditation teaching journey (approx. 90 minutes plus class options for deeper understandings directly from Lord Saint Germain in his current words) for those who desire the extra support of our DIVINE LANGUAGE NETWORKsm HIGH VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT in visiting the retreat. The full audio transmission can be used as a special guided meditation journey attunement and Ascended Master Messages teaching to assist in understanding your true essence within your visitations at a much deeper level than using your own mind or current level of awareness. There is also an option to get extra recordings to use during the 30 days so that you can experience different transmissions.

(If you did not get a moment to read the written message about the opening of the ROYAL TETONS and how it can assist you please click here).

In this special 1 hour and 20 minute transmission we etherically enter the Ascended Masters Retreat.

We learn about the role Master Djwhal Khul has taken on within the retreat as his essence of Master Confucius is blended in the Unified Whole. Included along with Master DK, we also receive a very powerful acceleration attunements with the energies of Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain, Lord Lanto, Master Hilarion, Divine Mother Father God, and all the Beings of the first Seven Rays of God. The Karmic Board takes our petitions and opens the doorway for us to move through what we ask to acquire.

“The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America, [originally founded] by Master Confucius and Lord Lanto as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine plan for this planet. The Lords of Karma meet in the retreat twice a year at the winter and summer solstice to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega to respond to good will petitions from Students of the Light.  The retreat releases the flame of divine illumination and the light of the Divine Mother to the Entire Planet,”

The Brotherhood/Sisterhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within a person’s spiritual pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters. The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from themself, rather than bestowed upon them by the Masters. Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy. Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dream state and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.


TO EXPERIENCE THE FULL TEACHING with GUIDED MEDITATION (click here) to order the mp3 digital downloads.


Public gathering online this SATURDAY JUNE 17 at 11:00 AM to prepare for the JUNE SOLSTICE!
[Click here to join live or access the recording in the Meeting Resources section.]

©2015-2023 Christine T. Hayden (Reverend Mahlariessee *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”) and J. Michael Hayden (Reverend Aranathanara) and, Divine Language Network. All Rights Reserved. Licensed Limited Material. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the herein referenced digital media material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.
[Plain language for limited licensing terms and conditions: this Walking Terra Christa digital media product (MP3 sound file) is a limited license to be accessed only for the direct personal private use by and for the original purchaser exclusively. This license does not grant use rights to alter, transcribe, copy, broadcast, publish, distribute, share or play this digital media product under any other circumstances without the written permission of the author].


Teton Retreat_800_600THE ROYAL TETON RETREAT OF THE ASCENDED MASTERS opens for its Special Session to all initiates to journey in their meditations and/or sleep state to work with the Ascended Beings of Light.

The Winter Session doorway opens December 15th and extends through January 14th.

The Summer Session doorway opens June 15th and continues through July 14th.

Divine Dispensations Given and Higher Soul Meanings Revealed

This is a very special time period in which initiates may work with the Karmic Board and the Spiritual Hierarchy to provide emotional, mental, and physical symptom healing through the etheric body by resolving any elements of karma impacting their challenges presently. The assistance is directly from the ascended masters who gather in the Royal Teton Retreat for this specific purpose at this specific time. It allows each of us that are initiates on the Pathway of Mastery to step into the Ascended Master State of Consciousness more fully.

We have now arrived when the retreat is open to all students to visit in their meditation and sleep state. It lasts for 30 days during each dispensation period. It is a Divine opportunity to work more closely with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

The Brotherhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within an initiate’s pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters.  The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from himself, rather than the Master.  Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy.  Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dreamstate and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.

The Karmic Board meets monthly within the Teton Retreat with the entire Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. During the Open Visitation period, they are available to work with any and all initiates for reasonable reasons of request.

Twice a year the Royal Teton Retreat is Open to all initiates and students of the Light to work with the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy on their current pathway.  This is a very special opportunity to have individual contact with the amazing teachers of the Light that each of us are aspiring to also become.

The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America. Master Djwhal Khul is now considered the head master for this retreat. At first Lord Lanto, who was the Ray Chohan of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, led the Teton Retreat as did Master Confucius. (Many other sources still use the older writings which do not indicate the changing roles of the Ascended Masters but the information at Walking Terra Christa is the most up to date).

To clarify, in 1958 Master Confucius took over the role of the leader in the retreat from Lord Lanto; and Master Kuthumi became the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom. Both of these great masters walked alongside of Lord Lanto for generations of time. Master Kuthumi left the post of the Ray of Love and Wisdom as he is now working with Lord Maitreya in the Office of the Christ; as he has become Lord Kuthumi. Master Djwhal Khul assisted Master Kuthumi in the Ray of Love and Wisdom and in 2015 had taken on the role of Ray Chohan. He is now assisted by Master Joshua Stone in this role as Master Joshua is training to assume this post in the years to come.

Master Djwhal Khul is now the leader of the Teton Retreat as he has lived the life of Master Confucius in his prior incarnation, so their soul essences have blended together within the Unified Whole energies. In effect Master Confucius is not leaving the retreat, but is now an integrated energy with Master Djwhal being the Higher Self of his essence. Lord Lanto is continuing to work within the retreat along with Master Hilarion representing the 5th Ray of the Science of God representing Divine Wisdom.  This ray is within the color of the Green merged with Gold and White.

The retreat is run by Master Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine Plan for this planet. The Karmic Board (whom all meet in the retreat twice a year at the times of winter and summer solstices to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega in response to the good will petitions from students within the mastery pathway.  (The Board also meet monthly all year, but at these other times there gatherings are closed to initiates and only open to the Ascended Masters).

The Teton Retreat is representative of the Ray of Love & Wisdom with the Science of God. It brings forth illumination of the Higher Mind into the Heart Essence (blending with the Lower Mind); the Science of God represents Divine Truth within the Higher Mind to be able to access Divine Wisdom.

Each of these masters represents amazing qualities of mastery that we each need to incorporate within our pathways as initiates:

Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain – represents all of the Ray Chohans and Archangels within the retreat.   He acts as a guide for each initiate to join the retreat.

Master Djwhal Khul – Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom; he is considered a master psychologist to help initiates see a perspective of their Soul Psychology from the soul level instead of the human level. His essence is now blended with Master Confucius who represents Truth, Justice, and Education of the Soul.

Master Lanto – Illumination of Heart’s Flame

Master Hilarion – Accessing Wisdom through Spiritual Truth

In addition Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, (an Ascended Master) oversees all souls that are entering Telos after exiting the body who have attained the proper level of advancement to enter into a 5th dimensional frequency. (Otherwise the souls are given the opportunity to continue their training in the appropriate spiritual centers of study).

Utilizing the 7 Rays of God as the Essential Tool of Advancement

Masters Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion work with the Karmic Board and all Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God (and Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain) to listen and address each student’s request. In addition the Seven Ray Archangels and the Elohim Masters assist in the process.

Many aspirant shave been introduced to the Violet Flame, as in the initial teachings from over a century ago, this needed to be the focus. Much as occurred over the past 100 years and now with the advent of the higher Cosmic Energies, aspirants are required to embody the qualities of each of the first 7 Rays of God. They are as follows:

1          WILL AND POWER, El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, Archangels Michael & Faith – Deep Blue (Throat)

Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness, fearless, handling people, faith, protection, will, power

2          LOVE AND WISDOM, Master Djwhal Kuhl, Elohim Masters Apollo & Lumina, Archangels Jophiel & Christine – Golden Yellow (Crown).

Expansion of Mind, radiance of self, insight and intuition, loyalty, generosity, calm with endurance, serenity, love of truth

3          CREATIVE AND ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE, Master Serapis Bey (has switched roles with Master Paul the Venetian), Elohim Masters Heros & Amora, Archangels Chamuel & Charity – Deep Pink (Heart) –

Power to create, manifestation, mental illumination, perserverance, deep compassion, toleration and devotion of self love

4            HARMONY & BALANCE THROUGH CONFLICT, Master Paul the Venetian (has switched roles with Master Serapis Bey), AA Gabriel & Hope – Crystalline Light (Root)

Artistic development, resurrection, changing elements within oneself, Gold’s purity of light in thoughts and emotions, Hope, fluidness of life

5            SCIENCE OF GOD/THE DIVINE MIND, Master Hilarion, Elohim Masters Cyclopea & Virginia, Archangels Raphel & Mother Mary – Green mixed with Gold & White Light (Third Eye)

Opening up psychic abilities , Harmony of the Spheres with the Elohim and Archangels, flowing energies, accessing the Divine Mind (higher self energies), unwavering patience, able to see the minute details, voice is being heard.

6            INNER DEVOTION, Lady Nada, Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha, Archangels Uriel & Aurora – Ruby Red mixed with Gold (Solar Plexus)

Peace, forgiving love, grace, devotion to self,  and following the ascended master teachings.

7            SACRED LIVING-SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS AND PROTOCAL, Lady Portia, Elohim Masters Arcturus & Victoria, Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst – Deep Purple (Sacral)

Purification, transformation, invocation, refinement, structure in life with sacred living, ritual ceremony

Within true and pure Ascension studies, the characteristics of these Rays become part of the souls essence with in-depth study and training. This is in the overall context of the 22 Rays of God which enables an aspirant to create the Light Body on the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional grid.

Important Note: From the experience of decades of our own direct advancement and teachings within Ascension Mastery it is clearly evident that the best intentions and well wishing thoughts about Ascension do not create Ascension. We have learned that most people love the idea of Ascension and are attracted to the love and light frequency. However, in order to advance in the practice of Ascension (actually raising consciousness and vibration) an individual must be trained in doing so. The training must be authentic and accurate to introduce and uphold the purity of the new vibrational energies. This is why we hold classes in Ascension Mastery. Our previous Class and Meditation to guide you to the correct and true higher frequencies of light regarding the Masters of the Teton Retreat can be ordered if you desire that deeper assistance. From our first hand experience, since these energies are not easily mastered, we feel everyone needs guidance and assistance.

Click this link to read about the Class and Mediation: TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

What is the Karmic Board?

The Karmic Board consists of a group of Ascended Masters that oversee each soul’s evolution on planetary and soul levels. The Karmic Board overlight the laws of the galaxy as they apply to planet Earth, and meets twice a year to consider petitions from the Brotherhood and unascended beings. They are not only here to assist each of us but we can call upon them any time that we wish to assist in clearing away energies that are stopping us from having our full potential while in body. They also meet monthly at the Grand Teton Retreat to assist initiates in their pathway but the work done in the 6 day period is of a lesser degree than the twice-a-year conference. Initiates are invited to attend in both December and June during their meditation and sleep states.

The Karmic Board Members consist of:

Lady Portia (Goddess of Justice, Spokesperson for the Board),

Goddess of Liberty,

Lady Nada (Goddess of Love),

Lady Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth),

Elohim Master Cyclopea (Concentration Representing the 5th Ray),

Lady Quan Yin (Goddess of Mercy),

The Great Divine Director (Unified Whole Command).

The petitions that are backed by the largest amount of energy, have the greatest chance of being approved. Generally, those petitions with the greatest amount of support from both the human kingdom and the ascended realm will be chosen. Note that Cosmic Law is very strict. It may not be superseded except under exceptional circumstances. After consulting with Alpha and Omega, the Karmic Board renders a decision, which is final.

The Karmic Board opens up the Book of Life which is the summary of the experiences of the last embodiment for each individual who passed through the experienced known as death. The Book of Life shows how the individual used the energy of the last embodiment in a constructive way. They examine each individual who wants to come back into embodiment and decides whether or not to grant the individual the opportunity to re-embody at a certain place or time.

The members of the Karmic Board are not beings waiting to punish souls. Their service to God is to assist individuals to be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress, to balance out their debts, and to complete their ascension process. The Karmic Board is a merciful body of helpful intelligences, not to punish the bewildered souls.

They are here to assist us in various ways. For example, if you find that you are having issues with an individual bothering you psychically, you can put out a request to the Karmic Board to alleviate the interaction. In addition they are here to help remove any discordant chords that are impeding your progress for your Highest Good. They will tell you exactly what can occur if the chords are removed. In some cases it may be previous lifetime connections and you may want to open up the doorway for a better relationship with this person. Other times it could mean that the relationship would be severed. They will communicate exactly what the consequences can be when the chords are removed. These communications occur at the soul level most often so that an understanding from the higher realms filters into your physical existence.

The doorway opens each year on June 15th at 12:01 AM (your timezone) and ends on July 14th 11:59 PM.  This occurs two times per year.  The other entryway into the Teton Retreat occurs on December 15th through January 14th each year.

 To access the retreat during your sleep or meditative state, state aloud this Decree:

I call upon the Unified Whole Command, of the 144th Dimension, to access my I AM Presence, Monad, and Higher Self, fully activating my Merkabah Vehicle of Light.

I fully request to travel to the Royal Teton Retreat within the Teton Mountains of Wyoming, USA.

I call upon Mahachohan Saint Germain to guide me to the retreat so that I may meet with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarion along with the Karmic Board and the Chohans and Archangels of the Seven Rays to help me illuminate my Divine Heart Essence within my physical body.  I ask to allow the Christed Being that I AM to be fully acknowledged.

I present to these beautiful beings of light the following request(s) for the acceleration of my Mastery Pathway within my Physical Body so that I may fully step into the ASCENDED MASTER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS that I Am.

State what you would like to focus upon:  ______________________.

So Mote It Be, in the Light of the Christ that I AM

Note: We recommend you use our TETON RETREAT Class and Meditation as previously stated. If you feel strongly about doing your own meditation we suggest at least first using our Spiritual Healing Meditation found at this link so that the energies you are able to receive in the meditation are at a higher level of frequency as protected by the Spiritual Hierarchy. (In fact we recommend this meditation to everyone serious about Ascension Mastery* to use every day or every few days).

If you are connecting in your own meditation, here is some guidance of what the retreat looks like.  This information is excerpted from the I AM Series, “Unveiled Mysteries” in which Saint Germain took Guy Ballard into the Teton Retreat.

The retreat is below a huge waterfall which is in front of Jenny Lake.  Call upon your Merkabah with the assistance of Lord Saint Germain to take you to this spot.  Walk behind the waterfall and there is a huge elevator that is going to take you down about 1500 feet below the mountain.

As you walk from the elevator into the entrance hall, you meet up with Masters Djwhal Khul, Confucius, Lanto, and Hilarion.  The flame of this retreat is an Emerald Green embossed with Golden and White hues.  Every initiate is given a beautiful robe that reflects these colors.

A soft white light floods the entire retreat. The walls of the retreat are composed of white onyx, blue and rose granite, and pure gold.

The audience hall or sanctuary is about 100 feet wide, 200 feet long and about 50 feet high, containing an arched ceiling. The great altar, which occupies the center of the vast audience chamber, rests upon a massive white marble base and is made of ivory. The base is square, 4 steps leading to the top on all 4 sides. On the altar blazes the Precipitation flame and is the color of Chinese green with a golden radiance. The flame in the shape of a calla lily, rises to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Around the base of the altar are large golden plaques, depicting the history of mankind’s evolution, beginning with Archangel Michael’s descent to Earth, accompanied by members of the First Root Race.

The audience hall contains a large-size panel, that is used as a Cosmic Screen, or Mirror. It is composed of precipitated material, of a mineral-type substance, not known on Earth. The panel is about 30’ high and 70’ long; it is velvety in texture and is deep indigo-blue color. On this cosmic mirror, live pictures, in all dimensions can be portrayed. Every past and present event can be made visible on this screen by a directing intelligence.

A magnificent cross of sparkling yellow diamonds adorns the ceiling of the audience hall of the Retreat.

There are seven (7)  beautiful antechambers surrounding the audience hall which are used for smaller conferences throughout the year. They can be opened to the audience hall by drawing back the golden-mesh curtains at the entrance. On each curtain is portrayed the figure of each of the great Archangels, along with his divine complement.

The retreat can be extended to encompass the entire Teton Range if necessary giving students the opportunity to meet and to express themselves in their inner bodies.

There is one room where a complete record of every civilization that has existed on earth is kept. The room is 80’ long, 40’ wide, and 20’high containing an arched ceiling. These records are on 8” wide ribbons of thin gold, alloyed with a material that makes them tough and pliable. Yet they are no thicker than ordinary writing paper. These ribbons contain embossed hieroglyphs and are wound on spindles, 10” in width.

There are a number of other rooms in which gold, jewels, and treasures are kept. They are to be used for future beneficial purpose. In addition there are a number of council chambers and other rooms. In these rooms are stored musical instruments, art, inventions and formulas, all prepared and ready to be given to mankind for use in the New Earth.

When it is time for you to leave, ask Saint Germain to escort you back into your present location.

For the optimal Mediation Experience we suggest ordering the special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here for the class details.

Blessings on a wonderful experience for the Teton Retreat!
~Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden

As highly dedicated Spiritual Leaders who tirelessly uphold Ascension Mastery instruction and guidance as our only life purpose for humanity and Gaia, we are immensely grateful to each of you for you support and use of the work we do! We wish you a very blessed and magical Solstice Christmas experience and a very Happy New Year! [ Join us for our annual Solstice Christmas Event with Lord Metatron, Lord Sananda, Lady Mother Mary and Lady Nada for the Holy Blessings as we close out 2022! Event is Saturday December 17th at 11:00 AM PT. Instructions to join. ]

If you are interested in our Holiday Sale which is discounted up to 60% for some of our Seminar Teachings please see the details here. Included are some of our Meditations and high frequency essential oil Aromatherapy Healing Sprays.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves.



Teton Retreat_800_600

THE ROYAL TETON RETREAT OF THE ASCENDED MASTERS is now open for its Special Session to all initiates to journey in their meditations and/or sleep state to work with the Ascended Beings of Light.

The Summer Session doorway to visit the Royal Teton Retreat and gain assistance in working through karmic issues is June 15th and continues through July 14th.

Divine Dispensations Given and Higher Soul Meanings Revealed

This is a very special time period in which initiates may work with the Karmic Board and the Spiritual Hierarchy to provide emotional, mental, and physical symptom healing through the etheric body by resolving any elements of karma impacting their challenges presently. The assistance is directly from the ascended masters who gather in the Royal Teton Retreat for this specific purpose at this specific time. It allows each of us that are initiates on the Pathway of Mastery to step into the Ascended Master State of Consciousness more fully.

We have now arrived when the retreat is open to all students to visit in their meditation and sleep state. It lasts for 30 days during each dispensation period. It is a Divine opportunity to work more closely with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

The Brotherhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within an initiate’s pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters.  The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from himself, rather than the Master.  Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy.  Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dreamstate and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.

The Karmic Board meets monthly within the Teton Retreat with the entire Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. During the Open Visitation period, they are available to work with any and all initiates for reasonable reasons of request.

Twice a year the Royal Teton Retreat is Open to all initiates and students of the Light to work with the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy on their current pathway.  This is a very special opportunity to have individual contact with the amazing teachers of the Light that each of us are aspiring to also become.

The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America. Master Djwhal Khul is now considered the head master for this retreat. At first Lord Lanto, who was the Ray Chohan of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, led the Teton Retreat as did Master Confucius. (Many other sources still use the older writings which do not indicate the changing roles of the Ascended Masters but the information at Walking Terra Christa is the most up to date).

To clarify, in 1958 Master Confucius took over the role of the leader in the retreat from Lord Lanto; and Master Kuthumi became the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom. Both of these great masters walked alongside of Lord Lanto for generations of time. Master Kuthumi left the post of the Ray of Love and Wisdom as he is now working with Lord Maitreya in the Office of the Christ; as he has become Lord Kuthumi. Master Djwhal Khul assisted Master Kuthumi in the Ray of Love and Wisdom and in 2015 had taken on the role of Ray Chohan. He is now assisted by Master Joshua Stone in this role as Master Joshua is training to assume this post in the years to come.

Master Djwhal Khul is now the leader of the Teton Retreat as he has lived the life of Master Confucius in his prior incarnation, so their soul essences have blended together within the Unified Whole energies. In effect Master Confucius is not leaving the retreat, but is now an integrated energy with Master Djwhal being the Higher Self of his essence. Lord Lanto is continuing to work within the retreat along with Master Hilarion representing the 5th Ray of the Science of God representing Divine Wisdom.  This ray is within the color of the Green merged with Gold and White.

The retreat is run by Master Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine Plan for this planet. The Karmic Board (whom all meet in the retreat twice a year at the times of winter and summer solstices to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega in response to the good will petitions from students within the mastery pathway.  (The Board also meet monthly all year, but at these other times there gatherings are closed to initiates and only open to the Ascended Masters).

The Teton Retreat is representative of the Ray of Love & Wisdom with the Science of God. It brings forth illumination of the Higher Mind into the Heart Essence (blending with the Lower Mind); the Science of God represents Divine Truth within the Higher Mind to be able to access Divine Wisdom.

Each of these masters represents amazing qualities of mastery that we each need to incorporate within our pathways as initiates:

Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain – represents all of the Ray Chohans and Archangels within the retreat.   He acts as a guide for each initiate to join the retreat.

Master Djwhal Khul – Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom; he is considered a master psychologist to help initiates see a perspective of their Soul Psychology from the soul level instead of the human level. His essence is now blended with Master Confucius who represents Truth, Justice, and Education of the Soul.

Master Lanto – Illumination of Heart’s Flame

Master Hilarion – Accessing Wisdom through Spiritual Truth

In addition Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, (an Ascended Master) oversees all souls that are entering Telos after exiting the body who have attained the proper level of advancement to enter into a 5th dimensional frequency. (Otherwise the souls are given the opportunity to continue their training in the appropriate spiritual centers of study).

Utilizing the 7 Rays of God as the Essential Tool of Advancement

Masters Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion work with the Karmic Board and all Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God (and Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain) to listen and address each student’s request. In addition the Seven Ray Archangels and the Elohim Masters assist in the process.

Many aspirant shave been introduced to the Violet Flame, as in the initial teachings from over a century ago, this needed to be the focus. Much as occurred over the past 100 years and now with the advent of the higher Cosmic Energies, aspirants are required to embody the qualities of each of the first 7 Rays of God. They are as follows:

1          WILL AND POWER, El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, Archangels Michael & Faith – Deep Blue (Throat)

Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness, fearless, handling people, faith, protection, will, power

2          LOVE AND WISDOM, Master Djwhal Kuhl, Elohim Masters Apollo & Lumina, Archangels Jophiel & Christine – Golden Yellow (Crown).

Expansion of Mind, radiance of self, insight and intuition, loyalty, generosity, calm with endurance, serenity, love of truth

3          CREATIVE AND ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE, Master Serapis Bey (has switched roles with Master Paul the Venetian), Elohim Masters Heros & Amora, Archangels Chamuel & Charity – Deep Pink (Heart) –

Power to create, manifestation, mental illumination, perserverance, deep compassion, toleration and devotion of self love

4            HARMONY & BALANCE THROUGH CONFLICT, Master Paul the Venetian (has switched roles with Master Serapis Bey), AA Gabriel & Hope – Crystalline Light (Root)

Artistic development, resurrection, changing elements within oneself, Gold’s purity of light in thoughts and emotions, Hope, fluidness of life

5            SCIENCE OF GOD/THE DIVINE MIND, Master Hilarion, Elohim Masters Cyclopea & Virginia, Archangels Raphel & Mother Mary – Green mixed with Gold & White Light (Third Eye)

Opening up psychic abilities , Harmony of the Spheres with the Elohim and Archangels, flowing energies, accessing the Divine Mind (higher self energies), unwavering patience, able to see the minute details, voice is being heard.

6            INNER DEVOTION, Lady Nada, Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha, Archangels Uriel & Aurora – Ruby Red mixed with Gold (Solar Plexus)

Peace, forgiving love, grace, devotion to self,  and following the ascended master teachings.

7            SACRED LIVING-SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS AND PROTOCAL, Lady Portia, Elohim Masters Arcturus & Victoria, Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst – Deep Purple (Sacral)

Purification, transformation, invocation, refinement, structure in life with sacred living, ritual ceremony

Within true and pure Ascension studies, the characteristics of these Rays become part of the souls essence with in-depth study and training. This is in the overall context of the 22 Rays of God which enables an aspirant to create the Light Body on the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional grid.

Important Note: From the experience of decades of our own direct advancement and teachings within Ascension Mastery it is clearly evident that the best intentions and well wishing thoughts about Ascension do not create Ascension. We have learned that most people love the idea of Ascension and are attracted to the love and light frequency. However, in order to advance in the practice of Ascension (actually raising consciousness and vibration) an individual must be trained in doing so. The training must be authentic and accurate to introduce and uphold the purity of the new vibrational energies. This is why we hold classes in Ascension Mastery. Our previous Class and Meditation to guide you to the correct and true higher frequencies of light regarding the Masters of the Teton Retreat can be ordered if you desire that deeper assistance. From our first hand experience, since these energies are not easily mastered, we feel everyone needs guidance and assistance. Click this link to read about the Class and Mediation: TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here

What is the Karmic Board?

The Karmic Board consists of a group of Ascended Masters that oversee each soul’s evolution on planetary and soul levels. The Karmic Board overlight the laws of the galaxy as they apply to planet Earth, and meets twice a year to consider petitions from the Brotherhood and unascended beings. They are not only here to assist each of us but we can call upon them any time that we wish to assist in clearing away energies that are stopping us from having our full potential while in body. They also meet monthly at the Grand Teton Retreat to assist initiates in their pathway but the work done in the 6 day period is of a lesser degree than the twice-a-year conference. Initiates are invited to attend in both December and June during their meditation and sleep states.

The Karmic Board Members consist of:

Lady Portia (Goddess of Justice, Spokesperson for the Board),

Goddess of Liberty,

Lady Nada (Goddess of Love),

Lady Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth),

Elohim Master Cyclopea (Concentration Representing the 5th Ray),

Lady Quan Yin (Goddess of Mercy),

The Great Divine Director (Unified Whole Command).

The petitions that are backed by the largest amount of energy, have the greatest chance of being approved. Generally, those petitions with the greatest amount of support from both the human kingdom and the ascended realm will be chosen. Note that Cosmic Law is very strict. It may not be superseded except under exceptional circumstances. After consulting with Alpha and Omega, the Karmic Board renders a decision, which is final.

The Karmic Board opens up the Book of Life which is the summary of the experiences of the last embodiment for each individual who passed through the experienced known as death. The Book of Life shows how the individual used the energy of the last embodiment in a constructive way. They examine each individual who wants to come back into embodiment and decides whether or not to grant the individual the opportunity to re-embody at a certain place or time.

The members of the Karmic Board are not beings waiting to punish souls. Their service to God is to assist individuals to be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress, to balance out their debts, and to complete their ascension process. The Karmic Board is a merciful body of helpful intelligences, not to punish the bewildered souls.

They are here to assist us in various ways. For example, if you find that you are having issues with an individual bothering you psychically, you can put out a request to the Karmic Board to alleviate the interaction. In addition they are here to help remove any discordant chords that are impeding your progress for your Highest Good. They will tell you exactly what can occur if the chords are removed. In some cases it may be previous lifetime connections and you may want to open up the doorway for a better relationship with this person. Other times it could mean that the relationship would be severed. They will communicate exactly what the consequences can be when the chords are removed. These communications occur at the soul level most often so that an understanding from the higher realms filters into your physical existence.

The doorway opens each year on June 15th at 12:01 AM (your timezone) and ends on July 14th 11:59 PM.  This occurs two times per year.  The other entryway into the Teton Retreat occurs on December 15th through January 14th each year.

 To access the retreat during your sleep or meditative state, state aloud this Decree:

I call upon the Unified Whole Command, of the 144th Dimension, to access my I AM Presence, Monad, and Higher Self, fully activating my Merkabah Vehicle of Light.

I fully request to travel to the Royal Teton Retreat within the Teton Mountains of Wyoming, USA.

I call upon Mahachohan Saint Germain to guide me to the retreat so that I may meet with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarion along with the Karmic Board and the Chohans and Archangels of the Seven Rays to help me illuminate my Divine Heart Essence within my physical body.  I ask to allow the Christed Being that I AM to be fully acknowledged.

I present to these beautiful beings of light the following request(s) for the acceleration of my Mastery Pathway within my Physical Body so that I may fully step into the ASCENDED MASTER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS that I Am.

State what you would like to focus upon:  ______________________.

So Mote It Be, in the Light of the Christ that I AM

Note: We recommend you use our TETON RETREAT Class and Meditation as previously stated. If you feel strongly about doing your own meditation we suggest at least first using our Spiritual Healing Meditation found at this link so that the energies you are able to receive in the meditation are at a higher level of frequency as protected by the Spiritual Hierarchy. (In fact we recommend this meditation to everyone serious about Ascension Mastery* to use every day or every few days).

If you are connecting in your own meditation, here is some guidance of what the retreat looks like.  This information is excerpted from the I AM Series, “Unveiled Mysteries” in which Saint Germain took Guy Ballard into the Teton Retreat.

The retreat is below a huge waterfall which is in front of Jenny Lake.  Call upon your Merkabah with the assistance of Lord Saint Germain to take you to this spot.  Walk behind the waterfall and there is a huge elevator that is going to take you down about 1500 feet below the mountain.

As you walk from the elevator into the entrance hall, you meet up with Masters Djwhal Khul, Confucius, Lanto, and Hilarion.  The flame of this retreat is an Emerald Green embossed with Golden and White hues.  Every initiate is given a beautiful robe that reflects these colors.

A soft white light floods the entire retreat. The walls of the retreat are composed of white onyx, blue and rose granite, and pure gold.

The audience hall or sanctuary is about 100 feet wide, 200 feet long and about 50 feet high, containing an arched ceiling. The great altar, which occupies the center of the vast audience chamber, rests upon a massive white marble base and is made of ivory. The base is square, 4 steps leading to the top on all 4 sides. On the altar blazes the Precipitation flame and is the color of Chinese green with a golden radiance. The flame in the shape of a calla lily, rises to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Around the base of the altar are large golden plaques, depicting the history of mankind’s evolution, beginning with Archangel Michael’s descent to Earth, accompanied by members of the First Root Race.

The audience hall contains a large-size panel, that is used as a Cosmic Screen, or Mirror. It is composed of precipitated material, of a mineral-type substance, not known on Earth. The panel is about 30’ high and 70’ long; it is velvety in texture and is deep indigo-blue color. On this cosmic mirror, live pictures, in all dimensions can be portrayed. Every past and present event can be made visible on this screen by a directing intelligence.

A magnificent cross of sparkling yellow diamonds adorns the ceiling of the audience hall of the Retreat.

There are seven (7)  beautiful antechambers surrounding the audience hall which are used for smaller conferences throughout the year. They can be opened to the audience hall by drawing back the golden-mesh curtains at the entrance. On each curtain is portrayed the figure of each of the great Archangels, along with his divine complement.

The retreat can be extended to encompass the entire Teton Range if necessary giving students the opportunity to meet and to express themselves in their inner bodies.

There is one room where a complete record of every civilization that has existed on earth is kept. The room is 80’ long, 40’ wide, and 20’high containing an arched ceiling. These records are on 8” wide ribbons of thin gold, alloyed with a material that makes them tough and pliable. Yet they are no thicker than ordinary writing paper. These ribbons contain embossed hieroglyphs and are wound on spindles, 10” in width.

There are a number of other rooms in which gold, jewels, and treasures are kept. They are to be used for future beneficial purpose. In addition there are a number of council chambers and other rooms. In these rooms are stored musical instruments, art, inventions and formulas, all prepared and ready to be given to mankind for use in the New Earth.

When it is time for you to leave, ask Saint Germain to escort you back into your present location.

For the optimal Mediation Experience we suggest ordering the special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here for the class details.

Blessings on a wonderful experience for the Teton Retreat.

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. You may order our very powerful SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation as a great way to start using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used.  We also have the previously released SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times will assist (visit to access).

Soul Truth and the Royal Teton Retreat

Touch the Souls Truth in the Royal Teton Retreat by Walking Terra Christa

Honoring the Truth of your soul is not easy yet it is attainable.

It is not easy because it requires one to place themselves into the domain of the soul. And that is something that one cannot do while only engaging in daily physical life distractions and routines.

Earthly life is a physical experience.

The soul’s life is an eternal spiritual experience.

Most of you reading this would say you very much believe in reincarnation. You would very much agree that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience, that such knowledge is a given, and that “you” are so much more than the person everyone sees.

So it instead becomes a question of how much you are able to HONOR who you are by connecting to your SOUL ESSENCE to assist your walk in the physical realm.

For if reincarnation is a given, then the soul’s history is real. Which means the events and circumstances of Who You Were Before, are actually just an expression of Who You Are Now.

And that means, Who You Are Now, as a soul and as a person, if you desire to evolve, must certainly seek to acquire the WISDOM that having many past lives can bring forth into your soul.

For the vast majority of people on the planet, such a concept is too complex and is not a matter of life for them to consider.

But there are those who do consider it. These are the soul’s that have spent the time between lifetimes seeking that Wisdom so that when they once again step into a physically incarnated body, they will have a better chance of USING that WISDOM to advance and evolve.

Otherwise the wheel of reincarnation places them back into the situations and circumstances they require as a soul to re-experience, relearn, or even repeat.

The Karmic Board and Ascended Masters

Which is why the Karmic Board and the Ascended Masters are deemed as being so important.

The ranks of the Ascended Masters are the soul’s who have advanced and now desire to help other soul’s do what they have done, achieve what they have attained.

Yet, it requires any soul, any person, who desires that assistance to formally seek it out from them, personally and individually. It can’t be a wish or an intention. It must be as real as that person who is seeking such assistance can make it.

The ROYAL TETON RETREAT is one of the most significant and powerful ways for a person to gain intervention, intercession, and spiritual support in reference to acquiring the Wisdom of the Soul. It is a real occurrence that happens only 2x each year.

It is limited to only twice a year because the Ascended Masters within the Spiritual Hierarchy are also very real beings who have great responsibilities in their role’s within the Spiritual Realm preforming other extremely important functions for humanity.

More importantly, for a living person to place themselves at their doorstep and ask for assistance is a matter of great weight both spiritually and physically. In other words, it is not something you can do anytime you may mentally or emotionally think or feel would be a good thing to do.

Within Universal Law, everything has a right or proper “time and place” that is within the full alignment and supportive energies of the universal structures.

The first session of the Royal Teton Retreat occurs immediately AFTER the THREE HIGH FESTIVALS OF WESAK have concluded. (Today is in fact is the FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY/GOODWILL, or WORLD INVOCATION DAY, which is the final Festival of Light of the Wesak Energies, and then the Teton Retreat formally opens at midnight tonight).

The timing of this is because the individuals who have invested themselves into these Sacred High Energies within these Festivals have already set into motion a full 90 days of Spiritual Action that demonstrate they are committed to, and invested in, their own Spiritual Growth. Such a demonstration and personal commitment is deemed as a sort of prerequisite by the Spiritual Hierarchy, as they only desire to assist the ones who are deeply sincere.

(Walking Terra Christa held a full Ceremony to commemorate and activate the Spiritual Frequencies of the Festival of Humanity which you may listen to in our online library, which also has the first Festival of the Three Festivals, the Festival of Humanity, to be listened to immediately.  The middle festival, the actual “Wesak Festival” is the only Festival of the year that we require a donation be offered (though we do encourage it for every event as they are a great deal of energy to provide) so the Wesak Festival is linked separately to download and listen. Each of THESE CEREMONIES OF LIGHT contain messages and attunement activation’s of the purest and most accurate spiritual alignments with the God Source. They do not expire even though the previous full moon cycles have passed. They will assist in your preparations for attending the TETON RETREAT VISITATIONS in your meditative and sleep states).

The second session during the year of the opening of the Royal Teton Retreat happens in December, as the calendar year is winding down, and as the new year is beginning (December 15th to January 14th). This is a very important time of year for every soul to accept what they have been through during the year and make spiritual preparations for their physical life as they step into a new year.

Both opportunities are a great gift for a soul to actually meet with and gain advice and spiritual counsel from the Ascended Masters who are ready and willing to do so. They are very important spiritual events to invest oneself into doing.

It is a special time for really declaring to the Highest Part of Who You Are (your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I AM PRESENCE) that you really do desire to not only be more, but that you actually take spiritual action that backs up that high intent within your actual conscious reality.

This is what enables the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Masters to truly support you in your physical life walk.

While anyone taking such an action and declaration demonstrates that higher degree of sincerity which the Ascended Masters Honor, we also know as teachers of true ascension spirituality instruction, that the physical self of the personality you are can also benefit from training and assistive meditative energies. To that end we have created a very affordable class and meditation to make your own TETON RETREAT VISITATION during the next 30 days. We feel it is very helpful. (Clicking the above link also has more detailed description of the Royal Teton Retreat from Lord Saint Germain).

We extend to you all the Blessings and Benefits of the FESTIVALS OF LIGHT and the TETON RETREAT experience for your own spiritual growth and wisdom.
– Rev. Mahlariessee and Rev. Ara of Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.

© 2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Teton Retreat_800_600THE ROYAL TETON RETREAT OF THE ASCENDED MASTERS opens for its Special Session to all initiates to journey in their meditations and/or sleep state to work with the Ascended Beings of Light.

The Winter Session doorway opens December 15th and extends through January 14th.

The Summer Session doorway opens June 15th and continues through July 14th.

Divine Dispensations Given and Higher Soul Meanings Revealed

This is a very special time period in which initiates may work with the Karmic Board and the Spiritual Hierarchy to provide emotional, mental, and physical symptom healing through the etheric body by resolving any elements of karma impacting their challenges presently. The assistance is directly from the ascended masters who gather in the Royal Teton Retreat for this specific purpose at this specific time. It allows each of us that are initiates on the Pathway of Mastery to step into the Ascended Master State of Consciousness more fully.

We have now arrived when the retreat is open to all students to visit in their meditation and sleep state. It lasts for 30 days during each dispensation period. It is a Divine opportunity to work more closely with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

The Brotherhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within an initiate’s pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters.  The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from himself, rather than the Master.  Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy.  Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dreamstate and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.

The Karmic Board meets monthly within the Teton Retreat with the entire Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. During the Open Visitation period, they are available to work with any and all initiates for reasonable reasons of request.

Twice a year the Royal Teton Retreat is Open to all initiates and students of the Light to work with the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy on their current pathway.  This is a very special opportunity to have individual contact with the amazing teachers of the Light that each of us are aspiring to also become.

The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America. Master Djwhal Khul is now considered the head master for this retreat. At first Lord Lanto, who was the Ray Chohan of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, led the Teton Retreat as did Master Confucius. (Many other sources still use the older writings which do not indicate the changing roles of the Ascended Masters but the information at Walking Terra Christa is the most up to date).

To clarify, in 1958 Master Confucius took over the role of the leader in the retreat from Lord Lanto; and Master Kuthumi became the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom. Both of these great masters walked alongside of Lord Lanto for generations of time. Master Kuthumi left the post of the Ray of Love and Wisdom as he is now working with Lord Maitreya in the Office of the Christ; as he has become Lord Kuthumi. Master Djwhal Khul assisted Master Kuthumi in the Ray of Love and Wisdom and in 2015 had taken on the role of Ray Chohan. He is now assisted by Master Joshua Stone in this role as Master Joshua is training to assume this post in the years to come.

Master Djwhal Khul is now the leader of the Teton Retreat as he has lived the life of Master Confucius in his prior incarnation, so their soul essences have blended together within the Unified Whole energies. In effect Master Confucius is not leaving the retreat, but is now an integrated energy with Master Djwhal being the Higher Self of his essence. Lord Lanto is continuing to work within the retreat along with Master Hilarion representing the 5th Ray of the Science of God representing Divine Wisdom.  This ray is within the color of the Green merged with Gold and White.

The retreat is run by Master Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine Plan for this planet. The Karmic Board (whom all meet in the retreat twice a year at the times of winter and summer solstices to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega in response to the good will petitions from students within the mastery pathway.  (The Board also meet monthly all year, but at these other times there gatherings are closed to initiates and only open to the Ascended Masters).

The Teton Retreat is representative of the Ray of Love & Wisdom with the Science of God. It brings forth illumination of the Higher Mind into the Heart Essence (blending with the Lower Mind); the Science of God represents Divine Truth within the Higher Mind to be able to access Divine Wisdom.

Each of these masters represents amazing qualities of mastery that we each need to incorporate within our pathways as initiates:

Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain – represents all of the Ray Chohans and Archangels within the retreat.   He acts as a guide for each initiate to join the retreat.

Master Djwhal Khul – Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom; he is considered a master psychologist to help initiates see a perspective of their Soul Psychology from the soul level instead of the human level. His essence is now blended with Master Confucius who represents Truth, Justice, and Education of the Soul.

Master Lanto – Illumination of Heart’s Flame

Master Hilarion – Accessing Wisdom through Spiritual Truth

In addition Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, (an Ascended Master) oversees all souls that are entering Telos after exiting the body who have attained the proper level of advancement to enter into a 5th dimensional frequency. (Otherwise the souls are given the opportunity to continue their training in the appropriate spiritual centers of study).

Utilizing the 7 Rays of God as the Essential Tool of Advancement

Masters Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion work with the Karmic Board and all Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God (and Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain) to listen and address each student’s request. In addition the Seven Ray Archangels and the Elohim Masters assist in the process.

Many aspirant shave been introduced to the Violet Flame, as in the initial teachings from over a century ago, this needed to be the focus. Much as occurred over the past 100 years and now with the advent of the higher Cosmic Energies, aspirants are required to embody the qualities of each of the first 7 Rays of God. They are as follows:

1          WILL AND POWER, El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, Archangels Michael & Faith – Deep Blue (Throat)

Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness, fearless, handling people, faith, protection, will, power

2          LOVE AND WISDOM, Master Djwhal Kuhl, Elohim Masters Apollo & Lumina, Archangels Jophiel & Christine – Golden Yellow (Crown).

Expansion of Mind, radiance of self, insight and intuition, loyalty, generosity, calm with endurance, serenity, love of truth

3          CREATIVE AND ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE, Master Serapis Bey (has switched roles with Master Paul the Venetian), Elohim Masters Heros & Amora, Archangels Chamuel & Charity – Deep Pink (Heart) –

Power to create, manifestation, mental illumination, perserverance, deep compassion, toleration and devotion of self love

4            HARMONY & BALANCE THROUGH CONFLICT, Master Paul the Venetian (has switched roles with Master Serapis Bey), AA Gabriel & Hope – Crystalline Light (Root)

Artistic development, resurrection, changing elements within oneself, Gold’s purity of light in thoughts and emotions, Hope, fluidness of life

5            SCIENCE OF GOD/THE DIVINE MIND, Master Hilarion, Elohim Masters Cyclopea & Virginia, Archangels Raphel & Mother Mary – Green mixed with Gold & White Light (Third Eye)

Opening up psychic abilities , Harmony of the Spheres with the Elohim and Archangels, flowing energies, accessing the Divine Mind (higher self energies), unwavering patience, able to see the minute details, voice is being heard.

6            INNER DEVOTION, Lady Nada, Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha, Archangels Uriel & Aurora – Ruby Red mixed with Gold (Solar Plexus)

Peace, forgiving love, grace, devotion to self,  and following the ascended master teachings.

7            SACRED LIVING-SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS AND PROTOCAL, Lady Portia, Elohim Masters Arcturus & Victoria, Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst – Deep Purple (Sacral)

Purification, transformation, invocation, refinement, structure in life with sacred living, ritual ceremony

Within true and pure Ascension studies, the characteristics of these Rays become part of the souls essence with in-depth study and training. This is in the overall context of the 22 Rays of God which enables an aspirant to create the Light Body on the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional grid.

Important Note: From the experience of decades of our own direct advancement and teachings within Ascension Mastery it is clearly evident that the best intentions and well wishing thoughts about Ascension do not create Ascension. We have learned that most people love the idea of Ascension and are attracted to the love and light frequency. However, in order to advance in the practice of Ascension (actually raising consciousness and vibration) an individual must be trained in doing so. The training must be authentic and accurate to introduce and uphold the purity of the new vibrational energies. This is why we hold classes in Ascension Mastery. Our previous Class and Meditation to guide you to the correct and true higher frequencies of light regarding the Masters of the Teton Retreat can be ordered if you desire that deeper assistance. From our first hand experience, since these energies are not easily mastered, we feel everyone needs guidance and assistance. Click this link to read about the Class and Mediation: TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

As highly dedicated Spiritual Leaders who tirelessly uphold Ascension Mastery instruction and guidance as our only life purpose for humanity and Gaia, we rely heavily on your generosity to make it all possible. Please consider giving from your heart at this time of year.

What is the Karmic Board?

The Karmic Board consists of a group of Ascended Masters that oversee each soul’s evolution on planetary and soul levels. The Karmic Board overlight the laws of the galaxy as they apply to planet Earth, and meets twice a year to consider petitions from the Brotherhood and unascended beings. They are not only here to assist each of us but we can call upon them any time that we wish to assist in clearing away energies that are stopping us from having our full potential while in body. They also meet monthly at the Grand Teton Retreat to assist initiates in their pathway but the work done in the 6 day period is of a lesser degree than the twice-a-year conference. Initiates are invited to attend in both December and June during their meditation and sleep states.

The Karmic Board Members consist of:

Lady Portia (Goddess of Justice, Spokesperson for the Board),

Goddess of Liberty,

Lady Nada (Goddess of Love),

Lady Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth),

Elohim Master Cyclopea (Concentration Representing the 5th Ray),

Lady Quan Yin (Goddess of Mercy),

The Great Divine Director (Unified Whole Command).

The petitions that are backed by the largest amount of energy, have the greatest chance of being approved. Generally, those petitions with the greatest amount of support from both the human kingdom and the ascended realm will be chosen. Note that Cosmic Law is very strict. It may not be superseded except under exceptional circumstances. After consulting with Alpha and Omega, the Karmic Board renders a decision, which is final.

The Karmic Board opens up the Book of Life which is the summary of the experiences of the last embodiment for each individual who passed through the experienced known as death. The Book of Life shows how the individual used the energy of the last embodiment in a constructive way. They examine each individual who wants to come back into embodiment and decides whether or not to grant the individual the opportunity to re-embody at a certain place or time.

The members of the Karmic Board are not beings waiting to punish souls. Their service to God is to assist individuals to be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress, to balance out their debts, and to complete their ascension process. The Karmic Board is a merciful body of helpful intelligences, not to punish the bewildered souls.

They are here to assist us in various ways. For example, if you find that you are having issues with an individual bothering you psychically, you can put out a request to the Karmic Board to alleviate the interaction. In addition they are here to help remove any discordant chords that are impeding your progress for your Highest Good. They will tell you exactly what can occur if the chords are removed. In some cases it may be previous lifetime connections and you may want to open up the doorway for a better relationship with this person. Other times it could mean that the relationship would be severed. They will communicate exactly what the consequences can be when the chords are removed. These communications occur at the soul level most often so that an understanding from the higher realms filters into your physical existence.

The doorway opens each year on June 15th at 12:01 AM (your timezone) and ends on July 14th 11:59 PM.  This occurs two times per year.  The other entryway into the Teton Retreat occurs on December 15th through January 14th each year.

 To access the retreat during your sleep or meditative state, state aloud this Decree:

I call upon the Unified Whole Command, of the 144th Dimension, to access my I AM Presence, Monad, and Higher Self, fully activating my Merkabah Vehicle of Light.

I fully request to travel to the Royal Teton Retreat within the Teton Mountains of Wyoming, USA.

I call upon Mahachohan Saint Germain to guide me to the retreat so that I may meet with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarion along with the Karmic Board and the Chohans and Archangels of the Seven Rays to help me illuminate my Divine Heart Essence within my physical body.  I ask to allow the Christed Being that I AM to be fully acknowledged.

I present to these beautiful beings of light the following request(s) for the acceleration of my Mastery Pathway within my Physical Body so that I may fully step into the ASCENDED MASTER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS that I Am.

State what you would like to focus upon:  ______________________.

So Mote It Be, in the Light of the Christ that I AM

Note: We recommend you use our TETON RETREAT Class and Meditation as previously stated. If you feel strongly about doing your own meditation we suggest at least first using our Spiritual Healing Meditation found at this link so that the energies you are able to receive in the meditation are at a higher level of frequency as protected by the Spiritual Hierarchy. (In fact we recommend this meditation to everyone serious about Ascension Mastery* to use every day or every few days).

If you are connecting in your own meditation, here is some guidance of what the retreat looks like.  This information is excerpted from the I AM Series, “Unveiled Mysteries” in which Saint Germain took Guy Ballard into the Teton Retreat.

The retreat is below a huge waterfall which is in front of Jenny Lake.  Call upon your Merkabah with the assistance of Lord Saint Germain to take you to this spot.  Walk behind the waterfall and there is a huge elevator that is going to take you down about 1500 feet below the mountain.

As you walk from the elevator into the entrance hall, you meet up with Masters Djwhal Khul, Confucius, Lanto, and Hilarion.  The flame of this retreat is an Emerald Green embossed with Golden and White hues.  Every initiate is given a beautiful robe that reflects these colors.

A soft white light floods the entire retreat. The walls of the retreat are composed of white onyx, blue and rose granite, and pure gold.

The audience hall or sanctuary is about 100 feet wide, 200 feet long and about 50 feet high, containing an arched ceiling. The great altar, which occupies the center of the vast audience chamber, rests upon a massive white marble base and is made of ivory. The base is square, 4 steps leading to the top on all 4 sides. On the altar blazes the Precipitation flame and is the color of Chinese green with a golden radiance. The flame in the shape of a calla lily, rises to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Around the base of the altar are large golden plaques, depicting the history of mankind’s evolution, beginning with Archangel Michael’s descent to Earth, accompanied by members of the First Root Race.

The audience hall contains a large-size panel, that is used as a Cosmic Screen, or Mirror. It is composed of precipitated material, of a mineral-type substance, not known on Earth. The panel is about 30’ high and 70’ long; it is velvety in texture and is deep indigo-blue color. On this cosmic mirror, live pictures, in all dimensions can be portrayed. Every past and present event can be made visible on this screen by a directing intelligence.

A magnificent cross of sparkling yellow diamonds adorns the ceiling of the audience hall of the Retreat.

There are seven (7)  beautiful antechambers surrounding the audience hall which are used for smaller conferences throughout the year. They can be opened to the audience hall by drawing back the golden-mesh curtains at the entrance. On each curtain is portrayed the figure of each of the great Archangels, along with his divine complement.

The retreat can be extended to encompass the entire Teton Range if necessary giving students the opportunity to meet and to express themselves in their inner bodies.

There is one room where a complete record of every civilization that has existed on earth is kept. The room is 80’ long, 40’ wide, and 20’high containing an arched ceiling. These records are on 8” wide ribbons of thin gold, alloyed with a material that makes them tough and pliable. Yet they are no thicker than ordinary writing paper. These ribbons contain embossed hieroglyphs and are wound on spindles, 10” in width.

There are a number of other rooms in which gold, jewels, and treasures are kept. They are to be used for future beneficial purpose. In addition there are a number of council chambers and other rooms. In these rooms are stored musical instruments, art, inventions and formulas, all prepared and ready to be given to mankind for use in the New Earth.

When it is time for you to leave, ask Saint Germain to escort you back into your present location.

For the optimal Mediation Experience we suggest ordering the special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here for the class details.

Blessings on a wonderful experience for the Teton Retreat.

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden

As highly dedicated Spiritual Leaders who tirelessly uphold Ascension Mastery instruction and guidance as our only life purpose for humanity and Gaia, we rely heavily on your generosity to make it all possible. Please consider giving from your heart at this time of year.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves.


Teton Retreat_800_600THE ROYAL TETON RETREAT OF THE ASCENDED MASTERS is now open for its Special Session to all initiates to journey in their meditations and/or sleep state to work with the Ascended Beings of Light.

The Winter Session doorway opens December 15th and extends through January 14th.

RELATED MATERIALS: Deeper study and true ascension mastery attunements on how to make your visits to the Teton Retreat more effective are given in a special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

Divine Dispensations Given and Higher Soul Meanings Revealed

This is a very special time period in which initiates may work with the Karmic Board and the Spiritual Hierarchy to provide emotional, mental, and physical symptom healing through the etheric body by resolving any elements of karma impacting their challenges presently. The assistance is directly from the ascended masters who gather in the Royal Teton Retreat for this specific purpose at this specific time. It allows each of us that are initiates on the Pathway of Mastery to step into the Ascended Master State of Consciousness more fully.

We have now arrived when the retreat is open to all students to visit in their meditation and sleep state. It lasts for 30 days during each dispensation period. It is a Divine opportunity to work more closely with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

The Brotherhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within an initiate’s pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters.  The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from himself, rather than the Master.  Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy.  Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dreamstate and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.

The Karmic Board meets monthly within the Teton Retreat with the entire Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. During the Open Visitation period, they are available to work with any and all initiates for reasonable reasons of request.

Twice a year the Royal Teton Retreat is Open to all initiates and students of the Light to work with the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy on their current pathway.  This is a very special opportunity to have individual contact with the amazing teachers of the Light that each of us are aspiring to also become.

The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America. Master Djwhal Khul is now considered the head master for this retreat. At first Lord Lanto, who was the Ray Chohan of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, led the Teton Retreat as did Master Confucius. (Many other sources still use the older writings which do not indicate the changing roles of the Ascended Masters but the information at Walking Terra Christa is the most up to date).

To clarify, in 1958 Master Confucius took over the role of the leader in the retreat from Lord Lanto; and Master Kuthumi became the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom. Both of these great masters walked alongside of Lord Lanto for generations of time. Master Kuthumi left the post of the Ray of Love and Wisdom as he is now working with Lord Maitreya in the Office of the Christ; as he has become Lord Kuthumi. Master Djwhal Khul assisted Master Kuthumi in the Ray of Love and Wisdom and in 2015 had taken on the role of Ray Chohan. He is now assisted by Master Joshua Stone in this role as Master Joshua is training to assume this post in the years to come.

Master Djwhal Khul is now the leader of the Teton Retreat as he has lived the life of Master Confucius in his prior incarnation, so their soul essences have blended together within the Unified Whole energies. In effect Master Confucius is not leaving the retreat, but is now an integrated energy with Master Djwhal being the Higher Self of his essence. Lord Lanto is continuing to work within the retreat along with Master Hilarion representing the 5th Ray of the Science of God representing Divine Wisdom.  This ray is within the color of the Green merged with Gold and White.

The retreat is run by Master Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine Plan for this planet. The Karmic Board (whom all meet in the retreat twice a year at the times of winter and summer solstices to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega in response to the good will petitions from students within the mastery pathway.  (The Board also meet monthly all year, but at these other times there gatherings are closed to initiates and only open to the Ascended Masters).

The Teton Retreat is representative of the Ray of Love & Wisdom with the Science of God. It brings forth illumination of the Higher Mind into the Heart Essence (blending with the Lower Mind); the Science of God represents Divine Truth within the Higher Mind to be able to access Divine Wisdom.

Each of these masters represents amazing qualities of mastery that we each need to incorporate within our pathways as initiates:

Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain – represents all of the Ray Chohans and Archangels within the retreat.   He acts as a guide for each initiate to join the retreat.

Master Djwhal Khul – Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom; he is considered a master psychologist to help initiates see a perspective of their Soul Psychology from the soul level instead of the human level. His essence is now blended with Master Confucius who represents Truth, Justice, and Education of the Soul.

Master Lanto – Illumination of Heart’s Flame

Master Hilarion – Accessing Wisdom through Spiritual Truth

In addition Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, (an Ascended Master) oversees all souls that are entering Telos after exiting the body who have attained the proper level of advancement to enter into a 5th dimensional frequency. (Otherwise the souls are given the opportunity to continue their training in the appropriate spiritual centers of study).

Utilizing the 7 Rays of God as the Essential Tool of Advancement

Masters Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion work with the Karmic Board and all Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God (and Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain) to listen and address each student’s request. In addition the Seven Ray Archangels and the Elohim Masters assist in the process.

Many aspirant shave been introduced to the Violet Flame, as in the initial teachings from over a century ago, this needed to be the focus. Much as occurred over the past 100 years and now with the advent of the higher Cosmic Energies, aspirants are required to embody the qualities of each of the first 7 Rays of God. They are as follows:

1          WILL AND POWER, El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, Archangels Michael & Faith – Deep Blue (Throat)

Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness, fearless, handling people, faith, protection, will, power

2          LOVE AND WISDOM, Master Djwhal Kuhl, Elohim Masters Apollo & Lumina, Archangels Jophiel & Christine – Golden Yellow (Crown).

Expansion of Mind, radiance of self, insight and intuition, loyalty, generosity, calm with endurance, serenity, love of truth

3          CREATIVE AND ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE, Master Serapis Bey (has switched roles with Master Paul the Venetian), Elohim Masters Heros & Amora, Archangels Chamuel & Charity – Deep Pink (Heart) –

Power to create, manifestation, mental illumination, perserverance, deep compassion, toleration and devotion of self love

4            HARMONY & BALANCE THROUGH CONFLICT, Master Paul the Venetian (has switched roles with Master Serapis Bey), AA Gabriel & Hope – Crystalline Light (Root)

Artistic development, resurrection, changing elements within oneself, Gold’s purity of light in thoughts and emotions, Hope, fluidness of life

5            SCIENCE OF GOD/THE DIVINE MIND, Master Hilarion, Elohim Masters Cyclopea & Virginia, Archangels Raphel & Mother Mary – Green mixed with Gold & White Light (Third Eye)

Opening up psychic abilities , Harmony of the Spheres with the Elohim and Archangels, flowing energies, accessing the Divine Mind (higher self energies), unwavering patience, able to see the minute details, voice is being heard.

6            INNER DEVOTION, Lady Nada, Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha, Archangels Uriel & Aurora – Ruby Red mixed with Gold (Solar Plexus)

Peace, forgiving love, grace, devotion to self,  and following the ascended master teachings.

7            SACRED LIVING-SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS AND PROTOCAL, Lady Portia, Elohim Masters Arcturus & Victoria, Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst – Deep Purple (Sacral)

Purification, transformation, invocation, refinement, structure in life with sacred living, ritual ceremony

Within true and pure Ascension studies, the characteristics of these Rays become part of the souls essence with in-depth study and training. This is in the overall context of the 22 Rays of God which enables an aspirant to create the Light Body on the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional grid.

RELATED MATERIALS: Deeper study and true ascension mastery attunements on how to make your visits to the Teton Retreat more effective are given in a special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

What is the Karmic Board?

The Karmic Board consists of a group of Ascended Masters that oversee each soul’s evolution on planetary and soul levels. The Karmic Board overlight the laws of the galaxy as they apply to planet Earth, and meets twice a year to consider petitions from the Brotherhood and unascended beings. They are not only here to assist each of us but we can call upon them any time that we wish to assist in clearing away energies that are stopping us from having our full potential while in body. They also meet monthly at the Grand Teton Retreat to assist initiates in their pathway but the work done in the 6 day period is of a lesser degree than the twice-a-year conference. Initiates are invited to attend in both December and June during their meditation and sleep states.

The Karmic Board Members consist of:

Lady Portia (Goddess of Justice, Spokesperson for the Board),

Goddess of Liberty,

Lady Nada (Goddess of Love),

Lady Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth),

Elohim Master Cyclopea (Concentration Representing the 5th Ray),

Lady Quan Yin (Goddess of Mercy),

The Great Divine Director (Unified Whole Command).

The petitions that are backed by the largest amount of energy, have the greatest chance of being approved. Generally, those petitions with the greatest amount of support from both the human kingdom and the ascended realm will be chosen. Note that Cosmic Law is very strict. It may not be superseded except under exceptional circumstances. After consulting with Alpha and Omega, the Karmic Board renders a decision, which is final.

The Karmic Board opens up the Book of Life which is the summary of the experiences of the last embodiment for each individual who passed through the experienced known as death. The Book of Life shows how the individual used the energy of the last embodiment in a constructive way. They examine each individual who wants to come back into embodiment and decides whether or not to grant the individual the opportunity to re-embody at a certain place or time.

The members of the Karmic Board are not beings waiting to punish souls. Their service to God is to assist individuals to be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress, to balance out their debts, and to complete their ascension process. The Karmic Board is a merciful body of helpful intelligences, not to punish the bewildered souls.

They are here to assist us in various ways. For example, if you find that you are having issues with an individual bothering you psychically, you can put out a request to the Karmic Board to alleviate the interaction. In addition they are here to help remove any discordant chords that are impeding your progress for your Highest Good. They will tell you exactly what can occur if the chords are removed. In some cases it may be previous lifetime connections and you may want to open up the doorway for a better relationship with this person. Other times it could mean that the relationship would be severed. They will communicate exactly what the consequences can be when the chords are removed. These communications occur at the soul level most often so that an understanding from the higher realms filters into your physical existence.

The doorway opens each year on June 15th at 12:01 AM (your timezone) and ends on July 14th 11:59 PM.  This occurs two times per year.  The other entryway into the Teton Retreat occurs on December 15th through January 14th each year.

 To access the retreat during your sleep or meditative state, state aloud this Decree:

I call upon the Unified Whole Command, of the 144th Dimension, to access my I AM Presence, Monad, and Higher Self, fully activating my Merkabah Vehicle of Light.

I fully request to travel to the Royal Teton Retreat within the Teton Mountains of Wyoming, USA.

I call upon Mahachohan Saint Germain to guide me to the retreat so that I may meet with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarion along with the Karmic Board and the Chohans and Archangels of the Seven Rays to help me illuminate my Divine Heart Essence within my physical body.  I ask to allow the Christed Being that I AM to be fully acknowledged.

I present to these beautiful beings of light the following request(s) for the acceleration of my Mastery Pathway within my Physical Body so that I may fully step into the ASCENDED MASTER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS that I Am.

State what you would like to focus upon:  ______________________.

So Mote It Be, in the Light of the Christ that I AM

RELATED MATERIALS: Deeper study and true ascension mastery attenements on how to make your visits to the Teton Retreat more effective are given in a special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

If you are connecting in your own meditation, here is some guidance of what the retreat looks like.  This information is excerpted from the I AM Series, “Unveiled Mysteries” in which Saint Germain took Guy Ballard into the Teton Retreat.

The retreat is below a huge waterfall which is in front of Jenny Lake.  Call upon your Merkabah with the assistance of Saint Germain to take you to this spot.  Walk behind the waterfall and there is a huge elevator that is going to take you down about 1500 feet below the mountain.

As you walk from the elevator into the entrance hall, you meet up with Masters Djwhal Khul, Confucius, Lanto, and Hilarion.  The flame of this retreat is an Emerald Green embossed with Golden and White hues.  Every initiate is given a beautiful robe that reflects these colors.

A soft white light floods the entire retreat. The walls of the retreat are composed of white onyx, blue and rose granite, and pure gold.

The audience hall or sanctuary is about 100 feet wide, 200 feet long and about 50 feet high, containing an arched ceiling. The great altar, which occupies the center of the vast audience chamber, rests upon a massive white marble base and is made of ivory. The base is square, 4 steps leading to the top on all 4 sides. On the altar blazes the Precipitation flame and is the color of Chinese green with a golden radiance. The flame in the shape of a calla lily, rises to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Around the base of the altar are large golden plaques, depicting the history of mankind’s evolution, beginning with Archangel Michael’s descent to Earth, accompanied by members of the First Root Race.

The audience hall contains a large-size panel, that is used as a Cosmic Screen, or Mirror. It is composed of precipitated material, of a mineral-type substance, not known on Earth. The panel is about 30’ high and 70’ long; it is velvety in texture and is deep indigo-blue color. On this cosmic mirror, live pictures, in all dimensions can be portrayed. Every past and present event can be made visible on this screen by a directing intelligence.

A magnificent cross of sparkling yellow diamonds adorns the ceiling of the audience hall of the Retreat.

There are seven (7)  beautiful antechambers surrounding the audience hall which are used for smaller conferences throughout the year. They can be opened to the audience hall by drawing back the golden-mesh curtains at the entrance. On each curtain is portrayed the figure of each of the great Archangels, along with his divine complement.

The retreat can be extended to encompass the entire Teton Range if necessary giving students the opportunity to meet and to express themselves in their inner bodies.

There is one room where a complete record of every civilization that has existed on earth is kept. The room is 80’ long, 40’ wide, and 20’high containing an arched ceiling. These records are on 8” wide ribbons of thin gold, alloyed with a material that makes them tough and pliable. Yet they are no thicker than ordinary writing paper. These ribbons contain embossed hieroglyphs and are wound on spindles, 10” in width.

There are a number of other rooms in which gold, jewels, and treasures are kept. They are to be used for future beneficial purpose. In addition there are a number of council chambers and other rooms. In these rooms are stored musical instruments, art, inventions and formulas, all prepared and ready to be given to mankind for use in the New Earth.

When it is time for you to leave, ask Saint Germain to escort you back into your present location.

Blessings on a wonderful experience for the Teton Retreat.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. Michael (Ara) Hayden

RELATED MATERIALS: Deeper study and true ascension mastery attenements on how to make your visits to the Teton Retreat more effective are given in a special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.


Teton Retreat_800_600THE ROYAL TETON RETREAT OF THE ASCENDED MASTERS is now open for its Special Session to all initiates to journey in their meditations and/or sleep state to work with the Ascended Beings of Light.

The Summer Session doorway opens June 15th and continues through July 14th.

The Winter Session doorway opens December 15th and extends through January 14th.

RELATED MATERIALS: Deeper study and true ascension mastery attunements on how to make your visits to the Teton Retreat more effective are given in a special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

Divine Dispensations Given and Higher Soul Meanings Revealed

This is a very special time period in which initiates may work with the Karmic Board and the Spiritual Hierarchy to provide emotional, mental, and physical symptom healing through the etheric body by resolving any elements of karma impacting their challenges presently. The assistance is directly from the ascended masters who gather in the Royal Teton Retreat for this specific purpose at this specific time. It allows each of us that are initiates on the Pathway of Mastery to step into the Ascended Master State of Consciousness more fully.

We have now arrived when the retreat is open to all students to visit in their meditation and sleep state. It lasts for 30 days during each dispensation period. It is a Divine opportunity to work more closely with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

The Brotherhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within an initiate’s pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters.  The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from himself, rather than the Master.  Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy.  Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dreamstate and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.

The Karmic Board meets monthly within the Teton Retreat with the entire Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. During the Open Visitation period, they are available to work with any and all initiates for reasonable reasons of request.

Twice a year the Royal Teton Retreat is Open to all initiates and students of the Light to work with the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy on their current pathway.  This is a very special opportunity to have individual contact with the amazing teachers of the Light that each of us are aspiring to also become.

The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America. Master Djwhal Khul is now considered the head master for this retreat. At first Lord Lanto, who was the Ray Chohan of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, led the Teton Retreat as did Master Confucius. (Many other sources still use the older writings which do not indicate the changing roles of the Ascended Masters but the information at Walking Terra Christa is the most up to date).

To clarify, in 1958 Master Confucius took over the role of the leader in the retreat from Lord Lanto; and Master Kuthumi became the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom. Both of these great masters walked alongside of Lord Lanto for generations of time. Master Kuthumi left the post of the Ray of Love and Wisdom as he is now working with Lord Maitreya in the Office of the Christ; as he has become Lord Kuthumi. Master Djwhal Khul assisted Master Kuthumi in the Ray of Love and Wisdom and in 2015 had taken on the role of Ray Chohan. He is now assisted by Master Joshua Stone in this role as Master Joshua is training to assume this post in the years to come.

Master Djwhal Khul is now the leader of the Teton Retreat as he has lived the life of Master Confucius in his prior incarnation, so their soul essences have blended together within the Unified Whole energies. In effect Master Confucius is not leaving the retreat, but is now an integrated energy with Master Djwhal being the Higher Self of his essence. Lord Lanto is continuing to work within the retreat along with Master Hilarion representing the 5th Ray of the Science of God representing Divine Wisdom.  This ray is within the color of the Green merged with Gold and White.

The retreat is run by Master Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine Plan for this planet. The Karmic Board (whom all meet in the retreat twice a year at the times of winter and summer solstices to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega in response to the good will petitions from students within the mastery pathway.  (The Board also meet monthly all year, but at these other times there gatherings are closed to initiates and only open to the Ascended Masters).

The Teton Retreat is representative of the Ray of Love & Wisdom with the Science of God. It brings forth illumination of the Higher Mind into the Heart Essence (blending with the Lower Mind); the Science of God represents Divine Truth within the Higher Mind to be able to access Divine Wisdom.

Each of these masters represents amazing qualities of mastery that we each need to incorporate within our pathways as initiates:

Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain – represents all of the Ray Chohans and Archangels within the retreat.   He acts as a guide for each initiate to join the retreat.

Master Djwhal Khul – Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom; he is considered a master psychologist to help initiates see a perspective of their Soul Psychology from the soul level instead of the human level. His essence is now blended with Master Confucius who represents Truth, Justice, and Education of the Soul.

Master Lanto – Illumination of Heart’s Flame

Master Hilarion – Accessing Wisdom through Spiritual Truth

In addition Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, (an Ascended Master) oversees all souls that are entering Telos after exiting the body who have attained the proper level of advancement to enter into a 5th dimensional frequency. (Otherwise the souls are given the opportunity to continue their training in the appropriate spiritual centers of study).

Utilizing the 7 Rays of God as the Essential Tool of Advancement

Masters Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion work with the Karmic Board and all Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God (and Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain) to listen and address each student’s request. In addition the Seven Ray Archangels and the Elohim Masters assist in the process.

Many aspirant shave been introduced to the Violet Flame, as in the initial teachings from over a century ago, this needed to be the focus. Much as occurred over the past 100 years and now with the advent of the higher Cosmic Energies, aspirants are required to embody the qualities of each of the first 7 Rays of God. They are as follows:

1          WILL AND POWER, El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, Archangels Michael & Faith – Deep Blue (Throat)

Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness, fearless, handling people, faith, protection, will, power

2          LOVE AND WISDOM, Master Djwhal Kuhl, Elohim Masters Apollo & Lumina, Archangels Jophiel & Christine – Golden Yellow (Crown).

Expansion of Mind, radiance of self, insight and intuition, loyalty, generosity, calm with endurance, serenity, love of truth

3          CREATIVE AND ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE, Master Serapis Bey (has switched roles with Master Paul the Venetian), Elohim Masters Heros & Amora, Archangels Chamuel & Charity – Deep Pink (Heart) –

Power to create, manifestation, mental illumination, perserverance, deep compassion, toleration and devotion of self love

4            HARMONY & BALANCE THROUGH CONFLICT, Master Paul the Venetian (has switched roles with Master Serapis Bey), AA Gabriel & Hope – Crystalline Light (Root)

Artistic development, resurrection, changing elements within oneself, Gold’s purity of light in thoughts and emotions, Hope, fluidness of life

5            SCIENCE OF GOD/THE DIVINE MIND, Master Hilarion, Elohim Masters Cyclopea & Virginia, Archangels Raphel & Mother Mary – Green mixed with Gold & White Light (Third Eye)

Opening up psychic abilities , Harmony of the Spheres with the Elohim and Archangels, flowing energies, accessing the Divine Mind (higher self energies), unwavering patience, able to see the minute details, voice is being heard.

6            INNER DEVOTION, Lady Nada, Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha, Archangels Uriel & Aurora – Ruby Red mixed with Gold (Solar Plexus)

Peace, forgiving love, grace, devotion to self,  and following the ascended master teachings.

7            SACRED LIVING-SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS AND PROTOCAL, Lady Portia, Elohim Masters Arcturus & Victoria, Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst – Deep Purple (Sacral)

Purification, transformation, invocation, refinement, structure in life with sacred living, ritual ceremony

Within true and pure Ascension studies, the characteristics of these Rays become part of the souls essence with in-depth study and training. This is in the overall context of the 22 Rays of God which enables an aspirant to create the Light Body on the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional grid.

RELATED MATERIALS: Deeper study and true ascension mastery attunements on how to make your visits to the Teton Retreat more effective are given in a special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

What is the Karmic Board?

The Karmic Board consists of a group of Ascended Masters that oversee each soul’s evolution on planetary and soul levels. The Karmic Board overlight the laws of the galaxy as they apply to planet Earth, and meets twice a year to consider petitions from the Brotherhood and unascended beings. They are not only here to assist each of us but we can call upon them any time that we wish to assist in clearing away energies that are stopping us from having our full potential while in body. They also meet monthly at the Grand Teton Retreat to assist initiates in their pathway but the work done in the 6 day period is of a lesser degree than the twice-a-year conference. Initiates are invited to attend in both December and June during their meditation and sleep states.

The Karmic Board Members consist of:

Lady Portia (Goddess of Justice, Spokesperson for the Board),

Goddess of Liberty,

Lady Nada (Goddess of Love),

Lady Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth),

Elohim Master Cyclopea (Concentration Representing the 5th Ray),

Lady Quan Yin (Goddess of Mercy),

The Great Divine Director (Unified Whole Command).

The petitions that are backed by the largest amount of energy, have the greatest chance of being approved. Generally, those petitions with the greatest amount of support from both the human kingdom and the ascended realm will be chosen. Note that Cosmic Law is very strict. It may not be superseded except under exceptional circumstances. After consulting with Alpha and Omega, the Karmic Board renders a decision, which is final.

The Karmic Board opens up the Book of Life which is the summary of the experiences of the last embodiment for each individual who passed through the experienced known as death. The Book of Life shows how the individual used the energy of the last embodiment in a constructive way. They examine each individual who wants to come back into embodiment and decides whether or not to grant the individual the opportunity to re-embody at a certain place or time.

The members of the Karmic Board are not beings waiting to punish souls. Their service to God is to assist individuals to be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress, to balance out their debts, and to complete their ascension process. The Karmic Board is a merciful body of helpful intelligences, not to punish the bewildered souls.

They are here to assist us in various ways. For example, if you find that you are having issues with an individual bothering you psychically, you can put out a request to the Karmic Board to alleviate the interaction. In addition they are here to help remove any discordant chords that are impeding your progress for your Highest Good. They will tell you exactly what can occur if the chords are removed. In some cases it may be previous lifetime connections and you may want to open up the doorway for a better relationship with this person. Other times it could mean that the relationship would be severed. They will communicate exactly what the consequences can be when the chords are removed. These communications occur at the soul level most often so that an understanding from the higher realms filters into your physical existence.

The doorway opens each year on June 15th at 12:01 AM (your timezone) and ends on July 14th 11:59 PM.  This occurs two times per year.  The other entryway into the Teton Retreat occurs on December 15th through January 14th each year.

 To access the retreat during your sleep or meditative state, state aloud this Decree:

I call upon the Unified Whole Command, of the 144th Dimension, to access my I AM Presence, Monad, and Higher Self, fully activating my Merkabah Vehicle of Light.

I fully request to travel to the Royal Teton Retreat within the Teton Mountains of Wyoming, USA.

I call upon Mahachohan Saint Germain to guide me to the retreat so that I may meet with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarion along with the Karmic Board and the Chohans and Archangels of the Seven Rays to help me illuminate my Divine Heart Essence within my physical body.  I ask to allow the Christed Being that I AM to be fully acknowledged.

I present to these beautiful beings of light the following request(s) for the acceleration of my Mastery Pathway within my Physical Body so that I may fully step into the ASCENDED MASTER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS that I Am.

State what you would like to focus upon:  ______________________.

So Mote It Be, in the Light of the Christ that I AM

RELATED MATERIALS: Deeper study and true ascension mastery attenements on how to make your visits to the Teton Retreat more effective are given in a special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

If you are connecting in your own meditation, here is some guidance of what the retreat looks like.  This information is excerpted from the I AM Series, “Unveiled Mysteries” in which Saint Germain took Guy Ballard into the Teton Retreat.

The retreat is below a huge waterfall which is in front of Jenny Lake.  Call upon your Merkabah with the assistance of Saint Germain to take you to this spot.  Walk behind the waterfall and there is a huge elevator that is going to take you down about 1500 feet below the mountain.

As you walk from the elevator into the entrance hall, you meet up with Masters Djwhal Khul, Confucius, Lanto, and Hilarion.  The flame of this retreat is an Emerald Green embossed with Golden and White hues.  Every initiate is given a beautiful robe that reflects these colors.

A soft white light floods the entire retreat. The walls of the retreat are composed of white onyx, blue and rose granite, and pure gold.

The audience hall or sanctuary is about 100 feet wide, 200 feet long and about 50 feet high, containing an arched ceiling. The great altar, which occupies the center of the vast audience chamber, rests upon a massive white marble base and is made of ivory. The base is square, 4 steps leading to the top on all 4 sides. On the altar blazes the Precipitation flame and is the color of Chinese green with a golden radiance. The flame in the shape of a calla lily, rises to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Around the base of the altar are large golden plaques, depicting the history of mankind’s evolution, beginning with Archangel Michael’s descent to Earth, accompanied by members of the First Root Race.

The audience hall contains a large-size panel, that is used as a Cosmic Screen, or Mirror. It is composed of precipitated material, of a mineral-type substance, not known on Earth. The panel is about 30’ high and 70’ long; it is velvety in texture and is deep indigo-blue color. On this cosmic mirror, live pictures, in all dimensions can be portrayed. Every past and present event can be made visible on this screen by a directing intelligence.

A magnificent cross of sparkling yellow diamonds adorns the ceiling of the audience hall of the Retreat.

There are seven (7)  beautiful antechambers surrounding the audience hall which are used for smaller conferences throughout the year. They can be opened to the audience hall by drawing back the golden-mesh curtains at the entrance. On each curtain is portrayed the figure of each of the great Archangels, along with his divine complement.

The retreat can be extended to encompass the entire Teton Range if necessary giving students the opportunity to meet and to express themselves in their inner bodies.

There is one room where a complete record of every civilization that has existed on earth is kept. The room is 80’ long, 40’ wide, and 20’high containing an arched ceiling. These records are on 8” wide ribbons of thin gold, alloyed with a material that makes them tough and pliable. Yet they are no thicker than ordinary writing paper. These ribbons contain embossed hieroglyphs and are wound on spindles, 10” in width.

There are a number of other rooms in which gold, jewels, and treasures are kept. They are to be used for future beneficial purpose. In addition there are a number of council chambers and other rooms. In these rooms are stored musical instruments, art, inventions and formulas, all prepared and ready to be given to mankind for use in the New Earth.

When it is time for you to leave, ask Saint Germain to escort you back into your present location.

Blessings on a wonderful experience for the Teton Retreat.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. Michael (Ara) Hayden

RELATED MATERIALS: Deeper study and true ascension mastery attenements on how to make your visits to the Teton Retreat more effective are given in a special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here.

STEP 1-WILLING TO SURRENDER TO LOVE ~ Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada

Lord Saint Germain is the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God. He brings forth an understanding of how to Surrender to the Emotions that are a necessary prerequisite to healing within the 2nd Initiation of Ascension Mastery.

It is my pleasure as Lord Saint Germain to assist each of you in understanding the lessons you are learning within the Initiate Pathway. The important elements to realize is that it not only applies to your Higher Self becoming integrated but how your Lower Self (of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies) relate to the experience of your Spiritual Body becoming more focalized within your consciousness.

The first level of your initiation represents your awakening of your physical senses to another world that is beyond your reach. You realize that there is more to living than being in the third dimensional construct, “Nothing is truly as you thought it was.”

It opens up doorways into your psyche to help you understand that as a human being you are more than the physical consciousness. It is at this level that you can have the revelation that not only can you have spiritual gifts but you can change the drama you have been living within your physical world.

Not all initiates can have this realization within themselves as it takes much effort to get to a point of seeing that the world around you is working in myriad ways of perception, some good but not always.

At the first level, an initiate realizes that their physical way of doing things is no longer working; an individual can become health consciousness while having the desire to take care of themselves realizing that their body is a temple that must be healed and acknowledged. It is also at this stage that the Etheric Body becomes activated within an individual. Remembrances can occur from past timelines and if you are more attuned, you will realize your Angelic Presence within you.

Stepping into the 2nd level of initiation brings for the ability to learn more about the emotional body. It is a time to allow the Act of Surrender to become commonplace within the consciousness so that the way a person is feeling needs to be more understood. We call this process leaving the Hall of Ignorance and stepping into the Hall of Knowledge by learning more about who you are as a person from the standpoint of the Emotional Body. This is the process of learning how to access of the first step ~ Willing to Surrender to Love.

Many of the individuals that accept this initiation as part of their physical existence realize that their emotional body is construed with lower elements of shame, guilt, unworthiness, abandonment issues, being compulsive, having a lack of emotional intimacy, and wanting to be in control of all situations and people in their life.

This is where the lower self is in control and needs to be healed. Some individuals call this Recovering the Essence of the Inner Child which truly represents the Emotional Body needing to be healed from past traumas and events. Now this part of the emotional layers can not only stem for your present lifetime but many other lifetimes in which your soul experienced periods of great challenge and neglect. It has arisen in this timeline for every soul to address the energies so that true healing can be acknowledged and accepted.

The initiates that ignore this part of their history will find that their lifepath will be strewn with great challenges and emotional turmoil. The process of accepting your soul’s history is allowing all remembrances come to the surface to be healed. You have to remember that you are becoming a multi-dimensional being of light and all timelines will be revealed no matter the level of intensity that they bring forth.

In order to fully step into the Hall of Knowledge an initiate must learn what feels right within their psyche and what does not fit. Pushing it away with higher accelerations will assist in the moment but the truth of the matter is that it needs to be fully rectified; otherwise the issues will reappear in different situation throughout your pathway.

As masters, each of us have grown through similar processes to help our own emotional bodies to be healed; the difference at this time is that the energies within Gaia are so very intensified that the elements you are dealing with are being magnified in a much larger percentage than it was hundreds of years ago.

So as an Initiate moving into the 2nd Initiation of the Emotional Body it is essential to truly Surrender to all that does not fit who you think you are within the emotional level. It takes some deep soul searching to look into these layers so that you can see the changes you are making as they need to be fully grounded into your full existence. Emotions are the cornerstone of the four-body system; it is how you will relate your energies and how your mental body will react to your emotional self. This is how you will achieve the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

When you reach this stage of your development it is important to realize the potential you must create healing within your Emotional Body, it is the step that will assist you to accept a healthy Mental Body as both work within each other to assist you to become more fully balanced.

It is when an initiate starts to learn the lessons and apply the knowledge that has been gained that they step into the Hall of Wisdom. This is truly a great gift for any initiate to realize the potential they have accepted within their emotional and mental bodies by correlating all experiences through the Etheric Self.

As the Mahachohan of all the Rays, I want to reiterate how important it is to work with the first Seven Rays of God. You could look at the emotional issues and see that you might want to have the strength to walk into the emotional imbalance that you are dealing with. But ideally, we want to bring forth a sense of Serenity and Peace.

Think about this for a moment. When you allow the essence of Tranquility to come into your Emotional Center, what happens? You relax and then the process of what you need to do will be adjusted within you. You are actually able to SURRENDER to all the other emotions you are dealing with. This allows you to be in the Hall of Knowledge to gain the Wisdom that is required to understand what is occurring for you from the Emotional Body, the 2nd Initiation. Without going through this process, you cannot advance into the higher initiations with ease and grace. It will become just the opposite effect. Each initiate must realize that the ray assists in the healing process, but the work through the subconscious mind must be done. Otherwise, the issues will resurface to be worked upon.

I ask you to call upon Lady Nada of the Ray of Inner Devotion of the Ruby Red-Gold Flame. It brings forth a sense of peace and calmness when you allow yourself to connect with the flame itself but even more of a stabilization with Lady Nada as your guide. She is the twin ray of Lord Sananda and has taken over the role of Ray Chohan. I will let her help you through this process herself:

Greetings My Dearest Initiates,

It is my pleasure to exhibit my essence unto each of you in this moment. I understand the pitfalls of being on the mastery pathway and how challenging it can be to step into the world of pure honesty of the self.

This process is absolutely essential in order for you to achieve lasting results. It is imperative to walk through the periods of darkness that can befall upon you so that you can find the power of your emotional self to be fully in alignment with what your Higher Self tells you to be.

That can be a challenging concept – to listen to your Higher Self, feel that essence that is you which can be so beautiful and soothing, but then to integrate those energies within your emotional body so that it can be healed.

There is no other way to get through this step of your acceleration. You cannot bypass it; you cannot think that achieving a higher consciousness is going to wipe away what is lying within your subconscious. It will help to break it apart, but you being the physical self within the higher self must take that initiative to change your past, heal it, accept it for what it was and see who you have become in the current state of your evolvement.

I am here to assist you to realize that the tranquility and love I give to you can be yours to hold within your heart so that it is not me making the change but truly You creating the movement of that transformation.

Surrender to what you don’t like, let it be put into the light so that it can be forever more healed and never return into the same state of awareness that it showed itself to you. Let those moments of your past be a distant fleeting thought so that it no longer bothers you.

I give you the Ruby Red-Gold Flame into your Solar Plexus to help you realize the potential that you are. Look at the particles that do not fit that essence and allow it to be revealed. Then work upon it within your subconscious mind.

Be the Change you Desire To Be.

It is my Pleasure to Exhibit my Light unto you in this moment, I Am Lady Nada.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Interested in fully understanding how the energies of SURRENDER apply to the Initiations within  your Ascension and getting the higher energetic transmissions to assist you to do so? A very powerful class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada begins today. 

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© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).


NEW TRAINING: Step Into Divine Oneness (A Universal Law Teaching Seminar Series)




CLASS 1 – SAT. JAN. 30 @ 12:30 PM PST | 3:30 PM EST
CLASS 2 – THUR. FEB. 4 @ 4:30 PM PST | 7:30 PM EST
CLASS 3 – SAT. FEB. 6 @ 12:30 PM PST | 3:30 PM EST

“The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.” 

◊  Understand Spiritual Oneness versus Physical Oneness. 

◊  Gain Insight Into Why Your Human Mental Mind Has Failed To Create The True Vibration Of Oneness On Earth. 

◊  Discover How To Identify and Rectify The Traits You Have That Do Not Represent Oneness.  

◊  Learn How To Generate and Incorporate the Vibrational Frequency Necessary to Actualize Oneness within You. 

The Pathway of Mastery and Ascension is more than having the intellectual understanding of the Universal Laws, it is attaining the practice of putting those laws into a way of being in your life.

2016 ushers into Earth an even Higher Octave Frequency that will push Humanity into accepting that the Universal Laws must now be implemented within each soul’s existence…


© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


EARTH-ASCENSION-002by Walking Terra Christa.



How common is “Seven”? It is the Colors of the Rainbow. It is the Days of the Week. It is the “Seed of Life” symbol which is seven circles forming the pattern of the “Flower of Life”.

The numerology of Seven is “Spiritual Enlightenment”, it is Spiritual Awakening and Awareness. Seven is Alchemy and Manifestation.

It is the Seven Chakra’s in the Human Body.

In our next class Rev. Christine Meleriessee will transmit MahaChohan Lord Saint Germain’s latest teachings on how we can accept the Cosmic Energies within our Physical Body to assist us to prepare for the 11/11 transference. The human body structures of the Seven Chakra’s are not going to be the same within the New Earth as we now know them through Eastern traditions. Understanding and grasping how to consciously change our bodily energy signatures to incorporate the new Energetics in the Chakras will assist every human being greatly.

Balancing Chakras 1

As the Cosmic Frequencies have been hitting the Earth, we are already changing. We are being restructured in our full body system of the mental, emotional, etheric and physical. The octave of vibration within us is shifting from a 3rd Dimensional energy into being the higher resonance of both the 4th and the 5th Dimensions. Many individuals are feeling this directly like a punch in the gut. Literally. Our Solar Plexis, being the center of gravity for the body, is feeling these energies in the form of discomforts, disturbances, pain, bloating, and other gastrointestinal issues. Most often they are issues that are unexplained through diet specifics or other lifestyle circumstances, and they leave allopathic physicians at a loss to explain how to remedy or treat. (Please see the class description below.)

Participant Comments from this Series:
“…At the end of the class I was in a new state of mind and I felt very clam and relaxed. It was like seeing the world through new eyes and I felt more emotionally balanced. It took 20 minutes to ground before I started to feel like I was actually back on Earth. It was a very powerful class!”
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“…Felt lightness again and a sense of higher part of my essence within, not struggling on the physical level so much any longer. Just did the 2nd time, and it was very powerful…Excellent. After the class, feel like cleansed with ocean wave, clarity, calmness and hope about my future, a sense of totality. Still fighting a little with the deep breathing, but as I try to focus as much, I think it really assisted through the process as well.”
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“I enjoyed how everything was broken down and made really simple for us to understand, the creating a sacred space, journaling, crystals, breathing techniques, and spiraling energies. I also loved connecting with the higher spiritual energies although I need to work on that more. I would change nothing …By the end of the experience I felt light radiating from my arms and I was overcome with a cool crisp temperature…could feel the energies…”
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“I very much felt the energies. I knew that all of our bodies are all interconnected; but now I understand so much more about ascension symptoms and that they are not just within the physical body as I previously believed. I enjoyed this class immensely.”
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“Very good. I was able to relate to some of the things that were brought up. The class helped me to see new perspectives. It has also helped me to be more patient and accepting with the healing process.”
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“Excellent…provided more clarity. It helps to understand what the energy does to our bodily system, and why we experience certain symptoms, and how to deal with it better”
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“Fascinating… Much of the lecture was very helpful to me. The explanation about why we feel ascension symptoms I found very helpful. I used to think that when I had strange feelings in my legs or my lower part of my brain and teeth tingling or whatever, every week something new, that I was being downloaded but that is not true. It is my body assimilating and integrating my new crystalline body meridians and energetic light pathways. A great deal of value…I would recommend it.”

Saint Germain picture by Charles Sindelair, first published in 1935. (source: Wikimedia Commons)

Series Background – The Whoomph Factor.

Every Spiritually Significant date (and every Equinox, Solstice, Full Moon, New Moon, Eclipse, Solar Flare, Planetary Alignment) is full of Cosmic Energy being directly guided from the God Force to assist the evolution of Earth. Even what some are calling ‘WaveX” comes jam packed with tremendous power to affect Humanity. It is a BIG electromagnetic whoomph.

As we prepare for the 11:11 of 2015, we need to know what these energies mean for us individually and collectively. If you are keeping pace with the “not very mainstream” news sources, you will already know many are talking about the months of September, October and November of 2015 and the shift of energy that will happen to humanity. It is said to be a glorious and magical event.

That does not mean an ‘easy’ or ‘smooth’ event, but it does mean every single soul upon the earth will get an opportunity to embrace the Cosmic Energies, or by contrast, perhaps choose to consciously ignore or even fight against them.

Free Will is always the key. So what you should also know, as with all shifts in Energy Transference that hit our planet, the outcome to bring forth the most magic and acceleration of consciousness, is not always a certainty. It is not a given that we will fully ground the energies within each soul.

Why is this important?

Yes, earth is a place of mass consciousness where the group as a whole tends to dictate the level of consciousness (or behavior) attained by the many, but the tipping point, (as author Malcolm Gladwell had so pointedly demonstrated in his book by the same name), is created by the few. It does not take a majority to create a shift.

When we speak about Energy Transference, it does take conscious focused action to take the Cosmic Energies that are hitting the planet in these events and kick them into high gear within our own electromagnetic field, that is, into our full body system of the mental body, emotional body, spiritual body, and physical (and by extension our etheric) body. This is a quantum level experience when it is fully activated consciously because it is the Crystalline Body and DNA structures that are enhanced.

And since grounding Higher Octave Energy is not something Humanity has done very well before, to make it occur now we need specialized guidance and teaching from beings who understand Higher Octaves of Dimensional Reality.

The Ascended Masters.

This is why at Walking Terra Christa we work extensively with fringe esoteric concepts and teachings. As Albert Einstein’s wisdom held, our current problems cannot be solved by the minds that created them. We therefore need access to the “Higher Mind“. And that can only be done by harnessing the power of the Higher Cosmic Frequencies. Fortunately, this is exactly the opportunity that is being given to us right now as we experience the Equinox and Full Moon this week.

In our opinion, the best available wisdom we can access is to directly tap into the wisdom of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Ascended Masters. It is, quite plainly, a perspective not available from more traditional sources.

We are kicking off a new teaching series on How to Transcend Energy. Specifically we delve into understanding why the Wayshowers, Torchbearers and Lightworker Pioneers, (that is ‘the few’ amongst humanity at large) are experiencing the Shift and how they can learn to “Transcend” those energy conditions.

With the level of applied wisdom from Spiritual Masters, combined with the level of consciousness that a few souls can make, this clinic will increase the amount of Higher Light Frequency that is brought into the Crystalline Body of each participant, and therefore, the amount that goes into the Earth.

If you are interested, please register by clicking the link below. Space is limited for this Global Teleconference teaching. You may attend live or access the audio file (mp3) following the lecture (we will send the link). The instant access lecture replay is available for 48 hours following the class. It can be accessed by the teleconference phone dial-in service to those in the USA and CANADA, or worldwide via SKYPE or any other other VOIP system. 


◊   ADJUSTING FREQUENCIES: HOW INFUSING THE SEVEN RAYS OF GOD INTO THE SEVEN CHAKRAS IS THE NEXT STEP TOWARD CREATING BALANCE IN THE HUMAN PHYSICAL ENERGY SYSTEM. In this next class within our Ascension Clinic Series, we go into the basic characteristics of the Seven Chakras, how they affect the bodily systems, and the way that they are changing with the acceleration of the Earth presently. The Seven Rays of God are being integrated within each of these chakras to assist each soul upon the earth-plane but these higher light frequencies can be damaging if a soul is not ready to accept the higher vibrational energies within the physical body. We will look at what it means to be ready and how to properly use the Ray Frequencies to assist in the transition from the 3rd Dimensional Chakra grid to that of the 4th and 5th.

This 2 hour class will assist each participant in understanding what is happening to the human system, learning how to better self diagnose and balance each Chakra using the Rays of God. Lord Saint Germain will give the teaching in this class, and for the basic Chakra Balancing component, Dr. Lorphan and his team of healers join us. We also accept assistance from the Shamanic energies to be present with each participant. (In our next Ascension Class we will move into knowledges of the 4th Chakra and 5th Chakra Grid.) 


Live Class Date: Thursday October 22, 2015 at 1:00 PM PACIFIC / 4:00 PM EASTERN

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# Note: If you are currently Enrolled in our Academy Student Tuition Program as a Monthly Subscriber for the Live Weekly Teachings, please use the drop down button for a discounted exchange.

*You will receive the conference details via email prior to the class (lecture with energy attunement). Please be sure your email address is correct when you register.


©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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