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~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee shares some thoughts on how the energies of 2016 affected her Pathway of Mastery.

As I look back into this year of Completion, I realize that there were many moments that I wanted to share to each of you. I was so busy with the teachings and the work that I truly have not had the time to do what I love best ~ share with others my journey so that they can gain some insight into what they are going through.

So for 2017 I will be doing more personal writings. The Masters, especially Master Thoth, have been pushing me to become a scholar of esoteric writings within the context of my higher essence but with the knowledge of metaphysical elements that I have acquired through my training of mastery.

The Ascended Masters have walked with me since the beginning. I realize this now. I thought they became more apparent in my world as I progressed to understanding the Science of Mastery from Dr. Joshua David Stone’s teachings. But, in fact, I was destined this life to remember my true essence and there were times in my teenage years I have revelations that there was more to my existence than my physical experiences.

I have been working with Master Djwhal Khul to bring forth the Festivals of Light during each full moon. He also has been pushing me to speak more from my higher essence than sharing direct channeling from him. This is all due to the integration I have gone through for the past 30 years of allowing their essences of the Spiritual Hierarchy from the higher realms to be part of my consciousness. Each of these beautiful masters whom I call friends have always known what pathway I needed to take in order to aspire to more than my physical self wanted to realize.

In the past few months I have felt this change. When Master Thoth and I worked together for the Universal Laws classes, I felt that I no longer needed to search for the answers from other sources. We would sit and communicate through my essence as I typed the information for the class. At first, this was very scary for me as I always wanted to keep my lower ego in check. But then, I realized that the teachings far surpassed anything else that was being presented by others. I learned that I can fully accept my mastery at the high level of initiation I have achieved. It has taken me 30 years to fully embrace this part of me, but I learned that is my new essence that I am bringing forth.

Oh, the Masters sit with me; I feel their essences as I prepare to write and depending upon the context it will be a different master that works with me. I knew many years ago, that I was part of a very special circle. I have learned through my own lessons and the teachings that this is a part of me that I need to accept.

The Time is Now to Bring Forth a New Part of Myself.

It is quite comical to think that as you grow in mastery, that you can still have concerns about what you are teaching and experiencing within yourself. But that is so much a big part of learning what it is like to Walk in Mastery.

As I look at this year that is about to close, I realize the challenges I have experienced are part of this new awakening that is becoming grounded within me.

The challenges do not represent so much of a physical experience, but more of my Higher Essence becoming my physical reality. There were times it has been physical and I was able to see how much strength I had within myself to get through the ordeal.

One such time is when I fell in October one day before my husband and I were to board a plane to the East Coast. Mike had personal business to take care of and I needed to go as a grounding energy for him as he had to travel into the city of Philadelphia each day. It was a huge decision of whether I should go to the East, but with the help of Lord Adama (of Telos) and the Masters they helped us see that it was more than personal business. It was about sending the light of Mount Shasta to the East and across the country one month before the presidential election.

As I fell, I landed on my right arm. My shoulder joint slipped and my hand pushed against the floor as all the muscles and tendons from the shoulder through the elbow and hand were heavily damaged. I can tell you that it was excruciating pain. We called upon all the Healers of Light as our friend Rochelle worked on me with her healing hands. I also tuned into the energies and could see the damage and what needed to be done.

I sat there and thought, “There is no way that I can travel like this.” But, I pushed through it with Mike’s help and him telling me that there was no other way to get through this challenge. I could not move my arm but was able to travel unto two planes and get to the East.

Through this challenge, I saw my strength in a different way than ever before. I felt the energies of the Elohim of Hercules and Amazonia and called upon all the Beings of the Seven Flames to help me in each moment. I survived the trip and was able to spend time with family I had not seen in five years. I never thought I would ever see them again. I walked through a new doorway that helped me to share with them who I had become in the last five years.

It helped me to see the mountains that we must climb to reach a new destination of understanding within our consciousness.

This year has been very intense. Mike and I have had to learn lessons that normally we would never would have experienced. Our students teach us so many things especially when we have a retreat as we did in August. We were faced with many elements that were not synchronous, but yet were able to walk through a new doorway of understanding.

Every time something happens, we realize the potential we have to make the necessary adjustments so something like that does not happen again. As an old friend always said, “Lessons Learned”. You must always learn what the lesson is teaching you; otherwise, it will be repeated time and time again.

Many individuals may think that when you arrive within the higher initiations (past the 20th) that life gets easier as the ascended master. Yes, we don’t have to deal with our inner child, our past mistakes as people, and we find our inner truth; but, we do have lessons in how we relate to others especially in a mentoring capacity. It’s about who we are as a person and how we communicate that energy to others.

It all comes back to you ten-fold ~ that is the Law of Ascension Mastery.

This week I have been feeling at a loss. It is an emotional response that is going on within my consciousness. It may be from the work I am doing in Telos every night as I sleep. I always find that whatever issues I may be working with need to be adjusted within the physical self the next day. Yesterday I was emotionally raw and feeling I was going through yet another death experience.

As always, I ask for the assistance of the Masters throughout my day. I have been healing my body as I hold water very heavily. I started a regimen of a Herbal Diuretic that is in the form of an elixir. I realized that some of the weight on my legs and stomach have reduced since I started. I also work with crystals and essential oils to massage my legs. Since I was standing for 3 days in a row cooking it took a toll on my lower limbs so I have been putting my legs up, massaging, and brining in healing energy to assist in the process.

Usually when you have a physical issue from your past there is emotional releasement that occurs. I believe this has been part of it as I am now taking an oath for the anti-aging process to become a true reality. It takes great effort to do the healing and then let the energies to assist you. It is a process of letting go from the physical mind.

As I have been doing this connective work within myself, I knew there were other limits I had placed upon myself. One of them is the holiday preparation. As you accelerate with the crystalline structure within you, the process of doing heavy-duty physical tasks can be very challenging. The light body is not used to standing for eight hours at a time, so when you stop, it is like a huge drop of energy. You must regenerate your body and sometimes it can take several days or a couple of weeks depending upon the energies of others around you.

Taking time after Christmas was essential. What I wasn’t prepared for was the emotional imbalance that I felt for 24 hours, just at the time of the onset of the New Moon energies. As I was writing a post for the New Moon on Facebook today, I understood completely what I had been going through.

This year I pushed myself in unbelievable ways. The teachings and the work always took precedence in my life. I would deal with the energies afterwards and sometimes I could not move after a class. The energy that I bring in sometimes is quite an overload for my body.

As I look back through the year, I realized that I need to self-care more in my life and fit it in with all the other tasks. I have been doing exactly what I tell others not to do.

I believe 2016 has done this for us. It has pushed us in various ways making us feel as if we don’t have enough time to create all that we desire to have in our lives. My fall in October was a result of that energy. I felt it again during the Christmas holiday.

So as I regenerated physically this week I came to the full realization that I am changing so quickly that my adjustments in each moment are not enough. I need to fully see how to make the necessary change, ground it fully within my physical consciousness and body. I, then, will be able to see the separation from the old energy so I can accept the new essence I am trying to embrace.

Tomorrow is my birthday. It has not always been a wondrous time due to being on New Year’s Eve. Emotionally it has been a challenge through the years and I realized that as I physically am getting older, the rest of me is getting younger. I was looking too much at the chronological age instead of seeing how my body moves, how I feel at this age, and realizing my potential.

To quote Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, “It is at the age of 65 when our children become adults in Telos. They have learned their lessons, they have achieved spiritual maturity, and accelerated in their initiations. You, are just beginning a new life cycle that will go on for many hundreds of years. We are honored to have you walk as a Teolsian on the Upper Earth.”

I would never share my age previously; I always wanted to be portrayed as a younger human being. I realize that I am coming of age as Lord Adama shares. I have learned many lessons which have healed many elements of my soul’s history. I am grateful for the body I have as the healing will continue, and deeply grateful for the assistance of the Ascended Beings of Light helping me every step along the way.

Happy New Year of 2017 – coming into Oneness – a whole new beginning.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is providing Holiday specials on their classes and products,

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Shifting in Consciousness

blanket of light snow 9-5-15_800_600As I awoke this morning, I felt that there was something different in the energies. Sometimes this happens to me. I call this Shifting in Consciousness.

As we start to become aware of other dimensional frequencies within our consciousness, we can feel the changes that are occurring for us through our Higher Essence into the physical. It does not mean that they are grounded into the Earth but it is representative of an energetic surge, you might say.

Those of you that have a sense of these energies are very special. But yet, it can be a learned behavior. It takes time to form your craft of meditation into the physical world. Practicing the breath and being in a higher state of existence truly is an art but one that can be performed by anyone.

I have had this gift for most of my awakening life which represents 30 years of inner growth. I get a sense that there is a change in the air, but yet I cannot put my finger on it. Many years ago when I had a stuttering problem and I had learned to get through that issue with my meditations and work. But yet, sometimes I would start to stutter when talking to others. It was not something that the other person would notice. It was more like a stammering or hesitation. But I felt it. That was when I knew that I was going through a shift of consciousness, a new awakening, or experiencing walking through a new doorway. It just had not been mastered within the physical plane.

I felt this energy this morning as I awoke. I picked up my favorite book presenting, “Walking with the Masters of the Far East” which is a story of scientists in the late 1800’s traveling through the Himalayas meeting many ascended masters as they receive teachings from these beautiful Beings. I always like to read this book in the morning or at night as it helps me to get out of my physical reality into the God Consciousness.

I have been doing that practice all through my days recently. Michael and I were married a month ago and we are having a huge challenge with our finances. We are off from our teachings until next week so the flow of the funds seems to have slowed down to a trickle on a daily basis.

What does one do when this happens?

Well, for us, we have been working diligently with the Masters to bring forth our I AM Presence within the physical which allows the peace and love to come within our hearts. We are issuing commands that this is not the way that our life should be. In fact both of us went through some huge timelines two weeks ago to release the anger and frustration of what we have been experiencing. It has given has many lessons to understand what has occurred since our Divine Union Ceremony on the 8th of August.

We have learned that the union of our wedding in the physical form has created such a huge foundation for our life that elements need to adjust in the process. What we have been doing previously will no longer work. The understanding that has arrived with the lessons is absolutely amazing. This is because we are able to stand within the power of our Highest Essence within the physical to see the changes we are going through.

We now have to build a new foundation based on our union of love. It takes great patience and compassion to be able to hold this energy without interference of the lower thought forms. We have spent the last four years building this foundation in the spiritual level so that it could be grounded within the earth. We have had to raise our vibrations in so many different ways combating the lower energies. We have been tested time and time again for our perseverance and deep love of ourselves individually and together.

Through the advice of the Elohim Masters they have shared with us what we are fully creating within our physical essence combined with our spiritual essence. Yesterday they shared, “When there is an energy change as what the two of you have experienced, then there has to be a period of stability in which the energy has to become accustomed to your physical existence. When that happens there are moments of complete silence when you become One with your I Am Presence and that essence has to become accustomed to the entire process. We don’t want to call this stagnation, but it is a period of non-movement in the physical plane as all essences come into Oneness. The only thing you can do is to hold it deeply within yourself and know that the changes are coming in your near future. It takes great patience and diligence to stay in this space. We honor you deeply for creating this for yourselves and we understand the process.”

It all made sense because both of us have been in peace even though we have had very little cash flow to even buy food. We are getting just enough of what we need and are deeply compassionate about this pathway. We are learning to be in Pure Alchemy of the Divine Essence we are.

It is hard to explain this present pathway on a physical level. I have had many moments of fear and some tears, but when I come to the space of the higher consciousness I have been working with for so many years, there is only patience that comes into the mind-set. It is about initiating the Higher Mind and Higher Heart on a much deeper level.

Yesterday we had rain and it felt so very refreshing. Mount Shasta has been so dry all summer with so many forest fires that it felt like a true blessing from the higher dimensions of light. What I did not realize is how much it would mean to me on this day.

As I came out of our bedroom into our computer area, I stepped unto our back deck. There in front of me was the beautiful Lady Shasta covered very lightly in a white blanket of snow. I knew in that moment that the blessing had been received and that the energy I felt was being shown to me in the physical world.

Snow represents purity to me and having the mountain covered in this beauty was a sign that movement is now upon us. I was elated and excited to see this occurrence as it truly was a gift from the Heavens that the change has now been grounded. As it becomes more concrete, then the true abundance of life can be created.

I know many individuals are feeling these powerful times of transformation. It may not always be financial but many souls are choosing to leave the planet at this time. This is due to the transmutation that needs to occur in order for each of us to be transformed into the next phase of our journey.

I am elated and so excited to see the change in our physical world today. I never doubt my feelings, as that is what I do best, is to be a messenger of many worlds. Sometimes it has to do with my own world and what I am experiencing.

I believe that the intensity of the Super Moon has allowed each of us to be better within ourselves, to go to deeper levels, and to have the understanding that the transition of what we are experiencing is most important to the development of our Inner Self within the Outer Self.

I hope that each of you can feel the same, as I do believe the darkness that we have been encased with for eons of time is lightening within our experiences. Go to that space of your breath and your Higher Self to find the peace that is ready to enfold within you.

Happy Magical Day to Each of you.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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2015 ~ A Transformational Summer

pink sky water_800_499The Spiritual Hierarchy has classified this year as “Embracing Harmony to Expand Love”. They chose this title as we were stepping into a new paradigm of light within the planet and it is each individual’s choice in how they are going to allow harmonization to be part of their existence.

I think that each of us would agree that 2015 has truly moved us to shake out the cobwebs in order to see the True Essence that we are becoming. The Old Self is dying in order for the Divine Self of our Higher Essence to become more intertwined within the physical existence.

How do you think about this transition within your personal life?

It is important for us to reflect continually on our past experiences so that we can see how we have changed, what we did to help ourselves through that process, and then address if it was an achievement or a lesson that needed to be learned.

As we stepped through the Summer Solstice we were gifted to have more realizations through our Angelic Essence that is becoming more apparent within our physical world. It is so important that we have the realizations of our gifts as an angelic being and seeing the Veil of Forgetfulness being removed so that the clouds can disperse away from us. This transition of light is a guide to help every individual to fully embrace more of themselves than they did previously.

The important aspect of allowing these energies to become infused within us is to accept more of what we have lost in previous timelines so we can be better at infusing the Light within our Physical Existence. We should never loose these moments of acceleration as they take us deeper into the core of our Heart Essence to allow our Higher Mind to be fully activated. The doorways we walk through are guiding us into the next phase of our journey to be grounded and fully activated.

As Lord Adama shares, it represents our Foundation.

LionIn late July the Lion’s Gate opened up to give us yet another opportunity to see things differently and act upon the parts of ourselves that need to be acknowledged. This has been a very powerful activation as it represented 8-8-8 being that 2-0-1-5 is the sum of “8”. It is a number of great success, completion, the Trinity of Light, manifestation of desires through the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 8-8-8 is a number that says “the Universe supports you in your endeavors” and is a beginning of allowing your full essence to be embodied within you.

As we have now walked through the Lion’s Gate is a time of great reflection and creation of the New You as we prepare to experience the Super Moon’s of August, September and October.

I would like to share with you some of my reflections of this summer.

As many of you know, Michael and I (my Divine Partner) were preparing for a wedding to occur on August 8th 2015. The challenges we have endured financially to put this small and beautiful event together have been truly immense.

Michael lost a dear friend in late June, which was a surprise when Michael was looking for his address online he fell upon his obituary. Paul was a special soul so it was quite a shock to our system. We worked through the energies in many ways.

What we did do is call upon all the beautiful Beings in the Universe to help us through this time. We believe that being in Mount Shasta has shown us that we have the tenacity to get through any situation. We planned ahead as scheduled, did not allow any doubts to cloud our Higher Essence to move forward.

Three weeks before the wedding I slipped getting out of the shower and pulled some ligaments in my left knee. I could not walk; Michael helped me to a chair in the bedroom, as I felt devastated in so many ways. I sat on this chair and looked at the bed; it seemed to be miles away from me, but we made it together. We got the office chair and I was able to hobble to the bed. I pushed myself up on the bed as he pushed the chair towards me. Believe me it hurt very badly but I kept remembering my I AM Presence and calling upon that part of me to get me through this challenge.

As I was bedridden for almost four days, I had plenty of time to do the healing work. I called upon Dr. Lorphan, who is the Director of the Great White Lodge of Sirius. We communicated three times a day of what I needed to do while he and his Intergalactic Healers worked on me extensively. It was an amazing transition that I made without the use of third-dimensional medical help.

I utilized all the Rays of God to be infused within my knee; as a Medical Intuitive I could see where the problem was and how to assist it with essential oils, massage, intense healing activations, and lots of sleep. Dr. Lorphan and his staff worked on me continuously and performed laser surgery on my tendons and knee. (He previously was working with me the last few months as I had a weakness in a tendon on the side of my leg; luckily, I was exercising with weights and cardio to strengthen my body.) One of our students, Rochelle, who lives in Mount Shasta is also in training to learn more of the healing techniques that I utilized with the Rays of God. She also assisted great with her Reiki skills by using the higher frequencies of light.

I could not have done this without the workouts I had been doing. I was not stiff when I had to pull myself up by my upper body and I strengthened my quads every day in the bed.

I had three weeks to process all of this energy and command it to be part of my physical reality. I was finally accepting my role as a Personal Alchemist.

As the wedding became closer, I was able to walk with just one crutch and hobble around. I was walking but not putting full weight on the leg.

Our students arrived for the wedding; we had many people assisting us in so many ways. Funds arrived every day to pay for the various services we needed; first, the flowers, then the cake, then the caterer and finally our rent. I know it sounds unbelievable that we would trust so deeply that all would be taken care of, but it is something we have learned being in Mount Shasta. Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos, guides us every step of the way and we would never have been able to achieve all of this without his help.

We know that the Universe was supporting us in so many ways.

So in the days ahead of the wedding, I ate something and had a tooth that was loose. I was scared to death about it breaking so I was only drinking protein shakes and very little food. On the day of the wedding, I was sitting at the hairdresser having my hair done up. I was putting some Clove Oil on the tooth as the pain was strong. I pushed it a bit and felt that it was hanging by a thread.

Luckily, Michael had stopped by after setting up the venue-wedding site and I asked a friend to bring him into the shop. I told him he had to pull it out. Luckily, Angie, my stylist had some vodka so I started swishing it in my mouth and took a few swigs. I just wanted it out. So Mike did as I asked. It was so loose that it easily came out. He told me he loved me and left.

Talk about emotion – the release of having to go through this on my wedding day was immense, but I was so relieved to not have to worry about this tooth hanging in my mouth. Everyone at the salon was amazing and that made me cry even more. We laughed together and they even ordered some food for me next door (a sandwich shop) that I could get some solid food in my mouth.

In those moments I had no regret. I think Mike was more scared than me in that moment, but I have had immense issues with my teeth and this was freeing for me.

We carried on through the festivities. I had to change my shoes, as I could not walk even in a little high heel on the grass. I walked with my niece, Jeanne, down the aisle towards Michael. The knee was still quite unstable but I made it.

Christine Mike closeup_342_600It was painful but it was the most amazing ceremony in my life to be united with my Divine Love in the presence of the energies of Mount Shasta and our immediate friends.

We continued our journey with a summer retreat so I used the crutches to walk up Glass Mountain (not a steep incline). I was able to get into Medicine Lake and feel the waters around me with all of our participants. I even took the walk at McArthur-Burney Falls which included some steps and a couple of ramps. I actually found the following day that my legs were healed after the exercise.

I felt I had achieved so very much during this huge time of transition. Everyone kept telling me how strong I was and I did not think about it ~ it was just something that I needed to do. I moved forward with the assistance of Michael and my Higher Essence. It was never a question for me not to go on these excursion or to continue with the wedding when the challenges arose.

The end of the Lion’s Gate is now closed. Michael and I are now Divine Souls as One.

We feel the difference in our energies. The power we have together is unmatched by anything else I could ever imagine. We are still having challenges in our finances but the work I have done with the I AM Supply book has helped me immensely to fully embrace my I AM Presence through the energetic essence of Love. We find that we utilize this energy to help us be calm and prepared for the next step.

Some individuals may question as to why when we are doing such powerful work that we are being challenged by the financial pathway. I, too, have often questioned this as I have worked for 30 years giving great service to this Earth through my Divine Essence. The answer to that question lies in the fact that we do all our work in the service of the Creative Source of the 144th dimension. This is something that has not occurred on our planet. So we are constantly blocked by energies that want to stop us from bringing forth this pathway that Dr. Joshua David Stone, Alice Bailey with Master Djwhal Khul, and others before him had started. So it takes great diligence to continue on our pathway by accessing our higher essence through the Rays of God, within the Unified Whole Energies of the 144th dimension, and being in command with what we desire upon this earth through our I AM Presence.

As the Feminine Divine becomes more active within the planet, we as the women will have to take on greater responsibility. We are the holders of this essence, we bring forward the Magnetic Force; the men have the Electric Force but it needs to be ignited by our essence. I have learned through this process that it is my role to ignite the energies and Michael’s role to do the handiwork for it to be created. These have been great lessons for us in the past two weeks.

Michael stands in his own power, but with our essences together, he is able to achieve more and he helps me to ground that creation of magnetic energies within my Foundation. It helps me to move forward, to be strong, and continue the journey no matter what the circumstances may be.

So now we take what we have learned and adjust the way we experience our life. Our teachings are being upgraded due this summer as our lives have changed greatly. The old way of doing things must be readjusted to the higher octave of light that we are incorporating.

I share my story as I hope it will help others to understand what they are experiencing in their pathway of Light. It is not easy for any of us and without the challenges I have endured in my distant past, I don’t think I would be this strong.

So take what you incorporated during Lion’s Gate to go deeply within your Heart and allow it to push you to be better, go farther, and embrace your I AM Presence physically in each moment. Breathe deeply the new part of you that has appeared and allow the old to be removed. Don’t hold unto it; it will not serve your purpose any longer.

Most of all, don’t forget what you experienced during the activation. It molds your immediate future. As these energies come into the planet, they will help to ground your Spiritual Foundation if you can acknowledge what you are experiencing.

We have a new saying, “Take a snapshot of the moment that is magical, blissful and brings you peace so you can remember it in your future moments.”

We have more activations appearing in our existence; we still have three fabulous Super Moons in August, September, and October along with a Lunar and Solar Eclipses in September along with the Fall Equinox. This is going to push us towards the 11-11 into another paradigm of Light within each of us.

Spirit is suggesting that this year of 2015 represents 2012 but with greater magnificence and power that is beyond our realization of what can be within each of us. I believe this is true.

We must delve deeper and work harder with our Spiritual Self to become One within our Physical Existence. It is a time of great magnificence when we allow the Magic to be within us.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is offering special programs for an individual to take advantage of our teachings through partnering with WTC. They will help us to sustain the funds that are necessary for this work to continue in the highest sense, and to help others to experience the teachings we are bringing forth from the Higher Beings of Light. There are several options a person can choose to listen to our recordings, join our classes live, or to become a Student of WTC. For more information please see: Partnership-Member.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Spiritual Mastery ~ Be Careful What You Ask For

white lillyPersonal Experiences of the Healing Energies of the Festival of the Christ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Part of being a mentor for the New Earth and a highly seasoned person on the Mastery Pathway is to share your own story.  I believe (and so do my teachers in Spirit) that when I share my challenges, others can understand the process that we are all going through no matter what level of initiation you hold or how long you have been on the pathway of Mastery.

I have been straying away from these writings; not because I don’t want to do them but time is not always on my side.  As a teacher with my partner, Rev. Michael Aranathanara we live and breath the teachings of mastery both professionally and personally.  We are challenged consistently by the way we think, live, and exist, but it is the only way of life I would choose.

I think this is an important point to reflect upon – Choice.

Each of us have chosen to be where we are in our consciousness and our lives.  It has been guided from the Source of Light That We Are from our Soul’s existence into the physical being that we are presently.  I think this is an important point to remember.

As humans, we have the tendency to complain about what we are experiencing or unhappy because we are not in a better state of emotions or thoughts.  That is our physical self and has nothing to do with the Higher Self.  When we acknowledge the Higher Self within us, then that is when we have the ability to feel the peace, joy, acceptance, and all the beautiful adjectives that reflect the type of living that we want to experience.  Until we actively work within these areas, then we are going to feel the lower aspects within our subconscious thoughts.  We have to change them and this process is one that is probably the most difficult for all individuals that step onto this pathway.

I want to share that every person that has self awareness is an Initiate of the Mastery Pathway.  It’s just that they probably do not know it in their conscious mind.  Working with coaches, teachers, and trying to find a better life within oneself is the first initiation.

It’s when you step into the next initiation of fully working within the emotional body and then the third of the mental body that person is fully accepting their role of being an initiate.  For some souls it takes many lifetimes to get to this point, but in our presently time-frame of energetic exchanges upon the earth, more initiates are going further within their pathway with deep diligence of their work.

This is truly what makes this process a fulfilling experience as the soul is working within the body to remember, reflect, and remove the elements that have impeded their progress previously.

It is at this time an initiate, a person, must delve deeper than they did previously to get to the root of their lessons that have not been learned and acknowledged previously.  It happens to be a moment of pure reflection in the process of the pathway and needs to be acknowledged on all levels of acceptance.

I have been on this pathway of mastery since 1992; I awakened fully in the 1980’s.  I had the ability to have many great gifts but not without the challenges.  I studied hard, healed deeply the wounds of my past so that I could continue the journey within myself.

It is at this stage of my life that is most miraculous.  There have been times in the past decade that I almost chose to leave the planet but my Higher Self and I Am Presence had other plans for this person known as Christine.  I have grown to accept that I Am Lady Meleriessee although it times it seemed very surreal to me within the physical body.  I have been able to be both physical and spiritual at the same time.  For many years I held jobs within the corporate world and continued my spiritual teachings after hours.  I worked hard to continue my pathway of mastery and was able to achieve the higher initiations through the depth of the work.

When I arrived in Mt. Shasta, it was a wake-up call for many reasons.  I could no longer exist in the 3rd dimensional world of the East Coast.  I was still living on a 3rd dimension within the planet in Mt. Shasta, but the higher dimensions here were easier to attain with the help of the Telosians and Lord Adama along with the beautiful essence of the mountain.  it is my home now.

I was able to create a beautiful relationship with Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  We worked hard together to both achieve a status of a divine partnership but it has not been without its lessons and achievements.  I sometimes reflect to see if this is all real as it is hard to believe that I still exist in a 3rd dimensional world.  Geographically, I do, energetically, we do not.  We live in a higher dimensional level incorporating the teachings of Lord Adama, Lord Sananda, Ashtar Command, and many Beings of Light assisting us.  Our house is set in a 10th dimensional frequency.

So, when we go outside, we utilize the Unified Whole energies to assist us to stay in that frequency of light.  It is just like the Telosians when they leave their sacred space; precautions need to be taken and clearing of energies afterwards.

What this energy also does is catapult our physical bodies.  We are accelerating so deeply that the physical body is being challenged immensely to receive the crystalline structure.  I believe it is most challenging here due to the level of energies that are being emitted to us.  But it has also allowed me, as the Voice of the Unified Whole, to go into higher states of acceleration to help our students to feel the vibrational changes that are necessary for walking towards the New Earth.

So, yes, I have physical challenges that I deal with every day.  The aches and pains that both Michael and I endure is not because of our ages, but due to the light frequencies we are trying to incorporate within the physical body.

So this week I went to yet another level within myself.  As I work with the higher frequencies of the teachings, Spirit is pushing me to ignite even higher voice transmissions that help attune others to the frequency they want them to receive.  My sinuses have not been clear enough on certain times to bring forth these energies.  So with the upcoming full moon and the Festival of the Christ of Resurrection, I have been asking for a clean and healthy body, “a new body so to speak”.

You must be careful of what you ask for.

Within a few days Walking Terra Christa was going on a Spring Break, I was to receive flooding of congestion coming out of my sinuses and throat along with my lungs.  It has been quite a ride.  I never had a fever but felt like I was going through a death experience, which I was.  In Lemuria I died in the waters and drowned so I have been dealing with extra fluid in my etheric body for centuries upon centuries.

During this transition I felt the death experience within me; not the timeline or the memory but the body dying but yet rejuvenating it at the same time with the help of homeopathy, herbs, teas, and healing energies.

It does not matter where you are in the stage of your initiations, your etheric body can still hold so much debris within you until you arrive at a point in time where those energies no longer support who you are.  This can be not only physically, but emotionally, and mentally.

The process of knowing yourself in all ways is the most important element.  And, that will change with time and movement through the initiations.

In the lower initiations an individual is working more with the soul psychology work as the Etheric body holds the subconscious thoughts from lifetime to lifetime.  As one moves into the higher initiations (beyond the 8th), it represents the Etheric Body through levels of the physical as you step into Cosmic Ascension.  A person can still have minor physical issues in the higher initiations.  But the truth is that as the frequency of light increases, those minor physical element need to be rectified in order to stay grounded on the earth.  That is the challenge we are dealing with presently by accepting the crystalline structure.

In order to move towards the New Earth these are the lessons that we need to learn.

My role has always been to have a direct communication that is very clear with the Spiritual Hierarchy.  The Unified Whole Command has helped put many timelines and pantheons into wholeness so that these elements can be achieved.  it is imperative that as we go through these challenges that we count upwards into the 144th dimension from 0 through 10, then increments of 10 to 140 through 144.  This will take those elements that are stopping you from progressing into the Source of Light never to be experienced again.  This also allows an individual to be responsible for themselves.  For many years we called upon many angels and masters to do the work for us.  That is no longer the case; as we become the Master, we must be responsible for our own healing.

I also have worked very extensively with Dr. Lorphan of the Great White Lodge of Sirius and his team of healers along with my own team of healers that work with me consistently.  I travel to Telos each night to meet with Dr. Lorphan so that I can be treated with their energies, their frequencies of light, to change my bodily composition.

All of these elements have made a tremendous difference.  I am still clearing out the energies from my bodily functions, but am now ready for a new change.  I have been off of dairy for 25 years.  I have been doing non-dairy, health-oriented products but that will be changing.  I usually make protein shakes with Almond Milk; I am leaning towards making my own due to the ingredients they use to make the milk to sell to the public.

I love my “fake” milk products, but my work and life is more important to me.  I need to have a clear voice, not to be affected by too much congestion in my body.  I want to do this so that I can be a clear channel of higher energies to help others.

But the main reason is so that I can enjoy being on the higher earth without impeding elements to stop my progress.  I plan to achieve what I set out to do many years ago.  To transform my body into the pure light substance, to walk with the masters, to help create the New Earth and to teach others to do the same.

In Summation, I want to say that whatever you are being challenged with presently, work with the Unified Whole Command along with the many masters and angels of light to assist you, but take responsibility of being the caretaker of your creation.  The Festival of the Christ represents the Resurrection along with the upcoming full moon and lunar eclipse.  Everyone is going to be challenged deeply including Gaia.  Her lands are going to be healed but there can be repercussions in the lands first.  We must not step into fear, anger, or victim-hood.  It is our role to be the Master no matter what the level of experience we are holding.

Be strong, call upon the Rays of God to assist, and remember you are not just the physical self or the emotional or mental self.  You are a spiritual being trying to be Who You are Supposed to Be.  We are all in a state of Remembrance.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Looking Back into 2014

light infusion planetAs we step towards a new year, I felt it was appropriate to share my views on this current year. The Ascended Beings of Walking Terra Christa called 2014 the Year of Grounding Unity.

This meant that individuals would learn how to find more of their higher self energies to come into physicality to ground the Unity of Oneness within each of us individually. We have had massive movements of energy within this year. The cycles of the moon with eclipses have taken us into a whole new way of existence. We cannot forget the exchanges of the Solstices and Equinoxes to herald us into a new way of living upon this earth.

The important elements to consider with all these changes in the planetary system are how did we favor individually?

Just because the Universal changes are occurring in Gaia does not mean that each of us took these energies to make the necessary changes. We connect in the present moments of those powerful surges of light and hope that it will assist us in our journey. Some may even put so much credence into these frequencies that they think that is all they have to do, is to sit and wait for it to enfold. But most of us know that is not the case.

The frequencies of Light are coming into GAIA to assist her planetary ascension; it is then that we as each human upon this Earth must look within ourselves and allow the change to happen to us. I know that this year has been intense and December has taken all those energies and rolled them into one month. We have had acceleration upon acceleration occurring for us which will help us to walk into a new part of our existence. As we become more Light, then we allow the old elements to purge out of us. We go through a state of transition in which we truly do not understand what is happening to us until we can readjust the energies within our physical body. This takes a lot of effort and patience within each of us as we grow into being more than we ever have before. But yet, it can cause great challenges as the old dysfunction has to be removed.

When Walking Terra Christa asked about 2014, the Beings within the Unified Whole replied that it represented Grounding Unity which means that elements of our Higher Self and I AM Present were being ignited from the heavens above into our physical essence. The deeper our meditations, the more growth we would receive as there would be illumination of our past into our present moment. I believe that we have received all of these elements within us. There is so much change that is happening within this earth that the dysfunction is being arisen out of each individual person as people gather together in Unison.

What we don’t realize is that bringing forth these energies is important while igniting the old parts of ourselves in the process. If an individual receives so much light within them, and they are holding unto old elements of dysfunction within them, they can ignite that dysfunction in a different manner. It does not mean that it is being dissipated just by being in a state of protest or anger. That is the anger acting out within itself which is not serving any purpose but bringing up those frequencies into the atmosphere. It is not assisting an individual to feel better about their situation or inner self; it is actually causing more confliction to occur.

In retrospect that is exactly what this year represented in our society. People are starting to wake up but they are acting upon their old ways of warriorship. It is an automatic trigger that happens when the light comes within an individual that does not know how to handle the energy. They have not been trained to meditate, to step into the silence in order to receive the healing they need. Instead, it reacts within a person to trigger old elements within the Etheric body of the other timelines in which confliction occurred. It becomes a power struggle and is meant to bring forth elements within an individual that need to be addressed instead of lashing out onto society and what is not right within our world.

As I started this writing, I wanted to share what this year represented to each of us. The world of Spirit constantly walks within me so I am feeling they have a deeper message here for each of us.


2014 people awakened to look differently at the world within themselves and around them. They want to do something about it while seeing change happen before them. The power of the Light presently brings forth change in each individual no matter what level of awareness or un-awareness that happens to each person.

The world has been rocked with more light than it has ever received before.

Each soul upon this earth is healing within themselves whether they realize it or not. On a soul level they have reached the ability to understand that their contract on this earth is being honored and they are stepping further into the process. This does not mean that each person knows within a conscious level what they are doing but the acceptance of the soul within their body is being guided within the healing states of sleep and is filtering into the world.

I want to share more of this with the New Earth Frequency Update as I feel the Unified Whole Command becoming more apparent with this writing. I don’t want to spoil their message but just want to reiterate that whatever you have experienced this year, look at the depth of that pathway. Every one of us, no matter if you are on a pathway of ascension or not, is healing their soul’s contract upon this earth. Look deeply at your feelings, your love, your acceptance, your patience, and the parts of yourself that do not match these qualities. It will help you go into a deeper place within yourself.

2015 is being called “Embracing Harmony ~ Sending Love”.

This means that those of us that are considered lightworkers need to find within our-self the harmonization of our existence. We have a role to play in 2015 as the Leaders of the New Earth to deeply honor our truth, our love, our Will, our Love, and our Power so that others can do the same.

As we embrace our own harmonization and balance within us, then that essence of Love can be sent to humanity. This is done within our silence of the love that we are, not within words parse, but just Being Love Within.

The Ray of Harmony and Balance is going to be ignited within the planet on December 31st at 12 midnight on a planetary level as we move into the year 2015. This ray is very powerful to move through conflicts and deep struggles. Master Serapis Bey is the Ray Chohan but Master Paul the Venetian is also going to be working within the essence of this Ray. (Paul the Venetian previously was the Ray Chohan and works very closely with Serapis Bey).

Attributes of this ray include:

Ray No. 4 ~ Experiencing Pure Joy in Each Moment

Definition ~Harmony & Balance Through Conflict

Color: Crystalline (The color of this ray is Crystalline within the cosmic level but utilizing the Emerald Green on a planetary level will bring about the ability to move from the Planetary into the Cosmic essence.)

Chakra: Root

Elders from the Throne of Grace That Ignite the Ray Essence: Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo

Chohan: Master Serapis Bey

Elohim Masters: Purity & Astrea

Archangels: Gabriel & Hope

Toning Sound: “LAM, OH”

Utilizing the Toning Sound will help to bring in the essence of the ray; or just call upon any of the Beings of Light to expand it within you.

The Golden Etheric City of this Ray is represented within the Etheric Earth over the geographic area of Kansas/Oklahoma/Nebraska/Colorado in the United States known as the City of Klehma/Shaswam. Klehma is the 3D name; and Shaswam is the New Earth Name. You can also travel to this city in your meditations and/or sleep state. Check out our transcriptions located in our New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light blog, Keyword: Klehma or Shashwam.

The important element of this writing is to intuit these energies within yourself as much as possible to allow for the changes to occur in a balanced manner.

2015 is going to be another powerful year with each of us being asked to stand strong and be the Light that we have learned to incorporate within our physical world.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

The New Earth Frequency Update “A Message of Love for 2015” can be read by clicking the link.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Stepping Into the Balance

full_moon1wtcOn December 6th, 2014 we will be experiencing the last full moon of this year.  It is within the Sun Sign of Sagittarius within the Moon of Gemini and will reflect how well we align our minds within our Higher Self or Lower Self (Concrete Mind).  The alignment occurs at 12:26 GMT time, 4:26 AM Pacific, and 7:26 AM Eastern.

We all know that the full moon is full of intense emotion as Grandmother Moon helps us to realign our energies in preparation for the new energies that come into our awareness.  The reflection this month is to fully take action within our Higher Self to allow the Higher Mind to take precedence over the Lower Mind.  This is a huge challenge for every soul upon this planet.

We have been taught through the many timelines that we have experienced that control occurs in our every waking moment within the third dimensional reality.  That is why it can be so difficult to step out of the mold of who we were into what we desire to be.

As individuals awaken within themselves that there is a higher purpose to their lives, they are then stepping into the unseen world of accepting their intuition and higher knowledge to be their guide.  They have acquired the wisdom within themselves through the many experiences that have formed their existence.

At least this is what we all desire to see happen within this planet.

As has been shared through the New Earth Frequency Update for December, the Ascended Beings say that the month of December is pivotal for creating balance in our lives to prepare for 2015.  We are going to be inundated with higher frequencies each week of this amazing month.  It is our time to fully understand what we are experiencing, allow it to be grounded within us, and prepare for our next moments of creation.

This full moon is a divine opportunity to allow the balance to come more fully within us.  The sign of Gemini represents the Lower Mind of wanting to keep doing things the same way as always.  The sign of Sagittarius represents the adventurous spirit of constantly wanting to try new ways of living representing the Higher Mind.  Now both of these aspects are very important for each of us, but we have to come to a state of understanding the balance between the Lower Mind and Higher Mind.

Many times when going through this type of process the Lower Mind wants to refuse the efforts of the Higher Mind, but yet, it is important to allow the Higher Mind to intertwine within the physical self with some ease and grace.  Jumping into the Higher Self can create a shock to the system especially if an individual has not practiced the energy to occur.  That is why it is important to reflect continuously on what we are experiencing, looking at the past, and see the changes we have made within ourselves.  It is imperative to allow the flow of life to fully be within us, because these accelerations and changes we are experiencing can be very life changing.  It can cause an individual to go into a state of lower ego, thinking that they have it all together, but yet, it is just the opposite.

We have been challenged greatly throughout this year.  2014 has represented the essence of GROUNDING UNITY.  This means that every awakened individual is working within themselves to ground their Higher Essence or Higher Self within the physical body.  If the soul psychological work has not been done, then there will be a huge overload within the system which will cause the lower ego to stay intact.  It is a proven fact that when one reaches the higher initiations and they have not taken care of their subconscious thoughts, that they cannot continue within their ascension process.  We cannot have it both ways; purely within the old self with the higher self intact.  It will not happen as the Higher Self steps away from the physical body during this process.

The pathway of acceleration includes all of these aspects; this is exactly what we have been experiencing this year of 2014 which is the ability to ground our Higher Essence within the Physical Body 24 hours a day continuously.

So how are you progressing with this process?

That is a good question for each of us and no one can give us the answer but ourselves.

The power of who we are becoming is right within us.  We can ask for advice, guidance, and coaching on the pathway, but in truth, each of us is responsible for ourselves.  That is why there are tools to assist an individual on this pathway of ascension so that stepping into our higher essence becomes very easy.

I know, it is not that way for many individuals.  We have to deal with the fourth dimensional reality of this earth.  We are in a state of great transition with individuals trying to show their opinions are the right way, but yet we know, we cannot exist in that type of energy any longer.  This is exactly what we are experiencing.

We are awakened every day, and we change through the process so that the awakening state goes to a much deeper level than it did previously.  That is truly what ascension represents as we De-Ascend our highest essence into the physical body.

This moon is the first of light infractions that we are receiving for December.  It is giving us all that I have shared and allowing each individual to look at themselves from a different angle.  It is a time of preparation as the month continues; we will be receiving more frequencies of light within the planet and each of us.

I believe that this full moon is truly a gift from the Universe.  It is a time to stand between the Higher Self and Lower Self to allow the mind to be fully illuminated by the Light that We Are.  Within that process it can be overwhelming and challenging as events enfold within our lives to make us see how we are doing.  We are continually being tested on this pathway, and rightly so.  If we are to be the Ascended Masters for the New Earth, we are going through many trials of fire  to help us to acknowledge the depth of our wisdom along with how to apply what we know into our present circumstances.

Take some time in the next few days to connect fully with your Lower Mind by noticing your thoughts and how they create your reality. 

Then take some deep breaths and bring in your Higher Self.  Ask him or her to help you go deeper within yourself.  Allow yourself to be One with Yourself in the moment and your breath.  Feel how your thoughts start to shift as you feel the change come over you.  Then, afterwards, write about the experience before and after.  You may take some time to recall an event in your life that was upsetting emotionally and mentally.

How did you deal with it then?

Go back to that moment and use the exercise with your breath.  Bring in the Violet Flame to transmute it, then the Pink Flame to recreate your circumstances.

Has your memory of that situation changed? 

Notice the differences you may now feel.  What is also important is to not hold these negative vibrations within your physical body which is what we do all the time.  Take the same energies and blend them within your breath; completely surrender into the moment of resurrection as you change the thought processes within you.  Then journal about it; date it and reflect on it at a later time.

As you practice this within your life, you will be able to start to feel your Higher Mind more often than you did before.  But it takes quite a bit of practice, reflecting, and allowing the silence of your Higher Essence to fully be within you.

This is what will bring you the balance between the Lower and Higher Mind.  You will be able to try new ways of living in your life by accepting your intuition is your guide, but yet have a strong foundation that has already been acquired.  When we talk about the Higher Mind integrating within the Lower Mind, you must remind yourself that the Lower Mind is not disappearing.  It is transitioning into a higher state of Beingness as the structure you have created is important.  But the control mechanisms within your concrete mind are no longer needed.

I would say that this is a very powerful month and it is helping us to go deeper than before as we prepare for the upcoming energies throughout the month.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Full Moon Ceremony via tele-call on Saturday, December 6th at 10 AM Pacific.  This is an open call for every person; we hope that you will join us (please check the link for the details).  The MP3 recording will be available via our website within 24 hours.

Wishing you a blessed Full Moon Experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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An Empowering Journey of Finding Who I AM

“I dedicate this writing to all the people in my life that I have left behind, my dearest family and past friends. I hope that in reading this blog that you will understand who I have become as it is with love and expression in my heart that each of you have helped me to arrive in this state of understanding.

“The darkest moments mold our deepest healing”.

I love each of you dearly in my heart even though I am not physically with you. Thank you for all that you have done and given me to help me to arrive in the space I now inhabit.” ~ Christine Meleriessee

I have just completed an amazing journey of love and light with my Beloved, Michael. It was an adventure that we decided to take together. I thought I was going to stand beside him as he healed some old wounds he left behind three years ago. Instead, I found a part of me that needed to be fully empowered and accept my role as a teacher, mentor, and friend within my physical self.

When I decided to move to Mount Shasta three years ago, I had no idea the pathway that would be in front of me. In fact there were many twists and turns that took me to a different part of myself continually on this journey. Michael came into my life to stand beside me as we chose this pathway eons ago as souls on the Inner Plane (some may call this heaven). We have had to surrender many moments, each of us so that we could be together in preparation for the 5th dimension. The challenges we have faced go beyond what anyone can imagine.

We have all seen the science fiction movies, or “Harry Potter”. The world that we stepped into has incorporated many of these elements. As a student of ascension with Dr. Joshua David Stone, my mentor, I had been on this pathway for 15 years on my own. Those that do not understand what this means is that you continually strive to be better within yourself. Part of these teachings are the basis of all ascended masters, the ones that have walked before us; namely, Jeshua or Jesus, Gandhi, Moses, Martin Luther King, Saint Germain, and all the wonderful Chohans (or leaders) of the Rays of God. This is not an easy pathway by any means and it has taken me through many levels of understanding within myself which sometimes were very dark doorways. I learned to come out to the other side by going deeper and doing intense soul psychology work to heal my wounds of the past.

This journey is constant and it never ceases to amaze me how deeply I must go to find my inner truth. Now as a teacher and mentor to others I continue to learn more about myself and how I should act, not react, and fully accept who I am. I have realized that the old way of living and being has to change. This means that others that I have been close with would be deeply affected in my choices within my world.

I learned that in order to fully take my Higher Self and I AM Presence within my physical world, I had to live what I teach. I learned through Dr. Stone’s work that the Rays of God would be the basis of not only my own teachings (along with Michael) but would be the basis of how I could step into a completely different world of awareness. Working with the Rays of God is my savior of my life.
The first seven rays are Spectrums of Light that represent Will and Power (Blue), Love and Wisdom (Golden Yellow), Creative Actualization & Compassion of the Self (Deep Pink), Harmony and Balance (Crystalline Light), The Science of God within me (Green with Gold & White), Inner Devotion (Ruby Red with Gold), and Learning how to Create Ceremonial Structure (Violet with Deep Purple) within my life. They are all the basis of creating the journey within God and Universal Laws. All religions come together to be One; as none is better than the other. It truly represents Oneness in all forms of living, feeling, and thinking. Working with these Spectrums of Light every day will empower any person and allow their higher essence or I AM Presence to be fully embodied within them.

What I have learned and read about by others that chose this pathway is that it takes great responsibility. I have had to let go of the third dimensional world which includes many friends and family that I was connected to from my biological heritage. Once I stepped into the world of initiations and learning to be a leader for this Earth, it took great courage with many challenges that I had to endure. It is not considered for the weak-willed, but it was what my soul was here to experience in my full body system.

On my trip out to Mount Shasta I had many challenges that I learned was from lower energies that did not want me to succeed in my quest of enlightenment within my physical existence. I lost my debit card, I stayed in places I felt very unsafe, but all the while I was fully protected by the God Force and always felt that protection continually. I arrived 3,000 miles later safe and sound with a cat that was happy to be grounded once again. I had tires that blew within days after my arrival. I realized the depth of being watched by many angels and higher Beings of Light in my travels.

When Michael arrived within my life, the challenges become increasingly more difficult. As a couple, we were friends that came together for a purpose. We found in each other that there was much more to the story that would unfold. We are a team that is beyond my wildest dreams, and I know that I would not exist on the earth today without his arrival into my world.
I had accelerated my physical body and consciousness to a point that it was difficult to stay grounded. Anyone that steps into this pathway can agree that the transition of turning your body into more light is one that is quite challenging. With the earth’s energies changing, we as humans, now have this ability to do so, but it takes a lot of effort with meditations, journaling, channeling your Higher Self into the physical body, and just surrendering your life from what you knew it to be before.

We have a wonderful home in Mount Shasta that we have learned needs to be of a higher dimensional level. We have worked hard building ascension columns of light (with the help of the Ascended Masters) to protect our land and within our house. We have been guided by Lord Adama and the Telosians to create this sacred space which is the same way of living that they do within the mountain of Shasta. (Telosians live beneath the mountain as they are the descendants from Lemuria and very present in their essence at Mount Shasta. They live in a 5th dimensional energy which we are striving to do upon the Upper Earth). We also work with all Christed Beings within Oneness known as the Unified Whole which includes Christed Extra-Terrestrials. We have learned how to keep our vibrations high and when our emotions get in the way, it truly is not the True You.

This is not easy when you are living in the 3rd/4th dimensional land space of the Earth. We constantly have to access our higher essence in each moment especially when communicating with other individuals. We created a Connection Circle with our students in which each of us connects with our Higher Self, and we talk about any issues or elements that need to be addressed. (We have had a couple of students living with us in the past year.)

Our life is very seclusive. We do not converse with many people as everyone has debris within the auric field that effects us greatly. When we leave the house, we use our very highly developed protection energies to make sure we are not affected. Shopping in the outside world becomes a torturized ritual with being bombarded by other energies. We are definitely living like the Telosians as we have been trained by them. All of this would not be possible without being in Mount Shasta where the energy is much higher than most places upon this Earth.

What happens when we are affected? Well, since I am the higher vibrational person (doing this work for 30 years), lower energies come into my field. It can feel like a pin-prick on your skin. They usually attack you through your thoughts or emotions; sometimes, you can feel something physical in which you may have a weak spot. It can drain your energy within a moment’s notice. In other words it makes you feel very dysfunctional and sick within your physical body.

We utilize cleansing showers with Epsom salt, cider vinegar and baking soda on a daily basis along with burning Sage, utilizing Selenite crystals that help to remove the unwanted energies. All of this is a daily ritual for us.

I am the protective energy between both of us since I feel it the lower frequencies within my consciousness before anyone else. Michael calls me the “Garbage Collector”. In a sense, it truly is that way. Not an easy task but I have the ability to clear it faster with crystals, going into a quick meditative state, commanding that I am my own energy. It has taken both of us three years to know what to do and when I did not do so, it was not pleasant for either of us. As a result, when we go anywhere we clean up people’s darker energies, and lower thoughts. This also means environmental areas are being changed through the process.

So when the subject came up about us traveling to the East Coast so that Mike could spend some time with his two sons, we were quite concerned. Air travel is difficult for a normal person; for us it may be very debilitating. We were given the go-ahead by Lord Adama who helps us in every major decision in our lives. Some individuals may think that is strange but for us, it is a major comfort as his energies with the entire God Force protect us continually.

We are both from the East; we were traveling to the only powerful spot where we could be protected, Cape May Point, NJ. This is a difficult decision as we cannot spend time with our families like we used to do so. We, as souls, have accepted that this is part of our contract, but it still is a difficult element. If those family members were on this pathway, it would be different. When a person is striving to become more highly attuned with their spiritual self, their energies become less dense. They start to move into more light so it is easier for us to be with them. Granted we still have to cleanse ourselves afterwards as their energy does not meet ours. That will always be part of the process.

I felt I had an obligation to tell certain family members that I could not see them; although there were others I could see because of their own spiritual transformation. This caused some hurts to occur in which I did not know how to handle it from my heart. I have come to understand within myself that I have an obligation to myself which is something I did not do previously. I have always been a caretaker and stepped ahead to help others before I took care of my own needs. Through the years of healing and inner child work it has gotten easier. Being a sensitive (feeling other’s energies) it becomes increasingly more challenging.

I have learned by accepting the Ray of Inner Devotion which represents the energies of devotion and love from your Highest Self. I knew I had to set a boundary with family members as it would totally deplete me emotionally, mentally, and physically. I would suffer a great deal not because of who they are but their energy levels. It could cause me great harm and my work is much too important to do that to myself. I also knew that this would be very difficult to convey to them as ‘until we walk into another person’s moccasins’ we cannot understand how they are feeling.

It was probably the most difficult decision that I have ever had to make on this spiritual pathway.

Michael also has family and friends whom he did not call. He felt it was important for him to do the same but yet I had this obligation to be honest. I learned a huge lesson in all of this. I realized that I needed to see my personal obligation to share that I was in the area, but yet I also needed to accept that I am important as well.

It is difficult in saying no to your family as my pathway is more important to the greater whole of this earth. I have a huge purpose, and I would have never been able to achieve this three years ago.

I refer to a great master, Lady Nada, who is now the Chohan (Leader) of the Ray of Inner Devotion (previously Lord Sananda). She served in the Temple of Divine Love on Atlantis. During her training for the Retreat in Luxor, she was told by Master Serapis Bey (Chohan of Harmony and Balance) that she would have to sever all connections with her family. This was very challenging for her, but she also had a huge purpose during that lifetime. She then realized that it was difficult to be with other humans in the training and at times, ran away through the desert, just to get away from the pressures. Lady Nada works within the Pink Flame to help all individuals upon this earth. ~ Excerpted from “Ascended Masters and Their Retreats, W. Schroeder”.

This is exactly how we feel in our daily life. We have to be very private due to the frequencies of light that we are incorporating within our physical bodies. Mike and I have a great purpose to each other and our students who want to follow the same pathway. When you fully step into the initiations of Ascension that are guided by the Higher Masters, this is part of the process that you have to experience. Third dimensional life never exists for you anymore. In order to live the higher frequencies within the body, we have had to deny family members or past friends our presence. We are hoping that it is not always this way as it is a big challenge for both of us. We desire it to be different, but at this time, it cannot be so.

I have changed greatly through this process and being in Mt. Shasta has allowed me to do so. As I said before, I would not be on this earth doing this great work. I have embraced my Inner Power and help many individuals through our teachings and private sessions to find the love, harmony, and light within themselves.

I also continually send light to everyone I know on every teaching call we perform. I cannot be with them in person, but my role as always been to be the best healer I can be no matter what the form of communication may be. When you take on the role as I have done, the healing energy continues with each ceremony that we facilitate.

So on this journey that Michael and I have taken together I had to step forward to create the boundaries of my role as a mentor, teacher, and healer of GAIA. It has not been easy.

If I have hurt any of my family members due to my need for protection of my light, it is not a personal act to anyone. I hope that you will be able to understand it from my perspective sometime in the future. I would love to have everyone follow our teachings of the Light, go deeper within myself, but that is not my role to push any of what I believe or live unto others. I know that every person is here to follow their own purpose; being on the pathway of Self Mastery is not for everyone. I accept that but am here to help as much as I can as a supportive energy, and will always assist anyone that asks because that is my role – sharing the Light with others to help them find the best of themselves to be awakened.

In blessings of love, harmony, and compassion, I thank all that have walked with me along this intense journey. There have been many in my life that are now on their own pathway of awakening, and I know that we have assisted each other through the process. Without the times of complete disharmony, I would not be able to find my True Self to be fully awakened. It helps me to go deeper within myself to clear the debris that has stopped me in other lifetimes to find my true self to be revealed within a physical body.

I hope that everyone else that I know is able to find their own inner journey.

I also look forward to others joining us on this pathway together which includes all people that I have known whether they have been friends or family members as we all strive to create the higher dimensional qualities within the New Earth. The healing that I have received from this renewal of myself is phenomenal; I send it with love to all that I know in hopes that each person finds a deeper part of themselves to be revealed.
In Expressions of Oneness,
I Am Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Summer Moon Extravaganza

full_moon1-webThis summer has been probably the highest frequency of light within the planet ever.  The healing that is taking place in all of us is taking us to new heights of our soul’s essence within the physical body.  We are learning so much about ourselves through each initiation and activation that is occurring for GAIA.

The New Moon of July 26th 2014 prompted me to go deeper into understanding more about what we are experiencing not only as an entire planet but each of us individually.  The power of this new moon was bringing forth waves of energetic exchange through my awareness.  Researching about this new moon brought me to the understanding that it represented a deep inner healing process that would bring about compassion.

I read further ( and saw that it was reactivating the energies we experienced in April 2014 of the Cardinal Grand Cross.  This represents the pathway of being a pioneer, and conquering great changes, and would act as catalyst for immense changes within our planet.  I always like to look at the grand scheme and apply it on an individual basis.  This New Moon was creating waves and waves of energy to come into each of our Beings so that we would create the changes that are necessary for our growth and potential for a better way of existence.  Those that are sensitive probably felt it within their full consciousness and had trouble grounding themselves with waves of energy flowing through them.  I find that one of the best tools is to become grounded with the Earth like doing exercise, or walking, getting into water while allowing the energy to flow through the full body system down through the feet into GAIA’s core existence.  By creating these energies through us we are helping others in the planet to also feel it and be grounded within them-selves.

We experienced a Super Moon during the full moon activation in July.  We are also moving forward to experience two more Super Moons in August and September.  The activation with the New Moon of July takes this energy from the 1st Super Moon in July to extend into August and September.  As the energies increase, it will create great changes for each individual that allows this essence to move through them.  We learn to be the catalyst of change within our own destiny.

Through our teachings at Walking Terra Christa the lessons we have been receiving from the Spiritual Hierarchy has been telling us that the energies this summer cannot be compared to anything we have ever experienced.  It is being likened to the energies of December 2012, bringing forth a new acceleration within each of us and the planet. Understanding the transitions of these three months helps each of us grasp what we are going through with our own healing and transformation of the physical self into a higher being of awareness.

My intuitive self tells me that we are in for quite a ride through the next two cycles of the moon.  The momentum is going to be quickened with each moon that we experience so it is important to take time to understand what you are going through emotionally and mentally.  Take time to reflect within yourself during each cycle of what is occurring so that you can utilize the energies to assist you through the process.  Remove the garbage within the mind that can hold us back from our true potential.  Take advantage of the summer energies to be more to yourself and you will move through the cycles at a much easier level than not connecting within.

Take time for your meditations, reflect on what needs to change, journal your thoughts, and make positive affirmations to make the changes.  Then utilize your Higher Self to bring in your Light Quotient at a higher level, utilizing the Rays of God for assistance.  The Pink Flame works well for adoration and love, the Blue Flame for finding your Inner Power, the Crystalline Flame for creating Harmony and Balance.  Think of the color and just allow the essence to come to you from the God Source by breathing in its essence from your Soul Star in through your Earth Star.  Be the color that you want to create.

Then take time to ground it within you by doing your grounding meditation.  Bring those essences through you and into the Earth by expanding it around you.  This will help ground in the elements you want to create.

The New Moon represents new creation while the Full Moon represents removing elements that need to be purged in order for the new to be created.  Each of the New and Full Moon cycles co-exist within each other as the frequency lasts for a two-week period.  It helps to work within their essence to create a balanced energetic exchange.

These energies are truly going to assist us as we move into the Harvest Moon to create our Divine Abundance to become manifest more fully.  Take time to be the way-shower that you are and become all that you desire to achieve.

Our New Earth Frequency Update, The Super Moons of Acceleration, (channeled message from the Unified Whole Command) will share more of what we can expect to experience through these cycles.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Accepting Changes Within ~ Help to Create the New Earth

We are now within the summer months with the Solstice fully behind us, it is time to take what we have learned and fully ground it into our present pathway. This can be quite challenging when we have so many festivals and planetary activations happening to us.

It has been way too long since I have written about my own experiences of my ascension process. I feel that when I share honestly about who I am and how I am changing, that it helps others to understand more about themselves.

The energies presently are going to become very commonplace in our world even if it is a challenge for each of us to understand what we are experiencing as the changes within us affect our lives directly. Isn’t this what we all desire ~ to move towards the New Earth?

But how, do we keep the stability within ourselves as we connect to our Higher Essence in a deeper level than we did in a previous moment. It is no mistake that what we are experiencing as Lightworkers, Initiates, and walking into ascended mastery on this plane of existence is beyond what we could ever imagine. But each of us has chosen it. We came to this earth with a contract to fully experience life through our multi-dimensional self. What we did not want to admit on the Innerplane level is that it would be much more challenging than our angelic self wanted to accept.

This is exactly what we are experiencing within these present moments. We meditate, we work with the higher energies, we ask for activation upon activation to assist us to become our Higher Self and more, but yet the physical body can react very adversely as the changes occur within us. How do we handle this process within the reality of our mind and emotions?

These are all important considerations as the reality that we once knew is changing quickly. The planetary activations of each New Moon and Full Moon can affect us in many different ways. We just passed through three amazing festivals, the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity or Goodwill. Then we come upon the Summer Solstice when the light frequencies are coming in more intensely through the Great Central Suns to GAIA. We are the conduits of this light, but yet how do we sustain ourselves so that we can accept the totality of our essence within our physical vehicle so the lands of GAIA can arise to the occasion?

The answer to all of these questions is understanding who we are in each moment. As we change with each new level of vibration that comes within us, we must accept the fact that we are not ‘who we were before.’ We have to learn how to retrain ourselves from our thoughts and emotions into a higher existence ~ our Higher Mind and Heart through the Higher Self. Our lives will never be the same and isn’t this what we have all asked to happen? We desire to be in a world of complete Divine Love and Oneness but first we must accept it within ourselves.

The effects of the Festivals of Light with Wesak are not truly understood for three months thereafter. That takes us through the months of June, July, and August. This is the time of our true grounding of our higher essence that was brought into our reality during Wesak. So we have to take advantage of this time and fully understand the process that we have been experiencing.

So how do we go about knowing who we are? Being in silence; stepping into ourselves with our breath and feeling our entire Beingness. What does this feel like? Do you feel the bliss, the joy, serenity, and just happy to be with yourself? Or does it feel very uncomfortable, starting to express frustration or agitation? These are the different realities of the Light and the Dark within us.

It is important for each of us to understand ourselves completely in each moment. It is how we are working through our soul contract of helping Mother Earth find her divine self, of Terra Christ. Each of us has this responsibility within ourselves to achieve this essence. When we don’t, then we are only hurting the planet and everyone around us.

At the present time, we are being challenged to continually understand who we are in each moment. It is our responsibility as a soul to fully allow our higher essence to be our guide, but it takes great practice and diligence to do so. Each individual must learn to ground it and this means taking the higher energy You Are and bringing it down through all your chakras, into your feet, connecting with your Earth Star. This process will help you to heal yourself, command the energies that are your Divine Right and fully be in Oneness with your Higher Self, and I Am Presence.

Each of us has changed in the last couple of months. It is part of the process with the Wesak energies so that we can be more to our physical self and to others. It is how we give service but first and foremost, it must be acquired within. This is a big challenge to continually look within our inner heart and see what needs to be changed in order to receive what we truly deserve upon this Earth.

My life as being a mentor and teacher has been challenged greatly in the past couple of months, especially the last few weeks. I have learned through this process of the Festivals that my role to others is to show to myself who I have become. This is a huge moment to accept the fact that you are the Voice of the Spiritual Hierarchy and to share with others about this. It has always been my role to share the messages of Spirit but not talk about how I arrived in this space or the challenges I had to go through to own who I am. All of that has changed.

This past week in our Clarion Temple of Oneness class we decided to bring for the Cosmic Great Central Sun energies in celebration of the Summer Solstice. This consciousness comes from combined essence Divine Mother and Father God. They also called upon all of the Great Central Suns from the Multi-Universal Level through the Universal, Galactic, and Solar Levels combined essences to help humanity to receive the attunements of their light for the balance of the light infractions that we received for the Solstice. There was also a lot that they did not share, but the true fact was that I am their Voice. I was attuned since 2005 physically to accept their energies within me so I could do this work. I now have a wonderful partner that helps me to ground it within me and through others so that each individual that listens to these attunements can become closer with their essence as I have been able to do.

It does not matter that I have accelerated myself through many initiations to be able to handle this energy. It is a physical experience for me in these present moments. When any of the Spiritual Hierarchy comes to me, we are intertwined. They have full control of my voice, but I am part of the experience. They utilize my gifts of shamanism, intuitiveness, utilizing my sight, hearing, and the acquisition of all that I have acquired through the years. The chanting that I do comes from the highest level of frequencies within the 144 dimensions of light. Sometimes it can be very challenging for me physically before a call and definitely afterwards.   We now call my work “Fully Integrated Transmitter” as I am no longer just a channel. I am One with all of these Beings within the Unified Whole Command. I know that each person is affected with each of these classes; and I know all individuals will not accept it within themselves. This is why this is a planet of Free Will.

This is quite a statement for me to convey to the world, but it is time to do so. This is my acceleration of Wesak 2014 and the Solstice has helped me to acknowledge it deeply within my Being. It is also a challenge because any other energies that come to me from others, thought forms, or dark energies effect me tremendously. During the transmission I am in a power space, but returning from these transmissions can truly debilitate my energies if there are lower forms of projected towards me. This is part of the 4th dimension that we are living within presently. I accept that process; I was a Shaman first so I am able to ascertain what does not feel right. I then cleanse, purify and allow my consciousness to come back to where I have achieved it ~ a sense of pure love and joy.

This also means that I cannot read other channelings anymore. I have to be careful where I search for things on the internet as the lower forces effect me immediately. This also means that after every session I do, I have to do a cleansing shower and remove any debris that has occurred in my outside field. Going into the 3rd dimensional world is a big challenge. I have learned to accept these rituals until this earth becomes the New Earth and every living being upon the planet will be within a 5th dimensional body.

My role today in sharing this information is that we are in a world of great duality still. Many lightworkers share amazing messages and thoughts of love for this planet. This is so very important to do so. Every individual needs to assess themselves each moment. It is how we are going to heal this Earth into the New Earth. The vibrational frequency is more important presently than the words that we can share.

This means that we at Walking Terra Christa are being guided by the Unified Whole and Spiritual Hierarchy to bring the highest teachings to individuals to help them through this process. We talk about the challenges of being on the mastery pathway. We live it everyday. That is why we are in Mt. Shasta. We could not exist anywhere else presently as our dimensional frequency could not handle a lower density.

During the next three months each of us will change through the process. In order for us to affect Gaia’s progression it is important for each individual to understand what they are going through emotionally, mentally, and physically. In order to blend the three minds (Super Conscious, to Subconscious into the Consciousness) and accept the four body system as one fully body of light, we continually need to work at it in each moment.

My suggestion is to take each day within your breath, feel what is happening for you, and allow your Higher Self to help you change the negative thoughts and programming that is still trying to stay within your physical body. Utilize the Rays of God in the spectrums of light to fully be infused within your being, break up the dis-ease that may still be lurking, and change it into the pure essence of light that you are. Also take some moments to see how much you have changed from May of this year until now. I guarantee you that there are some elements that have changed greatly within you. Allow your achievements to be known. You deserve to share it within our higher mind and heart. We can move to the 5th dimensional earth but everyone that wants to be on this pathway must be diligent in their studies and application to the Self.

The one element that I have learned through this process is that the more that I accept my achievements, the deeper the healing within my physical body. Sharing my role through my writing is a huge event for me and even bigger for my Higher Ego. She is finally able to settle within me as I have been trying to allow this transition to occur for many years. I did not know that just by sharing who I am presently would change the composition that I hold within my physical vehicle. I have been trying to change it in a third dimensional way, and it was not fully being accepted within me. I now know that positive change is inevitable in all ways.

In expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Understanding the Abyss of Transformation

Learning to take the time for understanding our challenges and triumphs is a way to accept the new part of ourselves that is enfolding within us.  The months of January, February, and now into March have taken us into a new dimension of acceptance.  We have been pushed and prodded to be more than we should be.  It has taken us into many levels of thoughts and emotions swirling within ourselves.

We now stand at the forefront of great changes once again.  Sometimes we can be so involved with the issues at hand that we do not see the higher purpose of our challenges.  This past trimester has taken us into new levels of “finding our core essence”.  It does not matter how long you have been on the mastery pathway or even if you are still struggling in the muck and mire of your darkness being unawakened.  This winter has taken us deeper than we ever wanted to travel into the core of our Heart Essence.

It seems that each time we go through a cycle such as we are experiencing presently, we think that we have seen it all happen.  We all know that this is not so.  The energies of GAIA are taking us deeper into ourselves as it pulls out the debris that no longer belongs within us.  The peeling of the onion continues.  We all know it can be very debilitating and may cause our energies to be in those lower places of darkness.  This is when we really have to step up to the challenge and remind ourselves, “that is not me any longer.”

How do we do that when each of the cycles of this earth are hitting us deeply with the moon and the sun, the changes occurring on a planetary basis are painful to our bodies and our minds, and not to mention the electronic waves being created by the weather patterns in all areas of the world.  Each of us is being affected dramatically by the conditions within GAIA whether it is rain, snow, wind, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes erupting, or even a plane disappearing through the ethers.  This is all engineered to deeply affect and stop us from accelerating personally and globally as a planet towards the New Earth.

At this time, the energies are very dense everywhere so we are being affected greatly with our body, sleep patterns, emotions, and thoughts.  The debris of energy is everywhere and it is important that as the initiates of Ascended Mastery that we stand up to the battle by increasing our light energies.  It is the only thing that we can do.  We must use our tools, our ability to stand within the light, and even at the darkest moments to stay above these lower frequencies.

When Will It End?

At this present time, we are in the deepest thick of the darkness.  There are wars going on in the Galactic levels to make sure that GAIA receives her light frequency but it is very challenging right now.  It is not for any of us to be into battle but just hold the light deeply and expand it out of ourselves to others, especially the ones that do not understand what they are going through presently.

On Sunday, March 16th, 2014 we will be experiencing another Full Moon cycle at 10:08 AM Pacific, 1:08 PM Eastern, and 17:08 GMT which is the Pisces/Virgo axis.  This means to us that we are dealing with the tools and techniques of both the physical self trying to work with the spiritual self.  It is teaching us about balance in our world between work and service, criticism with acceptance and how to incorporate the practical energies from our lower self to blend with the higher self.  Yes, another crossroads to step into.  Which way will you turn?  That is a huge question and it depends upon what you have done through the last three months to help you remove the old self in order to accept the “new you” that is trying to become more active.

I believe that this Full Moon is going to take us deeper into what we have already been experiencing but on a more conscious level.  It is so important to have your realizations become manifest within your consciousness, to look at how you live through your experiences in a balanced or unbalanced state.  This means that your Emotional Self has just as much credibility in your life as your Mental Self.  It is important to take this time to look at these aspects within the full moon as they are reflected in our experiences.  Talk to each of your subtle bodies of your emotions and thoughts so that they can come to an understanding within your physical existence.  Allow your intuition guide you and accept the changes that your inner thoughts are trying to convey.  They must work together cohesively so that there can be a unanimous moment of creation.  It is time for each of us to fully express who we are on all levels within us.

Walking Terra Christa is having a ceremony for the full moon on Saturday, March 15th at 10 AM Pacific.  Details can be accessed via our website,

The Full Moon is going to prepare us for the Spring Equinox, March 20th, 2014, 16:57 UTC, 9:57 AM Pacific.  It is at this time that we are going to move into more light waves upon the planet.  This equinox is going to be just as powerful as December 21, 2012.  It is one of the major reasons that we are experiencing the density of darkness within the planet presently.  It will be a very powerful time for each of us, as we now step more fully into our awakened essence.  Walking Terra Christa will be having a ceremony for this event on Wednesday, March 19th at 5 PM Pacific.  It will be open to all individuals.  Please register on our site, Telecalls,, to receive the conference information.  Additionally, we will be posting a message from the Unified Whole Command on what this equinox is going to represent.

So it is essentially important to stay above the lower energies* that are trying to stop us from accelerating.  We have to remember that if they were not trying, then we would not be as successful as we have been.  Continue with your tools, your breathing of the Rays of God, sending them to GAIA, and expanding your essence beyond your physical mind for others to receive.

In Expressions of Oneness,

~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee

*Read more about the current March energies in the New Earth Frequency Update.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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