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Looking Back into 2014

light infusion planetAs we step towards a new year, I felt it was appropriate to share my views on this current year. The Ascended Beings of Walking Terra Christa called 2014 the Year of Grounding Unity.

This meant that individuals would learn how to find more of their higher self energies to come into physicality to ground the Unity of Oneness within each of us individually. We have had massive movements of energy within this year. The cycles of the moon with eclipses have taken us into a whole new way of existence. We cannot forget the exchanges of the Solstices and Equinoxes to herald us into a new way of living upon this earth.

The important elements to consider with all these changes in the planetary system are how did we favor individually?

Just because the Universal changes are occurring in Gaia does not mean that each of us took these energies to make the necessary changes. We connect in the present moments of those powerful surges of light and hope that it will assist us in our journey. Some may even put so much credence into these frequencies that they think that is all they have to do, is to sit and wait for it to enfold. But most of us know that is not the case.

The frequencies of Light are coming into GAIA to assist her planetary ascension; it is then that we as each human upon this Earth must look within ourselves and allow the change to happen to us. I know that this year has been intense and December has taken all those energies and rolled them into one month. We have had acceleration upon acceleration occurring for us which will help us to walk into a new part of our existence. As we become more Light, then we allow the old elements to purge out of us. We go through a state of transition in which we truly do not understand what is happening to us until we can readjust the energies within our physical body. This takes a lot of effort and patience within each of us as we grow into being more than we ever have before. But yet, it can cause great challenges as the old dysfunction has to be removed.

When Walking Terra Christa asked about 2014, the Beings within the Unified Whole replied that it represented Grounding Unity which means that elements of our Higher Self and I AM Present were being ignited from the heavens above into our physical essence. The deeper our meditations, the more growth we would receive as there would be illumination of our past into our present moment. I believe that we have received all of these elements within us. There is so much change that is happening within this earth that the dysfunction is being arisen out of each individual person as people gather together in Unison.

What we don’t realize is that bringing forth these energies is important while igniting the old parts of ourselves in the process. If an individual receives so much light within them, and they are holding unto old elements of dysfunction within them, they can ignite that dysfunction in a different manner. It does not mean that it is being dissipated just by being in a state of protest or anger. That is the anger acting out within itself which is not serving any purpose but bringing up those frequencies into the atmosphere. It is not assisting an individual to feel better about their situation or inner self; it is actually causing more confliction to occur.

In retrospect that is exactly what this year represented in our society. People are starting to wake up but they are acting upon their old ways of warriorship. It is an automatic trigger that happens when the light comes within an individual that does not know how to handle the energy. They have not been trained to meditate, to step into the silence in order to receive the healing they need. Instead, it reacts within a person to trigger old elements within the Etheric body of the other timelines in which confliction occurred. It becomes a power struggle and is meant to bring forth elements within an individual that need to be addressed instead of lashing out onto society and what is not right within our world.

As I started this writing, I wanted to share what this year represented to each of us. The world of Spirit constantly walks within me so I am feeling they have a deeper message here for each of us.


2014 people awakened to look differently at the world within themselves and around them. They want to do something about it while seeing change happen before them. The power of the Light presently brings forth change in each individual no matter what level of awareness or un-awareness that happens to each person.

The world has been rocked with more light than it has ever received before.

Each soul upon this earth is healing within themselves whether they realize it or not. On a soul level they have reached the ability to understand that their contract on this earth is being honored and they are stepping further into the process. This does not mean that each person knows within a conscious level what they are doing but the acceptance of the soul within their body is being guided within the healing states of sleep and is filtering into the world.

I want to share more of this with the New Earth Frequency Update as I feel the Unified Whole Command becoming more apparent with this writing. I don’t want to spoil their message but just want to reiterate that whatever you have experienced this year, look at the depth of that pathway. Every one of us, no matter if you are on a pathway of ascension or not, is healing their soul’s contract upon this earth. Look deeply at your feelings, your love, your acceptance, your patience, and the parts of yourself that do not match these qualities. It will help you go into a deeper place within yourself.

2015 is being called “Embracing Harmony ~ Sending Love”.

This means that those of us that are considered lightworkers need to find within our-self the harmonization of our existence. We have a role to play in 2015 as the Leaders of the New Earth to deeply honor our truth, our love, our Will, our Love, and our Power so that others can do the same.

As we embrace our own harmonization and balance within us, then that essence of Love can be sent to humanity. This is done within our silence of the love that we are, not within words parse, but just Being Love Within.

The Ray of Harmony and Balance is going to be ignited within the planet on December 31st at 12 midnight on a planetary level as we move into the year 2015. This ray is very powerful to move through conflicts and deep struggles. Master Serapis Bey is the Ray Chohan but Master Paul the Venetian is also going to be working within the essence of this Ray. (Paul the Venetian previously was the Ray Chohan and works very closely with Serapis Bey).

Attributes of this ray include:

Ray No. 4 ~ Experiencing Pure Joy in Each Moment

Definition ~Harmony & Balance Through Conflict

Color: Crystalline (The color of this ray is Crystalline within the cosmic level but utilizing the Emerald Green on a planetary level will bring about the ability to move from the Planetary into the Cosmic essence.)

Chakra: Root

Elders from the Throne of Grace That Ignite the Ray Essence: Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo

Chohan: Master Serapis Bey

Elohim Masters: Purity & Astrea

Archangels: Gabriel & Hope

Toning Sound: “LAM, OH”

Utilizing the Toning Sound will help to bring in the essence of the ray; or just call upon any of the Beings of Light to expand it within you.

The Golden Etheric City of this Ray is represented within the Etheric Earth over the geographic area of Kansas/Oklahoma/Nebraska/Colorado in the United States known as the City of Klehma/Shaswam. Klehma is the 3D name; and Shaswam is the New Earth Name. You can also travel to this city in your meditations and/or sleep state. Check out our transcriptions located in our New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light blog, Keyword: Klehma or Shashwam.

The important element of this writing is to intuit these energies within yourself as much as possible to allow for the changes to occur in a balanced manner.

2015 is going to be another powerful year with each of us being asked to stand strong and be the Light that we have learned to incorporate within our physical world.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

The New Earth Frequency Update “A Message of Love for 2015” can be read by clicking the link.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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