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Wesak 2024 Revelations ~ Acceleration of Light with the Ascended Masters


As with the incoming energies of the Wesak Festival, it is a time for all Initiates and Ascended Masters to accelerate their essence into a new direction. Many Initiates may think that the masters continue on their same pathway, year in and year out.

The Ascended Masters are not any different than each of us as the Initiates. Change occurs for all of us through the spiritual work that is becoming grounded within our foundation allowing us to walk into a newly accelerated phase of our existence.

It is a time to honor the Ascended Beings for their continued work with the Earth while learning how to step into more responsibility. This means that the knowledge(s) that each Initiate and Master hold within themselves, allows for the continued growth to be realized as we move forward into the next step of our Ascension Journey.

This year of 2024 is unprecedented as it represents the Universal Law “What is Above, Is Below”. This means that the higher forces of Light are coming more integrated within the Earth. The Masters are stepping forward within their continued growth cycles to give more assistance to humanity.

The changes that are taking place within the Spiritual Hierarchy are as follows:

    • Lord Saint Germain continues his work as the Maha-Chohan for all 22 Rays of God under the direction of Allah Gobi, who was the former Maha-Chohan within the Office of the Christ.
    • Master Serapis Bey who has been working within the 3rd Ray of the Pink Flame, Creative Actualization is now the Ray Chohan for the Crystalline Flame, Harmony & Balance through Conflict. Master Paul the Venetian (formerly the Ray Chohan for the 4th Flame will be assisting Master Serapis Bey.
    • Then, Master Paul the Venetian has moved back into the 3rd Flame of Pink, Creative Actualization as the Ray Chohan. Master Serapis Bey will be assisting him to initiate this ray for humanity.
    • This means, that both Masters, Serapis Bey and Paul the Venetian, now will work together within both flames. The 2nd Ray Chohan will be offered as a backup for the energies.
    • Master Altebetahn (formerly Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) will be assisting and in training with Master Hilarion within the 5th Flame of Green Golden-White, The Science of the Divine Mind. He is very excited to be working with Master Hilarion for this new position.
    • Lady Master Mother Mary, will be the only Ray Chohan for the 9th Ray of Blue-Green Joy and Attraction to the Body of Light. Lady Master Nada will continue her duties as Ray Chohan for the 6th Ray of Inner Devotion within the Flame of Ruby Red-Gold.

All other posts within the Spiritual Hierarchy will stay the same.

My role, as Lady Mahlariessee, is now also being asked to bring forth more information from the Office of the Christ to assist the Earth and Humanity. I have been working towards intuiting the additional Rays of God from 23 through 50 which takes us into the 9th Dimensional Bodies of Light.

These Rays are associated with chakras (as will be revealed in the Wesak meditation). Essentially they represent pure Flame energies that unlike the first 22 Rays of God do not bring forth a mental understanding but simply a higher vibratory essence.

These Higher Rays correlate with attuning the four-body system into the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th dimensional bodies of Light, (the first 22 Rays take us through the 5th dimensional bodies).

3rd Dimensional Rays 1 through 7 of the Material Plane (or Physical Body) represents our Instinct;

4th Dimensional Rays 8 through 15 represent the Astral of Desire and Feeling; the Mental Body represents the Concrete Mind; the Buddhic Light Body represents the Higher Self with the Atma Light Body accessing the Spiritual Will.

5th Dimensional Rays 16 through 22 represent the Monadic Light Body accessing the Divine Intelligence.

6th Dimensional Rays 23 through 30 represent the Logoic Light Body initiating Purity and Divine Grace.

7th Dimensional Rays 31 through 36 represent the Group Soul Body initiating the Divinity of Oneness

8th Dimensional Rays 37 through 44 represent the Group Monadic Body initiating the Communion Within and Without, Stage One.

9th Dimensional Rays 45 through 50 continue to represent the Group Monadic Body initiating the second stage of the Communion Within and Without.

The Venusian Rays with the Holy Kumaras open up the 10th Dimensional Doorway to be Initiated. They are not associated with any chakras, but are embraced through the full-body system.

    • Lord Sanatka – First Ray, Blue Flame, the Will of God
    • Lord Sa Ananda – Second Ray, Yellow Flame, the Wisdom of God
    • Lord Sa Na Tana – Third Ray, Pink Flame, the Love of God
    • Lady Sujata – Fourth Ray, White Flame, the Purity of God
    • Lady Kapila – Fifth Ray, Green Flame, the Science of God
    • Lord Sa Na Kumara – Sixth Ray, Purple-Gold-Ruby Flame, the Peace of God
    • Lord Sanat Kumara – Seventh Ray, Violet Flame, the Freedom of God

Each of these Rays of God are being revealed to help Initiates and Humanity to start to intuit these flames as they represent the ability to access higher light essences which will help each individual to intuit and become more spiritually based within their four-body system.

These Rays will be activated within the Wesak Meditation to help those that are attending and listening to allow their Higher Light Bodies within the Merkabah Vehicle of Light to work in alignment with their Higher Self and I Am Presence. GAIA needs these energies to be infused within her core essence just as we do.

We have to remember that intuiting these Flames within us does not mean they are fully actualized physically. It takes time to allow the four-body system of the Physical, Etheric (chakras), Emotional/Astral, and Mental Bodies to become more in alignment with the higher forces of Light, but your transformation can be more aligned with your Highest Soul’s Essence.

Utilizing these energies will assist you as the individual in a myriad of ways to heal, change, feel differently, and walk on the Earth with an intention of the God Force assisting you.

We hope you will join us for our Wesak Celebration on Sunday, April 21st, 2024 at 9 AM Pacific. (Details are available by clicking this link).

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Helioah

© 2022-2024 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). All Rights Reserved. (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:
(Written permission of the author is required to reproduce this material in any other form digitally or manually, or to alter, copy, distribute, disseminate the contents by any other means).




This is the transmission of the Festival of Lights Full Moon of Virgo and the Sun of Pisces Vibratory Etheric Journey Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul, The Native Elders, Lady No Eyes, and White Buffalo Woman.

It is suggested to continue to connect with the blessings of this transmission throughout the next two weeks (Feb-March) especially moving into the New Moon Cycle occurring on March 10th in the sign of Pisces.

We hope you enjoy the energies.





This moon in Virgo is a very powerful one due to the planetary alignments of Saturn and Mercury being part of the energies. There is a crisis of consciousness or a sudden awareness that there may be a lack in our lives. So this provides us with a Golden Opportunity to go deeper into our Emotional Self. Virgo is opening up our Emotional Body to feel the emotions that are impeding our spiritual progress that can cause sadness, fear, and loneliness, as we experience a higher part of ourselves to be realized and grounded with the Sun of Pisces. It’s a time to express our feelings as the Emotional Body is opening up on a deeper level.

What needs to be revealed will occur during this full moon.cycle!

The blessing is the Sun of Pisces assists with the Spiritual Self and since it is represented by the Sun, it brings forth the Masculine energies to be grounded within us. The Masculine Self is  part of us that holds the energies; the Feminine Self is the Intuitive Mind.

This Moon is preparing us for the upcoming energies of Wesak which will be happening in April. The next full moon is the Festival of the Christ, the first Ascension Festival, which is about Resurrection. So this movement of energies is allowing us to go deeper within ourselves. If you are open to allowing this to happen for yourself, it can be beneficial to your Full Body System (Physical-Etheric (Chakras)-Emotional-Mental).


As we gather together in this moment we call upon all of the Rays of God to come down into our Antakarana Bridge to fill up our Central Canal. Colors upon colors of the Rainbow Energies as our Earth Star and Soul Star circle with this frequency of light it spins around us; and we create a beautiful Rainbow Merkabah as we gather together in our Group Merkabah. We travel through the Vortex of Light as it takes us to the Crystalline City of Wakan-Soieka. This city represents healing and ceremony which has been constructed specifically in the 5th Dimension for moments just like this.

As we arrive in Wakan-Soieka, we see that it is a massive stadium of light, crystalline formations; as we enter the stadium we see that there are seats for us to sit in the front row. There are many other souls that are here from many other life experiences. The Agarthian of the Inner Earth are joining, the Angelic energies, the Galactic energies of the Christed Inter-Galactic systems, all of the Ray Chohans of the 22 Rays of God, along with many other Beings of Light. There is a beautiful altar in the middle that resembles the Native energies of ceremony with all of the Rays of God. As the colors come in, it goes out through the entire stadium which is completely open. We see there are mountainous areas around us with beautiful light frequencies as the Sun shines down in the area creating a prism of all the Rays of God. We open up the energies with Master Djwhal Khul.


Namaste’ and Blessings! I am Master Djwhal Khul the Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom.

It is my pleasure to be with you once again to celebrate the moon energies along with each of us coming together. This moon is especially powerful as Lady Mahlariessee shared about Wesak. Each of you, as Initiates, are in preparation for these energies. It is a time when, we as Initiates and Masters, open ourselves up to remove elements that we no longer need for the next step of our Ascension Process.

So this moon occcuring previous to the Festival of the Christ, allows us to the State of Openness, not only within the Emotional Body, but within the Mental Body allowing the Subconscious thoughts that are impeding your progress to be realized. There can be experiences of having the need to cry, to feel sad, as you are being prepared to move to a higher level of acceptability within your ascension process. But yet with the Sun of Pisces representing the Spiritual Self  and also the Masculine Self, it brings forth the openness of your Higher Self and your Higher Consciousness to become part of the integration. It’s not about sitting and crying about what you do not have, or what you desire to have in your life, it’s about an OPENNESS.

We may say it’s a crisis of consciousness, but  it’s a sudden awareness of the lack of your life that provides you with a Golden Opportunity to change it, and that’s what this Moon represents.

As we connect with each other, within these energies, allow yourself to fully feel your innermost emotions. Allow those feelings to come up, do not push them away, and realize what are going to be experiencing with the energies to help you with the process.

I am Master Dhwhal Khul; let us now open up the energies to others.


A’Ho – We are the Elders from all Principalities of the Earth, of all walks of life. We are honored to be with each of you again to experience the Beauty of this Moon, to allow the Openness of your Heart to be a guide within your own lifepath.

So in this moment take a breath and look at the beautiful colors within the flame, feeling the vibrancy of Ascension Columns around the stadium to fully allow yourself to open up your Heart, your Emotional Self to all that is not right, and some of it you may not know it is not right. It is a time to fully allow the doorway to be opened to your Internal Self.

[Native Chanting]

For this ceremony this month, we want to acknowledge the Southern Direction first, the Emotional Self. As we step into that energy feeling the Coyote dancing around you, allowing your Emotional Body to be open and playful. What happens during the platfulness is that you release elements that you may have held onto that no longer serve your purpose.

We ask the Coyote to help you laugh at your mistakes, your emotions, allowing them to come out of you fully.[Native Chanting]

Feel your Heart Beating, the openness that is occurring
[Druming and Chanting]

Now take these emotions and allow them to be open as we step into to the Western Direction, of Physical Healing with the energy of the Bear. I know each of you have a vision for yourself; allow that vision to become your true reality and remind yourself of the playfulness that you just opened. You are Emotional and Physical at the same time
[Drumming and Chanting]

Let us open up the Northern Direction with Abundance with Prayers. Now you take the energies of your Emotional body, and what your Physical Body is feeling with the Openness and allow your Higher Consciousness, your Divine Self, whatever you want to call it to come down and bless you.
[Drumming and Chanting]

Allow that Openness to be full grounded within you with your Higher Self Walking within you. You feel the beautiful elements of your Divine Self with sparkles of light assisting you with the Openness that you have created in your Emotional Self.

We now walk into the Mental Realm of the East as it the Mental Mind is becoming your Higher Mind, not your Lower  Self Personality. You feel the beautiful elements of your Higher Mind to assist you. There is a grounding occurring, but it is different. It’s from a Higher Frequency; your Subconscious Thoughts are changing into Beauty, into Love, into Purity, into Acceptance of the Divinity of Love that you are.
[Drumming and Chanting].

Now you are fully integrated with all of the Shields of the South, the West, the North, and the East. Your Mental Body is fully integrated with your Emotional Body; you walk with Joy, you walk with Excitement, and you feel all that You Are Becoming to be your True Reality.

Let us now dance around the fire. [Drumming and Chanting]

Now allow yourself to feel the full integration; you have blessed yourself through each of the Directions; you have stood and faced the Great Spirit of Light; and all of these beautiful flames of the colors sparking, the Sun shining down upon us. The Sun is now your guide on your walk as you become more physically attuned and oriented with your New Self that is being created through this Full Moon experience. Enjoy it and bless it. A’HO


<h3><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>LADY NO EYES, NATIVE AMERICAN SHAMAN (Chippewa Tribe)</strong></span></h3>

A’Ho Mitakuye Oyasin, I am Lady No Eyes,

It is my Divine Pleasure once again to meet with each of you through this Circle of Love and Light. The Full Moon energies should always be an inviting process although many times individuals do not see it as such.

And, this moon, will probably have that adverse effect among many human beings, because it will break apart your Heart and allow every person to see what needs to be revealed. It is not the pain they are going through, but to release the pain to see that movement can happen in a completely new direction. It is an opening within your Heart Center; think of it as a Doorway and walking through the doorway of your Emotional Body with the Solar Plexus that holds the secrets that don't allow you to embrace life as it should be in all areas.

The conflicting energies that are happening upon the Earth are very strong; it is a time of great healing with openness to the elements that have been hidden away. You have to remember about your Timelines that are stuck within your Etheric Body which is very representative of your chakra system.

Your Etheric Body is a two-fold system – it's the Chakra System that you carry with you when you leave a physical body and then there is the Etheric part of you that is a bodily system which holds the chakras along with so much more of your memories and those elements you have experienced in those timelines.

This moon can open up these timelines. You may not know what you are feeling but all of a sudden it just becomes part of your consciousness. It is a moment of reflection. It is not meant to bring you down.

What the energies of this moon are doing is to open it up so that you can see that is not your True Worth and help you to change it. So the Sun of Pisces is really assisting with the higher vibrational essence to open you up into a deeper part of your existence.

I think walking upon the Earth, humans can be entrenched within the emotions and then they think that is who they think they are, but yet you are so much more. When you realize the potential that you are, then those energies shift and change dramatically.

That is exactly what we need to experience for this moon. I say, we, as I am part of this. This has always been my star essence, the ceremony for many, many years and lifetimes.

<strong>It is a time to celebrate yourself, it's a time to allow what you are experiencing to open up into the world.</strong> Let those emotions that are painful to be released. Allow the energies of Mother Earth and Father Sky, Grandmother Moon, and Grandfather Sun with the Cloud People, the Thunderbeings, the Stone People, the Root Givers, all kingdoms upon the Earth to open up to you, to allow you to feel the blessings of being one with all of these things and the Core of Gaia walking upon her land.

As each of you going through this process, you are healing Gaia. You are healing the Trees, the Root Givers, the Rocks and Stones; you are healing all of the animals and allowing some of  those species to be put into the light, to move through the transition and to see the Sun shining down upon you, Grandfather Sun blessing you and in the night the illumination of Grandmother Father Sky holds that frequency and Mother Earth grounds you, blesses you.

We walk in beauty and when you do this you will find a new part of yourself to be re-born. I say unto you that please allow this cycle of this moon to help you to feel the New You. Embrace that, Become it.
<em>[Drumming and Chanting]</em>

A’Ho Walk in Beauty and in Grace, I am No Eyes Walking with you –  A’Ho!



A’Ho! I am White Buffalo Woman.

I extend unto you the blessings to be received by the Sky Nations and to be sent back to you in triplicate, more than triplicate, massive amounts of Beauty and Love being sent to you from the Heavens Above as your prayers are being answered.

What is your Intention for Yourself for this Moon Cycle?
Take a Moment to think about it.
[Drumming and Chanting]

Open it up from your Heart, to the Moon, to the Sun, and to the Earth; allow it to grow out of you; send it out of you, send it everywhere.
[Drumming, Chanting]

A’Ho, I am White Buffalo Woman taking each of your prayers upward, and then allowing you to Receive Them. I walk with you in Beauty and in Grace.


[Drumming, Chanting]


Namaste and Blessings, I Am Master Djwhal Khul. Thank you for the blessings of these energies. Allow them to ring true within your Heart and walk with it. As the changes you experience through these energies will help you to move into a deeper level of understanding and acceptance; as your Spiritual Self becomes more centered within your full consciousness of Light.

I am Master Djwhal Khul and am happy to be the Spokes-Being for these energies.

In the Light of the Christ and the Light of All That We Are, I walk with you.
So Mote It Be!

It is now time for us to arise as everyone in the Stadium are coming together as we feel the camaraderie and the blessing of the Spiritual Oneness of Divine Beings to come into the center of All That Is.

We now leave the Stadium, but you can return at any time during the month. As we gather together in our Merkabah Vehicle filled with Rainbow Colors of Light, we leave Waken-Soieka through the Vortex of Rainbow colors traveling back into Planetary existence into our personal location where our bodies are located.

Take time to ground this energy all the way down through your Earth Star and realize the potential of what you can be.


This ceremony occurred on February 24th, 2024; the recording is available for listening and download via the link:

We are extremely grateful to those who offered gift donations to support our Ascension Service to Humanity! You may donate at this link.

© 2024 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages.

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Becoming the Higher Light Realms of Your Divine Self ~ Lord Adama Discourses


Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Greetings My Dearest Souls, Friends, Comrades, and Initiates.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos with the Agarthian Council of Light.

Welcome to our first session of 2024. This year is going to be very magnetic for each of you and each of us along with the human consciousness within the Earth.

The energies for this year represent that Infinity symbol as has been explained earlier by Divine Mother Father God of the Mirror-Image of what you receive from the Higher Realms to come into the lower realms. This will allow your four-body system to be mirrored into these Divine energies. So, what you are in the Higher Realms of Light you can become in the physical realms.

The most important part of this process is to remind yourself to not negate it with self-talk from your Lower Self. This is fundamentally important, because negative self-talk is only a reflection of your Subconscious Mind. It reflects your lower self, your ego self. You want to reflect with your Higher Ego with the consciousness that you were before you came into body.

This year we will be working more within the Solar Angel to assist each of you to come into a new sense of yourself so that the reflection of your Divine Self, your Angelic Self, the part of you that was without a body before you came into humanness or any planetary system to be the true reflection. Because sometimes within human consciousness, it can be particularly challenging to try to reach that part of yourself.

So many individuals think that just because they are meditating that they are reaching their Higher Self Consciousness. It is a step-by-step process.

This year we want to help each of you to acknowledge each of those steps within yourself and not jump over any areas in between, because that is when you fall back into your old reality.

This is fundamentally important for you to realize. If you can acknowledge it within your full consciousness, in your mental consciousness of who you are as a physical being and then command that through your invocations that you want to change that reality within yourself, then it becomes your True Focus.

We initiated the first cycle of these teachings to represent the Illuminating Essence. There is a reason for that because of what this year represents.

We want to remember that reflection of what is in the Higher Realms and bring it down to your physical realm. This is something that must be worked upon, that one must concentrate within one’s own consciousness to go into that higher state. It does not just happen automatically. For each of you on the Upper Earth it becomes extremely challenging because your lower self’s mental attitude wants to go back to that reality that you have always known.

So, you must command within yourself that is not what you are going to do. That every part of your day is going to reflect the blessing that you are, the Divine Love that you are. This happens in full consciousness not just in your meditative state.

The goal is for each of you to acknowledge this within yourself. I can talk forever on the subject, or any Master can speak about it, but until you fully allow yourself to integrate what we are saying energetically, then it is not going to help you.

From this point forward remind yourself, “What is the word Initiate mean to you?”

You are an INITIATE.

You are initiating the energy to come into your full-body system so that you can work through it, walk with it, and change the debilitating thoughts and feelings that you hold from your Etheric Self of the many timelines that you have experienced. Some may concentrate so much on those timelines that it becomes all that they can think about. In truth that is not what we want any of you to do.

We want you to reflect upon those timelines and then say to yourself, “That is not me any longer, so I forgive myself for whatever I experienced or what I put upon other individuals, and I move into the blessing of the Rays of God.”


Just allow this illuminating light to come so deeply into your full consciousness. Of course, it is associated with your Crown chakra, but I want you to illuminate it everywhere. I want you to illuminate it within your heart. I want you to illuminate it within your lower chakras, your lower limbs. If you have joint problems or anything such as that within your body, put this energy into your limbs. Breathe it in. Feel it so deeply. Let it come into your physical body to heal aspects within yourself that you may be challenged by. You will be surprised in what occurs when you allow yourself to be the initiator of your own Divine Self to be accessed in all ways, not just mentally, emotionally, or not just meditatively, but Fully Becoming It.

Let us take a moment right now and allow that energy to fully come within you, that illuminating light that Mahlariessee just brought forth with the visualization. Feel it. Feel the warmth of the Sun within your Heart and all aspects of your beingness. Allow it to heal. Allow it to warm you up, to invigorate you, to give you permission to every part of yourself and hold that there and allow it to dissipate the elements that are stopping that progress.

I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos at your service. I look forward to our year ahead.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2024 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE.


Lord Metatron – Abundance of Light December Solstice 2023

Lord Metatron Solstice Christmas Blessing by Walking Terra Christa

The December Solstice occurs on December 21st at 7:28 PM PST, 10:23 PM EST within Universal Time Zone of December 22nd 3:28 AM.

It brings with it Light Infractions that will assist in the Integration and Grounding of the Solar Angel. It is a Blessing to Receive Abundance Light that will be coupled with the 22 Rays of God to be transferred into the Core of Gaia through the Great Central Suns (Cosmic-Multi Universal-Universal-Galactic-Solar). This will assist in bringing forth higher light vibrations to be felt by all souls who are fully ready to accept the Divinity of Light within their full body system (physical-etheric-emotional-mental). It is a time of inner reflection of what you have aspired towards during 2023.

The Solstice at the end of the year is probably considered the most powerful in terms of personal spiritual abundance. It is a time to reap what we have sown with the challenges of learning more about our integrated self representing our State of Beingness within the God Conscious. This is allowing us to become more aware of our true essence, not just our physical self.

As souls we have gone through many lessons throughout the year with the Equinoxes and Solstices pushing us to accept more light frequencies within our four-body system (physical-etheric-emotional-mental). This is a challenge within itself as our bodily systems learn to accept the Divinity of Love and Light into each aspect of our human self.

We are learning the lessons that our Higher Self(s) desire us to incorporate by accept the blessings of the Rays of God to be more intertwined within our chakra system This is allowing each soul to walk into more doorways that will enhance the human body to become more aligned with the blessing of our Higher Bodies who represent our I Am Presence to become more grounded within our present system.

This is a process of enhancing our present chakra system to become more aligned with the consciousness of God known as “All That Is”. We come into body with our chakras vibrating with their purest essence, but can also hold Etheric memories from past times that need to be healed. Working with the Rays of God allows the chakras to be attuned to higher levels of integration allowing our four-body system to expand into the State of Beingness that are represented by our Higher Bodies of Light.

We are fully integrated within the God Consciousness at the higher levels, but as humans we experience challenges and inconsistencies that sometimes can knock us down. This means in our physical consciousness we are unable to hold the higher light energies of the Rays of God.

The events that occur for each of the seasons (Equinox/Solstice) help us to become more aligned with the higher part of our Soul’s reality. This is because these seasonal events are not just about the change of the seasons, but they are aligned with the higher Spectrums of Light (Rays of God). During these cycles the rays are projected through each of the Great Central Suns (Cosmic-Multi Universal-Universal-Galactic-Solar). Gaia receives these light infractions just as every soul upon the Earth. The changes that occur are inevitable and life-changing if you as an individual can grasp the blessings of these energies becoming more integrated within your four-body system.

So with each passing year and season the light infractions of the Rays of God become more integrated within each individual’s soul essence. This especially occurs if the soul is ready to accept the challenge and blessings that are occurring.

In 2023 the Light Infractions have gotten stronger and deeper due to the higher percentage of souls that are accepting these energies within themselves. The Spiritual Hierarchy of the God Force are now extending these energies into the planetary level.

We have previously shared how the Solar Angels of each individual are becoming more aligned than they have been previously. This has been slowly occurring in the past few years. In 2023 the Angelic Presence of your Soul’s Essence is stronger than ever before. This can create integration, but also challenges within the four-body system until all parts become aligned with the God Consciousness. This means it is not just occurring on the emotional or mental levels but all parts of yourself working in unison to create a newly integrated self.

This year has given us all of this and so much more. As we move into the Solstice energies of December, we are being blessed for the challenges and achievements that have occurred for each individual. The Great Central Suns will be part of the entourage of light energies that will be experienced. It is a time to allow the blessings of this season to come into a state of full alignment.

This is why the energies are going to be quite life transforming, to assist in your soul’s progression and receive the blessings of the light infractions coming within the core of Gaia.

Lord Metatron shares his dissertation on the Abundant Light Infractions of December 2023:

Greetings, My Dearest Souls:

I come to each of you to help you realize the potential you hold within yourself to align more with your Higher Light Essence. This year of 2023 has given you great opportunities for deep healing. This means that the lessons you are learning come directly through your Solar Angel to become more fully integrated with the part of you that has been lost.

I know that you can reflect on some of these challenges and what you have acquired through the process in the see-saw effect of how life has challenged you to become more spiritually real in your convictions and life experiences.

This last Solstice of December 2023 is an integrative blessing to allow what you have learned throughout the year to become your personal realization of what you have achieved spiritually. This is occurring through the opening of your Solar Angel to become more integrated as it is assisting you to acknowledge the higher part of your consciousness. It is the stepping-stone of bringing forth the timelines of your angelic past to become part of your walk upon the Earth. You are no longer alone but yet feel the blessing of your acceptance into the 1st stage of your angelic presence to be your true guidepost in your life upon the earth.

You are now walking together hand-in-hand to make the necessary changes for all parts of your four-body system to become more aligned with the state of All That Is.

This event will help to create Abundant Feelings and Thoughts to become the cornerstone of each person’s true reality. It is a time to receive the blessings that you so richly deserve.

Take time during the Solstice on the 21st of December, to fully align yourself with the Higher Light Rays of God to assist you to feel the blessing of your Angelic Self (Metatronic Seal #1). This is a time of culmination of the year and realize how you have accepted the challenges in order for you to become more aligned within the Light Bodies you are starting to access from the Higher Dimensional levels. It is time to fully ground your Solar Angel and allow this part of you to become your reality (Metatronic Seal #2).

In Angelic Blessings, I Am Lord Metatron

CLICK HERE To Listen to the Walking Terra Christa special
with Lord Metatron and Lord Sananda (Yeshua), Lady Masters Mother Mary and Lady Nada (Mary Magdalene), held at 11:00 AM (Pacific), December 16th 2023.

A commentary on the Solar Angelic Self and the effects of true Ascension Frequencies is available here.

If you find any of these Ascension Messages or Events helpful to you spiritually, and to acknowledge what we do in Service to Earth, please consider making a gift of love donation.

Or, for individuals who are very aligned with the creation of Higher Spiritual Vibratory Frequencies of Light, we have created the opportunity to become an Ascension Ambassador so that you are individually recognized for your alignment to that mission. 

Blessings and Love in the Highest and Purest Divine Light of God for this Solstice and Holiday Season!

Note: December 15th is also when the Ascended Masters of the KARMIC BOARD open the TETON RETREAT. Our Spiritual Instruction and Meditation are available to assist in your visitations.

Our ETSY STORE END OF YEAR SALE on Spiritual Aids is 25% off eligible orders and Free Domestic Shipping!

© 2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages.

Holiday Special Sale on Ascension Mastery Spiritual Instruction Teachings: Souler Sale Offer

Our Best Introductory Ascension Mastery High Vibratory Spiritual Instruction in ONE OFFER.
– 11 Courses/50 Hours of Instruction –

An Introductory Set of Training Courses for Properly Raising Vibration within The Pure Ascension Mastery Spiritual Instruction Energies.
(Original Value $1000 Modest Means).


In this SPECIAL OFFER You Receive ALL 11 COURSES listed below for assisting you in your ASCENSION TRAINING.

This SPECIAL OFFER provides access to 60 classes and attunements which is 50 hours of audio (in mp3 format) instruction!

Our unique spiritual instruction is VIBRATORY which is why everything is provided in MP3 digital audio recorded teaching format so the high vibrational energies can be given direct to you along with the proper and correct higher dimensional perspective of how to create Ascension in the individual and for humanity.

Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the Ascend Earth Projectsm, the Ascension Ambassador of Spiritual Servicesm, and is the earthly founding spiritual leadership of The 22 Rays of Godsm. As a planetary organization, ongoing financial support through direct alignment from like-minded souls is very appropriate and assists in many ways. Ambassadorship expands the number of individual souls that are in true partnership with the Spiritual Mission of Walking Terra Christa’s sacred Divine Light of Godsm vibratory connections being given to Humanity and Earth through the Ascend Earth Projectsm.

© 2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. and Divine Language Network by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee (*formerly spelled Meleriessee) Hayden and Rev. Ara Michael Hayden. Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full in the original published form (with original images included) electronically as is on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement with these attribution links for readers to stay informed and view our website messages.

The Experience of Guy Ballard with Lord Saint Germain and the Royal Teton Retreat Visit

Here are the written personal experience of having Lord Saint Germain guide him into the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters, in the words of Guy Ballard as excerpted from the book Unveiled Mysteries by Godfré Ray King, [1934].

We soon reached the top of a majestic mountain that stands sentinel over one of the most beautiful scenic belts in the United States. Vast forests lay beneath us, and great ranges of mountains, with their treasures of mineral wealth still untouched, stretched as far as the eye could see.

Going to a point where huge masses of stone lay in confusion, as if giants had hurled them in a war upon each other, Saint Germain touched a great boulder. Instantly, the enormous mass tipped out perhaps four feet away from its original position. He motioned me to follow. We entered and, to my astonishment, stood before a large bronze door.

“This has been here since before the sinking of Atlantis—more than twelve thousand years ago,” he explained.

He stepped forward and pressed certain points on the door. The great mass of bronze weighing many tons swung slowly open, and admitted us into a spacious chamber from which a stairway, cut in the solid rock, led downward. We descended some two hundred feet, and entered another space—circular in shape. Saint Germain stepped across the room to a door opposite the stairs, and placed his right hand against it. As it opened, we stood before the entrance of a tube elevator. The interior looked like frosted silver—and in answer to my thought, he said:

“Yes, but harder and stronger than steel and—indestructible.” A flat disc of the same metal, fitting the tube quite closely, rose within it to the level of the floor. The platform was controlled and operated—entirely—by the Master. He stepped upon it, and I followed. The door closed, and we began to descend. It was a long way down, although we did not move rapidly. The platform came to a stop at another bronze door of entirely different design.

“We have descended two thousand feet into the very heart of the mountain,” he commented, as we stepped out of the tube.”

Is this a true accounting?

In his recounting of his experiences with the Ascended Masters and especially with Saint Germain, Guy Ballard was sharing his words to the public. By the early 1930’s in the United States and Europe there was a vast and active interest in the supernatural and spiritualism. His writings reflected those beliefs systems of the day. Anyone interested in reading his book would most likely already be familiar with concepts of developing the higher potential of the soul, have an acceptance of the feats demonstrated by the Indian’s Yogi’s, participated in seances or mediumship and have a firm foundation in what was termed occult metaphysical knowledge’s. In fact, many individuals worldwide a century ago did not only discuss such ideas and concepts but they engaged in the actual practices of inwardly seeking the higher levels of consciousness through diligent self introspection and inner awareness.

In stark contrast to the world of today, there was no such thing as TV and digital entertainment overtaking human consciousness. Reading scholarly information directly from original sources in books and journals was second nature to any serious person of his day.

Because of this fact of life at that time, he did not ever consider himself special or unique in his pursuits of coming to know his own spiritual nature. He simply assumed others were engaging in the same kinds of spiritual practices as himself. In those days it was serious personal business so to speak.

When he set down to write and share his own accounts, he considered it as an important duty to humanity to share what he experienced. In this way others who sought their own spiritual advancement could reference what he shared along with all the other materials they were utilizing.

His perspective was not to put it forward as a justification of why he believed what he did, which meant that he as an individual was not the focus of the accounting he gave.

He did not share how long or how much devotion and dedication he gave to his own internal spiritual growth, nor did he compare himself to any others. Which means that from our modern day perspective, it is not very clear to us as to the level of human potential, or higher awareness, he actually achieved.

What we know from our own experience within Ascension Mastery is that in order to have a higher dimensional spiritual being physically manifest and then assist you to literally teleport somewhere else does require that one has already achieved a high level of spiritual attainment. So much so that the veil of the third dimension has become very thin and one’s awareness of other realities becomes much more a part of ones life.

So in our view this is very much a true account even though for modern day humans it seems very far fetched to many.

Years ago when other metaphysical scholars shared information, they had a sincere belief that the words they shared were sufficient to assist others in moving forward on their own. This led to the distribution of Mantra’s and Decree’s that an individual could read to assist them in guiding themselves into those higher realms of consciousness.

In the past decade since we have been sharing our work to the world, we have seen that the required prerequisite foundation in personal spiritual pursuits is not at all the same as it was a century ago. If you have read our articles about doing a visitation to the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters you read a Decree that can be used to align your consciousness with that of Lord Saint German and the Karmic Board Masters. While we share those guiding words, it really is only going to be helpful to individuals who have already spent many years activating their christed spiritual awareness to be as expanded as was Guy Ballard’s.

We have seen that for almost all individuals who are part of today’s modern world of instant news, entertainment and experiences, being bombarded constantly by digital images and sounds, and mostly without an internal scholarly pursuit of a higher spiritual self, it is much more effective to use a fully guided audio instruction and meditation to help guide you to make the Etheric Journey to the Teton Retreat in a similar fashion as the original experience that Ballard shared.

We created this form of assistance for our students of Ascension Mastery and we share them here. If you are interested, we have also included in the audio transmissions other details and understandings about the Retreat Visitations that will assist your spiritual advancement, as visiting the Teton Retreat is still very much a metaphysical pursuit. So it will not seem real within a third dimensional mindset.

Yet, it is very real within the higher realms. As such it is a dedicated effort and service that is performed by the members of the Karmic Board for the serious soul who desires to become more of their soul’s true essence, and a very busy time for the Masters indeed, as many souls do visit. Which is why, even for the Masters it is an intense time that they cannot maintain as an ongoing effort. This is also part of the reason it is only offered 2x a year for just 30 days each time.

It is open for assistance on June 15th for the first session of the year and December 15th for the second session. These dates also correspond closely with the time of the Solstices in order to enhance the ability for a soul to connect spiritually.

Below we provide a link to order the full guided meditation teaching journey (approx. 90 minutes plus class options for deeper understandings directly from Lord Saint Germain in his current words) for those who desire the extra support of our DIVINE LANGUAGE NETWORKsm HIGH VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT in visiting the retreat. The full audio transmission can be used as a special guided meditation journey attunement and Ascended Master Messages teaching to assist in understanding your true essence within your visitations at a much deeper level than using your own mind or current level of awareness. There is also an option to get extra recordings to use during the 30 days so that you can experience different transmissions.

(If you did not get a moment to read the written message about the opening of the ROYAL TETONS and how it can assist you please click here).

In this special 1 hour and 20 minute transmission we etherically enter the Ascended Masters Retreat.

We learn about the role Master Djwhal Khul has taken on within the retreat as his essence of Master Confucius is blended in the Unified Whole. Included along with Master DK, we also receive a very powerful acceleration attunements with the energies of Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain, Lord Lanto, Master Hilarion, Divine Mother Father God, and all the Beings of the first Seven Rays of God. The Karmic Board takes our petitions and opens the doorway for us to move through what we ask to acquire.

“The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America, [originally founded] by Master Confucius and Lord Lanto as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine plan for this planet. The Lords of Karma meet in the retreat twice a year at the winter and summer solstice to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega to respond to good will petitions from Students of the Light.  The retreat releases the flame of divine illumination and the light of the Divine Mother to the Entire Planet,”

The Brotherhood/Sisterhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within a person’s spiritual pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters. The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from themself, rather than bestowed upon them by the Masters. Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy. Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dream state and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.


TO EXPERIENCE THE FULL TEACHING with GUIDED MEDITATION (click here) to order the mp3 digital downloads.


Public gathering online this SATURDAY JUNE 17 at 11:00 AM to prepare for the JUNE SOLSTICE!
[Click here to join live or access the recording in the Meeting Resources section.]

©2015-2023 Christine T. Hayden (Reverend Mahlariessee *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”) and J. Michael Hayden (Reverend Aranathanara) and, Divine Language Network. All Rights Reserved. Licensed Limited Material. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the herein referenced digital media material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.
[Plain language for limited licensing terms and conditions: this Walking Terra Christa digital media product (MP3 sound file) is a limited license to be accessed only for the direct personal private use by and for the original purchaser exclusively. This license does not grant use rights to alter, transcribe, copy, broadcast, publish, distribute, share or play this digital media product under any other circumstances without the written permission of the author].

Lady Quan Yin The Art of Equilibrium Ascension Mastery Series


Ray Chohan Lady Quan Yin representing the 11th Ray of God of the Pink-Orange Flame brings forth her wisdom of how to create Balance and Equilibrium to prepare for the WESAK energies.

This flame is titled “Walking the Pathway to the Renewal of the Self,” which represents walking the bridge from the Old Personality Self to the embrace the Higher Consciousness bringing forth a lightness of frequency within the four-body system (Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental). The color Pink-Orange is a combination of the Red, Blue, and Orange Rays mixed with the White Light..  This is a blending ray in which an Initiate stands at the cross-roads of their physical reality to see how far they have traveled to continue the pathway into the higher realms.


As you breathe into all these energies, there’s a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors swirling within each of your chakras preparing you to receive the Higher Rays of God representing your Christ Consciousness. Imagine yourself seeing the Rainbow Bridge. You’re embracing your Solar Angel; you feel your Gatekeeper walking with you, and you’re now ready to receive the blessings of your Higher Self. Imagine your Higher Self is on the other side of the bridge.

It is in this moment that you allow yourself to step into the process of Self-Forgiveness of all that you have experienced either recently or previously whether it’s from another timeline or whether it’s from the present. Feel the Pink Orange Flame of Lady Quan Yin assisting you as she walks with you across the bridge, because it is now time for you to be in that State of Forgiveness which allows you to accept a new doorway of acceleration. When you let go of the past, you transform it.

Now see yourself with your Gatekeeper and your Solar Angel walking across the Bridge with Lady Quan Yin guiding you. You see your Higher Self waiting for you in this moment. Feel the consciousness of this energy. He or she does not speak to you. It’s a communication of vibration. Allow that vibration to come into your Solar Plexus as your Feminine Self becomes more attuned to the higher vibrational energies to help your Personality Self to accept the challenges that you are going through.

Breathing deeply.

Now in this moment you accept the walk of your lessons. Allow yourself to be in a State of Forgiveness and Divine Love as Lady Quan Yin assists you throughout this process. Now allow that energy to go all the way down through your full-body system into your Earth Star. Accept nothing else than the best for yourself. Now you are all intertwined together.

It is now time for you to accept what you have experienced. Consciously you have experienced this energy, but now the walk needs to happen within the physical body through the four-body system. Allow the four-body system of your physical which includes your cellular structure, your etheric body, your emotional body, and your mental body. Feel the swirling of these energies within you.

All of your chakras are spinning within each other allowing you to accept the peace and love that you desire to hold within yourself. Because the more that you do so, you have exhibited the Art of Forgiveness and will wash away the destruction, the pain, and the trauma. Just allow yourself to be in this state of conditioning.

You’ve been completely blessed with the clearing light energy of each of these rays. Remember the flames of the Blue, the Golden Yellow, the Pink, the Crystalline, the Green Golden White, the Ruby Red with Gold, the Purple Violet, the Seafoam Green, the Blue Green, the Pearlescent and the Pink Orange. Breathing deeply, ground these energies through your Earth Star as you become One with all that you have experienced.

So Mote it Be; Let it Be Done.


Greetings My Dearest Initiates!

I am Lady Quan Yin, and I am very much honored to be here with you in this moment. The presence of my energies is something that each of you needs to acknowledge on a personal level. Open up your Heart to receive the love I extend unto you to help you with the challenges that you experience in your everyday life.

I have asked Lady Mahlariessee to bring forth the Eleven Rays of God so you can prepare yourself for the Wesak energies that are going to be coming up in another thirty days or so. Preparation is the key and part of that preparation is to realize within yourself what needs to be released, what needs to be accepted, what needs to be challenged in order to accept the higher aspect of yourself to walk into the next stage of your initiations. This takes a lot of introspection of who you are as a person, what you are learning about yourself through the teachings and through what you’re doing in your meditative states. It has nothing to do with any of us as the Masters. We just guide you to get to the point of your truth and your acceptance and your deep honesty to be the realization of your full consciousness.

Transformation comes in many different ways. It is not always something that is acknowledged internally, but it needs to be. Every day you should have a moment of reflection especially upon awakening because your Higher Mind is with you more at that time before your conscious self gets involved in the process of living your life on the planetary existence. So many do not understand how the Soul Essence of the Higher Self comes into play with the consciousness of physicality. It can be a very deep realization and it takes a lot of effort for the Personality Self to surrender into those mental thoughts and accolades that stop the process.

It’s important for you as the personality self to not allow your Lower Ego to be in control of what you are experiencing, because then your lessons are going to be very karmic-related. They will not create the transformation that you desire, and you will experience life with great adversity and challenges in your world. Now, it does not mean that you’re not going to have adversity if you step into your higher consciousness. It means that the answers to those questions will come on an easier level for you.

I ask each of you in this moment to just breathe into the energies that Lady Mahlariessee has intertwined through the vibrations of each of the flames and allow those flames to come into your center and assist you to understand through vibration. Not so much understanding within your mind because you’re going to try and understand through your lower self, your personality self. If that Personality Self is very strong with elements of, “I know all the answers, I don’t need to listen to anyone else, I’ll just do whatever I want without adhering to the dynamics of what is actually happening in your world.” Then you will see that everything that you experience is karmic related. You may not realize that process. It doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.

Karma can be a good thing. You can be receiving Divine Blessings of situations that you’ve experienced in other lifetimes that allow you to continue that same process. But the point of karma is to allow yourself to realize the transitions you have been going through, that it does not have to be a bad experience. I bet many of you think that. When you experience something that doesn’t work out, you think it is bad karma coming at you. But, in actuality, it’s the truth of your Soul’s lessons of what your Soul has not experienced previously, or it did not stand up to it, or created problems in another scenario.

There are so many different aspects that are inter-related within the aspects of karma and what happens to a Soul, and what happens to a personality through those Divine energies. It is important for you to realize that the effect of your Feminine Self, your Emotional Body, is the directive force of how you can fully allow the changes to occur within you.

You must listen to your Feminine Intuition. I say listen to this in meditation, not in an awakened consciousness because that is coming from your Personality Self. There are so many layers that are created within the transitions of what you are experiencing that it becomes very convoluted. It’s confusing, because the Lower Mind cannot understand what the Higher Mind is trying to project.

What I would like to teach to my aspirants is for you to stop, relax, breathe, and stop worrying about what is happening in the outside world with any particular situation or feeling or relationship.


You are the most important element that needs to occur within your consciousness. If you don’t think you are important, then you need to change that. Know that is a karmic thought process that comes from previous lifetimes that have caused you to think that others are more important than yourself. Now, I’m not saying to go overboard and say that you need to be self-centered and that you’re the most important thing. It is not about that at all. It’s finding that balance between the two. That’s the challenge because so many individuals do not know how to ascertain within themselves whether they are being Ego-Driven or if they are being Spirit-Driven.

Getting to know your inner self is a great challenge within yourself. That process needs to go into a deeper part of your reality than you’ve ever experienced previously. You must acknowledge within yourself that you are an individual, one that is awakened on the Ascension Mastery pathway. That means that everything you have ever experienced is stripped away and looked at. There are no secrets within yourself. You must acknowledge the Divine Truth that you are experiencing, because if you do not do so then you are just putting up a façade that does not exist except in your own little world.

This is very important for you to realize within yourself.

How well do you accept the State of Forgiveness to come into your heart?

Most definitely forgiveness must come first and foremost within you. Can you forgive yourself for being a certain way? Or do you just get angry? Say that you weren’t so nice to someone, can you forgive yourself for acting that way?

It doesn’t matter how the other person is accepting that energy with you. It is detrimental within your own full consciousness, within your own emotional and mental selves and it can be held within your Etheric Self. Your Etheric Self is not just about timelines you’ve experienced, it’s about moments of time, conversations, and what has happened to you; why you react in a certain way within yourself.

What you need to do is allow the process of your Feminine Divine to help you acknowledge that Self-Forgiveness, the most important particle of your existence becoming one within yourself, being honest with both your successes and your faults, seeing within yourself of what doesn’t work and not get angry with it. It is what it is.

In that presence of mind your Personality Self needs to become more of the Spiritual Self accepting it. Because that’s what the spiritual self does, it accepts all these elements within yourself that you’ve experienced in the many timelines of the many lifetimes of eons of time. Because, believe me, if you hadn’t lived many lifetimes in other existences and on this planet, you would not be able to do the Ascension Mastery pathway. That is why so many individuals who call themselves Starseeds or Lightworkers do not step into the depth of the reality of their own true selves. They look outside themselves; they can become pompous about whom they are and what they are doing, because they don’t allow themselves to see the True Self, the one that has been hurt, the one that has been challenged, the one that may not have been good in certain times, and the one that has not been able to move to a higher place because of other elements they have experienced in multi-dimensional realities.

It does get very confusing and can overload a person’s mindset.

So, it’s important to not think about it. The important part of it is to absorb these ray energies to help you to move to that Rainbow Bridge to be able to walk across it and meet up with your Higher Self.

First, knowing that utilizing this visualization that Lady Mahlariessee has given you will take practice. You will not be able to say, “Well, I am my Higher Self.” You won’t be able in a spiritual meeting to say, “Oh, I was in my Higher Self.” Well, were you really in your Higher Self? You have to look at that. What were you thinking about at the time you were speaking? This is the important part because the Higher Self has many dimensional faculties that are not understood by the human mind. You can’t understand it until you let go of the Lower Self Consciousness, and allow your Spiritual Mind, which is your Spiritual Self, which is your Higher Mind, which is your Buddhic Mind of your Higher Light Body to accept your physical self.

The only way that you can fully attain that energy is to work through these rays and allow them to be your mantra every day whether you do one ray or you do a mixture of rays. You have to begin to feel those energies internally within your chakra system, so they become more aligned within your personality self. This is truly how it works.

To be able to become more of your Higher Self, of your higher spiritual nature, you have to allow yourself to experience the Art of Equilibrium.

This means that when you are going through a challenging moment you don’t get upset by it. You may get upset at first but then you’re able to tune into yourself and say, “Wow, I’m now beginning to feel some balance.” You may not be able to do it immediately. But if you fully accept that energy to come more internally within your system, then you are acknowledging a different part of yourself than you were before. That is representative of your higher mind. These are all steps. You’re not going to be able to acknowledge them all at the same time.

I spoke earlier about the Wesak energies coming. This is so representative of what is occurring within every Initiate for this year of 2023.

As you know, you just experienced the Equinox and with that cycle came Solar Flares. The Solar Flares were projected through the Great Central Suns and were infused into the Earth into planetary awareness and that meant humanity would feel those Solar Flares.

Now, many individuals did not experience those Solar Flares internally. They just experienced them on the outside of themselves because they have not gotten to the point where they are making that awareness within their internal systems. Each of you that are working within the Rays of God should have felt some changes happening within you. This is an important part of the reality of the Earth changing into a New Earth. You will have many more of these experiences. But, acknowledging them is what is most important, because this is what will help you to move from a different space of your Higher Consciousness into another space of your Higher Consciousness. It’s a shifting. I know Mahlariessee likes the word ‘shifting’. That is what she experiences when she says ‘shifting’.

I hope each of you felt some sort of shift within yourself. What happens when that occurs? You say to yourself, “Hmmm, something is different within my consciousness. I don’t know what it is, but I can sense it.”

This means that your Higher Feminine Self is acknowledging that energy and you’re beginning to feel it. The Feminine Self is so representative of the feeling levels within your full-body system, the Solar Plexus. That is why I am totally geared to the Solar Plexus energy because it is representative of the Feminine Divine becoming more acute within you. Many times, many individuals may not accept that vibration within their Solar Plexus. They may think that there are physical elements that are going on, but in truth there’s a new vibrational essence that is occurring within the Solar Plexus which will result in emotions being released. I’m not saying negative emotions, I’m saying positive ones. But it can represent tears coming up, it can represent a new wave of acceptance. It’s going to be different for every individual.

I am sharing this, because remember Wesak is coming. Did you feel something within you? What happened within you during that process. Allow yourself to write it down, acknowledging it. Because when you do so then you are saying, “Something did happen within me. I don’t quite understand it.” That’s okay because you’re not going to understand it from your Personality Mind.

Working through these energies assists you to go into a deeper part of your reality and your reality is shifting and changing. If you can accept that, then you will flow with the changes that are happening within you. It’s when you want to stop it and understand it and say, “This is not working for me” that causes you great adversity. It causes challenges for you; it causes you to become abusive to yourself emotionally or mentally. That is not what it is meant to do.

Let’s take a moment and allow yourself to fully feel these energies. Let’s go back to the Solar Plexus with Pink Orange Flame and fully feel that Pink Orange Flame within your Solar Plexus. Let’s think about it, Pink represents Divine Love, and the Orange represents Re-Creation, creativity. Both of these flames come together into the Pink Orange and allows one to move into a different direction. We take that Pink Orange Light and allow it to go all the way into the Solar Plexus. Imagine you’re inside the Solar Plexus, you’re little spark of energy and you’re swirling within that Solar Plexus as it spins from the bottom, right, the top and the left. You’re inside that energy. Allow the energy to take you into a state of consciousness that you may not be used to feeling. It may cause some dizziness, but it is a flowing light energy coming within you.

Let’s take the Pink Orange Flame and extend it to the other chakras. We bring it down into the Sacral. What does the Sacral represent? It represents the balance between the Masculine and Feminine. Allow the Pink Orange to go in there because it is Forgiving Love. Then we extend it to the Root chakra. Now, the Root chakra can have all kinds of lower energies, angers, frustrations, and fears. But it is also a grounding energy to the Earth. What if you’re grounding to the Earth becomes more centered with Forgiving Love and Grace? Imagine you’re inside that Root chakra and the Pink Orange is swirling within the Root. It’s softening up all those frustrations, all those energies, all those past elements and you come into a State of Forgiveness, and it softens everything within the Root. That is your grounding force, it is your foundation. If you allow that foundation to go further into your pure existence, it becomes more aligned within yourself. It goes deeper through the soles of your feet into Gaia.

This means your walk upon the Earth will become more forgiving to yourself. You have to breathe through it, you have to feel the energy. It’s a vibrational change. You must not think of how that’s going to happen.

Now the energies are moving from your Root to your Sacral to your Solar Plexus. It then moves up into the Heart.

What is in the heart that needs to be forgiven?

Love and grace are now coming into your Heart Center. Remember your Heart Center is the core energy of all your chakras and who you are. Soften it, soften the Heart energy with the Pink Orange. Remember the Pink of the Divine Love and the Orange of Creativity, re-creating through love.

Now as it goes up further into the Thymus and into the Throat. The Thymus will hold that energy for all of the other chakras. We move to the Throat chakra and the Pink Orange swirls within the Throat. This is when you project through your voice in a completely loving manner of loving grace. It softens the manner in which you speak and gives you courage through love.

As it moves up into the Third Eye, this is an entryway to allow your Higher Mind to be assisted within these energies. It is in this moment that the Pink Orange is swirling within your Third Eye. A lot of time within the Third Eye energies can be very cut and dry, because it is such a mental acumen. It softens up so the Intuitive Mind of the Feminine Self is involved with the Higher Mind.

Then it moves upwards into the Crown area as the Crown area is the overlighting energy of your Spiritual Self. Now just feel that Pink Orange swirling within each of these chakras. Now it expands into your physical body which includes your physical mind and your physical heart. Feel that softness happening to you because in this moment you’re in a state of re-creation. This is what Mahlariessee says is shifting and this is what happens to her. Your Masculine Self becomes more conducive to accepting the truth of the Feminine Self. Allow yourself to connect to that and go back into your heart.

As it moves through the four-body system then the four-body system reacts differently because you have fully gone into a State of Forgiveness. It is not a debilitating state, it’s a state of awareness, it’s a state of acceptance through energy vibration. Let us just take a moment and ground those energies all the way into your Earth Star.

Now you become the pure essence of creating the Art of Equilibrium through the challenges that you are experiencing. Now, this will take a lot of practice to be able to extend it out of your physical world. It is not just going to happen immediately. You need to feel it in this consciousness, in this Higher Consciousness of the energies before you can extend it outward. When you are able to do so, you will see that the shifting of your lessons within your Initiations will become easier for you.

It has been my pleasure and honor to walk with each of you. Ask for my energies as you prepare yourself for the Wesak Festival of 2023.

So Mote it Be; Let it Be Done.

I am Lady Quan Yin, Ray Chohan of the Pink-Orange Flame.

This teaching was held LIVE on April 1, 2023. If you would like to obtain the MP3 recording to download, go to the course page and scroll down to the Class No 4- April 1st option – ASCENSION MASTERY SERIES-EMBODYING THE DIVINE SPIRITUAL SELF. (Also on the above link: On May 13th, 2023 following the Wesak Ceremony, the Ascension Mastery Series Class No 5 will feature Lord Sanat Kumara to assist us with our understanding of what Wesak means for our personal lives.)


This year WESAK is bringing forth a powerful enshrinement of THE DIVINE LIGHT OF GOD upon Humanity for those that are connecting and receptive! The foundational Rays of God are being disseminated in ONENESS, which has never occurred for Earth before! Lord Sanant Kumara, as the Great AWAKENER OF SOULS will be assisting with the transmissions of Light to All Ready Souls. The Holy Kumaric Flames are already within an energetic surge of ONENESS so he and the Kumaras are already well versed in disseminating the Flames in this manner.

[Related: To build your foundational energies within the Light Body using the SEVEN KUMARIC FLAMES, you may also be interested in our VENUS MEETS GAIA FOR TERRA CHRISTA seven (7) course series of Ascension Teachings from each of the Holy Kumara. These energies are different than the Rays of God and bring forth the remembrance of our Spiritual connection to Sanat Kumara and Venus to support the Spiritual Ascension of Earth. Click here to read more. Program is currently 50% off for Wesak 2023.]

You can also join all our free Public Gathering Events including The Cosmic Oneness with Divine Mother Father God and The Clarion Temple of Oneness Gathering Events on select Tuesdays each month. (To Access visit:
Our remaining monthly events are Tuesday April 18 at 5:00PM PDT.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


Lady Master Nada on Letting Go


Ray Chohan Lady Master Nada is assisting us to learn the art of Letting Go of the Limitations that often plague us. Join in to receive her exquisite blessings and attunement activation for Higher Inspiration of the God Source Within. 

The Spiritual Hierarchy is emphasizing for 2023 how much deeper and expansive the Higher Healing Cosmic frequencies of light and love are for us to benefit spiritually.

They are speaking of the dynamic of focusing upon, or the action of engaging in, DIVINE INTENTION OF THE SELF. (Listen to the audio message of healing energies from Divine Mother Father God to know what it feels like to engage your Divine Intent of your Divine Self at this audio link).

The Spiritual Hierarchy shares that it is the year of “EMBODYING THE DIVINE SPIRITUAL SELF“. It is a powerful opportunity to advance spiritually especially as we approach the THREE HIGH FESTIVALS OF WESAK starting next month
(see our event posting to get free tickets).

These energies are all about GAINING an expanded expression of your spiritual essence! Everyone can move forward as a soul in healing the elements that often get in the way. The Ascended Masters and Beings of Light can assist greatly! Here are Ascended Beings who are sharing their energies with us:

    • Lord Adama
    • Lord Sananda
    • Ray Chohan Lady Nada
    • Ray Chohan Lady Quan Yin
    • Lord Sanat Kumara
    • MahaChohan Lord Saint Germain
    • Ray Chohan Lady Isis
    • Cosmic Master Lady BeNaatria of the Pleiadian Council of Light
    • Ascended Master Godfre’ (Godfre’ Ray King/Guy W. Ballard)


Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Lord Sananda on Accessing the Higher Light Bodies to Create the Activation of Your Higher Heart


Live Event: Ascension Mastery Class Series – Saturday, February 11th 2023 at 11:00 am PT (2 pm ET)

Lord Sananda – Galactic Federation Spiritual Leader

Subject: Learning to apply your lessons through the wisdom you have gained in transcending the karmic issues to embrace the power of your Abstract Mind to be applied in your life. Thereby, learning how to access your Higher Light Bodies to create the Higher Heart to be illuminated within you.

Lord Sananda is a master of many talents that is honored by many souls due to the wisdom he has acquired through the teachings of his timelines that have affected humanity in many different worlds. His life as Yeshua (Jesus) is grounded within his ability to not only refer to that timeline, but many other lifetimes that have afforded him to be a Master of Many Worlds.

He is presently a Spiritual Leader within the Galactic Federation of Light, but that is just one of many experiences of his Soul’s Essence. He is an overseer of Divine Consciousness of Light and assists every soul in a humanitarian way of expression. He knows ‘how to keep peace’ in many different situations of many levels.

He holds the Christ Consciousness deeply in his Heart, embodies it through his soul, and teaches others how to hold that essence within themselves. He works under the direction of the Office of the Christ through Lord Maitreya, Lord Sananda, and the Planetary Christ within the auspices of Divine Mother/Father God.

In previous years he was the Ray Chohan for Inner Devotion which is now under the direction of Lady Nada (his twin flame, also known as Mary Magdalene). He still assists Lady Nada in her duties of extending the Ray energies of the Ruby Red/Golden Flame guiding her with the higher light formations that she instills within aspirants of Ascension Mastery.

His main focus presently is to bring forth the dynamic light energy of the Web of Light in which he brings souls together to feel the Oneness of the Creative Source of Light (this vibration has been guided through Lady Mahlariessee with Lord Ashtar’s guidance of the Ascend Earth Project).


ATTEND LIVE OR VIA RECORDING – 11:00 AM Pacific Time (North America) via ZOOM

Lord Sananda’s role for this Mastery Class is to assist each individual in giving forth an understanding of how karmic issues need to be addressed in relation to the Steps of Initiation for Mastery. How learning to grasp the energetic pulses of one’s Karma will assist in creating a healthy Etheric Self while activating the Abstract (Higher Self) Mind. This is readily achieved through the dynamics of accessing the Higher Light Bodies through vibrational energies, not through thought-producing of the Concrete Mind.

Included will be a beginning meditation with the 22 Rays of God along with an attunement exercise to access the Higher Light Bodies with Lord Sananda.

Please join us for the healing energetics to feel the essence of vibrational ascension frequencies of light that Lord Sananda shares with us.  This is the second class of the year for our series on Embodying The Divine Spiritual Self!     CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION AND ENROLLMENT

Blessings on your Higher Spiritual journey through 2023!!

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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