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“REAFFIRM THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT WITHIN” – July Earth Assistance Ascend Earth Project – Audio Recording


With high energies of light coming in to assist Earth’s consciousness raise out of the 3rd dimensional level of awareness (upheaval, war, crime, control and many lower frequencies), we connected with the Galactic Federation of Light of the Christed Extraterrestrials to feel the highest vibrational energies and receive the Divine Language Network Light Codessm from Rev. Meleriessee. Please use the below link to hear the audio transmission of these energies.

JULY 14, 2018 ~ EARTH ASSISTANCE GATHERING with LORD ASHTAR, LORD SANANDA AND THE WHALE DOLPHIN COMMUNITY – “Reaffirm The Warrior of Light Within” ~ Lord Ashtar reminds us that at this time upon the planet we must hold extra diligence to our spiritual cleansing and spiritual protection especially building the Ascension Column Pillars of Light and recharging them often. As a group consciousness we then connect together to feel and experience these higher frequencies to greatly heal and bless our earth through ourselves.

If you have not yet set up your own Ascension Column Pillar of Light please visit www.Ascend.Earth.

Those who find these energies helpful are asked to offer support. Many Blessing of Oneness to everyone in working toward the New Earth of Terra Christa! Much gratitude to those who offered a donation to support the Ascend.Earth Project and this gathering.

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