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Mastery Thought of the Day


Transcend all beliefs that are superior to anyone else.


All are the Eternal Self in truth, regardless of their level of initiation.






©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

The Other Side ~ Part 2 ~ The Telosian Way of Being

TWOB Other SideWe are now going to infiltrate the Pink Ray through the entire room.  We want everyone to feel very, very harmonious, balanced and loving.  Feel that frequency coming into you as the room is emanating the Pink Ray deeply.  Take a deep breath, many deep breaths.

First we’re going to talk a little bit about the traits of the mental and the emotional levels so that you can feel exactly what needs to be done for yourself through this process.  How do you tell if you’re emotionally or mentally based, because everyone has one that is stronger than the other?  Those of you that become overly emotional at weddings, movies, TV shows, allow your emotional balances to fully be within you.  How do you work through those feelings in your own experiences when you go through a release?

  • Do you cry easily to allow yourself to fully feel it internally?
  • Do you feel that your characteristics are very intuitive?
  • Do you receive messages?
  • What are your dreams like?
  • Do you dream a lot, receive messages in your dreams?
  • Do you feel energies around you, outside energies that are unseen?
  • Are you a medium, or you have psychic abilities?
  • What are the frequencies that you fully bring forth?

There are different phases in each of these levels, each of the aspects.  The first thing I’ll say is, if you cry at weddings, at movies, or when things happen to family members, your emotional side is at the beginning stages to be open.  So we go to the next step concerning yourself, do you cry easily when you bring up your issues to allow yourself to feel them through all parts of your body.

  • Do you have a tendency to hold things in your Solar Plexus?
  • Do you have a tendency to hold things in your Heart Center?
  • Do your shoulder blades ache?
  • Does your back ache around the Heart area and the Solar Plexus area?

This means you’re not allowing yourself to release enough, you’re internalizing it.  So the person that is well into the next stage of openness will be very flowing with this.

The next stage would be:

  • Are you able to perceive other energies?
  • Do you feel spiritual entities, good or bad?
  • Do you see the elementals?

All these factors come when you become more in tune within your feminine aspect.  We move into that aspect when we connect with the spiritually-based essences.  We first feel move into the physically-based, then we move into the personality-based and then we move into the spiritually-based.  What do we want?

We want to be spiritually-based but we want to be balanced.  There is also going to be an imbalance that has occurred within the feminine level, when within the emotional level is off center which can result in a tendency that you cry too much.    What would happen is that the emotions would take over so heavily that she would be incapacitated if something emotional happened to her.  This can occur when a relationship ended or she was hurt by someone as sometimes those hurts go so deep on multi-levels of past lives that the timelines can be opened up.

It’s what you do with them that is important.  How do you take care of yourself?  If you allow yourself to be in that state for days on end then you’ve a problem.  If you allow yourself to go through a healing process, do something nurturing.

Nurturing is another aspect.

  • So are you nurturing to yourself?
  • Do you take care of yourself?
  • Do you do things for yourself like take a hot bath?
  • Do you meditate when you think you need to do something else?
  • Do you take a walk or do you call a friend?  Calling a friend is a co-dependency trait because you’re moving outside of yourself.

It’s important for you to realize that there is an imbalance and overbalance within each of these aspects.  This is what we want each of you to look at within yourself.  So take time next week to go over this material as you make a checklist for yourself of your emotional body, the traits that you have within yourself and how you’ve changed through your healing process, through the rites of passage ~ especially those of you who have been on this path with Meleriessee for several years and now with Mike, or what you have done with other healing tools to assist you.

I want you to look back to five years ago.  How were your emotions at that time, because we want to see a progression of the next two to three months.  This is going to be very fast and quick.  We’re going to see great changes happening through this process.

So that’s the emotional side because what we really want is the Feminine Divine to be active and what does that mean?  The Feminine Divine is completely balanced.  The Feminine Divine within you is your nurturing person, it’s that part of yourself you take care of; if you’re sensitive for yourself and for others, you’ve learned to create balance through these aspects.  If you don’t have a fully balanced emotional side, you cannot create, you cannot manifest.  You may manifest periodically but you couldn’t have the full amount of manifestation abilities, because it just comes in portions.

The Telosian Way of Being is a 10-part series available on MP3 download.  The attunements are included in the recordings and not within the text.  To learn more about this special program, please click the link,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Mastery Tool of the Day



Call forth Archangel Metatron and his Rod of Initiation and ask him to use his rod for Light Quotient building and ascension activation.

Please know that when you request this activation, it can speed up the process of your initiation steps. When that happens, the old has to die and may cause periods of death/rebirth experiences in order to receive the higher frequency of Light. We suggest you only do this when you feel you need assistance in what you are experiencing in your pathway. Balance is the key to all of the steps of initiation. Work with your Higher Self to make sure that he/she is in agreement of what you want to do in relation to your initiation process.





©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Understanding the City of Telos’ Role in the New Earth

Telos 5D repDo you understand why you so want to come to Telos?  Is it because of your Lemurian heritage and the joy of joining your brothers and sisters of the Light?  I, As Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light, want to say to you that it is so much more than the elements that you feel.

We, the Community of Telos, is a representative of the New Earth and we live exactly the way that life will be in your very near future.  We are here to assist you with transcending and removing all old ways of life that you have learned in the thousands of years since we have been together.  Your role upon the Earth has been essential and it is even more important at this time.  That is why we ask you to travel deeper into your core essence than you ever thought that you could.  It is a journey that many cannot endure as it takes great courage to persevere with the challenges and upheavals that you are experiencing.

It is important for each of you to realize that you role is so very important and as the spokes-person of the Telosians, we truly honor the pathway you have chosen.  We are here to assist by walking with you and helping you to remember your divine heritage in Lemuria and Atlantis but not to hold onto that feeling.  That is your basis and you have so much more that you have learned in the process that is helping Gaia to ascend into her completed journey.

So our goal is to show you our ways, the way to the New Earth in which we will both meet one another in unity.  This is why we open our doorways to so many and request that you share with us your focus.  Telos is a city of great love and power; many of your essences have traveled here in between lifetimes and healing that has needed to be acquired.  But that is just the beginning.  There is so much more of us together as we grow and become the enlightened race of the New Earth.

We need your expertise, your love, and your guidance; we will share the same with you as we create together the New Earth.  We know that this is not an easy journey, neither for us.  We miss you and desire to be with all of you once again, but we both, have our parts to fulfill until that can happen.

I ask of you to think about what the New Earth may look like; have you seen it in your meditations?  Well, I ask of you:  think about joining us for the visits to the Golden Etheric Cities.  We need individuals to perceive these energies so we can make it manifest to help the present Earth transform her energies into the highest essence.

Join us on the New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light calls and you will not be disappointed.  I want everyone to enjoy the beauty of these cities so they will become manifest within the earth we each of us that inhabit as the Inner Earth, Upper Earth, and New Earth become One.

I am deeply honored to share with you the beauty of our future together.

Your brother in Telos,

Lord Adama


If you would like to join us on the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light calls, you may join on a call-by-call basis on Wednesday evenings.  Details are available on Walking Terra Christa,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


The Other Side ~ Part 1 ~ Telosian Way of Being

TWOB Other SideGreetings,

It is I Lord Adama once again with the Telosian Council of Light in the Command Center.  Thank you so very much for being with us once again.

This is very exciting what we’re doing presently and I hope that each of you are gaining benefits as you are working through each of the classes ~ time and time again by making your notes as each time that you do go back on what you have experienced, I am sure that you have changed/ shifted in your consciousness.  You realize that you are different but don’t realize how that has occurred.  That is what these frequencies are going to assist you with.

So tonight we’re going to work with each of the Feminine Divine & the Masculine Divine but more on a physical basis.  What does that mean?  We talk about the Divinity of the Masculine and the Feminine, of coming more consciously into the planet but how is that correlated within our physical bodies ~ how do we react to certain things through each of those aspects and how we do that in the totality when they fully become balanced.  I’ll tell you it’s a process.

You’re not going to be doing this work and then all of a sudden you realize that you want totality within your Being.  There are going to be times that you still think about the aspects or how you’re feeling when something happens more on the emotional side and sometimes more on the mental side.  What we want to assist you with is learning when you’re doing so, how this occurs and also to stop blaming the other side for the problems; this is what happens as a human condition.

We have a process that we give to children that are born into Telos because it’s part of the human conditioning even though we live in this environment.  Our society is geared to learning these things immediately; we have to teach the children how to do so themselves, not to fall into that.  Of course, we live by examples so it is much easier to do so than being on the Upper Earth.  So we’re going to just treat you like all the children tonight and give you some tools and some vibrational changes to assist you in this process because this is not easy.

The fact is that you’re stepping into this program, but there’s a reason for that.  I know I already have a small group of people that are my audience and this is very exciting when we can come into a focus like this.  So let’s talk a little bit about last week’s events.

You experienced the unmasking of the parts of yourselves through the vibrational changes.  I also want to say that the mandala that you experienced will be more of that in each of these sessions.  It’s pretty exciting that there’s a whole new phase of another person’s work coming into our existence with this.  Marc Eden ( is a very gifted artist and he’s been working with the 22 rays of God.

Let’s talk about the processes that you’ve been going through ~ Are you taking notes about how you’re feeling?  This was going to happen with each of the classes when you repeat it again you’re going to change as I was just explaining about shifting.  You’re going to shift into a new reality because remember that this is a vibrational frequency that we’re bringing to you.  It’s not just teaching you tools but how to get through it yourself. It is allowing the vibrational levels to come within you so that you can fully stop questioning yourself.  Thus, it will create the ability to have confidence to go deeper core into your reflections.

As I spoke to you last week about a scenario:  if I was your neighbor and you were Mr. 3D reality that had no concept of what a 5D being would look like, I definitely would be very strange to you.  So this is what we have to get used to.  It’s not just about getting used to seeing what people look like on a 3rd, 4th or 5th dimensional reality but the New Earth is going to be multidimensional.  You’re going to be seeing a lot of different beings that are from other planets.  So we need to fully have the faculties within place that we’re all part of the same essence of God.  But when it comes to the reality of someone knocking at your door and he comes with horns on his head and a big smile, in a purple body, it’s going to be quiet a shock to everyone.  So we want to prepare everybody for that also (with a chuckle).

Let’s all go to the Lemurian Retreat House.  Take a deep breath.

Feel your Merkabah spinning, we’re going to practice more of the teleportation and also visualizing yourself in a different reality.  Some of you already have that gift and can do so, especially the one’s who do long distance healing work.  It’s very, very important to practice this as much as possible.  Do it in your meditations.

So let us all take a deep breath.  Remember all those colors that Meleriessee brought within you, of the Blue, the White Light with Green and Gold, the Golden Yellow, the Pink, the Purple, the Ruby Red, Crystalline colors and the Sea Foam Green.  Feel all those colors swirling within each other as the first seven rays are being activated fully within your body and then feel yourself walking through the forest, you’re still incorporating all the rays of God that we’ve talked about.  Then we see the Lemurian House in front of us, we’re going to walk down the steps into the lobby of the Lemurian House and then we’re going to go all the way down to the bottom on the spiral staircase looking at the environment, feeling the essences that are here, going all the way to the bottom floor and we see the double doorways, triple doorways open all the way up into our special living area.

I want you to remember that if you come here on your own, there are special rooms that you can fully experience the energetics of the meditations that we are giving you.  Now visualize yourself going in one of the side rooms, this is a part of Lemurian Healing House for those of you that have come to receive healing.  There are many different levels and many different rooms for the many different individuals; there are also cabins on the outside, so it depends on the level of the healing that you need.  The ones that are closest to this room are the ones that we have to watch more closely and the ones that are in the outline area are for when you’re integrating different frequencies and you’re acting through your own consciousness to allow them to be more fully integrated.  I just wanted to explain that because I know that some individuals have used the healing House just as a Healing House to come to but this part of it is the retreat house.  This is where we do our retreats.

Let us step into the room, pick your special seat, if you want to try some place else today, please do and I am going to walk down onto the stage at the bottom which is just about half a dozen steps.  Let’s just take a moment to really relax.

Continued within Part 2.

The Telosian Way of Being is a 10-week series which is available for MP3 download,  This is a very powerful program which will assist in bringing the relationship closer with Lord Adama and the Telosians along with changing an individual’s third dimensional reality.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


Mastery Tool of the Day

Golden Chamber Mel



 You can request to travel to the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek and call forth Melchizedek’s Golden Flame of Purification.  It will completely purify everything it touches.


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Mastery Thought of the Day


Never forget that it is your Lower Mind

that creates bondage and

your Higher Mind that creates Liberation.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Master Serapis Bey ~ The Lord of Love

Serapis Bey1

On Monday, June 10th, 2013, Master Serapis Bey will be the spokes-being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the 4th Ray of Harmony, Beauty, and Balance in the color of Crystalline Light representing the cosmic level.  He will be giving discourse of how to create harmony within our lives presently as we are within the midst of the Wesak energies as we move toward the Festival of Humanity on June 23rd, 2013.

Serapis Bey was an embodied Seraphim, who came to Earth as a guardian spirit to assist the people of Earth.  He was a priest in the Ascension Temple on Posedonis, a remnant of Atlantis.  He established a temple for the Ascension Flame in Luxor, Egypt after he traveled with other members of the Brotherhood of White light right before the sinking of the continent of Atlantis.

Master Serapis is a Lord of Love and his One Purpose in Life is to free every individual from the recoil of impure causes and cores of limitations and disease which can cause distress on the mind, body, and spirit.  He has been the Chohan of the Fourth Ray since 400 B.C.  He also works very closely with Master Paul the Venetian, the Ray Chohan for the Third Ray of Active & Creative Intelligence.  They both have shared the energies of these beautiful rays and work hand-in-hand with each other.

Master Serapis Bey works with every initiate who chooses to be on the Ascension Pathway.  He assists in cleansing the aura of the individual within their Etheric Body and lovingly prepares those initiations which will help each candidate to transmute his lower nature.  If the candidate is willing to move further into their ascension process with deep earnest and study, he will assign a brother or sister from retreat in Luxor that will provide the candidate Opportunities so that they can achieve their Ascension in the Light as long as they can PERSEVERE through the process.  The experience for the initiate will enhance their ascension process so that they are not being punished or put into major lessons, but to fully expand their essence in the Light.  Opportunities create growth.

A Message from Serapis Bey:

Greeting My Fellow Comrades of the Light,

It is my pleasure to be able to work with each of you through the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  I have some exciting news that I want to share in that venue so I hope you will take the time to join us.

I am also very excited to speak to you in this moment.  We are at a very crucial time of elevation of the Light within the planet and it is important that each of us come together to understand that process.  If you spend too much time on the consciousnesses of your physical mind, then you will never be able to comprehend the changes and accelerations that you are experiencing as it will be filtered through the mind and not through your intuition.

Presently within the earth’s evolution there are so many energies that are being filtered within the planet so it may be a challenge to discern what is right and wrong in any given thought process.  It is imperative to work with the frequencies of Harmony and Balance of the Crystalline Ray to assist in the Divinity within your Soul’s Essence.  The true goal at hand is to fully express joy in all moments of being, but until an individual can fully access their full body system, and then it becomes convoluted in the process.  This is where the confusion sets in and then all of a sudden a person may not know what the truth is as the energy becomes intertwined not only within the Divine level but within the physical.  This is where Harmony and Balance needs to be utilized.

You will find that as a candidate for the ascension process you will go through many stages of growth and questioning the process of your own experience.  It cannot be measured by anyone else or compared to another individual, as you are unique and your experiences will be very different.  The power of your divinity lies within the truth of your soul’s essence.  Until you learn to tap into that aspect of yourself, then you are just being fooled by other energies you have encountered in previous lifetimes and timelines.  It take great diligence to continue to work through this process and I AM here to assist.

I enjoy so much in helping each initiate understand what they are experiencing deeply.   When this happens, this is when Divine Order sets in from your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  It make take quite some time to get to that perfect understanding but we in Luxor are here to help.

We also have a beautiful Golden Etheric City that is being built in the fifth dimensional NEW EARTH.  It is called Shashwam and resides in the Central United States within Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and now will move into Oklahoma.  So if you want to visit, please intend to come into the city and we will be happy to receive you to help you find balance and harmony within your life.

My main message at this time is to help you to remember and reflect on the Beauty that You Are.  It is important to remember these aspects of yourself to get through the trials and lessons of walking into mastership.  Please acknowledge your worth and your ability to be more than you are now or ever have been.

All my Light to each of you,

I AM Master Serapis Bey

If you would like to join us Monday evening with Master Serapis Bey, please register on our website,  Previously our calls were part of our Membership program only, but they are now available on a call-by-call basis.

Additionally, we will be traveling to the CITY OF SHASHWAM on Wednesday evening, June 12th, 2013.  We travel to the Golden Etheric Cities with Lord Adama as our guide each week.  This week it so happens that we will be re-visiting the City of Shaswam, previously called Klehma.  You may also join this individual call by registering on the website,  Click the link for more information is available about the City of Klehma from our first visit in July 2011.

Additional Material Excerpted from Ascended Masters & Their Retreats, W. Schroeder

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


Reflecting the Creation of your Highest Self

quote Adama


It is important to stop and allow your Higher Self to be your guide continually throughout your day.  You will not be able to adhere to the Telosian Way of Being or the fifth dimensional reality within your world without the creation of your Highest Self.  You cannot just walk into this world without first realizing who you are in each moment.

Reflection is the most important factor as there are other lower energies that will try and stop you from believing that what you are experiencing is part of your reality.  Allowing it to come within you each moment is the ability to accept your Higher Essence to be the defining energy within your world.  So just stop and smell the roses within your Heart as they are asking to be acknowledged within your physical self.

This is the first step of your creation within your Higher Mind, Higher Heart, and I AM Presence.  It will help you to create Peace and Light within your world as the four-body system will accept it when you allow it TO BE.  The process is not easy but so very essential for the creation of the New Earth.

Your brother in Telos, Lord Adama

Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Mastery Tool of the Day


 The Matrix Removal Program is a Divine dispensation from the Creator that allows senior members of the Spiritual Hierarchy within Wholeness to actually pull out your core fear patterns right out of your subconscious mind and four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, and mental).   Clairvoyantly these can be seen as black roots with many tentacles through the body being pulled out in the same way we use the Platinum Net for protection.  When the roots are pulled out and removed, as through a vacuum sucking them rough out of your crown chakra, they are completely removed from your soul records. (Dr. Joshua David Stone)

We, at Walking Terra Christa, suggest that you call upon Master Thoth of the Unified Whole to assist in this process.  Additionally, working with Master Djwhal Khul will assist in balancing the psychological issues associated with the removal of the core fear.  When you call upon these Masters to work with you, you are removing all aspects of your fear in your Soul’s history not just this lifetime.  So this is a very powerful tool to use.  You may utilize it at any time or before you go to sleep.  We also suggest that you call upon the Unified Whole by this request:


Count upwards to 10, then increments of 10 to 140, then 141-142-143-144.

You may feel the removal of the fear being removed as you are counting.  Call upon Master Thoth or Djwhal Khul to assist.  When you are finished, count back down to “5” for the 5th dimensional level and ground the energies into your Earth Star through your Root Chakra.  Say, 000-144-000, UNIFIED WHOLE OFFLINE.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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